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1、合作备忘MOU模版中英文对照中英文合作备忘录MOU模版备注:1.此MOU是由我方起草,各条款相对公平,条款约束相对宽松。适用于和外方的一般性合作备忘录签订。2. 如涉及到更深一步的合作,需要添加双方的业绩承诺,时间进度和佣金支付等。3. 中文备注方面都是由我方公司填写;英文备注由外方填写。MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING谅解备忘录BETWEEN_ COMPANY (我方公司)AND(“company name ”(外方公司)) This MOU is entered by and between:- 本MOU由以下各方签署:(1)_(填写我方公司名称), herein a

2、fter _(abbreviation name), a company incorporated under the company laws of Peoples Republic of China, whose Principal Place of Business is _China (填写地址);_公司(以下简称_),为中华人民共和国注册成立的公司,注册地址为_。AND (“company name ”) a company incorporated under the company laws of ; herein after _(abbreviation name),whose

3、 Principal Place of Business is 。_公司(以下简称_),为_(填写外国国名)成立的公司,注册地址为_。(_ and are herein after jointly referred to as the “Parties” and “Party” shall refer to any one of them as the context may require.)(_和 以下统一简称为各方,一方指其中之一。)RECITALS:序言:WHEREAS, _(填写我方公司), is interested in projects related to the techn

4、ologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of the_(填写合作领域) and its relevant fields in the _(填写合作地域)._(填写我方公司),对 相关领域的技术,产品,服务和综合解决方案等项目在_区域内感兴趣。WHEREAS, (“company name ”)have expressed their interest in partnering with_ (填写我方公司)in projects related to the technologies, products, ser

5、vices and total solutions in all links of the power chain and its relevant fields in the scope of (填写外方公司)有意与_在合作范围内的_和相关领域的技术,产品,服务和综合解决方案等项目进行合作。NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree to jointly work together in the construction of the technologies, products, services and total solutions

6、 in all links of the _ (填写合作领域)and other infrastructure development projects in the scope of cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the “Projects”).现各方同意联合致力于合作范围内的所有电力与相关基础设施中技术、产品、服务和综合解决方案的建设(以下简称项目)。Article IPurpose 目的1.The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework of cooperation and facili

7、tate collaboration among the Parties, on a non-exclusive (or exclusive)basis in the Projects. 本MOU的目的为各方在此项目上非排他性(或排他性的,两者选一个)的提供合作框架和促进合作。Article IIAreas of Cooperation合作领域2.1 The Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas of activity: 各方同意在以下领域进行合作:a. The Parties that will undertake to expl

8、ore and develop the market and construction of the Projects in the scope of cooperation with terms to be agreed (including but not limited to any forms of procurement contract for equipment, service or turn-key projects). 双方将在合作范围内的共同开发市场和进行工程建设(包括但不限于任何形式的设备、服务或总包项目的采购合同)b. Create partnership with

9、state owned and/or private the scope of cooperation companies in other strategic sector/s with potential for job creation, poverty reduction and other developmental objectives;与合作范围内的国有或私营企业在其它战略领域,如创造就业,减少贫困,和其他发展性的目的而合作。c. Establishing business contacts with interested and potential Chinese and ot

10、her international companies who are committed to contribute to sustainable development in the scope of cooperation.与有意向的有潜力的在合作范围内的促进可持续发展的中国和其他国际公司建立商业联系。2.2 The Parties agree that this present cooperation is built on mutual trust among the Parties and that none of the Parties shall do any acts tha

11、t undermine the interests of the other Party at all times. Honest and frank disclosures of information of the Projects are required throughout the term of cooperation which is formed of and in relation to this MOU among the Parties. 各方同意目前的合作是基于各方之间的相互信任,各方任何时候都不得做出有损其它方利益的行为.各方在本MOU相关的合作过程中都要诚实坦诚交换

12、信息。Article IIIConsultation and Exchange of Information咨询与信息交换3.1 The Parties shall, on a regular basis, keep each other informed of and consult during the progress and share information of and relating to the Projects truly and accurately.各方应定期就与有关项目有关的信息真实且准确地进行通知、商讨和信息共享。3.2 Consultation and excha

13、nge of information and documents under this Article III shall be without prejudice to arrangements according to which certain information and documents may be required to be maintained confidential and being of restricted character. 本条款下的对信息和文件的商讨和交换均不影响任何关于保密和限制性信息和文件的保密要求。3.3 Each of the Parties s

14、hall at any time that deemed appropriate to request and convene meetings for reporting and/or reviewing the progress of activities being carried out under this present MOU and for planning and implementing future activities.各方应在任何被认为恰当的时候,要求召开会议,汇报和/或回顾根据本MOU所开展活动的进展,并计划和实施未来的活动。3.4 The Parties may

15、invite technical teams to attend meetings with the scope of cooperation government officials for negotiations of the Projects and implementation. Invitations shall be made in reasonable time (with one month prior notice) and take into account of the work schedules of the Parties.各方可以邀请技术团队参加与合作范围内的政

16、府的会议来商讨项目和实施。邀请应提前做好(提前一个月)并要考虑工作日程。Article IVImplementation of the MOU本MOU的实施4.1 In order to implement the specific activities envisioned hereunder, the Parties shall conclude transaction agreements, cost-sharing agreements etc. which shall specify the scope of work and costs or expenses, sales rev

17、enue or profit relating to the activity and how they will to be shared and/or borne by the Parties. The cost-sharing agreements shall specify in detail the expenses need to be invested during the whole process of the Projects, including but not limited to the preparation, operation and finalization

18、of the Projects.为了实施下文约定的具体行动,各方应签订交易协议、费用共担协议等,明确与上述具体行动有关的工作范围、成本、销售收入或利润及其如何分配和承担。成本共担协议应明确项目全程所投入的详细成本,包括但不限于准备、运营直至终止。4.2 The costs of public relations activities relating to this MOU, that are not otherwise addressed by a specific cost-sharing agreement concluded hereunder, will be the respons

19、ibility of each party independently.本MOU下公共关系活动的费用,如果没有签署的协议规定明确哪方承担,应由各方独自承担。4.3 The Parties have no intention to form any partnership, agency or authorized representative relationship among them and no such relationships are to be formed by virtue of this MOU. None of the Parties shall enter into

20、any contract or commitment on behalf of the other Party(ies) The Parties shall be solely responsible for making all payments to and on behalf of its own account, as provided under this MOU and/or cost-sharing agreements concluded hereunder.各方之间无意设立任何合伙、代理或授权代表关系,本MOU不设立上述关系。任何一方均不应代表其他方签署任何合同或作出承诺,只

21、能代表自身支付本MOU项下或成本共担协议项下的款项。4.4 Each Party shall be responsible for its own acts and omissions in connection with this MOU and its implementation.各方应对本MOU和实施中自己的行为或义务负责。Article VUse of Name and Logo etc.名字或商标等的使用5.1 None of the Parties shall use the name, logo, trade names or trademarks of the other P

22、arties or its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates, or any abbreviation of the aforesaid, for whatever purposes and in whatever manners, whether or not it is in connection with its business or otherwise, unless express prior written approval of the other Parties are obtained in each case of use with term

23、s to be agreed.除非按照约定经一方事先书面允许,任何一方不得为任何目的、以任何形式使用其它方和/或其子公司、附属公司的名称、标识、商号或商标,不论该使用行为是否与其自身业务有关。5.2 Both parties acknowledge that they are familiar with dynamic political environment in the scope of cooperation and that none of the Parties shall be associated, whether directly or indirectly and in w

24、hatever manner, with any political or sectarian causes in the scope of cooperation. If any Party did have any such association and/or causes in the scope of cooperation, that Party shall inform the other Parties immediately without delay. The Parties hereby agree that when one Party has any politica

25、l association and/or causes in the scope of cooperation, this shall be a legitimate reason for early termination, without compensation, by the other Parties of this MOU and of all other transaction agreements, cost-sharing agreements etc.双方都熟悉合作范围内的国家的动态政治环境,各方都没有直接或间接或以任何形式,与合作范围内的的政治或宗派事件相关联。如果任何一

26、方有关联,该方应立即通知其他方。各方同意当其中一方与合作范围内的的政治或宗派事件相关联,本MOU的其他方可视为提前终止本MOU、其他贸易协议或成本共担协议等的正当理由,并无赔偿责任。Article VIDuration, Termination, Modification有效期,终止与修改6.1 The proposed cooperation under this MOU is exclusive and shall have duration of an initial period of one (1) year, commencing _(dates) unless early ter

27、mination according to clause 5.2 above or by either Party upon at least two (2) months prior notice in writing to the other Parties. The Parties may agree to extend the term of this MOU for a subsequent period(s) up to three (3) years, unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing.本MOU项下预期的合作应是排他的,最初期

28、限应为1年,自_起,除非根据第5.2条提前终止或任何一方提前至少两个月书面通知终止本MOU。各方可以同意本MOU到期后继续顺延,最多顺延3年,除非各方另行书面约定。6.2 In the event of termination of this MOU, the cost-sharing agreements and project documents concluded pursuant to this MOU shall also be terminated in accordance with the termination provision contained in such agre

29、ements. In such case, the Parties shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the activities carried out under the MOU, the cost-sharing agreements and project documents will be promptly and orderly terminated.如果本MOU终止,根据本MOU签订的成本共担协议和项目文件应同时按照该等协议和文件约定的条款予以终止。在此情形下,各方应采取各种必要措施来确保根据本MOU、成本共担协议和项目文

30、件开展的活动迅速且有序地予以终止。6.3 This MOU shall be amended by mutual agreement in writing and duly executed by the Parties.本MOU应由各方合意以书面形式作出修改并依约履行。Article VIINotices and Addresses通知与地址7.1 All notices or other communications required or permitted to be given pursuant to or in reference to this MOU shall be in w

31、riting and shall be valid and sufficient if delivered or dispatched by registered mail, courier, personal delivery or fax (email NOT accepted) as the case may be, to the Party at the address set forth below in this MOU or as from time to time updated by each Party. Notice given as herein provided shall be deemed to have been served (i) in the case of personal delivery at the time when the notice is left at the addressees address as stated herein below or its last known address; or (ii) in the case of delivery by registered mail or courier on the seventh (7th) day a

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