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1、( )4、 Her mother is a 、 Passage 4Hello、 Im Tom、 Im at the zoo(动物园)、 Look at the tiger、 This is a small tiger、 It has a long nose、 Whos singing? Oh, its the bird in the tree、 ( )1、 Im at the zoo、 ( )2、 This is a big tiger、( )3、 It has a long nose、( )4、 The bird in the sky is singing、 Passage 5I have

2、a pencil box、 Its blue、 There are lots of things in it、 I have a pen、 Its red and long、 I like it、 I have three pencils、 They are short、 I have a ruler、 Its big、 I have an eraser、 Its small、( )1、 The pencil box is _、 A 、blue B、 red( )2、 The pen is _、 A、 yellow B、 red( )3、 I have _ pencils、 A、 3 B、 2

3、( )4、 The pencils are _、 A、 short B、 long( )5、 The eraser is _、 A、 big B、 smallPassage 6I have a cat 、 It is a lovely(可爱的) cat、 Her name is Dongdong、 Her fur(毛)is black and white、 She is my best friend、 I like her very much 、 I often tell stories(故事)to her 、根据短文内容判断正(T),误(F)( )1、 I have a dog 、( )2、

4、 Her name is Tom、( )3、 She is my best friend、 ( )4、 I dont like her、( )5、 I often tell stories to her、 Passage 7My name is Jim、 I get up at 7:30 every day、 I do my homework at 8:30、 I watch TV at 11:30、 I go shopping(购物) at 2:00、 I play computer games(玩电脑游戏) at 7:00、 I go to bed at 10:00、填空1、 I get

5、up at _every day、2、 I do my homework at _、3、 I watch TV at _、4、 I go shopping at _、5、 I go to bed at _、Passage 8Im Daming、 I live in China、 I like swimming, reading books, cooking(烹饪), watching TV, listening to music and riding bikes(骑车)、 Tell me something about you: whats your hobby(爱好)? 判断正误, 正(T)

6、,误(F)( )1、 Im Lingling、 ( )2、 I live in America、 ( )3、 I like swimming、 ( )4、 I dont like watching TV、Passage 9瞧图回答下列问题,用数字作答1、_ balls 、 2、_ dogs、 3、_ birds、 4、_ trees、Passage 10I like animals very much, my favorite animal is dog, but my mother does not like dogs, she likes cats best, so we have a c

7、at named(名字叫)Mili 、 Mili is very lovely but some times(有时)it makes me angry(生气的), so I do not like it、判断正误, 正(),误()( )1、 I do not like animals、 ( )2、 We have a dog named Mili、 ( )3、 My mother likes cats、 ( )4、 I like cats, too、 ( )5、 I do not like Mili、 Passage 11 Passage 12Tom: Look、 Im short and f

8、at、Jerry: Ha, ha! Im short and fat, too、 How old are you? Im nine、 How about you? Im eight、判断对错,正(),误( )1、 Tom is short and fat、 ( )2、 Jerry is thin、 ( )3、 Tom is eight、 ( )4、Jerry is nine、 Gao Wei: Hello!Kate: 1 My names Gao Wei、 2 3 Glad to meet you ,too、选词填空,把对话补充完整( )1、 A、 Hi! B、 Good morning!(

9、)2、 、A、 My names Kate、 B、 Im GaoWei、( )3、 A、 How are you? B、 Glad to meet you、Passage 13Li Yan : Hello, Peter、 Is this pencil?Peter : , it isnt、 Maybe(可能)its Toms、 Hello, Tom、 Is this your pencil?Tom : Yes、 Thank 、Thats 、选词填空(请注意在横线上填A或B序号)1、 A、 you B、 your2、 A、 Yes、 B、 No、3、 A、 you B、 your4、 A、 OK

10、B、 okPassage 14 Hi, my friends! This is my room、 Its very small、 The walls(墙)are yellow、 The door is pink、 The window is orange、 The desk is purple、 There is a picture on the wall、 I like it very much、根据您所瞧到的短文内容填写单词1、 The window _green、2、 The walls are _、3、 This is my _、Passage 15I have a friend、 H

11、e has big eyes and short black hair、 He is tall、 He likes playing on the computer(计算机)、He likes apples、 His favourite(喜欢的)food is hamburger、根据短文判断对()错( ) 1、 He has small eyes、( ) 2、 He likes playing on the computer、( ) 3、 His favourite food is noodles、Passage 16Amy: Sam, Lets go to school、 Sam: OK、

12、Lets go、 But wheres my pencil-box? Amy: What colour is your pencil-box? Blue and white、 Look! Its over there, on the desk、 Thank you、( ) 1、 Sam and Tom go to school、( ) 2、 Sam has a blue and white pencil-box、( ) 3、 The pencil-box is on the desk、Passage 17Sam: This is my brother、 Whats his name? His

13、name is Bob、 Hi, Bob、 Nice to meet you、 Bob: Nice to meet you, too、 Im five、1、 Bob is Sams_、A、 sister B、 brother2、 Bob is a_ A、 boy B、 girl3、 Bob is _ years old、 A、 three B、 five、Passage 18My favourite sport(运动) is basketball、 I like basketball、 So my friends like to play basketball with me 、So we a

14、re very happy、 Do you like to play basketball?阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)( )1 、 My favourite sport is football、 ( )2 、 I play basketball very well、 ( )3 、 My friends dont like to play with me、 Passage 19Lucy: Hi, Andy、 I have a toy(玩具)car、Andy: Really? What colour is it? White、 Good、 I have a toy bus、 Its y

15、ellow、 Lets play together、 OK? Good idea、判断下列句子正()误( )1、 Andy has a toy car、( )2、 Andys toy bus is yellow、( )3、 Lucy has a toy car、( )4、 Lucys toy car is white、Passage 20Look at the photo、 The man in it is my uncle、 He is Mr Li、 He works in our school、 He teaches(教) us English、 The woman is his wife

16、(妻子)、 Shes a doctor、 根据短文填空1、 The _ in it is my uncle、2、 He is Mr_、3、 He works in our _、4、 He teaches us _、5、 The woman is his _、Passage 21I have many toys、 My favourite(最喜欢的) toy is a doll、 It is very nice、 It has red hair、 It has big eyes and a small mouth、 It wears(穿) a green dress、 I go to sleep

17、(睡觉) with it every night、 I like it very much、( ) 1、 I have a toy、( ) 2、 My favourite toy is a doll、( ) 3、 It has yellow hair、( ) 4、 It wears a green dress、( ) 5、 I dont like it、Passage 22Hi, Im Peter、 Im a pupil、 Im ten years old、 I often go swimming at the weekend(周末)、 I have Chinese and Maths at

18、school today、 I have a brother, Ben、 Hes eight、 He often goes swimming at the weekend、 He has PE, Music and Chinese today、 We are happy at school、( ) 1、 Peter is six years old、( ) 2、 Peter often goes swimming at the weekend、( ) 3、 Peter has Maths, Music and Chinese today、( ) 4、 Ben often goes swimmi

19、ng at the weekend、 ( ) 5、 There is a window near the piano、Passage 23Tom and John are good friends 、 Tom is twelve(12) years old、 John is thirteen(13) years old、 They are good students(学生)、 They like to eat hamburgers、 Miss White is their(她们的) English teacher、 She likes them very much、( )2、 Tom is t

20、welve years old、( )3、 John is twelve years old、 ( )4、 Tom likes to eat hamburgers、 ( )5、 Miss White thinks(认为) they are good students、 Passage 24My name is Susan、 Today is my birthday(生日)、 My friends give(给) me a toy plane, a toy train and a toy ship、 My mum gives me a big yellow ball, my dad gives

21、me a teddy bear(玩具熊) and a small doll、 We dance and sing(又唱又跳)、 What a happy day!( )1、 Today is Susans birthday、( )2、 Susans mum gives her a big cake、( )3、 Susans friends give her a big doll、( )4、 Susans dad gives her a teddy bear and a small doll、( )5、 They dance and sing、 Passage 25Today is Sunday

22、(星期天) 、On Sundays , I usually(通常) play the piano、 My mother usually cleans the house(房子) 、 My father usually reads the newspaper(报纸)、 My sister usually reads story-books(故事书)、根据文章内容判断对(T)错(F) ( )1、 I usually read the newspaper、( )2、 My sister usually reads story-books、( )3、 My mother usually plays t

23、he piano 、Passage 26Its a sunny(晴朗的) day、 Li Yan and I go to the zoo、 We see many animals(动物)、 What is it? Oh, a tiger、 Look, the lions are under the tree、 The birds are in the nest(窝)、 The zoo is very clean(干净的)、We can not see mosquitoes(蚊子)、根据短文判断对(T)错(F)( )1、 Li Yan and I go to the zoo、( )2、 The

24、monkeys are under the tree、( )3、 We can see mosquitoes at the zoo、Passage 27This is a photo of my family、 Look, the boy is me、 My sister is next to(在旁边)me、 The old man is my grandpa , the old woman is my grandma、 My father is a doctor、 My mother is an English teacher, she loves her students、( ) 1、Wh

25、o is next to(在旁边)me? A、 My mother 、 B、 My sister、( ) 2、 My father is a 、 A、 teacher、 B、 doctor( ) 3、 My mother is a 、Passage 28clouds(云)are white、 The trees are green、 The flowers(花) are yellow、 The big lake(湖) is blue、 There is a purple bike under a tree、 Some children are rowing a boat(划船) on the

26、lake、根据短文填词1、 The sun is_、2、 The trees are _、3、 The _ is blue、4、 There is a purple_ under a tree、5、 Some children are _a boat on the lake、Passage 29I have a happy family(家庭)、 My father is a policeman(警察)、 He is tall、 He likes to play basketball(篮球)、 My mother is a teacher、 She likes to watch TV and read books、 I am a student、 I am a boy、 I am short、 We like to eat noodles(面条)、 We are a happy family、阅读理解,判断对(T)错(F)( ) 1、My father is a teacher、( ) 2、 My mother is a policeman、( ) 3、My father is tall、( ) 4、My father likes to play football、( ) 5、I

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