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1、重点难点:预习作业:1.预习并跟读p6-7页单词和课文,直到会读为止2.复习句型 Welcome to our/my school/farm. Nice to meet/see you.Step 1 Greeting and free talk1.Enjoy a rhyme: Lets learn(学生二年级学过这首小诗,通过课前欣赏,激起学生记忆里的知识:We learn Maths, one, two, three.We learn English, Aa, Bb, Cc.We learn Music , Do, re, mi.We learn Art, draw you and me.)

2、2.Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Wu. How are you? Im fine,/ well/good Nice to see you. (表示再次见面,meet表示初次见面)出示句子:Nice to see you.提示学生回答:Nice to see you too.渗透本课的教学目标33.PresentationT:Where are you now? We are/Im at school.(出示We are/Im at,提示学生用at)出示学校图片:our school Were at

3、 school. This is our school.读词组: Do you like our school? Yes, I do./No, I dont.Welcome back to school.语音渗透:bag duck back(Welcome to的句型学生在三年级中Welcome to my farm.中接触过了,因此难度有所降低) We are learning English now.出示单词:English,并且教读What subject is it?Its English.出示subject,并且教读 Today well talk about our subject

4、s.出示课题:Unit 1 Our school subjects Step 2 Presentation 1.Watch and answer这一部分教学内容:单词新授:timetable,English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, science句型新授:What subjects?出示课文插图This is Miss Li. Heres a timetable.出示单词,并且板书:timetable 课程表,时间表time+table+=timetableTimetableEnglishACM1M2PS黑板出示翻板What subjects do t

5、hey have?They have English看动画,寻找问题的答案在黑板上的翻板上翻,并且学习新单词例如:Can you find them out?学生翻单词板A: ArtWhat subjetc is it?Its Art.出示单词 bar market park /a:/What subjects do they have?They have English and Art.Good. Who can try now? What subject is it?P:PEIts PE.They have English, Art and PE.同法教授单词:Chines

6、e ScienceMaths mangoMusic Toy Museum总结: Can you read them?拼读单词:English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, scienceThey are all subjects.What subjects do they have?They have 2.Listen and choose教授内容:funWhat subjetcs do you like? I like What subjects do I like?You likeWhat about me? You like Its听录音,完成问题的回

7、答提示内容Can you answer the question now?学生回答问题,并且全班读句子,加深对新知的印象教读新词:fun 乐趣,快乐un under uncle fun3.Read and answerWhat about Mike.What subjetcs does he like? What subject is it now?出示learning tip:Underline the sentences.你是怎么知道的?请把线索用直线划出来。给学生时间自读课文,找出问题的答案Please read Story time by yourself.And try to und

8、erline the sentences.Me too. Its time for PE.Mike likes Chinese and Maths.Its PE now.Good.The students are going to the playground now.出示单词,并且拼读:Lets go to the playground.I can say: What can you say?Lets go to the zoo/park/We can :play basketball/football4.Read after the tape跟录音朗读,并且强调语音语调Now lets t

9、ry to read after the tape.逐句跟读,注意语音语调。以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。Now,show your beautiful voice to your partners .You can read in roles read after one read together and so onLets go!Lets actPlease stop reading.Its show time now.Lets dub for the cartoon.Who want to beLets begin.两组分角色全班分角色 Step 3 Consolidat

10、ion1.看图完成课文句子填空例如:Check the answers.2.Do a surveyFinish it in groups2.Finish your timetable把学生的课表中本课的新单词空着,让学生完成课程表。Ask and answerI like(通过这一环节,帮助学生复习本课的重点以及难点内容,也让学生进行小组活动相互合作学习,培养学生的合作精神,提高学生的学习兴趣。)Step 4 HomeworkRecite Story time教后反思: 第二课时(Fun time& Cartoon time)1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:3.能

11、听懂、会说、会读句型:以及回答I like4.能初步理解句型:5.培养学生的合作精神,提高英语学习兴趣6.欣赏卡通4.培养学生的合作精神,提高英语学习兴趣5. 能初步理解句型:1.小组合作做好p8的表格调查 2.预习Cartoon time1.Greeting Good morning, class. Where are you now? Were in class.I have a book. What do you have?I have Do you have any? How manydo you have?I like dogs. What do you like? What sub

12、jects do you have? We have What subjects do you like? What about ?(通过free talk 环节复习与本课相关的句型,为接下来的学习做好铺垫)Step 2 Warming up1.单词复习(提醒学生注意学科首字母大写)游戏:一句话游戏规则:用一句话来描述,让其他学生来猜是什么学科。Im Mike. I can play basketball in class.Its ( PE ).I like it very much./Its fun.2.Story time出示课题,读课题。Lets open the books ,and

13、turn to Unit 1. Now, lets try to read it again.1)Read after the tape注意语音语调的纠正(2)Read together(3)Act it.让学生脱离书本,配上自己动作和表情把书本的对话分角色表演出来。Step 3 Fun time You know more about subjects now. Can you ask your friends? Try to finish Fun time.1.Finish the form in class.S1:S2:I like English and Art.2.Check it.

14、-Ask and answer(通过这一部分的问答练习,帮助学生再次复习单词及句型,达到本课的教学目标1、2、3)Step 4 Cartoon1.Watch the cartoon. Well done. Lets have a rest. Its time for cartoon.What lessons do Bobby and Billy have on Monday?教读单词:lesson教读单词:Mondaymonkey day -Monday 星期一 on MondayThey have Lets watch the cartoon. And try to find the ans

15、wer.Answer: They have Music and Maths.2.True or false.小组活动:小组一起阅读,判断对错,在对话中划出线索。 Now, you can read in groups ,and try to judge the sentences. You can underline the sentences.(1)Billy likes Music.对:I like Music.(2)They have PE and Chinese this afternoon.错:What lessons do we have this afternoon, Sam?

16、We have PE and Science.(3)Sam doesnt like PE.I like PE. Its fun.3.理解文中最后一句话But I dont like that.3.理解课文逐图讲解出示课文图片(1)理解词组this morning, this afternoon, this evening(2)渗透lesson 和subject的区别4.Read- Cartoon time(1) Read after the tape注意语音语调(2)Read by yourself(3)角色扮演Step 5 Consolidation让学生讨论自己班级的星期一课程表例句:Lo

17、ok at our timetable.What lessons do you have this morning/afternoon?We haveIts fun.Step 6 Homework1.背诵Cartoon time分层作业:1. 完成课课练习的所有题目2.完成课课练习的翻译词组、选择题目。第三课时(Sound time& Rhyme time)1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:2.能能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:4.能会读小诗:教学重难点:同上1.预习音标; 2.预习跟读小诗及韵律儿歌2.Say a rhymeLets learn3.Free talk What lesso

18、ns do you have this morning/afternoon?Step 2 Reading time1.Story time2.Cartoon time注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵Step 3 Sound time1.Magic eyes快速闪现单词,词组Chinese, English, Science, Art, like Music, have Maths and PE, dont skate, make a cake出示词组dont skate, make a cakeskate, make, cake让学生读单词,体会字母Aa的发音/ei/I can say /ei/

19、, /ei/, cake. What can you say?让学生归纳以前所学单词中字母Aa的发音/ei/ ow to read this word?出示Kate /keit/2.Sound timeI have a rhyme for you.Kate, Kate, dont skate.Come and make a cake.注意语音语调,以及节奏Step 4 Rhyme time1.Enjoy a rhyme2.Fill in the blanksMusic, Music, they like Music.Chinese, Chinese, you like Chinese.Engl

20、ish, English, we all like English.3.Make a new rhyme小组活动,创作一个新的小诗Learning tip: Change some words of the rhyme.See page 58 .Step5. Homework完成课课练习。第四课时(Checkout time& Ticking time)3.完成补充练习,以及部分课时课练习拼背Unit1 词汇表上单词。2.Say a rhyme SubjectsStep 3 Checkout timeThink and write You know more about our subject

21、s. Can you write something about your school subjects?完成My school subjects学生在完成前,提醒学生书写规范,“第三条线”写法。有个别课程学生不会的,老师可以提前出示,例如班会课。at school在学校拓展:at the market/zoo/snack barI like否定句式I dont like=I do not likeStep 4 Exercise1.补充习题A Listen and circle让学生先说说每道题目中两幅图分别是什么学科,再听录音B Listen and tick让学生先观察图片,说说看到的人物和学科,然后再听录音2. 课时课练习

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