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1、at presentat randomat seaat the / in front ofat the age ofat the beginningat the expense ofat the foot ofat the hands ofat the height ofat the latestat the mercy ofat the peak ofat the same timeat the thought ofat the time ofat the top ofat this junctureat timesat war withat workbehind the scenesBYb

2、y (any) chanceby / under the name ofby / with luckby accidentby air /sea /landby all accountsby all meansby any standardby appointmentby birthby checkby coincidenceby courtesy ofby definitionby degreesby designby dint ofby farby forceby handby heartby lawby marriageby means ofby mistakeby my watchby

3、 natureby no meansby oneselfby order ofby process ofby professionby reason ofby requestby rightsby sightby surpriseby the side ofby virtue ofby way ofFORfor / in a good causefor / to the benefit (of)for a (good) reasonfor a changefor certain / surefor fear offor goodfor grantedfor hirefor lack offor

4、 lifefor lovefor my / your, etc. partfor realfor the good offor the sake offor want offrom experiencefrom memoryINin (no) timein / at the forefront ofin / on demandin / out of focusin / out of ones elementin / out of prisonin / out ofseasonin / out of stockin / out of touch (with)in / out of usein /

5、 with difficultyin / within sight (of)in a deep sleepin a flashin a heapin a hurryin a messin a pilein a sensein a temperin abeyancein abundancein accordance within actionin addition toin advancein agonyin agreement within aid ofin all likelihoodin an instantin an uproarin answer toin anticipation o

6、fin arrearsin awe ofin blossomin briefin bulkin cashin characterin charge ofin codein collaboration within combination within comfortin command ofin commonin comparison within compensation forin conclusionin confidencein confinementin confusionin conjunction within connection within consequence ofin

7、 contact within contrast with / toin control ofin convoyin custodyin dangerin debtin declinein defense ofin detailin disgracein disguisein disorderin disputein distressin doubtin due coursein duplicatein earnestin effectin errorin essencein excess ofin exchange forin existencein factin fairness toin

8、 favor ofin fear ofin flamesin flowerin fullin futurein gearin generalin good / bad conditionin good faithin handin harmony (with)in hastein hidingin high spiritsin honor ofin horror (of)in ink / pencilin isolationin its infancyin jeopardyin keeping within laborin league within lengthin line within

9、love within memory ofin mid-airin mindin moderationin mourning (for)in namein officein ones absence / presencein ones spare timein operationin opposition toin originin other wordsin painin Parliamentin particularin personin piecesin place ofin possession ofin povertyin practicein preference toin pre

10、paration forin principlein privatein progressin proportion to / within publicin pursuit ofin quantityin questionin realityin recognition ofin relation toin reply toin reservein residencein respect ofin response toin retrospectin returnin revenge forin reversein ruinsin safetyin sbs interestin sbs op

11、inionin search ofin secretin self-defenseinsettlementofin shortin silencein small changein store forin successionin support ofin suspensein sympathy within tearsin terms ofin terrorin the absence ofin the aftermathin the balancein the case ofin the course ofin the distancein the event ofin the extre

12、mein the eyes ofin the fleshin the form ofin the habit ofin the interests ofin the leadin the light ofin the long runin the makingin the meantimein the midst ofin the mood forin the name ofin the nightin the openin the process ofin the rightin the seclusion ofin the shadein the space ofin the wake o

13、fin the way ofin the wrongin theoryin time forin times ofin townin troublein tune within turmoilin turnin two mindsin twos / threes / tensin uniformin unisonin vainin view ofin voguein wordsOFFof the opinionoff / on dutyoff schooloff dutyoff their rockeroff their medsONon (the) watch (for)on / behin

14、d scheduleon / off the recordon / off the roadon / under oathon / under pain ofon /of the airon /off balanceon a dieton a journey / trip / cruiseon a large / small scaleon a pensionon a regular basison a spreeon account ofon an expeditionon an islandon approvalon averageon bailon behalf ofon boardon

15、 businesson condition thaton crediton displayon edgeon endon fileon fireon footon good termson guardon handon horsebackon impulseon leaveon loanon no accounton occasionon ones (own) termson ones ownon ones own initiativeon orderonpaperon paradeon patrolon principleon purposeon reflectionon remandon

16、saleon second thoughtson showon strikeon suspicion ofon the agendaon the assumptionon the brink ofon the doton the edge ofon the eve ofon the grounds ofon the horizonon the houron the increaseon the jobon the moveon the off-chanceon the outskirtson the part ofon the phoneon the point ofon the runon

17、the strength ofon the stroke ofon the tip ofon the top ofon the understanding thaton the verge ofon the way toon timeon tiptoeon trialvacationOUTout of / in fashionout of / in printout of / in stepout of breathout of contextout of controlout of curiosity / jealousy / love /hatredout of dateout of do

18、orsout of duty out of handout of ideasout of ones mindout of orderout of pityout of placeout of practiceout of reachout of respect forout of sightout of spiteout of stockout of the ordinaryout of the questionout of workthrough no fault ofTOto / on the contraryto an extentto dateto excessto ones asto

19、nishmentto ones creditto ones dismayto sbs faceto the / this dayto the accompaniment ofto the best ofto the detriment ofto the exclusion ofto the fullto the satisfaction ofUNDERunder / in the circumstancesunder ageunder arrestunder considerationunder constructionunder cover ofunder discussionunder l

20、ock and keyunder ones protectionunder ordersunder pressureunder regulationsunder repairunder strainunder stressunder suspicionunder the command ofunder the impression thatunder the influence (of)under the misapprehensionundertreatmentWITHwith / in reference towith / without successwith a view towith

21、 an eye towith regard towith regretwith respect towith the aid ofwith the compliments ofwith the exception ofwith the help ofwith the intention ofWITHINwithin / out of earshotwithin / without reasonwithin graspwithin limitswithin ones budgetwithin ones powerwithin ones rightswithin reach (of)within sitewithin walking / striking distanceWITHOUTwithout (a) doubtwithout a breakwithout a hitchwithout delaywithout exceptionwithout failwithout foundationwithout precedentwithout questionwithout respitewithout warning

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