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1、Who is taller?A.Jeff.B.Jacks on.C.Tony.12.What sthe matter with John?A.He hurt his leg.B.He hurt his arm.C.He hurt his hand.13.What does Steve usually do at 7:00 in the evening?A.Does his homework.B.Watches TV.C.Does some housework.14.Which woman is Toms aunt?A.The one in red.B.The one in purple.C.T

2、he one in brown.15.Where probably is the man?A.In a bookstore.B.In a restaurant.C.In a clothes storeB.听第一段长对话,根据对话内容回答第16-17小题。对话读两遍。16.What does the man want to drink?A.Milk.B.Tea.C.Juice17.How much does the man pay?A.8 yuan.B.10 yuan.C.18 yuan.C.听第二段长对话,根据对话内容回答第18-20小题,对话读两遍。18.Where does the wom

3、an want to go?A.The hospital.B.The library.C.Jianshe Road.19.How will the woman get there?A.Take a bus.B.By bike.C.On foot.20.How long will it take the woman to go there?A.About 10 minutes.B.About 7 minutes.C.About 8 minutes.(四)短文理解。(5小题,每小题 1 分,共 5分)听一篇短文,根据短文内容,回答第21-25小题。短文读两遍21.What was the date

4、 yesterday?A.June 7, 2019.B.July 7, 2018.C.June 6, 2019.22.How many drago n boats were there in the river?A.5.B.15.C.50.23.Which team won the race at last?A.Courage Team.B.Tiger Team.C.Hope Team24.What did they go to learn to do?A.Draw a picture.B.Make Zon gzi.C.Go boati ng.25.How did they feel at t

5、he end of the day?A.Sad.B.Amazed.C.Tired but excited.(五)听短文,填信息。听一篇短文,根据短文内容补全以下信息,每空填一词,将单词写在答题卡上。My hometow nMy hometow n is Hezhou.Locati ont 26 in the east of Guan gxi.TravelThere are so many well-k nown places of 27 , such as Gupo Mountain, Huan gyaAncient Town and so on.Climate (气t is 28 in su

6、mmer and cold in win ter.Tran sportati onTourists5 trip is pleasa nt and convenient because of several high-speed 29 .Tourists will 30 themselves in Hezhou.二、单项选择从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号在答题卡上涂黑31.Let splay _ basketball after school.A.aB.anC.theD./32.Doing eye exercises is good _our

7、eyes.A.atB.toC.forD.with33.The Hongkon g-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge(港珠澳大桥),_sea-cross in gbridge in the world was opened on October 24,2018.A.longB.the longestC.longerD.longest34.Do you like rock music or country music? _ . I like Beijing Opera.A.EitherB.NoneC.BothD.Neither35.What a new look our city has!Y

8、es. Great changes_since 2008.A.take placeB.took placeC.have taken placeD.are taking place36.The fruit salad_delicious. Id like to have more.A.tastesB.touchesC.soundsD.feels37.Don5t forget to_the lights when you leave the classroom.A.turn onB.turn offC.turn downD.turn up38.The woman wearing a pair of

9、 glasses is_.A.Lily and Lucys motherB.Lilys and LucyC.Lilys mothersD.Lily and Lucy39._she is 3 years old,_ she can dress herself.A.Though; butB.Because; soC.Though; /D.Because;40. What did Mary say to you just now, Alan? She asked_A.if I could go to the museum with her tomorrowB.why I am so sad toda

10、yC.who did I play volleyball with after schoolD.what will I do on the weekend三、完形填空阅读下面短文 ,从各题所给的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中 ,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 ,并将其 字母标号在答题卡上涂黑。Jim and Jack passed by a small house on their way home late at night. They saw thick smoke 41 _out of its windows. Its on fire!, said Jim. We 42_ help.The

11、 two brothers ran along the road shouting, Fire! Fire! They knocked at the 43_of the next house. They asked the neighbors 44_ the police and the firemen. Then they ran back to the house and saw 45 _the window an old lady sitting in an armchair. It was 46_ that she could not move. Jim and Jack tried

12、47_ best to carry her out of the house. Some 48_ came and helped to take some things out.In no time the firemen as well as the policemen arrived. The fire 49_ out. The old lady wasnt hurt 50_ she cried. She thanked Jim, Jack and her neighbors again and again.41. A. come B. came C.42. A. may B. could

13、 C.coming mightD.comes must43. A. desk B. chair C.doorwindow44. A. to tell B. to callC. to findD. to report45. A. in B. across C.underthrough46. A. clear B. clean C.easydifficult47. A. them B. their C.theirsthey48. A. firemen B. policemenC.neighbors D. brothers49. A. is putting B. wasput C.was putti

14、ng D. was putted50. A. but B. and C.or D.until四、阅读理解In vited By CathyPlease join us for a movie in honor of Cathys 8th birthday.Showtime: February 8th at 6:00pm.Address: 32 Renmin RoadTel: .555-3452In vited By BettyYou are invited to Bettys 10th birthday! We will have a movie party! February 18th, 4

15、:00pm.-8: 32 Zhon gsha n Roa 555-3442In vited By TracyCome and join Tracys 11th birthday party! Let s see a movie. February 28th at 7: 32 Gongnong Road 555-354251.Cathy will celebrate her birthday onA.February 10thB.February 18thC.February 8thD.February 28th52.Betty will in vite others to celebrate

16、her birthday.A.seve nthB.eighthC.ninthD.te nth53.You can call Tracy atA.555-3542B.555-3442C.555-3452D.555-3552BAn 11-year-old boy Frank loved to read ghost stories. Every time he paid a visit to the library and got back a horror story. And he liked playing scary tricks on his friends.One day, Fran k

17、s frie nd Pava n asked him to come over to his house after school. Frank played there until very late. He walked along the road in the quiet wood. How dark it was!The n he heard a no ise that came from beh ind. Guess what I can do with my long bony fin gers and my long sharp teeth? It was a huma n v

18、oice.Hearing the terrible voice, Frank started to run, but the terrible voice still went after him.Out of breath, he stopped, n ervous. In a trembli ng 发抖的)voice, he asked, “ Whos there? “But all he heard was the voice say in g: ,Frank started running again. When Frank arrived home, he gathered his

19、last bit of courage and turned to ask, “ Who are you and what can you do with your long bony fin gers and your long sharp teeth?Aha! Frank! Didnt you find that I was running after you all the time? said his dad.Daddy? Ifs you? You mean the voice came from you? But why? asked Frank.Well, I thought I

20、would give you a scare for a cha nge, just like you do to others after read ing one of your stories!M said Fran ks dad.Frank looked at his father for a long time. And then they went inside the house together. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。54.What did Frank like to read?A.Poems.B.Ghost stories.C.Funny st

21、ories.D.Science fictions.55.How did Frank feel when he heard the noise that came from behind?A.Calm.B.Excited.C.Happy.D.Scared.56.Who was the man that followed Frank?A.Franks father.B.A ghost.C.No one.D.His friend.57.What sthe best title of this passage?A.A trembling voice.B.A strict father.C.A scar

22、y night.D.A naughty boy.CIt is not very easy to last a friendship with someone you cannot see or feel. This is the main problem that Internet friendship faces. Without the real communication, it is very difficult to form a friendship that would last forever. And the chances .of cheat are very high i

23、n an Internet friendship. So, while making friends on the Internet, one has to be very careful and follow certain precautions (防范 ).There are some suggestions followed if you are going fbr online friendship.Tips fbr online friendship:Do not disclose (公开)pers onal in formati on to unknown people on t

24、he Intern et, such as yout telephone number, address, location, the jobs of your parents, credit card number etc. If you feel you are cheated, telephone the police at once.Disc onnect (断开)the line if you feel the pers on is tryi ng to know someth ing importa nt about your personal life.Do not disclo

25、se anything about your friends or relatives or other family members.Do not exchange photographs of yours or any family member on the Internet.Do not go to meet a person you have just met on the Internet. Consult elder people or someone who is experienced and if you have to go, take someone reliable

26、with you.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑58.Making a true friend on the Internet is .A.easyB.boringC.necessaryD.difficult59.How many suggestions are there for online friendship?A.Six.B.Four.C.Five.D.Three.60.If you feel the person is trying to know your credit card number, you should .A.keep silenceB.disco

27、nnect the line at onceC.discuss with himD.go to fight with him61.What does the underlined word reliable probably mean in Chinese?A.可信赖的B.虚伪的C.不可信的D.成功的DIn South Korea, many schools hire English teachers from abroad, but as you know, there are not so many English native teachers in South Korea. A tea

28、m of engineers has created a robot that they hope will take the place of foreign teachers.Robots will save schools money. The cost to build a robot and hire a Filipino teacher to work with it is around $20,000 a year. That is about half the cost of supporting a foreign teacher in South Korea. What s more, robot teachers can make students have more fun learning English.The robot teacher is called Engkey. She is about one meter tall and is white, egg-shaped. She takes a screen as her face. She can move around the classroom while speaking to student

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