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最新商务英语活学活用之面试着装问题和单词精选word文档 15页Word文档格式.docx

1、我们今天要学什么? This time we will learn the basics of a job interview with a foreign company.这次我们要学外企工作面试的基本知识。 I would love to get a good job at a foreign company. Tell me more. Go on!我想在外企找到一份好工作。多告诉我。继续吧!.单词简析1) Casual : easy going, not serious轻松、休闲ex:On the weekends I wear casual clothes.周末的时候我都穿休闲服。2

2、) Concern : dealing with关系到Pollution concerns us all.污染是关系到我们大家的问题。3) Fit in : belong to or work well with适应It is important to fit in at work.胜任工作是非常重要的事情。4) Recommendation : a supporting of/a praising letter推荐The playboy named Bill is my recommendation for president.我所推荐当总统的是那个叫比尔的花花公子。.课文篇What you

3、 WEAR to an interview is the second most important factor in making a good first impression. First you should KNOW the company. While you are researching the company, visit the office and take a look at how the staff is dressed. SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES what the employees are wearing. Then for the int

4、erview, try to dress in a similar way. If they are all dressed in a suit and tie, then you should dress in a suit and tie. Take care to note if the ties are solid colors or a mix of colors. If the women employees wear long skirts, then women should wear a long skirt. If employees wore a casual shirt

5、 with no tie, you should wear a casual shirt with no tie. If the women all wear pants, you should wear pants. If you see some people dressing casually and others dressing formally, IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO DRESS A LITTLE BIT MORE FORMALLY. 面试的时候所穿服装是给对方下良好印象的第二个重要因素。首先你应该了解你所应聘的公司。在对所应聘的公司进行研究时,先拜访公司并

6、观察那里的工作人员的着装,亲眼观察你所应聘的公司职员的着装,然后准备去面试,尽量穿同类的服装。如果你所应聘的公司职员穿西服系领带,那么你也应该穿西服打领带去面试。留心领带的颜色是单色还是混合色。如果公司的女性职员身穿长裙,女性应聘者也应穿长裙去面试。如果公司的女性职员穿短裙不系领带,那么女性应聘者也应穿短裙不系领带,而应穿休闲衬衫并不系领带。如果公司的女性职员 都穿长裤,那么你也应穿长裤。如果看到公司职员有些穿着休闲,有些则穿着正式,那么,穿正式一些的服装总是比穿休闲服装要好一些。Being able to FIT IN (to belong and get along with the ot

7、her employees) is very important. The interviewer will use this first impression to decide if you can work well with the other employees.能够与周围环境和睦相处也很重要。面试官会利用面试的第一印象来决定是否你能与其他同事和睦相处。Another important impression, is one that the employer gets from reading letters of recommendation from your referenc

8、es. Your reference include helpful teachers or old bosses who liked the way you worked. Your teacher or boss will write a letter describing your good qualities. 另一个重要印象是面试者从阅读你的 推荐信 来获得的。你的推荐人包括那些对你有帮助的老师和欣赏你的工作方式的前任老板。你的老师或前任老板会写一封推荐信,描述你的优点。.对话篇Molly: Gordon, long time no see?莫莉:戈登,好久不见了?Gordon: T

9、hats right. Long time no connect. What have you been up to?戈登:没错。好久没联系了。你在忙什么? I still hunger to find a job at a foreign company.我仍然渴望在一家外企公司找到一份工作。 Have you prepared for an interview?你做了面试的准备了吗? Sure, you bet. I guess. Well, I did a little. What should I do?当然了,你说对了,我觉得。唔,我做了一点准备。我应该做什么? You had be

10、tter write one resume, then write a cover letter to each individual company. Next, visit the companies to see if they wear formal or casual clothes. Then you should get a few letters of recommendation from your past teachers and bosses. 你最好写一份 简历 ,然后给每家公司写一份信函。接着去拜访公司,看看他们的着装正式与否,然后让你以前的老师或者老板给你写一些推

11、荐信。 Thanks a bunch, I owe you one.多谢了,我感激你。 Dont mention it, anything for you.没事,愿为你两肋插刀。 Great, then will you write a letter of recommendation for me?太好了,那你会给我写一封推荐信? Well, you were my personal secretary for a year. It would be my pleasure to be one of your references and write a letter of recommen

12、dation.唔,你做了一年我的个人秘书。做你的一个介绍人,给你写一封推荐信是我的荣幸。 I really appreciate it. Thanks a million.我真的很感激,多谢了。商务英语活学活用 肢体语言与握手(1).核心学习Lets Learn How to Find a Job! 找工作我本周有几个面试。今天我们将学些什么呢? This time we will learn more of the basic rules of interviewing for a job with a foreign company.这次我们将学习更多的寻找外企工作的基本规则。 How d

13、oes it handle?开起来感觉怎么样? I would love to get a good job at a foreign company. Tell me more. Go on.我很想在外企找到一份好工作。告诉我更多的技巧吧,开始啊。1) Believes in UFOs : think there are aliens from the stars相信飞碟的人My girlfriend believes in UFO and she thinks Elvis is alive in Beijing!我的女朋友相信飞碟的确存在,而且她还认为猫王还活着,就住在北京。2) Best

14、 bet : the wisest choice最佳选择Demi Moore is the best bet for a sexy dancer.戴咪摩尔是性感舞女的最佳人选。3) Delicate : something easily broken脆弱的The vase is very delicate.这个花瓶很容易碎。4) Entire (body) : the whole (body)全部,整体After I work out, my entire body aches.在锻炼后,我全身都疼。5) First Impression : how you feel about a pers

15、on when you just meet them第一印象He gave me a good first impression. First impressions last forever.他给我的第一印象很好。第一印象持续永远。6) Relevant : important now现在重要的Pollution is a relevant topic all over China.在中国,污染问题是一个人人关注的话题The single most important use of body language (speaking without words) in the interview

16、 is the handshake. In the West, it is customary to state your name as you shake the hand of the interviewer. How and how long you shake hands is very important as this polite touching of the hands is very important in the first impression. As you know, many people are judged by first impressions, so

17、 be sure to make a good one that shows you are hard working and professional. To do this you must pick a handshake that is also professional. 面试中最重要的单一身体语言(不用言语表达)是握手。在西方,习惯的做法是在与面试者握手时告诉对方你的姓名。如何握手以及握手的时间长短是非常重要的,因为这种手与手之间的礼貌接触在给对方留下第一印象时是很重要的。正如你所知道的,许多人通过第一印象来判断一个人,因此,确保握手要得体,以说明你工作努力,富有专业精神。要做到这

18、一点你必须挑选一种职业性的握手方式。1. THE DEAD FISH HANDSHAKE: a very, very, very soft touch of the interviewers hand. The DEAD FISH handshake shows fear and lack of confidence. This is NOT professional. In addition, it shows you are weak and not assertive. You must present yourself as an able worker who works well

19、with others, so do NOT use the FISH handshake 死鱼式握手:非常非常非常柔软地与面试者的手接触。死鱼式握手流露出害怕与缺乏自信,这不专业。此外,它还说明你软弱不果断。你必须展示出你是一个能很好地和其他人一起工作的人,因此,不要使用死鱼式握手。2. THE ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER HANDSHAKE: a hard, hard squeeze of the interviewers hand. The ARNOLD handshake shows that you are trying too hard to get the job

20、. This is NOT professional. It also shows fear and is extremely unfriendly. It may even make the interviewer afraid or uncomfortable, in which case she/he will definitely say: DONT CALL US, WELL CALL YOU! (this means they do NOT want you at their company). 阿诺德施瓦辛格式握手:很紧很紧地捏住面试者的手。阿诺德式握手表露出你过分努力想得到该工

21、作,这不专业。它还说明畏惧与极度不友好。它还可能使面试者感到害怕或者不舒服。在这种情况下他/她绝对会这么说,“不要给我们打电话,我们会打给你!”(这意味着他们不想要你)。3. THE PULL AND JERK HANDSHAKE: a yanking, or pulling of the interviewers entire arm, moving their entire body. This is NOT professional. The PULL AND JERK handshake is made for when you see an old friend after a lo

22、ng time apart. Although it shows you are friendly, it expresses that you can not handle yourself in a business manner. It has NO place in the interview. 拽拉式握手:拽拉或者猛拉过面试者的整个胳膊,将他们的这个身体移过来,这不专业。拽拉式握手是你在和一个长时间分离的老友见面时使用的。尽管它表示你很友好,却说明在商务礼仪中你不能把握自己。4. THE TWO-HANDED HANDSHAKE: when you use two hands to

23、grab the interviewers one hand. This is NOT professional. It is true that it shows kindness and affection, but it gives the feeling that you are taking care of the interviewer like a mother takes care of a baby. In China, the TWO-HANDED handshake is a very common between family members and friends,

24、but it has NO place in the interview. 双手式握手:当你用两只手抓住面试者的一只手时,这称为双手式握手,这不专业。它表达善意与友好,这是真的。但是它给人一种感觉,你象母亲照料婴儿一样照料面试者。在中国,这种双手式握手在家人与朋友之间是很常见的,不过在面试中不要使用。5. THE FAR AWAY HANDSHAKE: where you extend your arm out as far as you can to grab the interviews hand before he/she lifts it. This is not profession

25、al. The FAR AWAY handshake expresses that you are too anxious and afraid. By extending your arm out, you keep the interview away, making him/her think you do not like or trust them. Trust is important in a professional business. 远距离握手:指的是在面试人还没有来得及抬起胳膊时,您就远远地把胳膊伸过去与对方握手。远距离握手显示了你心中的焦急和恐惧。这样远远地伸出胳膊会使

26、得面试人不得不也远远地伸出胳膊,这样一来就离你有一段距离,从而使面试人认为你不喜欢或不信任他们。在职场和商业界,双方之间的信任是非常重要的事。6. THE LONG HOLD AND PUMP HANDSHAKE: When you hold the interviewers hand for a long time, occasionally pumping or quickly squeezing the palm. This is NOT professional. These actions show that you are overly nervous. Being too ner

27、vous at an interview is a sign that you are not able to do the job. NEVER use the LONG HOLD AND PUMP handshake. 长时间地握手并伴以上下摇晃对方的手:握着面试人的手有 一会儿,并不时地上下摇晃或轻轻挤压对方的手掌。这样的做法也是不职业化的行为。这样的行为显示你过度紧张。在面试时显得过于紧张是一种你无法胜任此项工作的表示。永远也不要采用这样的握手方式。7. THE PROFESSIONAL HANDSHAKE: where you shake the interviewers hand

28、firmly as you look him/her in the eye, while also stating your name proudly. Even women should have a firm, but not TOO firm handshake. This shows that you are serious and professional about your occupation. Take the interviewers hand when it is extended to you. Leave your arm in an L (90 degree ang

29、le). Shake twice, firmly, then let the hand drop away. The PROFESSIONAL handshake will create a business atmosphere of trust and equality. Your confidence will show that you are able and willing to do any job. This is the best way to make a good first impression. 职业化的握手:与面试人坚定地握手,并保持与对方的双眼进行正面接触,同时自豪地告诉面试人你的姓名。即使是女性也应与面试人进行坚定的握手,但要注意握手时不要过于强硬。恰到好处的握手表明你对自己的职业的严肃态度和敬业精神。当面试人把手伸向你的时候,你也应把手伸过去。让你的胳膊保持L形(90度角的状态)。握两次手,然后让双方的手自然松开。职业化的握手会为双方创造一种信

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