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1、第2题 Disappearing ForestsThe worlds forests are disappearing. / As much as a third of its total tree cover has been lost / since agriculture began some 10,000 years ago. / The remaining forests are home to half of the worlds species / thus becoming the chief resource for their survival. / Tropical ra

2、in forests once covered twelve percent of the land of the planet. / As well as supporting at least half of the worlds species of plants and animals, / these rain forests are home to millions of people. / But there are other demands on them. / For example, much has been cut for timber. / An increasin

3、g amount of forestland (林地) has been used for industrial purposes or for agricultural development, / such as crop growing. / By the 1990s less than half of the earths original rain forests remained, / and they continue to disappear at an alarming rate every year. / As a result, the worlds forests ar

4、e now facing gradual extinction. 这是一篇说明文,主要讲述森林面积在逐渐减少。 短文首句点出了本文要说明的事件森林面积在逐渐减少。后文介绍的是森林面积在不断减少,但物种和人类对森林的各种需求却在增加,提醒人们关注森林所面临的严峻形势。 短文共分15个意群,时态为一般现在时。 考生可能将第一句话中的tree cover(森林覆盖)误写为tree covers,注意在放音最后一遍中进行核查。tropical rain forests意为“热带雨 林”;at an alarming rate意为“以惊人的速度”。 文中较难拼写的词有resource(资源),speci

5、es(种类),timber(木材),extinction(灭绝)。二、Listening Comprehension ( Conversation )(共20小题,共20.0分) In this section, you will hear several short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following questions. Now listen to the convers

6、ationsWhat is the woman thinking about as a career?A Education.B Business.C Journalism.D Politics.C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 1-3M: So you are going to be writing for the school newspaper?W: Yes, Im excited about it. 1 Im thinking about journalism as a career. Well! Congratulations! How do they decide to

7、 hire? I had to submit a writing sample. I used one of the essays Ive written for a literature class. Then the editor assigned me a topic to write a short article about. What did you write about? Actually, it was a lot of fun. I wrote about the students play that has been performed this month. Oh, I

8、 saw that play. The director is a friend of mine. It is really causing a stir around here. Yeah, I know. Thats what I wrote about, peoples reactions to it. It was really interesting. Have you finished the article? Can I read it? Sure. I just made a couple of copies. So you can have one. Thanks. 2 I

9、wish I were a better writer. Working for the paper sounds like fun. Well, theyre looking to add one or two more photographers to the staff. Youre kidding! Maybe Ill go over and apply. If you want I would walk over with you to the newspaper office and introduce you to the photography editor and some

10、of the other photographers. That will be terrific! But can we go tomorrow? I have to go to math class now. And if we go tomorrow, then Ill have time tonight to put together a set of photographs to show them. 3 Sure and maybe you should call and set up a time to meet them tomorrow. Good idea. Ill do

11、that just before I go to class tomorrow. All right. See you tomorrow.考点 本题出题点在人物观点处(think about)精析 对话中女士说考虑把新闻工作作为职业,故选C。What does the man think of working for the paper?A Difficult.B Easy.C Boring.D InterestinD考点 本题出题点在人物观点处(I wish)。精析 对话中男士说真希望自己也是个很好的作家,从事新闻工作听上去很有意思,故选D。第3题 What will the man do

12、just before he goes to class tomorrow?A Call the photographers.B Meet the woman.C Go to the newspaper office.D Put together a set of photographs.A考点 本题出题点在问答处。精析 对话中女士说男士应该打电话给报社摄影师约定明天见面的时间,男士接着说,他会在明天上课之前做那件事的,do that指代的就是上文的call,故选A。第4题 How does Chris feel about the new job?A He doesnt have time

13、to enjoy his success.B He doesnt get paid enough.C He would like to continue studying.D He likes his new job very muc听力原文 4-7W: Congratulations on your new job,Chris!M: Thanks,AngieTo tell you the truth,Im not SO sure I like working Why do you say that? Last year you wanted to get out of university!

14、 I know,but that was last yearNow,its just work,work,workI work hard all day,every day Oh,come onDont complainYoure making a good salary nowLast year,you didnt make anything Right4Now,I have money,a nice apartment and a car But I dont have:any fine to enjoy it all It cant be all that bad Noof course

15、 it isntI still have my weekends So tell me,5 what do you miss about university? I used to go to parties. I stay up late talking with friends You can go to parties now,and 6 you can stay up late Right,but then Im tired at workI cant do thatI have to be serious about things. I think you are too serio

16、us about everything Thats easy for you to sayYou are still at university Yes,but I dont have a job 7 Would you like to change place with me? Ohcome on ChrisIt isnt all that badHmmm.考点 本题出题点在转折处(but)。精析 对话中男士说他现在有钱、有房、有车,但却没有时间享受这一切,故选A。第5题 What does he miss about university?A The interesting lecture

17、s.B Playing computer games with his roommates.C The excellent salary.D Staying up late and partyin精析 对话中女士问男士怀念大学的哪些方面,男士回答说,大学里他可以去参加聚会,可以和朋友熬夜聊天,故选D。第6题 What happens if he stays up late now?A His boss will fire him.B Hes always late for work.C Hes fired at work.D He cant do his job very well.精析 对话

18、中女士说男士现在也可以熬夜,但男士说那样的话他第二天上班会很累,故选C。第7题 What would Chris like to do?A Get a different job.B Change places with Angie.C Work part time.D Continue his study in university.B精析 对话中男士问女士是否想要和他换个位置,可知答案为B。第8题 How is one tropical weather system distinguished from the other?A Wind speed.B Rainfall.C Water t

19、emperature.D Direction of approac听力原文 8-10 Is that a map? Are you going sailing or something? I wish. Its a hurricane-tracking chart. Its a map of tropical ocean areas southeast of us. It follows the development of tropical storms, even hurricanes. They develop and move around the Atlantic in Caribb

20、ean and here on Florida coast. We got hit a lot by those in July or August, at least winds or rain. Do you think that the tropical storm is on the way? Too early to tell, but we need to be prepared. The radio mentioned possible escape routes. Really? Is that serious?d better believe it. Late summer

21、is hurricane season. The television updates locations and speeds every hour. What did they say is out there now? 8 A couple of tropical depressions, two storms and two hurricanes. Whats the difference? Wind speed. A depression is least serious actually, and a hurricane is the most serious. How serio

22、us are the winds in hurricanes? They have sustained winds of 74 mph and up. What are the names on the map? David, Arlene, Francisco, and Gina. 9 You know weather forecasters give the hurricanes the names of people to make storms easy to identify. 10 Wonder what the status of the storm is now. You sh

23、all turn off the television and it has the best coverage there is an up-date coming up in five minutes.精析 对话中女士提到tropical depressions、storms和hurricanes三者的不同就在于它们的风速不同,故选A。第9题 How do weather forecasters identify hurricanes?A By name.B By number.C By location.D By mont精析 对话中女士说天气预报员会给飓风起一些人名,以此来识别不同的飓

24、风,故选A。第10题 What are the man and woman going to do next?A Study a weather map.B Visit a weather station.C Watch a weather report.D Go to a storm shelter.考点 本题出题点在对话结尾处。精析 对话中男士说想知道现在的飓风的状况,女士说可以打开电视机,5分钟后就有一次更新报道,由此可知两人将会打开电视机收看天气预报,故选C。第11题 What does the recent report say about Brazil?A It will face challenges unprecedented in its history.

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