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英语精品 新教材选择性必修四UNIT 4 Section Ⅳ Using LanguageWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、7.To_be_honest (说实话) with you,I dont remember what he said.句式语境仿写1.And,while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth,many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted.虽然这个国家非常美丽,自然资源丰富,但很多人很穷,生活中没有我们认为理所当然的东西仿写尽管从整体上来说这个地区的气温在迅速上升,但是,温室附近的气温已经下降了。While_

2、this_area_as_a_whole_is_heating_up quickly,temperatures near the greenhouses have decreased.2.Now,not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital,but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well.现在,不仅坦桑尼亚人得到了医院的帮助,邻国的人们也得到了帮助。仿写他不仅热衷于园艺,还是个鱼类收藏家。Not_only_is_he a keen gardener,but he is also a

3、fish collector.记单词.语境串记同根词Though the disability is a physical limitation on his life,the disabled person is able to do what others cant do.词缀助记派生词1.名词后缀:ationresign(vt.& vi.) resignationconsult(vt.& vi.) consultation2.dis否定前缀词精选dislike vt.不喜欢;厌恶disagree vi.不同意disappear vi.消失disability n.残疾;无能discour

4、age vt.使气馁disobey vt.不服从.合成词inputinput句型公式1.while引导让步状语从句。2.not only.but (also).不但而且1.lately adv.近来;最近late adj.迟到的;晚的;晚期的 adv.迟;晚later adv.以后;后来latest adj.最新的;最近的latter n.后者 adj.后者的,后面的;晚期的,末期的Lately,all of us have seen Chinese people on TV in faroff places in the world,helping other countries to de

5、velop.(教材P44)最近,我们都在电视上看到远在世界各地的中国人帮助其他国家发展。合作探究体会lately的用法和意义I invited Tom and Mary to my birthday party.The former is 15 years old and the latter is 14 years old.我邀请汤姆和玛丽参加我的生日聚会。前者是15岁,后者是14岁。He is getting into the latter years of his career.他正在进入他职业生涯的最后几年。She is always dressed in the latest fas

6、hion.她总是穿最新款的时装。I havent heard any news from my son lately.我最近没听到我儿子的任何音讯。自主发现the former.the latter.前者后者巩固内化单句语法填空/补全句子She feels guilty about spending less time lately (late) with her two kids.If I had to make a decision,I would choose the former rather_than_the_latter.如果我不得不做决定,我会选择前者而不是后者。The_late

7、st_evidence confirmed me in his honesty.最新的证据让我坚信他是诚实的。2.consultation n.咨询;咨询会consult vt.请教,查阅;咨询consultant n.C顾问My mother also does a circuit of the rural villages to provide medical treatment,help those with disabilities,and provide consultation and training for local doctors.(教材P44)我的母亲还到农村巡回,提供医

8、疗服务,帮助那些有残疾的人,为当地的医生提供咨询和培训。合作探究体会consultation的用法和意义We will consult together with advisors about her education.我们将一起和专家商议她的教育事宜。When in doubt about the meaning of a word,consult a dictionary.当拿不准词义时,查查词典。In order to improve his English quickly,he often goes to my office to consult me about the metho

9、d of learning English.为了快速提高英语,他经常去我的办公室向我咨询关于学习英语的方法。consult sb about sth向某人请教/咨询某事consult with sb about sth 与某人商量某事consult a dictionary/map 查字典/地图巩固内化补全句子I made up my mind to major in English in the future after consultation(consult) with my parents and teachers.The doctor consulted with his colle

10、agues about the operation on the patient.I consulted_the_telephone_book for his number.我从电话簿上查他的电话号码。Youd better not consult_a_dictionary every time you come across a new word.你最好不要每次遇到生词就查字典。3.take for granted认为理所当然;对不予重视And,while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth,many of t

11、he people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted,such as electricity,running water,cars and good transport systems,and supermarkets.(教材P44)虽然这个国家非常美丽,有很多自然财富,但很多人相当贫穷,生活中没有我们认为理所当然的东西,如电力、自来水、汽车、良好的交通系统和超市。短语记牢记牢下列短语take.seriously认真对待take ones time 不用急,慢慢来take pride in 以自豪take ch

12、arge of 负责,掌管take advantage of 利用take it easy 从容,不紧张,放松take sth for granted 认为理所当然He began to take science seriously only when he did some research on farming.只有当他进行农业研究时,他才开始认真对待科学。Take your time,and there is still ten minutes left.不用急,还有十分钟。She took advantage of the childrens absence to tidy their

13、 rooms.她趁孩子们不在时整理了他们的房间。She takes pride in her son who takes charge of a big company.她以已成为一家大公司负责人的儿子自豪。Take_it_easy and youll get well soon.别紧张,你很快就会好起来的。You can hand in the report in three days,so take_your_time.你可以在三天后交上报告,因此可以慢慢来。You shouldnt take_it_for_granted that I take care of your pet dog.

14、你不应该认为我照顾你的宠物狗是理所应当。When I went to college,I began to take_maths_seriously.上大学后,我开始认真对待数学。4.And,while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth,many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted.(教材P44)【句式解读】while引导让步状语从句。【用法总结】(1)while可用以连接并列句,强调前后两者之间情况的

15、对比,此时while一般可译为“而”。I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.我总是带着我的手提电视,在石墙上坐着,而狗转着圈走。(2)while可用以引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”,相当于although,但while引导的让步状语从句一般放在主句前。While I am willing to help,I dont have much time.尽管我愿意帮忙,可我没有足够的时间。(3)while还可用以引导时间状语从句,表示“在时候”。当w

16、hile引导的时间状语从句主语和主句主语一致,且含有be动词时,可以省去主语及be动词。You must keep these points in mind while (you are) setting your goals.在设定目标时,你必须记住这些要点。巩固内化单句语法填空Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years,while rice has increased only 7 percent.Two years ago,while Cathy was_watching (watch) the

17、 Olympics,a dream came into her sweet little headto be a swimmer.While/Though Tom is very young,he can recite many poems.5.Now,not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital,but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well.(教材P44)现在,不仅坦桑尼亚人得到了医院的帮助,邻国的人们也得到了帮助。【句式解读】not only.but also.引导并列成分。(

18、1)not only.but(also).表示“不但而且”,连接平行结构:名词、代词、动词(短语)、非谓语动词、介词短语、句子等。He not only read the book,but (also) remembered what he had read.他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。(2)not only.but (also).连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与but (also)后的成分在人称和数上保持一致。Not only the students but also the teacher wishes for a holiday.不仅是学生,就连老师也盼望有一个假期。(3)no

19、t only.but (also).连接两个并列分句,且not only位于句首时,not only后的分句需部分倒装,but (also) 后的分句不用倒装。Not only does the sun give us light but (also) it gives us heat.太阳不仅给我们光,而且给我们热量。 单句语法填空/同义句转换Not only a little girl but also adults have (have)a growing appetite for junk food nowadays.Not only did (do) she make a promi

20、se,but she also kept it.He speaks not only English and French but also Spanish.Not_only_does_he speak English and French but also Spanish.(改为not only位于句首的倒装句)He speaks Spanish as_well_as_English and French.(用as well as改写).单词拼写1.I was told that the rain had brought about the short circuit(环形线路).2.Cal

21、lari has never worked with someone with a disability (残疾) before.3.A personal diet plan is devised after a consultation (咨询) with a nutritionist.4.You are asked to swallow a capsule (胶囊) containing vitamin B.5.They raced to a thrilling victory in the relay(接力赛).6.Only social practice can be the crit

22、erion (标准) of truth.7.Above all,these immoral behaviors disturb social orders and social stability(稳定).8.Youd better pray (祈祷) your necklace will come out of the carpet.9.It was a purely hypothetical (假设的) question.10.He has been awarded a research grant(拨款).单句语法填空1.I take it for granted that we sho

23、uld build new roads.2.Now you had better consult with a physician.3.Some people live only dreaming about it while others live to avoid ever climbing at all.4.Not only is(be) the job difficult,but (also) it doesnt pay well.5.Pray that they make wise choices.6.Disability (disable) is a physical limita

24、tion on your life.7.Riot police is an important armed force of maintaining state security and social stability (stable).8.What did the teacher try his best to relay to his students?.补全句子1.Not_only_has_he been to Canada,but also he knows some Canadians.他不仅去过加拿大,而且还认识一些加拿大人。2.Some people enjoy playing

25、 different sports while_others_just_enjoy_watching_them.一些人喜欢从事不同的运动,然而另一些人只喜欢观看他们。3.Instructions were relayed_to_him by phone.通过电话将指令传达给他。4.Dont take_for_granted_what_you_have.不要认为你所拥有的是理所当然的。5.It is recommended that you should consult_your_doctor_about_your_illness.有关你的病情,建议你去咨询一下医生。.阅读理解For Aliso

26、n Rollinson,picking out the best experiences from her volunteer work is a major challenge.“There are so many to choose from,”said Rollinson,who has spent more than one year doing disaster volunteer work after Hurricane Katrina.“The best parts are having the opportunity to be in an environment where

27、you can meet the needs of people and know that your time is being used in a good way,”she said.After spending her first few months working as a volunteer,Rollinson was hired fulltime.Taking the step to do disaster relief work fulltimefirst as a volunteer and then as an employeewas just what needed to be done,Rollinson said.Before Katrina hit,Rollinson had planned on moving to Key Largo and working as a hotel clerk.Seeing the need on the Gulf Coast,Rollinson changed her pl

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