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新版PEP三年级下册第四单元教案 1Word格式.docx

1、1热身 (Warm-up)2新课展示 (Presentation)3趣味操练 (Practice)(1)Enjoy a song Look at the CD-ROM and enjoy the song together.(2)(1)教师通过找课本的情景,引出并教授单词desk,under和on。T: By the way, where is my English book? I cant find it. Can you help me?Where is my book? On the desk? No. In the desk? No.Oh, look! Its under the de

2、sk. Silly me! ( Teach the words: desk on under ) ( Teach the sentences: Silly me!)Where are your books? Yes, youre good boys and girls. You put things in the right places. (2) 教师通过猜学生铅笔盒中文具的情景,引出并教授与单词in。 Look! I have a pencil box. Whats in the pencil box? Who can guess? Yes, pens, pencils, rulers a

3、nd . (3) 播放动画Lets look at the CD-ROM and try to answer the questions.1 Where is Zhang Pengs pencil box?Its in his desk.2 Where is Zhang Pengs pencil?Its under his book.(4)Listen and sayLook at the CD-ROM and say the dialogue after it together. Then read it in pairs. Who wants to be John/ Zhang Peng

4、?(1)Lets play.Look at the CD-ROM,I ask and you try to answer the questions. Where is my ruler?Ss: Its under the desk. Where is my pen? Its in the pencil box.(2)Lets practice学生拿出自己的铅笔盒,他们可以选择自己喜欢的学习用品,放在铅笔盒或桌子的里面或上面,进行对话:A:Where is my pencil?B:Its in the pencil box.欣赏有关的歌曲,创设英语学习氛围。培养观察力和记忆力。作 业 设 计1

5、、口语型:熟读对话,并尝试背诵。2、基础型: Ex1 and Ex2 . ( 配套练习第23页)板 书 设 计Unit 4 Where is my carin Where is my pencil box?under Its in your desk.on Where is my pencil?desk Its under your book. 教 后 感 悟 Unit 4 Where is my car? 安悦霞 小学 赵冯小学 授课时间:1. 能够听、说、认读on, in, under, chair, desk五个单词。2. 能够在教师提供的语境中,运用这些来简单询问物品的方位并作答。3.

6、 能够在图片的帮助下,听懂指令并做出相应的动作。借助图片,帮助学生学习方位词及句型。培养学生敢于开口,大胆地回答物品所在的位置。能听说认读五个单词in,on,under,chair, desk。能运用句型Whereis.?询问物体的位置并进行回答。能根据指令将物体放在相应的位置,进而初步培养学生的空间意识。(1)Lets enjoy a songLet the class enjoy the song together.(2)Lets chantWheremypencil? Hereitis!(1)Leading-in 教师拿出一支铅笔,问:Whatsthis?学生回答:Itapencil.然

7、后将它放在桌上,问:thepencil ?然后教师接着说:Its on the desk. Todaywelllearnhowtoaskforpositionofsomething.板书课题:car?(2)Lets learnLook at the CD-ROM and learn the new words and the sentences. T: Look at the bird. Where is the bird now?Oh! Its on the top of the house. ( Its in / under the house.)( Teach the words: on

8、 in under) Look at Zip. Its on the desk.( Teach the word and the sentences: deskIts on the desk.)3 What is Zip looking for? A bag? No, a ruler.Where is the ruler? Its under the chair.( Teach the words and the sentences: under chair Its under the chair.)(3) 游戏:奇怪的位置。在讲台上摆放ABC三个盒子,A盒子装着写有人名的卡片(可以是课文中的

9、人名,也可以是班里学生的名字)。B盒子里装着写有方位词的卡片,如in,on,under。C盒子装着写有学过的食物名词的卡片,如an apple,a pencil box,an ice cream,a cat等。三个学生上台,分别从A,B,C三个盒子里抽出一张卡片,然后站在黑板前相应的地方,卡片上的内容即组成一个句子,如John is under an apple。然后请全班把该句读出。(4)Look, read and write播放课件,跟读,书写五个单词:in,on,under,chair, desk(1)Lets do播放本部分动画,学生边听边做相应的动作。教师随意读句子,全体学生做相应

10、的动作。 (2)Ask and answerLook at the picture and I ask and you answer. ( Where is the ? Its the .)通过欣赏歌曲,活跃课堂气氛.。创设一定的情景。运用句子Where is the? Its the. Ex 3 on Page 24 in Activity Books. ( 配套练习第24页)Unit 4 Where is my car?on in under chair desk?Its on / under/ in the Putyourfootunderchair.1.知道元音字母o在单词中的短音发音

11、/ /2.能正确说出元音字母o在单词中的短音发音/ /,并能根据其发音规律拼读学过的语音例词。借助手势教学字母发音,归类识记单词。培养学生认真观察、发现规律的能力。1.元音o的发音,引导学生认识字母有元音和辅音之分。2.掌握元音字母o的短音发音和单词的书写。(1)Lets chant Look at the CD-ROM and lets do after it together. Put your foot under your chair.Put your hand on your chair.(2)Lets playLet the class ask and answer in pair

12、s. (A: Where is my? B: Its on/ in/ under the .)(1)出示四个dog box orange body单词和图片,学生读出单词,找一找共同点。(2)出示含有字母o相同发音的单词。Whats the sound of letter “o”? 引导学生说出元音字母o在单词中的发音。dog box orange body / /(3)放Lets spell部分的录音,学生跟读,拼读。(4)观察单词的拼写,说出共同字母。Which letter isthe same?然后归纳出字母o的短音发音。What is the sound?(5)拆音活动:以dog为例

13、,放慢速度以夸张的口型读出单词:dog,/ / / / / /.Follow me, please.引导学生思考:dog由几个音素组成?( How many sounds do you hear in the word “dog”)分别是什么?(6)讲解语音歌谣,然后跟动画吟唱歌谣。(1) 拆音游戏:学生站在座位上,听老师读单词。单词中有几个音素,几个人就拍几次手。 (2) Lets chant:The dog is on the box.The orange box.See the dog. See the box.See the dog on the orange box.(3) Read

14、 ,listen and numberLet the class read the words. Listen to the CD-ROM and number them.(4)Listen and writeLook at the CD-ROM, listen and write the words.巩固字母o的短音发音。Read the sound and words.Read and copy the words.o / / dog box orange body1.能够听、说、读Where is my? Is it in / on/ under ? Yes, it is. /No, i

15、t isnt. Have a good time!2.能理解对话大意,能用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。养成自己收拾玩具的好习惯。在语境中运用一般疑问句Is it in/on/under?来询问物品所在的位置,并了解回答Yes,it is./No,it isnt. Is it in / on/ under ? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.的运用(1)Lets do Look at the CD-ROM and say the sentences after it together. (2)Lets talk根据讲台上的文具位置,教师与学生用Where is the?Its i

16、n/on/under进行对话。Mike will go outside. Mikes mom are talking with him. Lets see together.(2)播放动画录音,问:What are they looking for? Where is the cap?(3)Listen and read播放Lets talk,让学生跟读,模仿发音,要求自然生动。 (4) Lets practice教师扮演妈妈,全班扮演Mike读对话。全班分成四大组,第一、二组学生扮演妈妈,三和四组扮演Mike。分角色朗读对话。(5)Lets play找文具指定一名学生戴上眼罩,并将他的书或其

17、他文具藏在教师的某个地方。该学生摘掉眼罩后,请他用Is my in/on/under?提问,并猜他的文具在哪里,例如:Is my book on the desk?全班做出相应回答。若问三次还猜不出,则他要问:Where is my ?由全班回答。(1)Lets playLets play the game. Then let the class play in pairs.A: Is it in the desk?B: No, it isnt. Is it under the book? Yes, it is.Etc.学生A蒙着眼睛或趴在桌子上,学生B则把学生A的某一文具藏起来,学生A用 I

18、s it in/on/under?猜文具的位置,有三次猜的机会。(2)Find the missing toysThe toys ae everywhere in Mikes brothers room. Can you find them? Lets talk together. Where is the toy pig? Its under the cap. Where is the toy dog? Its in the toy box.复习学过的形容词:tall-short,fat-thin,为新课做好铺垫,创设英语学习氛围。把小对话读熟练,尝试背诵。cap Where is my c

19、ap?toy Is it in your bag? No, it isnt. box Is it in your toy box? Yes, it is. Have a good time!1.能够听、说、认读cap, ball, car, boat, map等单词。注意告知学生cap是有帽檐的棒球帽,可补充hat。2.能够在图片的帮助下听懂指令并做出相应的动作。借助图片,帮助学生学习新单词。能够听说、认读单词cap,ball,car,boat和map。在语境中运用Is it in/on/under?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.(1)Lets talk:Let the cl

20、ass read the dialogue, then recite it one by猜玩具。 I have a toy box. There are many toys in it. Whats in it? Can you guess? It is a cap/ dog/ duck/ ? Yes. Good. It is a/ an .(1)Lets learn Look at the CD-ROM and learn the words and sentences together.( map cap boat ball car )Look at the CD-ROM

21、again and lets spell them together.Let the class read, spell and write the words for three times.(2)语篇听力练习。Look! Zoom is looking for something. Lets see together.播放动画录音,问:What is Zoom looking for?Where is the boat?Is it in the toy box?播放Lets talk,让学生跟读,模仿发音。全班朗读对话。角色扮演。(指着图片问:We can do a lot with th

22、ese things. What can we do when we are in a boat? Row a boat.What can we do when we are in a car? Drive a car.What can we do with a ball? Bounce a ball.Look at the sentences and say it after me together. Then look at the CD-ROM and say the sentences after it together.Listen ,say and do the actions t

23、ogether. Group 1.Please come and choose a toy from the toy box. Please face the board.When I say OK,you can turn back and guess: Is it in the ? You have 3 chances. Lets go.每组派一位选手背对身去,将本课的ball,car,boat,map四件物品实物分给每组一个,请他们藏好,然后请那位学生转过身去猜物品在哪里,每个人只能猜三次。试着描述自己的玩具所在的位置。( My toy car is in the toy box.)Read the words and copy them. Ex 1,Ex 2 and Ex 3 on Page 25 in Activity Where is my

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