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1、最新通用版高考英语一轮复习第1部分基础知识解读Unit3LifeinthefutureUnit 3Life in the future.写作单词会拼写1guide n 指导;向导;导游 vt. 指引;指导2tolerate vt. 容忍;忍受3lack vt.& vt. 缺乏;没有 n. 缺乏;短缺的东西4switch n. 开关;转换 vt. 转换5previous adj. 在前的;早先的6desert n. 沙漠;荒原7impress v. 使留下深刻印象impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的impression n. 印象;感想;印记8constant adj. 时常发生的;连

2、续不断的constantly adv. 不断地9surround vt. 围绕surrounding adj. 周围的surroundings n. 周围的事物;环境10adjust vt. 调整;使适应adjustment n. 调整;调节11press vi.& vt. 按;压;逼迫 n. 按;压;印刷;新闻pressure n. 压力12instant n. 瞬间;片刻 adj. 立即的;立刻的instantly adv. 马上13represent v. 代表representative n. 代表;典型人物 adj. 典型的;有代表性的14settle v. 定居;解决settlem

3、ent n. 定居;解决15optimistic adj. 乐观(主义)的optimism n. 乐观主义.阅读单词要识记16aspect n 方面;层面17timetable n. 时间表;时刻表18citizen n. 公民;居民;市民19greedy adj. 贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的20swallow vt. 吞下;咽下21fasten vt. 系牢;扎牢22motivation n. 动机23enormous adj. 巨大的;庞大的24recycle vt. 回收利用;再利用25uncertain adj. 不确切的;无把握的高频短语会默写1take up 拿起;接受;开始;继续2b

4、e back on ones feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原3lose sight of. 看不见4sweep up 打扫;横扫5slide into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进6speed up 加速7remind sb.of. 使某人想起8be similar to 与相似9in all directions 四面八方10show sb.around 带领某人参观教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.( do结构)1.就我个人而言,他随和并很容易相处。As far

5、as Im concerned,he is easygoing and easy to get along with.2.Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.(过去分词作状语)2.假如给予更多的关心和照顾,这个孩子就不会变得如此自私和淘气。Given more attention and caring,the child wouldnt have become so selfish and naughty.3.Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.(adj.作伴随状语)3.长途旅行后,他们三个

6、回到了家,又饿又累。After the long journey,the three of them went back home,hungry and tired.4.Well,now theres a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.(where在句中引导定语从句,修饰先行词a system)4.销售总监是一个职位,在这个职位中,交际能力和销售技巧同等重要。Sales director is a position where communication ability is just

7、 as important as sales skills.精讲3个考纲单词 lack vi.& vt.缺乏;没有 n缺乏;短缺的东西高考佳句What is lacking today is the conflict between adolescents desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world.(2016年北京高考阅读理解)现在缺乏的是青少年对自主性的渴望与他们对不安全世界的理解之间的矛盾。(1)for lack of 因缺乏a lack of 缺乏(2)lacking adj. 短缺的;缺乏的be lac

8、king in 缺少Despite his lack of experience,he got the job.他虽然经验不足,但还是获得了这份工作。More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities for lack of space.由于缺少空间,大城市里建起了越来越多的摩天大楼。 tolerate vt.容忍;忍受经典例句In some experts opinion,living conditions on the Mars are very hard to tolerate.在一些专家的眼中,火星上的生活条件非

9、常艰苦难以忍受。(1)tolerate(ones/sb.)doing sth. 容忍(某人)做某事stand(sb.)doing sth. 忍受/容忍(某人)做某事bear sb.doing/to do sth. 忍受/容忍某人做某事put up with 忍受;容忍(2)tolerance n. 宽容tolerant adj. 宽容的I cant tolerate/stand speaking(speak)to your mother in such a rude manner.我不容许(你)用这种无礼的方式给你母亲说话。Instead of blaming the child who ha

10、d broken the vase,she gave him a tolerant(tolerate) smile and let him go.(2014年湖北高考多项选择)她没有指责打破花瓶的男孩,而是给他一个宽容的微笑让他走了。【导学号:30892122】 instant n瞬间;片刻 adj. 立即的;立刻的高考佳句Furthermore,voting on the Internet makes instant feedback possible.(2016年江苏高考书面表达)此外,网上投票使得即时反馈成为可能。(1)(2)instantly adv. 立即;马上(3) 一就The i

11、nstant I saw him I knew he was the man the police were looking for.我一看见他就认出他正是警方在寻找的那个人。In an instant/Instantly,he took off his coat and jumped into the water.瞬间,他脱下大衣跳进了水里。The boss wants the job finished instantly(instant)老板要求立刻完成这项工作。诠释3个核心短语 take up 占有(时间/空间);继续;开始;接受;拿起;开始从事一词多义写出下列句子中take up的含义

12、He took up the telephone receiver and began to dial. 拿起I put the telephone down and took up my work again. 继续(2015年陕西高考语法和词汇知识)Peter will take up his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month. 开始从事Are you going to take up the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing? 接受

13、We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all taken up. 占据take off 脱掉(衣服等);起飞;事业腾飞take over 接管;获得对的控制或管理take down 写下;记下;拆除take in 吸收;接纳;领会;欺骗take on 呈现;雇用;承担;从事Internet shopping will ready take off when people make sure that it is safe.当人们确信了网购的安全性时,它就已经成功了。 lose sight of. 看不见;忽略经典例句Only a s

14、hortsighted man will lose sight of the importance of education.只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。(1)catch sight of 发现;看到lose ones sight 失明come into sight 进入视野内;映入眼帘(2)at first sight 乍一看at the sight of 看到out of sight 看不到At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was out of sigh

15、t.在火车站,母亲向女儿挥手告别直到火车从她的视野中消失。【导学号:30892123】We stood at the window until their car came into sight.我们站在窗前直到看到他们的车子。 speed up 加速高考佳句Obviously,a good learning habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations.(四川高考书面表达)显而易见,一个好的学习习惯能帮助我们尽快达到我们的目标。(1)reduce speed/slow down 减速pick up speed 逐渐加速(2)at high/low/full/top speed 以高/低/全/最高速at a speed of. 以速度The p

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