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中考英语复习之重点核心词汇详解 专题12 P字部二Word文件下载.docx

1、实际行动”,只作不可数名词,与“理论”相对。常用put sth. into practice结构.例如:Shes decided to put her new ideas into practice。 她决心要把自己的新想法付诸实践.表示“训练,练习”,目的是提高技巧.例如:She does an hours piano practice every day。 她每天练一小时钢琴.practise v.练习,实践:practise为英式拼写,在美式拼写中,动词形式也是practice;动词practise可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,常见搭配有practise (for) sth.,prac

2、tise doing sth。等。例如:Today were going to practise parking. 今天我们要练习停车.(2019,浙江卷,词汇运用)43. Youll forget the dancing skills easily _ (除非) you practice them often3. prepare准备,预备;调制,配制表示“准备,制备”,对象为食物、物品、文件或节目等,为及物动词。When we got home, Mom was busy preparing dinner。 我们到家时妈妈正忙着准备晚餐.表示“(为)做准备,筹备”,指制定计划或作出安排;后面

3、可接for sth.或to do sth.结构.例如:Her parents were preparing for the holiday. 她的父母正在为度假做准备。Her parents were preparing to go on holiday。 她的父母正在准备度假。词性转换:preparation n. 准备,预备;调制,配制;prepared adj.有准备的;准备好的:常用be prepared for sth./to do sth。结构。You have to be prepared to take risks in this kind of work。 做这种工作你必须准

4、备好承担风险。(2019,山东卷,完形)You can _13_ prepare some small gifts for the spouse (配偶) or kids of the host。13。 A。 too B。 also C。 either4. present礼物;现在;adj.在场的,出席的表示“礼物,赠品”,birthday/Christmas/wedding presents 生日/圣诞节/结婚礼物;其后常接for sb。:Im looking for a present for Mark. 我在找一份礼物送给马克。表示“现在,目前”,常用短语为at present现在,目前

5、。The future is all I have at present。形容词用法:表示“出席的,到场的”,常接介词at/in:There were 200 people present at the meeting. 有200人出席会议.表示“现在的,当前的”:We do not have any more information at the present time. 目前我们没有进一步的消息.presence n。出席,参加同义词:gift n.礼物反义词:absent adj.缺席的,不在的Written Chinese has also become an important m

6、ethod to c 74 Chinas present with its past.5。 preventv。阻止,防止,预防prevent为及物动词,常用结构为prevent sb。/sth。 (from doing sth。):The accident could have been prevented. 这次事故本来是可以防止的.Nothing would prevent him from speaking out his idea。 没有什么能阻止他说出自己的意见。prevention n.预防,阻止,妨碍;preventive adj。预防的,防止的(2019,北京卷,阅读D)31

7、The ease of accessing information from the Internet 。A。 frees us from making efforts to learn new skillsB。 prevents civilizations from being lost at a high speedC. misleads us into thinking we already knew the knowledgeD. separates the facts we have from those in the smart machines6. primaryadj.初等的,

8、初级的;首要的,主要的关联词组:primary school小学;primary education初等教育;primary goal首要目标表示“小学教育的,初级的”。例如:a primary teacher一名小学老师 表示“首要的,主要的”,相当于main或most important;多用于名词前:Personal safety is of primary importance. 人身安全至关重要。primarily adv。首先;主要地,根本上(2019,江苏卷,单项填空)4。 Last month the students in Changjiang Road Primary Sc

9、hool held the “Ten Years of Growth Ceremony” to celebrate 10th birthday together.A. they B。 their C。 them D。 theirs7. prison监狱,看守所常用搭配有in prison、send sb。 to prison、put sb。 in(to) prison等。He was sent to prison for five years。 他被关押了五年。Theyll probably put him in prison for a long time。 他们很可能会让他在监狱里待很长时

10、间。prisoner n.囚犯;imprison v。监禁;禁锢(2019,湖北卷,句子填空)75。 The thieves _ (偷) many things from the supermarket and were put into prison。8。 privateadj.私人的;私有的in private私下地;秘密地;private life私生活;private school私立学校;private car私人汽车表示“私有的,私用的,个人的,通常置于名词前面。The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms。 这家旅馆

11、有110间客房,各有独立卫生间。表示“私下的,秘密的”,例如:I need to have a private discussion with you。 我得和你私下讨论。表示“私立的,私营的”,与public相对。private banks/companies/schools 私营银行/公司;私立学校privately adv。私下地;秘密地 (2019,安徽卷,完形)They suggest trying _35_ things and practicing conversation.35. A。 new B。 private C。 awful D. heavy9。 prizen.奖赏,奖

12、品关联词组:first prize一等奖;prize winner得奖者;the Nobel Prize诺贝尔奖常搭配的介词为for,动词有award(授予),win等。He received a prize for excellence in mathematics.他因数学成绩优秀而获了奖.She was awarded the Nobel Peace prize。 她获颁诺贝尔和平奖。(2019,浙江卷,阅读C)Ryle and Hewish developed radio telescope systems for the location of weak radio sources,

13、 and they shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1974。10。 produce生产,制造;产生,引起,造成表示“生产,制造;创作”,相当于make。a factory that produces toys玩具制造厂表示“引起,造成,产生”,相当于cause,bring about等。As a policy, it did not produce the best result. 作为一项政策,它并未产生最好的结果.production n.生产;成果;productive adj。多产的;productivity n.生产力(2019,北京卷,

14、阅读D)The collapse of any of the networks of relations our wellbeing(健康)depends upon, such as food and energy, would produce terrible results。11。 progress进度,进展,进步 economic progress经济发展;social progress社会进步;in progress正在进行;scientific progress科学进展;technical progress技术进步不可数名词,表示“进步,进展,进程,常用于make progress

15、in的结构.例如:We have made great progress in controlling population. 我们在控制人口方面取得了巨大进展.progressive adj.先进的,进步的;进行的progressively adv.渐进地(2019,浙江卷,词汇运用)39. At the meeting the boss _ (赞扬) John for the progress he made。12. promisen.v。答应,承诺make a promise允诺;keep a promise遵守诺言;break a promise违反诺言名词用法:表示“保证,承诺,诺言

16、”,是可数名词;常用结构有promise of sth。;promise to sb。promise to do sth.;promise that等。She made a promise to visit them once a month.她答应每个月去看他们一次。表示“许诺,保证,答应,常见结构有promise sb. sth.=promise sth. to sb.许诺某人某事;promise (sb。) that承诺(某人);promise to do sth。承诺做某事。“Promise me you wont do anything stupid。”“I promise。” “答

17、应我你不会做蠢事。” “我答应。”Shes promised to do all she can to help。 她答应尽力帮忙。promising adj。有希望的,有前途的;promisingly adv。充满希望地(2019,北京卷,短文阅读)My plan wasnt to make promises to do things I couldnt _14_ but to show my class why I wanted to be president.14。 compare B. remember C. manage D。 repeat properadj。恰当的,合适的表示“正

18、确的,合适的,适当的,恰当的”,仅用于名词前。Everything was in its proper place每样东西都放在恰当的位置。表示“合理的,得体的,合适的”,可用于it is proper (for sb.) to do sth.结构。It is not proper for me to give you that information。我把那资料给你不合适。properly adv。适当地,恰当地近义词:suitable adj。合适的,适当的反义词:improper adj.不正确的;不适当的(2019,江苏卷,阅读D)How are we ever going to wi

19、n anything at the InterSchool Athletics without proper training? protect保护用法:常用搭配有protect sb./sth。 from sth。防止发生;protect sb。/sth. against sth。保护免受等。The cover protects the machine from dust。 罩子可以防止灰尘落进机器。Physical exercise can protect you against heart disease. 体育锻炼可以预防心脏病。protection n。保护,方位;protectiv

20、e adj。防护的;protector n。保护者,保护器(2019,山东卷,动词应用)But in protecting himself, he lost control of the bus and a tragedy (悲剧) happened.15. proud自豪的,骄傲的常用搭配有be proud of sth。以为豪;因感到骄傲;proud to do/be sth.为做/成为感到自豪;proud+ that从句.例如:Her parents are very proud of her. 她的父母深以她为荣.I feel very proud to be a part of th

21、e team. 能成为队中的一员我感到十分荣幸.She was proud that the magazine had agreed to publish her story. 那家杂志同意刊登她的小说,她很得意.proudly adv.傲慢地,自负地,洋洋得意地;pride n。骄傲,自豪(感):take pride in sth.以为豪。She took great pride in her appearance。 她对自己的外貌引以为傲.(2019,湖北卷,单项填空)26. She is leaving to take part in the final poem competition

22、.- Im proud of her. I wish her a great 。 speed B. method C. pressure D. success(2019,北京,阅读B)When she showed Dad her new gokart, he nodded with pride。16。 prove证明,证实词形变化:过去式proved,过去分词proved或provenprove sth. to sb.向某人证明某事;prove+ that/wh从句;prove sb. +adj。(比如wrong等)。I know he did it, but I cant prove it

23、 to Mom. 我知道是他干的,不过我没法向妈妈证明。This proves (that) I was right。 这证明我是对的。They say Im too old, but Im going to prove them all wrong. 他们说我太老了,不过我要证明他们全都错了。proof n。证据(2019,江苏卷,阅读C)32。 Why did the writer quote (引用) Jim Rohns words in Paragraph 1? To support the writers opinion. B。 To introduce the writers be

24、st friend。C。 To show Jim Rohns working ability. D。 To prove Jim Rohn is a great person。17. provide提供,供应,供给provide sb。 with sth.=provide sth。 for sb.给某人提供某物We are here to provide a service for the public。 我们来这里是为公众服务。We are here to provide the public with a service。provision n.供应品;provider n.供应者(2019

25、,山东卷,单项填空)17. In the world, more than 30 of schools do not provide safe drinking water _about 570 million children.A. with B. for C. towards18。 public公众;adj.公共的;公众的,大众的;公开的表示“民众,大众,公众”,常用the (general) public形式,如果做主语,其后的谓语动词一般用复数。The palace is now open to the public. 这座宫殿现在向大众开放了.The public have a ri

26、ght to know the truth. 民众有权了解真相。短语in public表示“公开地,当众”,与之相对的是in private。Her husband was always nice to her in public. 她丈夫在公开场合总是对她很好。表示“大众的,公众的”,仅用于名词前,泛指普通人。Pollution from the factory may be a danger to public health. 工厂的污染可能危及大众的健康.表示“公共的,公用的,仅用于名词前,指设施.例如:a public telephone 公用电话;a public library 公

27、共图书馆表示“公开的”,与隐秘相对.例如:Details of the government report have not yet been made public。 政府报告的细节尚未公布。publicly adv。公然地;以公众名义;publicity n。宣传;公开;publiciz(s)e v.宣传,公开private adj.私人的;私下的;(2019年,山东卷,单项填空)3. As middle school students, we follow the public rules wherever we go would B. should C。 might D. could19。 punish惩罚,处罚常用的搭配有punish sb。 for (doing) sth。因(做)某事惩罚某人;punish sb. by doing sth。以某种方式惩罚某人;punish sb. with sth.用惩罚某人。Its unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one student. 因一个同学的行为而惩罚全班是不公平的.My parents decided to punish me by keeping me out. 我的父母决定把我关在外面以示惩戒。My father always punishes

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