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1、to affix ones signature to 签字to put signature to 签字to stamp on a contract 在合同上盖印章 to affix ones seal to a contract to seal a contract 索取合同草案Dear Ms. Jones:Thank you for your letter of September 15 regarding price reduction. Although your reply was not completely in line with1) our requirements, we h

2、ave decided to agree to your proposal. We are pleased to order 2,000 bottles of Valley White Wine at eight U.S. dollars per bottle. Although you do not mention in your quotation anything about the type of contract, we take it that2) you have a standard purchase contract. Please fax us your proposed

3、draft contract3) as soon as possible for our examination. Yours sincerely, 简要翻译 谢谢你方9月15日关于降价的来信。虽然你们的回复没有完全满足我们所提的要求,我们还是决定接受你们的提议。我们很乐意以每瓶8美金的价格订购2000瓶千里红白葡萄酒。由于你方的报价单上未提到任何类型的合同书,我们就视为是你们有标准的购货合同。请尽快传真你方的合同草案以便我们审查。Useful Sentences 1. We will accept your proposal subject to4) our company presiden

4、ts approval. 我们会接受经过我公司董事长批准的你们的提议。2. With your generous price reduction, we will do our utmost to promote your products in our market. 你方给予的优惠低价,我方会尽所能在我们市场上推销你们的产品。3. Thank you for your acceptance of our request for a price reduction. We are now able to confirm our order for fifty units. 谢谢你方接受我方降

5、价的请求,现在我们可以确认订购50组。4. After having compared the price of your commodities with other companies1. in line with 与一致 2. We take it that 我们认为是 3. draft contract 合同草案 original draft 原始草稿 final draft 最终草稿 write draw up a draft 撰写草案 4. subject to ph. 以为条件;容易遭受 邮寄合同草案Dear Mr. Levinson, Thank you for your le

6、tter of September 1 confirming your order for two hundred units of Legend laptop computers. We are pleased to confirm acceptance of your order and we have attached a set of terms and conditions1) to ensure2) the process goes smoothly. We have also attached our draft contract for your perusal3). If,

7、after reviewing the draft, you have any questions or require clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. Zhang Hong Agreed Terms and Conditions (1) Item: Legend laptop computers. (2) Specifications: As Specification No. PL-25.(3) Quantity: 200 units. (4) Price (C.I.F. New York): US$ 800.00

8、per unit. (5) Payment Terms: L/C4) at sight.(6) Packing: Our standard export packing. (7) Shipment: Within 1 week after receipt of L/C, which shall be opened on or before September 28, 2001.谢谢你们9月1日的来信确认订购联想手提电脑 200台。我们很高兴收到你们的订单,并且附上了一套条款保证顺利进行。随函还附上合同草案供你参阅。如果看完草案后有什么问题或者需要说明的地方,请务必与我们联系。议定合同条款:(1

9、) 品名:联想手提电脑(2) 规格:参照No. PL-25的规格。(3) 数量:200 套。(4) 价格(纽约到岸价):每套800美金。(5) 付款方式:即期信用证(6) 包装:标准出口包装。(7) 装运:收到信用证后的一个星期内,信用证需要在2001年9月28日或之前开出。1. We hope that the enclosed draft contract will be acceptable to you and we look forward to receiving your confirmation. 我们希望你们可以接受附上的合同草案,期盼收到你们的确认通知。2. Please

10、review the attached draft contract and let us know your acceptance or comments, if any. 请仔细阅读附上的合同草案,如果有什么意见或者接受与否,请告诉我们。3. We have set out below the terms and conditions under which we can offer you the item for sale. 我们已经列出以下我们可以出售这一产品的条款。1. terms and conditions 条件,条款 2. ensure (that) vt. 保证,担保 3.

11、 perusal n. 阅读,浏览,翻阅 4. L/C (=letter of credit) 信用证要求修改合同Dear Mr. Zhang, Thank you for your letter of September 1 with the attached terms and conditions and the enclosed draft contract. Due to internal procedure, we will not be able to have the L/C opened in September, and we must solicit1) your agr

12、eement to extend our L/C opening deadline from September 30 to October 30. All the other parts of your draft contract are acceptable to us. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. 谢谢你们9月1日的来信及其附加的条款与合同草案。鉴于内部过程的原因,9月份我们不能开立信用证,希望你们能将信用证的有效期

13、从9月30日延至10月30日。合同草案的其它部分我们都可以接受。不便之处深表歉意,并先谢谢你们的谅解与合作。1. We enclose your draft proposal2) marked with our comments. 我们附上已经注有我们评论的建议草案。2. Im afraid that your companys contract format is not acceptable to us, so we will fax you our contract format for use this time. 恐怕你公司的合同格式不符合我们的要求,所以这次我们将会把我们的合同格式

14、传真给你们使用。3. Please mail us the contract without delay3) so that we can countersign it and have a L/C opened on or before September 30. 请尽快将合同寄给我们,以便我们回签,并请在9月30日或之前开立信用证。4. We now await your sending of the original contract signed4) by you for our countersignature. 现在我们在等你们签完原始合同后寄给我们回签。5. We have go

15、ne through your draft and have found everything to be in order5) and acceptable to us. 我们看过了你们的草案,发现一切都准确无误,我们同意接受。1. solicit vt. ( = request earnestly) 恳求,请求 2. draft proposal 建议草案 3. without delay 立即 4. sign vt. 签字,署名 signature n. 署名 countersign n. 连署,副署;回签 countersignature n. 连署 5. in order ph. 按

16、顺序的,适当的 达成一致Dear Mr. Levinson, In reply to1) your letter dated today regarding extension of the L/C opening deadline, as a compromise2), we can agree to an extension to October 5, 2001. We believe your bank will have sufficient time3) to open the L/C for your company if the deadline is October 5. Re

17、gards, 关于延长信用证开证最后期限的回复:折衷一下,我们同意将最后期限延至2001年10月5日。我们相信如果最后期限是10月5日,你方银行将会有足够的时间来开立信用证。1. We fully understand the situation at your end4) and are willing to accommodate5) your request. 我们完全理解贵方的处境,并愿意满足你们的要求。2. Although we cannot consent to your request to extend the shipping date to October 15, as

18、a compromise we can agree to an extension to September 25. 虽然我们不能同意你们将装船日期延至10月15日的要求,权衡之下我们同意将其延至9月25日。3. We have no choice but to accept your request for the change in shipment date. 没办法我们只好接受你们装运期改变的要求。4. We fail to understand why you bring up the subject now since both parties agreed on all the

19、terms and conditions three weeks ago. 既然三个星期以前双方都同意了所有这些条款,我们不理解你方为什么现在又提出这个话题。5. To our regret, we are unable to agree to your new proposal at this stage. 很遗憾,这个时期我们不能同意你方的新提议。1. in reply to 作为答复 2. compromise n. 妥协,和解,让步 meet halfway / meet in the middle 妥协,让步 We met halfway in terms of the deadli

20、ne. (在最后期限问题上,我们各让步一半。) 3. sufficient time 充足的时间 4. at your end 在贵方 5. accommodate vt. 调和,使和解 accommodate different opinions 接纳不同意见 寄回已签合同Thank you for your letter of September 20 and the enclosed contract. We hereby return the contract duly1) signed by us. We are very happy to have entered into a b

21、usiness relationship with your esteemed company and we hope this is only the beginning of a long association. Please be advised that we have already made an application to our bank for opening the L/C for the transaction. Upon your receipt of the L/C, please start shipment procedures and advise us o

22、f the details. 谢谢你9月20日的来信以及附上的合同。在此我们将我们正式签署过的合同寄回给你们。我们很高兴和你们这样有声望的公司建立生意伙伴关系,我们希望这只是一个长期协作的开始。这次交易我们已经向我方银行申请了开办信用证。请在收到信用证时,即予以办理装运手续,并告知我们具体情况。1. Today we mailed back to you the original contract duly executed by our company. Please acknowledge receipt. 今天我们已将由我们公司正式签署过的原始合同寄回给你们了。请查收。2. Under

23、separate cover2) we have sent you two copies of the original contract signed by us. Upon receipt please have them signed and return one copy to us at your earliest convenience. 我们已经将两份由我公司签署过的原始合同分开寄给了你们。收到后请尽快签名并寄回一份给我们。3. We are pleased to enclose the contract in duplicate, already signed by us, f

24、or your execution. 我们已将签署好的合同一式两份寄给你们,以便你们执行。4. We have found a clerical mistake3) in Clause 8 on page 14 of the contract. We have made a correction4) by hand and initialed it. We return the two original copies for your initials. Please return one copy to us. 我们发现合同的第14页第八条款有一个笔误,我们已经手写改过,并签上了姓名的首字母

25、。我们把这两份原始合同寄回,供你签上姓名的首字母。请回寄一份给我们。1. duly ad. 正式地,适当地 2. under separate cover 另寄,分开袋装 3. clerical mistake 笔误 4. correction n. 修改,校正 correct vt. 改正,矫正 Some kind of correction will be made. (还是会做一些校正的。)取消合同Gentlemen / Ladies:We refer to our letter of October 1, 2001 urging you to have a L/C opened in

26、our favor1). Unfortunately we have not received your L/C which, by agreement, should have been opened by September 1, and fifteen days have gone since then. Under the circumstances we cannot help concluding that you do not intend to honor the contract2). Therefore, in accordance with Article V of th

27、e contract, which enables us to cancel the contract3) since your L/C was not opened by the deadline, you are hereby notified that we are canceling the contract, effective4) immediately. Furthermore, we reserve the right to claim any losses or damages to us arising out of the cancellation of the cont

28、ract due to your default5). 我们在2001年10月1日的信里曾催促过贵方以我方为受益人开出信用证。遗憾的是,我们迟迟未收到按协议规定应该在9月1日开出的信用证,而此之后的十五天也过去了。在这种情况下,我们不能不认为,你方没有打算履行合同。因此,根据合同的V条款,既然贵方没有在最后期限之前开出信用证,我们可以取消合同。所以在此特别申明我们正取消合同,并且立即生效。此外,我们还要求保留有由于你方的不履行而取消合同所带来的损失的索赔权利。1. We are entitled to cancel the contract with no penalty if our boards approval is not obtained within 20 business days after signing of

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