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1、A.likedont like B.likelike C.dont likelike3)I like eating in autumn.A.taros B.mooncakes C.A and B12.Here we are. Lets get (in/off) the bus.It is sunny today. Let (us/is) go out.13.Look at the light. Its the traffic light. It has three colours, red , yellow and green. You can see the red light. Pleas

2、e stop. The light is yellow. You must slow down, wait, wait, wait. The light is green. The car go very fast. You can go. You must walk on the zebra crossing.1)This is a light. It has colours. ,yellow and .2)There are many on the .14.How many ? Two. A. dresses B.dress15.My name is Alice. I am a pupil

3、.My name is Danny. I am a pupil, B.two C.too16.I a new bag. My brother a new bag, too.A.havehas B.hashave C.havehave17. a panda in it?A.There is B.There are C.Is there18.选词填空:is have has cantI a brother. My brother a round face. It red. Hes small. He walk now.19.读句子排顺序:( )I am a girl.( )It can

4、 run fast.( )I am a pupil.( )I am Mary.( )I have a lovely dog.( )It is my good friend.20.There is some (rice,noodles)on the plate.21.We some books.A. look B. want C. can22.This my mother. She a new dress.A. ishas B. isis C. ishave23.How many umbrellas are there?A. There are three. B. They are three.

5、24.你想和同桌一起去踢足球,可以这样说:25.What can you draw? A. Yes, I can draw B. I can draw a rabbit26.May I have a cake?A. OK. Here you are. B. Thanks.27.What colour are the carnations?A. They are red. B. It is red.28.My brother a new bicycle.A. is B. has C. have29.圈出不同类的单词:A. see B. can C. run A. hard B. hear C.

6、touch A. hear B. see C. canA. he B. me C. she D. youA. coat B. smooth C. cold D. hardA. like B. hop C. swim D. kite30.What colour are the oranges?A. Its orange. B. They are orange.31.What colour is the sun?A. red. B. Red.32. and guess. Its soft.A. Open B. Touch33.气球 1. Touch this. Is it soft? A. No,

7、 it isnt.菠萝 2. Touch this. Is it smooth? B. Yes, it 3. Whats it? C. Its a watch.枕头 4. Is it hard? D.No. Its rough.绵羊 5. Is it a bag? E. No.Its soft.34.Here some gifts for you.A. is B. are. 35.根据句意完成句子: the box. Its a watch.36.你饿了,想吃块蛋糕:37.当你要递给别人一件东西的时该说:38.根据提示回答问题:What are they?(斑马) Is it so

8、ft?(不,是硬的) What is it?(长颈鹿) Is it smooth?(不,它是粗糙的) What colour is it?(紫色) 39.Touch the doll. Is it ? Yes, it is.A. hard B. rough C. soft40.按要求写词:mouse(复数) what(同类词) eye(同音字) go(反义词) 41.按要求完成句子:Dont (爬树),please.42.Rabbits carrots?A. likes B. like C. like eat43.What colour the pears? Yellow. A. am B.

9、is C. are44.What do you like eating? . A. Meat B. Meats C. meat45.I can . But I like ?A. skaterun B. skatinghop C. runswimming46.May I have a ? OK.A. the banana B. banana C. bananas47.Do you like skating? Yes, ? A. I like B. I do C. I dont48.What are they? They are . A. an elephant B. grey elephant

10、C. grey49. is the tree? Its green.A. What B. what colour C. What colour50.They are big. They are black and white. They are fat.They are .51.What do you like ?-I like eating .(胡萝卜)-What colour is it?-Its .-Touch it. Is it rough?-No,its .52.Can you skate?-No, I .-What can you do?-I can .(跑步)-Do you sk

11、ipping?-No, I .I like ?(骑自行车)53.What you see? I see a bird.A. can B. / C. do54.I like .(苹果)55.What are they?A. buss B. a bus C. buses56. the lemon, ita sour.A. Taste B. Touch C. Smell57.Come play me.A. forand B. andwith C. withand58.This my classmate. He Tom. He a toy car. A. isisis B. isishas C. is

12、hasis59.May I have orange cakes? A. an B. a C. /60.三块硬手表 61.碰碰这个软的洋娃娃 62.在书桌上画画 63.Danny的生日蛋糕 64.连词成句:is, soft, this, fat, bear 65.Look (atin) the monkey. It (isare) brown. It (likelikes) (bananasgrass). It (havehas) a (longshort) tail. I can (swingjump) in the tree. The monkey is (thinfat). I like

13、it.66.Im seven. I can ride a bicycle .A. on the road B. in the childrens garden C. in the street67.I dont like . A. monkey B. monkeies C. the sheep68.Kitty has (九个软绵绵的洋娃娃)69.My father can (开车)70.Can he (在马路上打篮球)?No, he cant.71.Look at the ball. Its . A. green B. a green C. the green72. do you see? I

14、 see pink. A. What B. What colour C. Who73.How many ? Lets count. A. box B. boxes C. boxs74.What can you ? I can draw a pig. A. draw B. hear C. + white = ; red + blue = ; blue + yellow = 76.看着彩虹 在我窗外 一朵桔黄色的小花 77.What are they? are .(铅笔)78.Is this a clock? No, a (手表)79.Four , please. OK.A.

15、ice-creams B. ice-cream C. an ice-cream80.Do you like to read? Yes, I like . A. / B. reading C. to read81. can you see? I can see black. A. What B. What colour C. what82.How old are you ? A. Im five. B. Im fine.83.Whats this? A. It is a bee. B. Its yellow.84.Peter 想了解Kitty会不会游泳,怎么问你:A. Can she swim?

16、 B. Can you swim?85.你想知道这些球是什么颜色的,你问:A. What colour are they? B. What colour is it?86.连词成句:on some the Draw sweet paper this smooth is touch it bag in likes Tom his bicycle riding outside spring87.Do you like this ? Yes, I like it.(老鼠)88.辨音:( )hot go;( )cake face;( )dress sweater( )coat cold;( )cool

17、 book89.Look ,the light is yellow.A. at B. / C. in90.Let clean the table.A. I B. we C. me91.Look at mouth. Its big. A. / B. the my C. my92.What colour (be) the lights? (it) are purple.93.How many (mouse) can you see? One.94.用适当的介词填空:What do you have summer?Let wait the bus the road.Come ,please.Come

18、 and play me.Today is sunny. Ben and Eddie go to the park. Now they are on the road. They see the red light. They cant go. They wait beside the road. An old man comes. He cant see. He wants to cross the road. Ben and Eddie stop the old man. “You cant cross the road. Please wait.” The old man says, “

19、Thank you.”( )1. Ben and Eddie are in the park. ( )2. An old man can cross the road. ( )3. The light is red. ( )4. Ben and Eddie are good children.95.词组:在公园玩 等火车 看着那彩虹 在那里唱歌 听到轮船 在公园里骑自行车 在窗边 两只纸老鼠 喜欢放风筝 去游泳 在公园骑我的自行车 在公园里放风筝 四季 又晴又热 在冰上溜冰 喜欢吃水果 一件旧毛衣 96.连词成句:a)big this is apple b)Park see pink I bu

20、tterflies the can two in c)a for kite you nice d)is nice no it it isnt e)a is white litter that rabbit f)beside can the what hear you windowg)bird can hear Alice not a h)like I drawing book the a on stari)a you skipping like do rope j)ming hear can the car not k)with can me dance you l)too like I ca

21、rrots eating m)dont salad we like too n)go let swimming us together o)elephant fat is that lovely p)is this your blouse new q)nice for have summer we dresses r)for this T-shirt big me green is 97.按要求写词:you(单) ;meat(复) ;salad(复) ;nice(近) ;is(复) ;do(换字母) ;good(换字母) ;mother(所) ;you(宾) 98.适当形式:1)Do you

22、like (swim)? No, I like (hop).2)Is it (you) bicycle? No, its (I).3)Can you (swim)?I like (swim).4)What colour are the books? (it) are red.5)Can you (draw)? Yes , I can. I like (draw)6)Is this (you)pencil? No , its (I) father.7)How many (mouse) can you see? One .8) (you) name is Peter.9)What do you h

23、ave? I have six (dress).99.选词填空:do can run skipping No Yes1)What do you like doing? I like .2) you like fishing? Yes, I .3)What can you do? I can like a tige.100.完成句子:1)I dont like (菠萝).2)Can you (单脚跳)? Yes , I can.3)My sister (不会游泳).4)They are (黑白相间). They like (吃草).5)They are (又长又滑). They can (在水里游). They are .6)Can you (和我一起跳舞)?Lets (去跳舞) together.101.介词填空:1)Look Alice, listen me.2)Stop ,stop,stop. Stop the road.102.回答问题:What do you need in winter?

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