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1、Where did I go on vacation?What did I do on vacation?2.Free talk:Guide Ss to talk about their own vacation.How was your summer vacation?Where did you go on vacation?Did you do anything special/great?Did you go anywhere interesting/beautiful.?Did you meet anyone interesting?设计意图通过情境设计,从学生身边的问题导入新课,减少

2、难度,从而调动了学生参与课堂教学活动的热情,提高学生的学习积极性。Step 2合作探究出示一些假期活动的图片(见课件),根据问题进行互动交流学习。Step 3 1aMatch the activities with the pictures.(见课件)Step 4Pair workMake conversations about the people in the picture.(1c)Step 5Listening 1b1.Students read the names and guess their activities.(结合1a中的短语)2.Listen to the tape an

3、d number the people in the picture 1-5.3.Check the answers.(见课件)Step 6Listening2a&2b2a.Listen.Where did the people go on vacation? Complete the chart.(见课件)2b.Listen again.Check () Yes,I did or No,I didnt for each question.(见课件)Step 7Pair work2c以小组为单位分角色表演,完成2c。(见课件)加强情景交际,进一步巩固一般过去时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句。Step

4、 8Role-play the conversation2d1.Fast reading:Read 2d and answer the questions.(见课件)(1)Did Helen go anywhere interesting?(2)Did she see anything wonderful?(3)Did Rick do anything special?2.Read carefully and try to grasp the main idea.通过速读和精读,让学生限时掌握对话内容。Step 9 Challenge挑战自我补全对话(见课件)通过此环节,使学生完成2d中的语言

5、目标。Step 10 Summary总结本节课语言知识点(见课件)。梳理本课的知识要点。Step 11HomeworkMake a conversation about what you did last week.Remember the words and phrases in this class.板书设计Section A (1a-2d)重点句型:1.Did you go to Central Park?2.Did you do anything special?3.I went to New York City. 4.Did you go anywhere interesting?课

6、堂练习.根据句意及首字母补全单词1.Where did Jim go on v?2.Where did you go,Gina?I v the museum.3.The boy went to the summer c and he had great fun.4.Did you go to New York City?No,I d.5.My father s at home and w TV yesterday.Keys:1.vacation2.visited3.camp4.didnt5.stayed;watched.句型转换1.I was at school yesterday.(A:改为

7、一般疑问句,并做肯定或否定回答B:改为否定句)A: at school yesterday?Yes,I ./No,I .B:I at school yesterday.2.Lin Tao visited the Great Wall with his parents last year.(A:改为否定句B:改为一般疑问句)Lin Tao the Great Wall with his parents last year. Lin Tao the Great Wall with his parents last year?3.Bob went somewhere interesting on v

8、acation.(改为否定句)Bob interesting on vacation.4.Tara went to the mountains on vacation.(对画线部分提问)Tara on vacation?1.Were you;was;wasnt;wasnt2.didnt visit;Did;visit3.didnt go anywhere4.What did;do 教学反思第二课时Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)something,nothing,everyone,myself,yourself,hen,pig,seem,bored,someone,dia

9、ryhave a good time,buy sth.for sb.,go shopping,of course,in the countryside,keep a diary熟练使用一般过去时和不定代词等知识叙述自己的一次经历和感受。通过小组学习的形式,使学生乐于运用简单的英语知识与他人进行交流,乐于描述过去发生的事情。1.一般过去时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。2.复合不定代词。正确运用一般过去时谈论过去的事件。T:Where did you go on vacation?S:I went to summer camp.Did you do anything special there?Yes

10、,I.Did you buy anything for your parents or friends?Yes,I bought.for./No,I bought nothing.How was/were.?It was/They were.Now class,when we describe some events we did in our vacation,we use simple past tense.Now write the past tense of the verbs.(见课件)通过复习动词的过去式,进一步加深学生对这一时态的记忆与掌握。同时,为下面的grammar学习做好铺

11、垫。Step 2Grammar Focus1.Ask the students to read the sentences and try to translate them into Chinese.2.Work in groups.找出Grammar Focus表格中所列一般过去时疑问句的共同特征。一般过去时疑问句在主语前用助动词did提问,谓语动词用原形3.自主探究找出Grammar Focus表格中所有的不定代词,并按照指代“人”和指代“事物”进行罗列。通过学生的合作探究,进一步总结和巩固一般过去时的疑问句的共同特征。通过自主探究,总结本单元的另一学习重点不定代词。Step 33a1.

12、Students read the words in the box,and know their meanings.2.Students read the conversation and finish the task.4.Read the conversation aloud by the students.5.Underline some phrases and sentence patterns.anything funof coursebuy sth.for sb.anything I likedStep 4 3b1.Read the passage and finish the

13、task.2.Check the answers.(见课件)3.Read the passage aloud by the students.4.Underline some phrases and sentence the countryside feed(fed) some hensbaby pigsseem+表语seem to be+表语seem to doStudents read 3b again and try to answer the following questions.(见课件)1.Where did Mark go on his vacation

14、?2.How was his vacation?3.What was the problem?4.Did anyone seem bored?通过学生的速读和精读,加深对文本的理解,进一步理解不定代词的意义和用法。Step 5 Group work 3cAsk your group questions about their last vacation.Then tell the class your results.(见课件)拓展创新小组合作:讨论3c表格中的问题,然后以组为单位展示自己的学习成果。Example:In our group,everyone ate something in

15、a and xxx read something interesting.Step 6 HomeworkPreview Section B (1a-2e)Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)指代人的不定代词指代物的不定代词anyone, everyone, no one something, anything, everything,someone nothing.用所给动词的适当形式填空1.We (live) in Japan last year.2.Jack (stop) driving the car last Sunday.3.Tom (

16、clean) my room and (study) for the Chinese test last weekend.4.What you (do) last night?5.Last Sunday morning I (play) tennis with my brother.1.lived2.stopped3.cleaned;studied4.did;do5.played1.Lucy did her homework at home.(改为否定句)2.He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(改为一般疑问句)3.She stayed there for

17、 a week.(对画线部分提问)4.There was some orange in the cup.(改为一般疑问句)5.She went to the beach last Sunday.(对画线部分提问)1.Lucy didnt do her homework at home.2.Did he find any meat in the fridge?3.How long did she stay there?4.Was there any orange in the cup?5.Where did she go last Sunday?.单项选择( )1.Tom,supper is r

18、eady.I dont want to eat ,Mum.Im not feeling well.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything( )2. is waiting for you at the gate.He wants to say thanks to you.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody( )3.Mrs.Brown is nice.Every day she tried to cook for me during my stay in Canada.A.something dif

19、ferent B.anything different C.nothing different D.different nothing( )4.The girl had nothing to do in the evening watch TV at home.A.but B.and C.or )5.Jim seems unhappy.Whats wrong with him? B.being be D.was1-5DAAAC教学反思第三课时Section B (1a-2e)enjoyable,activity,decide,try,bird,bicycle,bu

20、ilding,trader,wonder,difference,top,wait,umbrella,wet,below,enough,hungry,as,hillarrive in,decide to do sth.,feel like,in the past,wait for,because of,forget to do sth.1.Where did Lisa go on vacation?2.Did she do anything special there?3.Did she buy anything for her best friend?4.How was/were.?能够使用s

21、kimming和scanning阅读技巧找出文章的主要内容,并完成任务。培养学生的阅读能力和语言表达能力,陶冶情操。一般过去时态的各种句式。Good morning,class.Today we will learn Section B(1a-2e).First,lets review what we learned yesterday.Now lets have a free talk.It was/They were.让学生做到温故知新。Step 21a1.Look at the six pictures.2.Match the words with the pictures.3.Stud

22、ents complete the task in 1b individually.4.Check the answers.(见课件)Step 31bNow class,look at the words in 1a again.Which words do you think describe good things and which ones not.Lets have a try.Try to write words on the left.Write words on the right.Check the answers.(见课件)Step 4 1c & 1d1.Ask stude

23、nts to scan the questions in 1c.2.Play the recording for the first time.And say:Listen to the tape.Lisa is talking about her vacation.Complete the four questions.4.Play the recording a second time.Students complete the task in 1d.5.Correct the answers.(见课件)Step 51eAsk 3 or 4 students to answer quest

24、ions about Lisas vacation.You can begin your questions with:Where did.?What did.?Did she.?How was.?How were.?Step 6Discussion2aAsk the students to discuss the two questions with their partners.(见课件)Step 72bHow about your last vacation?Wonderful.Jane went to Penang on vacation.Do you want to know som

25、ething about her vacation?Scan 2b and try to answer the following two questions.(见课件)提高学生捕捉主要信息的能力。Step 8Group work1.Read the first diary and fill in the chart.(见课件)2.Read Janes second diary and write “T” or “F”.Step 9Pair work2dClass,we have known something about Janes vacation.Work in pairs to com

26、plete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries.I think you can do it.(见课件)让学生充分理解和掌握2b文本。Step 102eImagine Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day.Fill in the blanks in her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.(见课件)1.Write a diary about what you did on your vacation.2.Finish the exercises in this lesson.Section B (1a-2e)2.Did she do

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