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1、A. boring B. fun C. healthy( )12. Lets have some _. OK. I like fruit.A. eggs B. chicken C. pears ( )13. Sandra doesnt _ running. She only _ playing tennis.A. likes; like B. like; likes C. likes; likes ( )14. Do Mr Clark and Mrs Clark like fruit salad _ dinner?A. for B. in C. to ( )15. Do the brother

2、s like strawberries?_. But I like strawberries very much.A. Yes, we are B. Yes, they do C. No, they dont ( )16. Bill _ soccer, but he doesnt _ basketball. A. like; like B. likes; like C. like;( )17.This is my_. We are in the same class.A.father B.uncle C.classmate( )18.Tony has one _,three_and five_

3、 ball, ping-pong bats, volleyball B. tennis ball, ping-pong bat, volleyball C. tennis ball, ping-pong bats, volleyballs( )19.the boy is healthy. He eats_.A.well B.good C.nice( ) mother likes_TV. C.watchingII.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选

4、项。 My name is Alice. I _21_two brothers. Their _22_ are Peter and Paul. Peter and Paul like _23_, and they eat chicken for lunch every day. But I like vegetables and fruit. Vegetables and fruit are good for my health. I eat_24_every day. So I am healthy. Peter and Paul also_25_ dessert. Their favori

5、te dessert is _26_ . But ice cream is not good for their health. They cant _27_ ice cream every day. My favorite food _28_ apples and tomatoes. I eat apples for _29_every morning and tomatoes for dinner every_30_. ( )21. A. have B. take C. need ( )22. A. sports B. photos C. names ( )23. A. carrots B

6、. pears C. chicken ( )24. A. it B. them C. us ( )25. A. like B. lost C. spell ( )26. A. bananas B. ice cream C. tomatoes ( )27. A. look B. bring C. eat ( )28. A. am B. is C. are ( )29. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( )30. A. morning B. noon C. eveningIII. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)A Bill is an English boy.

7、Here are his meals(饭) for a day. Lets look at what he has for the meals.Meals Time(时间) FoodBreakfast 7:00-7:30 Eggs and applesLunch 11:30-12:30 Hamburgers and broccoliAfternoon tea (下午茶) 15:30-16:00 Cakes (蛋糕) and bananasDinner 18:00-19:00 Chicken and carrots根据表格内容,选择正确选项。( )31. Bill has _ meals a d

8、ay. A. two B. three C. four ( )32. Bill may (可能) have breakfast at _. A. 6:45 B. 7:15 C. 7:40 ( )33. What does Bill have for afternoon tea? A. Eggs and apples. B. Hamburgers and broccoli C. Cakes and bananas. ( )34. At _, Bill can eat vegetables. A. breakfast and lunch B. breakfast and dinner C. lun

9、ch and dinner ( )35. Which of the following is NOT true (下列哪项陈述是错误的)?A. Bill is an English boy. B. Bill has eggs and apples for breakfast. C. Bill doesnt eat meat (肉).BIhaveafriend.HisnameisJohn.Helikessportsverymuch.lovessoccer,basketball,volleyballandbaseball.playsbasketballwell.watchinggamesonTV.

10、everyday.oftensays(说),“Letsplay”.joins(加入)twoclubs:clubbaseballclub.hascollection.twelvetennisrackets,ninebaseballs,threevolleyballs,fourbasketballsonesoccerball.()36.Myfriend_A.B.C.Aand B)37.Howdoeshebasketball?OkVerywellC.Good)38.Doesday?AYes,BNo,doesntC)39.Ismember(成员)ofclub?isnt)40.manytools(工具)

11、have?101829CJackeggs,bananasapplesSoday,heeggs,oneapple,acup(杯)milksomebreadforbreakfastButlunch,hebananas,somechickenvegetablesAnddinner,hetomatoes,Frenchfriesicecreamsisterdessert、 orangesapplesSheoften(经常)hamburgers,oneappleherbreakfastShetomatoes,saladfishlunchFordinner,shestrawberrieschicken )4

12、1.Whathisbreakfast? ASomebreadBBananas,oneeggcupmilkCOneapple,twoeggs,some )42_dessert,orangesAJackBJacksmotherCJacks)43JackdinnerA.tomatoesBFrenchcream )44Jack_but_.A.forbreakfast;dinnerB.forlunch; Cdinner;lunch )45.Which oneright(正确的)? AJackdessert,butlikeB.Jackvegetables,them,too C.Jackeggsbreakf

13、ast,buteggD My name is Dave. I have three good friends, Jack, Tom and Jim. Jack, Tom, Jim and I like different (不同的) food for breakfast. Jack likes cakes, Tom likes fruit, Jim likes eggs and I like vegetables. We all (都) like hamburgers for lunch. We eat hamburgers for lunch every day. Jack, Tom and

14、 I also like French fries, but Jim doesnt like them. For dinner, I dont like chicken. But Jack, Tom and Jim do. They all think chicken is very delicious (美味的).根据短文内容,回答下列问题。46. How many (几个) good friends does Dave have?_47. Who likes fruit for breakfast?48. What do Dave and his good friends all like

15、 for lunch?49. Does Jim like French fries?50. What doesnt Dave like for dinner?VI. 按要求完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)51. Sandra has a nice bag. (改为否定句) Sandra _ _ a nice bag.52. Do you have two bats? (改为肯定句) _ _ two bats.53. Do Ken and Rice have soccer balls?(作肯定回答) Yes, _ _.54. I have a nice watch. (用Lisa替换I) _ _

16、 a nice watch.55. I play soccer. (改为否定句) _ _ play soccer.按要求改写句子(10分)56.LindaTomFrenchfries.(改成否定句)They_57.Does(否定回答)_,_.58.Shelunch.(变肯定句)She59.Myteacherbasketball.(改一般疑问句)_your_60.Wevolleyball.(变成由Let开头的祈使句)_VII.书面表达(共10分) 请向你的英国笔友安娜(Anna)介绍你的同学张明一日三餐和拥有的运动用品的情况。请根据下面的中文提示给她写一封回信。 早餐鸡蛋、牛奶和香蕉,午餐米饭、

17、鸡肉、胡萝卜,晚餐、西红柿和沙拉。 5个网球,6个棒球,1个篮球,没有乒乓球。5,6单元测试题答案单项选择:1-5:CABCC6-10:ACCBB11-15:CCBAC16-20:BCCAC完形填空:21-25ACCBA26-30BCBAC阅读理解31-35CBCCC36-40CBACC41-45CCCBB46. Three. 47. Tom. 48. Hamburgers. 49. No, he doesnt. 50. Chicken. 完成句子:51. doesnt have 52. I have 53.they do 54. Lisa has 55. I dont 56.dont like 57. No,he doesnt 58.has 59.Does play 60.Lets play

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