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1、2.William Langlands “_” is written in the form of a dream vision. A. Kubla Kan B. Piers the PlowmanC. The Dream of John Bull D. Morte dArthur3.In 1066, _ led the Norman army to invade and defeat England.A.Julius Caesar B. Alexander the GreatC.William the Conqueror D. Claudius4._ was the first to be

2、buried in the Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey.A. Keats B. Southey C. Tennyson D. Chaucer5._ composed a long narrative poem named “_” based on Boccaccios poem “Filostrato”.A.Shakespeare, Troilus and CriseydeB.Chaucer, Troilus and CriseydeC.Chaucer, The House of FameD.Chaucer, The Romaunt of the Ros

3、e 6.In the following, which word is not French origin?A. pork B. mutton C. veal D. swine7.The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama. It was _ who first made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.A. Robert Greene B. Edmund Spenser C. Christopher M

4、arlowe D. William Shakespeare8.English Renaissance Period was an age of _.A. prose and novel B. poetry and dramaC. essays and journal D. ballads and songs9.Great popularity was won by John Lylys prose romance _ which gave rise to the term “euphuism”, designating an affected style of court speech.A.

5、Cymbeline B. Venus and AdonisC. The Rape of Lucrece D. Euhpues10.Which one is not the resource of medieval romance?A.adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of Round TableB.Emperor Charlemagne and his peersC.Alexander the Great and matters of RomeD.The Rising of 138111. “When Adam delved and Eve s

6、pan, who was then the gentlemen?”is the sermon of _.A. Wat Tyler B. John Ball C. Langland D. Thomas Malory12.Which statement about Mores “Utopia” is NOT true?A. Book One of “Utopia” is a picture of contemporary England with forcible exposure of the poverty among the laboring classes, the greed and l

7、uxury among the rich, and an eagerness for war on the part of the rulersB. In Book Two we have a sketch of an ideal commonwealth in some unknown ocean, where prosperity is held in common and there is no poverty.C. “Utopia” is Mores masterpiece, written in the form of a conversation between More and

8、Hythloday, a returned voyager. D. As a great thinker, More had pointed out that the root of poverty is the private ownership of the social wealth, so he wished to arouse the people to start a revolutionary movement against the ruling classes, which cost his life. 13. Chaucer is the first great poet

9、who wrote in the English language, and one of his great contributions is the introduction of the rhymed stanza from France, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter- _, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon _.A.alliterative verse, heroic couplet;B.heroic couplet, sonnets;C.heroic couplet,

10、 alliterative verse;D.alexandrine verse, ballads.14.Among various English versions of Bible, which one is the best?A.John Wycliffes Bible;B.William Tyndals Bible;C.The King James Bible;D.Miles Coverdales Bible.15.Among the so-called “university wits”, it is _ that satirized William Shakespeare as “a

11、n upstart crow”.A. Peele B. Marlowe, C. Nash D. Greene16.It is _ that says of Hamlet,“The courtiers, soldiers, scholars, eye, tongue, sword; The expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion, and the mould of form” (.1.)A. Ophelia B. Polonius C. Claudius D. Gertrude17.“Hamlet”, “Othell

12、o”, “King Lear”, and _ are called the four great tragedies.A. “Romeo and Juliet” B. “Antony and Cleopatra”C. “Julius Caesar” D. “Macbath”18.Of many contemporaries and successors of Shakespeare, the most important and well-know was _, who became the first poet laureate in 1616. A. John Dryden B. Samu

13、el JohnsonC. Ben Jonson D. Robert Southey19.In Coleridges “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, the mariner suffers the horror of death, because _. A.he experience a ship wreckB.he is tortured with starvationC.he undergoes much sufferingD.he kills an albatross20._ is the central concern to Blakes conce

14、rn in the “Songs of Innocence”.A. Woman B. PoetryC. Happiness D. Childhood 21.“All is not lost: the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: And what is else not to be overcome?” The above “Excerpt” comes from _. A. Dr. Faustus B. Paradise LostC.

15、 Paradise Regained D. Tamburlaine22.William Wordsworth asserts that poetry originates from _.A.form B. thoughtsC. artistic devices D. emotions23.Alexander Popes An Essay on Criticism is a didactic _. A.allegory B. proseC. poem D. play24. _ wrote twice “Defense of the English People” to reply to the

16、European scholar Salmasius latin pamphlet on accusing the regicide by English people.A.John Milton B. John BunyanC. John Donne D. John Dryden25.“Vanity Fair” in _ “The Pilgrims Progress” was quoted later as the title of a critical realism novel “Vanity Fair” by _.A.Bunyans Walter ScottB.Bunyans Thac

17、keray C.Bunyans Jane AustenD.Bunyans Charles Dickens26. _, the Poet Laureate, and the author of An Essay of Dramatic Poesy, was the forerunner of the English classical school of literature. A.Alexander Pope B. AddisonC. Steele D. John Dryden27.The following proverbial maxims, “For fools rush in wher

18、e angels fear to tread”, “To err is human, to forgive, divine” and “A little learning is a dangerous thing”, are from _ by _.A.An Essay of Dramatic Poesy, John DrydenB.The Rowley Papers, ChattertonC.Essay on Criticism, Alexander PopeD.The Spectator, Addison28.Lilliput, Bobdingnag, Flying Island, and

19、 the country of Houyhnhnms are scenes in _ by _.A.Robinson Crusoe, DefoeB.Gullivers Travels, SwiftC.Roderick Random, SmollettD.Tristram Shandy, Sterne29.In order to criticize the excessive sentimentality and poor ethics in “Pamela” by Richardson, Henry Fielding wrote a novel _.A. “Joseph Andrews” B.

20、 “Jonathan Wild”C. “Tome Jones” D. “Amelia”30.The first English psycho-analytical novel is _.A.“Clarissa Harlowe” B. “Pamela”C. “Sir Charles Grandison” D. “Amelia”31.On the eve of the publication of “Dictionary”,_ letter to Lord Chesterfield declared the independence of English writers, signifying t

21、he end of their reliance on the patronage of noblemen for support. A.Samuel Johnsons B. John MiltonsC. Adam Smiths D. Sheridans32.The Romantic Age began with the publication of “The Lyrical Ballads” which was written by _.A.William WordsworthB.SoutheyC.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD.Wordsworth and Colerid

22、ge33.Which poet below doesnt belong to the Lakers?A.Wordsworth B. KeatsC. Southey D. Coleridge34. Which works have NOT employed the subjects from the Bible?A.Samson Agonistes B. CainC. Prometheus Unbound D. Paradise Lost35. Shelley wrote an elegy _ lamenting the premature death of his fellow poet _.

23、A.Adonais, Keats B. Hellas, ByronC. The Cenci, Hazlitt D. Queen Mab, Leigh Hunt36. “Childe Harolds Pilgrimage” was written in the form of _, while “Don Juan” was written in _. And both were created by a famous romanticist _.A.Ottava rima, Spenserian stanza, ByronB.Ottava rima, Spenserian stanza, She

24、lleyC.Spenserian stanza, Ottava rima, ByronD.Spenserian stanza, Ottava rima, Shelley37.We can find a counterpart of Chinas “Tale of White Serpent” in English literature, _ written by _.A.Lamia, Keats B. Christabel, ColeridgeB.Lamia, Coleridge D. Christabel, Keats38.Albatross in English culture is an

25、 inauspicious symbol, which originates from _, the work of _.A.Kubla Khan, Coleridge B.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, ColeridgeC.Christabel, ColeridgeD.The Preclude, Wordsworth39.“ O my Luve is like a red, red rose,Thats newly sprung in June;O my Luves like the melodies sweetly playd in tune.”The

26、song above is from _ by _.A.“A Red, Red Rose”, William BlakeB.“A Red, Red Rose”, Robert BurnsC.“A Red, Red Rose”, Thomas GrayD.“A Red, Red Rose”, William Cowper40.Elia is the pseudonym of a famous essayist, _, who published “The Essay of Elia” in 1823.A.Hazlitt B. Leigh HuntC. De Quincey D. Charles

27、Lamb41._ is the major theme from the early seventeenth century to the end of the eighteenth century in the history of American literature.A.The Romanticism B. The PuritanismC. The Transcendentalism D. The Sentimentalism42. The first important writer in American literature, _ , who wrote the fascinat

28、ing The Sketch Book with both two of his most famous stories, “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” is regarded as “father of American literature.A.Jonathan Edward B. Benjamin FranklinC. Washington Irving D. Fenimore Cooper43. _ and _ were the two major American poets of the nineteenth century.A.Walt Whitman, Emily DickinsonB.Anne Bradstreet, Edward TaylorC.Roger Williams, Thomas PaineD.Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson44. _ brought the Romantic Period of American literature to an end.A.The Independent WarB.The Civil WarC.New Engl

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