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1、城市环境信息系统网络体系基础框架的开发与研究Research and Development of the Basic Frame of City Environmental Information Network System5蒋宏国规划环评中的替代方案研究Study on Alternative Programmes in Planning Environmental Impact Assessment6刘红瑛磁湖底质重金属污染变化趋势分析Analysis of Heavy Mental pollution Trend in Sediment of Cihu Lake in Huangsh

2、i7王丽敏草型湖泊(乌梁素海)氮的循环转化规律的研究Study on the Cycle and Transformation Rule of Nitrogen in the Plant Type Lake-Wuliangsuhai8谌永红含铬、锰酸性废水处理技术探讨Treatment Technologies on Chromium and Manganese Acid Wastewater9袁俊霞我国废旧轮胎的再循环利用Recycle of Disposal Tire in China10何沛锋增强环保意识保护煤矿生产环境Promoting Environmental Awareness,

3、 Protecting the Environment of Coal Industry11杨耀明环保调查取证制度的创新与应用Innovation and Application of Investigation and Evidence Mechanism in Environmental Protection12杨驰宇浅谈地表水中氯化物的污染与防治Preliminary Discussion about the pollution and control of Chloride in Surface Water13李彦文生物传感器在环境污染物检测中的应用Applications of Bi

4、osensor on Environmental Pollutant Detection14连军焦化废水的多污染物评价Multi-pollutants Evaluation of Coke-oven Effluent 15饶世琦试论环境保护与经济发展的辩证关系Discussing Dialectical Relation of Environmental Protection and Economic Development16郑天爽保山市小流域治理中存在的问题及治理方案浅析The problems and the prevention measures of small river basi

5、n control in Baoshan City17苏玉萍从现代饮食谈生态环境A Discussion on the Eco-environment from the View of Modern Diet18魏孔明试论地质灾害与地质环境Discussion on Disaster and Environment of Geology19杨建成白银平川地区大气污染状况及治理措施Status and Control measures of Air Pollution of Pingchuan Region in Baiyin20王勇高吸油树脂在处理含油污水中的应用Applications of

6、 Oil Taking Resin in Treating Oil Containing Wastewater21李之香沧州市放射源现状及防治对策的研究Study on Current Situation and the Prevention Policy of Radioactive Emission Source in Cangzhou22齐孟文城市水体富营养化的生态危害及其防治措施Ecological Impact and Countermeasures of Eutrophication of Water Bodies in City23陈英姿市场失灵的调控对环境资源有效配置的影响Im

7、pact on Effective Allocation of Environmental Resource by the Adjustment in Market Failures 环境科学动态诚征广告本刊诚向广大企业、公司、事业单位等征订广告。价格优惠欢迎来电、来函咨询。环境科学动态04-2题目张天柱循环经济的概念框架Conceptual Framework of Circular Economy彭德姣直链烷基苯磺酸钠对鲤鱼的慢性毒性损伤的酶学诊断Enzyme Diagnosing of Chronic Toxic Injured Degree of Carp by Alkylbenzen

8、e Sulfonate张林霖清洁生产和循环经济是工业可持续发展的必要途径Cleaner Production and Circular Economy: Indispensable Ways of Industrial Sustainable Development陈朝玲北京市建筑固体废物的管理现状及对策Present Status of Management and Measures of Building Solid Waste in Beijing 卢 娜基于VB6的城市烟控区管理信息系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of Management Info

9、rmation System in Urban Districts of Smoke-Dust Control Based on VB6沈后起废水系统的优化管理欧洲COST624研究计划Optimal Management of Wastewater Systemsthe European COST Action 624 Research Plan逄 磊城市生活垃圾的危害及污染综合防治对策Hazards of Urban Refuse and Countermeasures of Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment of Pollution陈颖敏膜分离

10、技术在环保中的应用研究和进展Application Research and Developments of Membrane Separation Technology in Environmental Protection吴晓青环境政策思路形成和选择规律Ideas of Environmental Policy and Rules of Selection林 冰浅谈有机农药的污染和生物防治前景Brief Comments on Pollution of Organic Pesticides and Prospects of Biological Control 吴增茂关于日本城市环境保护的

11、几点思考Some Thoughts to Urban Environmental Protection in Japan 万加连浅析农村环境安全屏障的构建Brief Analysis on Construction of Environmental Safety Defense in Rural Area 范治国企业实施清洁生产效益分析Benefit Analysis of Cleaner Production of Enterprise 张 兴可持续发展的环境法制建设研究Study on Construction of Environmental Legal System on Sustai

12、nable Development孙大光清洁生产审核工作规范化建设研究Study on Establishing Standardization of Cleaner Production Audit邓庭辉论我国环境保护公众参与的法律制度Law System of Public Participation in National Environmental Protection万 红大同农业生态环境现状调查Investigation on the Present Situation of Rural Ecological Environment in Datong郑嘉豪污染物排放总量控制工作实

13、践和探讨Practice and Discussion of Total Amount Control of Disposal of Pollutants 翟金双浅析无公害蔬菜生产环境质量条件选择Brief Analysis on Selecting Conditions of Environmental Quality for Harmless Vegetable Production.章程长阳县清江河段水质现状及治理对策探讨Present Conditions and Control Measures for Water Quality of Qing River in Changyang County潘润泽试论培育绿色产品市场的策略Discussion on Strategies for Developing a Green Market邓大跃汽车内的空气污染(一)Air Pollution () of Inner- Vehicles李 颖国际工程中的环境监理工作的案例分析Case Study of Environmental Supervision on International Cooperative Project

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