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CR组物流网站可行性报告 修改版 3文档格式.docx

1、1.4 参考资料 References 32 可行性研究的前提 The Premise of The Feasibility(金星 3112101104 Writer: Xing Jin 2102-011-0278) 42.1 要求 Requirements 42.2 目标 goals 52.3 条件、假定和限制 Conditions,Assumption and Restrictions 62.4 进行可行性研究的方法 The Feasibility Method 62.5 评价尺度 Evaluation Scale 73 对现有系统的分析The Analysis of The Existi

2、ng System(叶霆3112101102 Writer: Ting Ye 2102-011-0276) 73.1 处理流程和数据流程 Processes and Data Flow 83.1.1 基本处理流程 basic procedures 83.1.2 处理流程和数据流程Processes and Data Flow 83.2 工作负荷 Workload 83.3 费用开支 Expense 93.4 人员与设备 Members and Equipment 93.5 局限性 Limitations 94 所建议的系统Suggested By The System(李沭 311210120

3、4 Writer: Shu Li 2102-011-0308) 104.1 对所建议系统的说明 The Proposed System Instructions 104.1.1 建议使用的软件Recommend The Use of Software 104.1.2 设计系统的主要目标The Main Goal in The Design of System 104.1.3 系统总体设计The Overall Design of The System 114.1.4 系统的主要模块设计 The Design of The Main Modules 114.1.5 对系统设计的建议The Sys

4、tem Design Proposal 124.1.6 建议的系统对现有系统的改进 The Improvement of The Existing System of The Proposed System 125 其它可供选择的方案 Other Scheme(倪小飞 3112101103 Writer: XiaoFei Ni 2102-011-0277) 135.1 首选的系统方案 Preferred System Scheme 135.2 可选择的系统方案1 Other System Scheme 1 145.3 可选择的系统方案2 Other System Scheme 2 146 投资

5、及效益分析 Investment and Benefit Analysis(杨帆 3112101101 Writer: Fan Yang 2102-011-0275) 156.1 支出 Expenditure 156.1.1 基本建设投资 Investment in Capital Construction 156.1.2 其他一次性支出 Other One-time Expenditures 166.1.3 非一次性支出 Non-one-time Expenditures 16 6.2 收益 Gains 166.2.1 一次性收益 One-off Gain 176.2.2 非一次性收益 No

6、n-one-off Gain 176.2.3 不可定量的收益 Gain on Non-quantitative 176.3 收益/投资比 Income / Investment Ratio 186.4 投资回收周期 Investment Recovery Period 187 社会可行性分析Social Feasibility Analysis(梁永春3112101115 Writer: YongChun Liang 2102-011-0289) 187.1 市场调查分析Market Survey And Analysis 197.2 市场迅速发展Rapid Market Developmen

7、t 217.3 产业规划Industrial Planning 227.4 项目发起人以及发起缘由The Project Sponsor, And A Reason 237.5 社会必要性The Necessity of Social 247.6 法律方面的可行性 The Feasibility of Legal 248 CR小组项目进度表The CR Team Project Schedule(金星 3112101104 Writer: Xing Jin 2102-011-0278) 259 结论 Conclusion(梁永春 3112101115 Writer: YongChun Lian

8、g 2102-011-0289) 261 引言 Introduction (撰写人:张一鑫3112101128 Writer: YiXin Zhang 2102-011-0302)可行性研究的目的顾名思义就是一起研究问题,同时去发现问题,最后在团队的共同努力下以最小的代价在最短的时间里解决问题。在前三周的市场调查与研讨后,本小组对此项目的开发做了详细准确而又客观的总结,初步拟定了系统开发的实现报告,对软件开发中将要面临的各项问题及其最好的解决方案进行初步设计及合理安排。明确开发风险及其所带来的经济效益。本报告经审核后,交给项目经理审查。现代物流作为一种先进的组织方式和管理技术,近几年来我国发展

9、现代物流的积极性和热情被唤醒,各类物流基础设施建设也呈良好势头。物流业也因此成为大中城市的基础产业和支柱产业。可行性研究的目的就是研究如何将自己的信息通过当前先进的技术表现出来。可行性研究是项目决策阶段最重要的工作之一,也是多个方案比较选择的一个过程。本小组开发的项目预期读者为:物流项目经理,系统分析人员,系统设计人员,开发工程师,测试经理以及测试设计人员等。The purpose of the feasibility study suggests that study together, at the same time, to find the problem, the last unde

10、r the joint efforts of the team with the minimum cost in the shortest time to solve the problem. In the market investigation and research before three weeks after the development of this project, the team made a detailed accurate and objective summary, drawn up a tentative report system of developme

11、nt, carries on the preliminary design and reasonable arrangements for the problems of software development will be faced with and the best solution. Clear the de. Clear the development risk and its economic benefits. The report of the audit, review is given to the project manager.Modern logistics as

12、 an advanced organization way and management technology, in recent years Chinas modern logistics development initiative and enthusiasm is aroused; the construction of logistics infrastructure is good momentum. The logistics industry has thus become the basic industries and pillar industries in large

13、 and medium-sized city. The purpose of the feasibility study is the study of how to put their information through the technical performance of the advanced. The feasibility study is one of the most important tasks of the project decision-making stage, it is a process of multiple scheme comparison ch

14、oice.The team developed the project is expected to readers: logistics project manager, systems analysis, system design, development, testing and test design personnel manager.1.1 编写目的 Writing Purpose通过小组成员对物流企业以及顾客的调查了解到,随着市场经济的发展,社会业务的扩大,物流已经是人们日趋必要的一种便利方式,但随着经济与交通的快速发展,物流公司原来的人工操作记录模式已经越来越不能满足公司企业

15、的业务需求。在调查的过程中,小组成员共同决定开发一套系统来满足物流公司的需求,促进公司更好更快的发展。因此,本组的项目就在这种需求下诞生了。The team member on the logistics enterprises and customer survey, along with the development of market economy, the expansion of social services, logistics is a convenient way of people increasingly necessary, but with the rapid d

16、evelopment of economy and transportation, logistics company manual operation the original recording mode has become increasingly unable to meet business needs.In the course of the investigation, the team members decided to develop a system to meet the demand of logistics company, promote the company

17、 better and faster development. Therefore, the project was born in this demand.1.2 背景 Backgrounda.项目名称:物流企业管理系统b.项目提出者:该项目名称是CR小组在第二次会议中共同商讨后确定的。此项目将由小组所有成员共同完成。在项目可行性确定后再进一步确定小组成员所要负责开发的模块。c.项目开发者:金星,扬帆,叶霆,倪小飞,梁永春,李沭,张一鑫d.项目开发单位:“CR”团队e.用户:广大的物流公司 本项目采用浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式,利用java/和SQL Server 2008数据库开发系统开

18、发,与其它数据库软件兼容的数据库语言。本项目可以在Windows XP, Win7系统上运行,具有很大的兼容性。A. project name: management system of logistics enterpriseB. project: the project name is CR team work together in the second session of. This project will be completed by all members of the group. In the project feasibility is determined and t

19、hen further define members of the group to be responsible for the development of the module.C. project developers: Xing Jin, Fan Yang, Ting Ye, XiaoFei Ni, Yangchuan Liang, Li Shu, Yi in ZhangD. project developer: CR teamE. users: physical, the majority of theThis project uses the browser / server (

20、B/S) mode, using java language and SQL Server 2008 database development system, compatible with other database software database language. This project can be in Windows XP, Win7 operating system, has great compatibility.1.3 定义 Definitions专门术语:物流是指利用现代信息技术和设备,将物品从供应地向接受地准备的、及时的、安全的、保质保量的、门到门的合理化 服务模

21、式和先进的服务流程。管理者:物流公司的工作人员消费者:社会大众Jargon: logistics refers to the use of modern information technology and equipment; will to accept goods from supplier to prepare, timely, safe, quality and quantity, door to door rationalization service model and advanced service process.Management: logistics company

22、staffConsumer: the public1.4 参考资料 References1任胜兵,邢彬.软件工程.北京:北京邮电大学出版社,20052王珊,萨师煊.数据库原理.第4版.北京:高等教育出版社,20063梁胜彬,王倩.java程序设计实例教程.清华:清华大学出版社,20114张海藩.软件工程导论.第四版.清华:清华大学出版社,20031 Ren Shengbing XingBin. Software engineering. Beijing: Beijing university of posts and telecommunications publishing house, 2

23、005 2 wang shan, 31 silberschatz. Database principle. 4th edition. Beijing: higher education press, 2006 3 Liang Shengbin, wang qian. Java programming instance tutorial. Tsinghua: tsinghua university press, 2011 4 Zhang Haifan. Introduction to software engineering. The fourth edition. Tsinghua: tsin

24、ghua university press, 20032 可行性研究的前提 The Premise of The Feasibility (撰写人:金星 3112101104 Writer: Xing Jin 2102-011-0278)如今的社会已进入信息社会时代,信息已近受到社会的广泛关注。被看作社会和科学技术发展的三大支柱(材料、能源、信息)。信息是管理的基础,是决策的基本依据。与此同时对信息的需求也不仅仅是局限于电视、报纸或者是广播。可想而知,对信息的需求利用已近进入网络化的阶段。现如今,随着网上购物的疯起,物流的需求量也大大增加。因此,开发相关的物流管理系统是必不可少的。Todays

25、 society has entered the era of information society, information has been widespread concern in society. Regarded as the three pillars of the social and scientific and Technological Development (materials, energy, information). The information is the management foundation, is the basis for decision

26、making. At the same time the need for information is not limited to television, newspapers or radio. One can imagine, the need for information utilization has entered the network stage. Now, with online shopping crazy, logistics demand increases. Therefore, the development of logistics management sy

27、stem is essential.2.1 要求 Requirements进过小组成员近一个月对很多家物流公司的调查,发现,就目前的情况只有大规模的物流公司才有专业的物流网站,并且他们自己的网站也是花钱找人设计或者是租用的,而一些小规模的物流公司或者物流公司代理点大多数并没有自己配套的独立网站,很多时候都是靠自己人力来完成,为了提高管理效率和减少人力管理可能出现的疏漏。我们决定开发一款小型物流管理系统来满足客户的需求。Through investigation of team members, many logistics companies nearly a month of discove

28、ry, the only large-scale logistics companies have professional logistics sites, and their own site also pay for the design or leased, and most small scale logistics company or logistics company agent and do not have their own supporting independent website, most of the time are on their own human to

29、 complete, in order to improve the management efficiency and reduce manpower management possible. We decided to develop a small logistics management system to meet the needs of the customers.功能要求:首先,我们做的是基于B/S结构与SQLServer2000/2005/2008数据库相结合的物流管理系统,由于物流公司工作量大,所以必须方便数据一系列的更新。其次,我们决定开发一个比较新的模块:合同管理。包括

30、合同基本信息、货物信息、费用、参与方、费率、服务、保险等管理。functional requirements: first, we have to do is logistics management system in B/S structure and SQLServer2000/2005/2008 database based on the combination of logistics companies, due to heavy workload, so must be convenient for updating the data of a series of. Second

31、ly, we decided to develop a new module: contract management. Including the basic contract information, goods information, cost, participants, rate, service, insurance management完成时间:预计3个月内完成这个项目。 the project completion time is expected to be completed in 3 months2.2 目标 goals运用信息化管理手段,实现对现有物流库存信息,人员信息和收益等的管理。运用小企业物流管理系统对于物流的管理人员来说,减少了工作的负担,加强了工作的效率。同时还添加了合同管理模块,确保以后的交易将更加的法律化,安全性将会大大的提高。我们会将系统的界面做的清晰、简洁,让管理系统更加规

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