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1、似乎不存在经济上的问题。(5).Theres sure to be a well somewhere nearby.附近肯定有一口井。(6). Theres likely to be a large audience in the theatre.剧院里可能有大量的观众。3. There be结构中的be用其他动词来代替 为了表达生动,在正式文体或文学作品中,可用表示状态、发生、位置转移等意义的其他动词来代替动词be。常这样用的动词有:live, lie, stand, remain, exist, occur, arise, rise, follow, come, enter, reach等

2、。(7). There exist many ancient temples of this kind on the shores of the Mediterranean.在地中海沿岸地带,有许多这样的古庙。(8). Not long after this, there rose a sudden revolution.此后不久,突然爆发了一场革命。(9). Suddenly there entereda strange figure dressed all in black.突然进来一个浑身穿黑的陌生人。 注意:have一词虽与 there be结构在意义上有类似之处,但 have不能用来

3、代替本结构中的 be,因此这个说法是不可取的:*Theres going to have a meeting next week.4.带有从句的there be结构 There be结构的主语后通常可以有一个定语从句来限制,还可以跟一个同位语从句。这个结构也可以带有一个状语从句,状语从句的位置可前可后。(10). There is nothing that does not contain contradiction.没有不包含矛盾的事物。(定语从句)(11). There came the news that the President had been assassinated.传来消息说

4、总统被暗杀了。(同位语从句)(12). There ought to be some instructions on the lid, if Im not mistaken.如果我没搞错的话,盖子上应该有说明的。(后置状语从句)(13).If the criminal had come this way,there would have been footprints.如果罪犯往这边来过,那就会有脚印的。(前置状语从句)5.用在从句中的there be结构 There be结构用在从句中可以作主语、宾语、定语、状语、表语和同位语等。(14). It is reported that there

5、 are a number of wounded on both sides.据报道,双方都有一些伤情。(主语从句)(15). They said there were quite a number of very valuable jewels stolen.他们说有许多价值连城的珠宝被盗。(宾语从句)(16). Such wind as there was came up the river.当时起的这种风沿江刮了上来。(17). Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竞成。(状语从句)(18). The problem is that th

6、eres too much difficulty in fulfilling the task.问题是要完成这个任务困难太大。(表语从句)(19). The factthat there occurred another accident surprised us all.又出了一起事故,这个事实使我们大家都很吃惊。6. There be的被动语态形式 There be结构可以用被动语态形式来表达,这时表示“存在”的实意动词be变成了助动词,过去分词与其后的主语有被动的主谓关系。(20). There are now published millions of books every year

7、 in China.现在中国每年出版上百万册书。(21). In the distance there was heard again the lowing of the cattle.远处又传来牛群的哞哞声。(22). There are said to have been discovered on the very spot the remains of an ancient civilization.摘要:本文主要通过动词形式、主语形式、从句、倒装、省略以及主谓一致等方面,详细介绍了应予以注意的there be结构的各种特例。关键词:There be结构;从句;倒装;省略there后接

8、动词be的各种时态,然后是主语,再后常有附加短语表达时间或地点,其中there是引导词,没有实在意义,常弱读为 。但在学习和实践中,经常会遇到此结构的一些特例,应该予以特别注意。(20). There arenowpublishedmillions of books every year in China.(21). In the distance there was heardagain the lowing of the cattle.据说正是在这个地点发现了古代文明的遗址。7.主语表示特指的there be结构 There be结构中的主语一般用名词或不定代词表示不确定的事物。但要求特别

9、提及某人或某事物的存在时,可表示特指。这时的主语可以是专有名词、人称代词,也可以由定冠词和物主代词来修饰名词。(23). Then theres Mrs. Greenshe must be invited to the wedding.还有格林太太必须邀请她参加婚礼。(专有名词)(24). There were onlywe twoleft to continue the fierce fight against the enemy.只剩下我们两人继续同敌人进行激烈的战斗。(人称代词)(25). Many young people are taking radio courses in Eng

10、lish. There isthe boynext door, for example.许多年轻人在学广播英语课程,例如隔壁的那个男孩。(由定冠词修饰)(26). I am old and there is onlymy son to take my body to the grave.我老了,并且只有我儿子为我送葬了。(由物主代词修饰)8. There be的不定式形式 和其他谓语动词一样,there be结构可以有自己的不定式形式there to be,在句子中可以作主语、宾语和状语等。(27). For there to be a mistake in a computers arith

11、metic is impossible.电脑的计算是不可能出现错误的。(主语)(28). It was unusual for there to be no late comers that day.那天没有迟到者,这是异乎寻常的。(29). Id like there to be a swimming pool in the garden.我希望花园里有个游泳池。(宾语)(30). The secretary arranged for there to be another interview.秘书又安排了一次面谈。(介宾)(31). It was too late for there to

12、 be any buses.太晚了,不会有公共汽车了。(状语) 注意:there to be作主语时通常有 for引导,例如:例(27)和(28);作介词宾语时只能作for的宾语,而不能作其他介词的宾语,见例(30)。9. There be的动名词结构 其动名词结构形式为:there being,在句中可以作主语和宾语。(32). There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.有一个车站离这所房子很近,这是一大优势。(33). We were annoyed atthere being so much time wa

13、sted.由于浪费了那么多时间,我们很生气。10. There be的分词形式 There be一般只有现在分词形式,并可以分为一般式和完成式。其一般式为:there being,完成式为:there having been,在句中可用作状语。(34).There being nothing else to do, we went home.没有别的事情可做,我们就回家了。(35).There having been no rain for a long time, the ground was burnt black by the sun.由于好长时间没下雨了,地面都要被太阳烤焦了。11.

14、There be结构的进一步倒装 There be结构本身属于一种倒装结构,因为它后面的名词短语为主语。但有时为了句子结构的需要,或者为了强调可以进一步倒装,这时be提到了引导词there之前,there好象成了be的主语。(36). Are thereany books in the other room?另一个房间里有书吗?(疑问结构的需要)(37). Not a single soul was there to show us the way.没有一个人给我们指路。(强调的需要)12.省略引导词there的there be结构 在口语中,地点状语提到句首或表示推测语气时,可以省略引导词t

15、here,仍然表示存在。(38). Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles, turkeys and toys.货品中有圣诞树、花卉、蜡烛、火鸡和玩具。(状语提前,are前省略there)(39). Wont be anybody there now.那儿现在不会有人。(推测,句首省略There)(40). Must be someone at the door.门口那里一定有什么人。13.省略there be的存在句 在口语中或针对there be疑问结构的简短答语中可以省略there be,例如:(41). Anythin

16、gI can do for you?我能为您效劳吗?(句首省略了Is there)(42).- How many foreign students are there in your class?-Five.(Five前省略了There are)甲:你们班有多少外国学生?乙:五个。14.省略主语的there be结构 对there be结构一般疑问句的简短回答,可以省略主语。(43).- Are there any chairs in the room?-No, there arent.(句尾省略了主语)房间里有椅子吗?没有。(44).- Is there an artificial hill

17、 in the park?-Yes,there is.(句尾省略了主语)公园里有一座人造小山吗?有。15.There be结构在主谓一致中的特例 There be结构中动词be的数通常与其后作为主语的名词或代词一致。但也有例外:当本结构后的名词短语是一系列的事物,并且第一个事物是单数可数名词时,那么动词可以根据邻近原则而用单数形式;有时人们先说出there is (was),然后才想到要用名词复数,这样会产生主谓不一致情况,这种情况在口语中允许出现。(45).There isa textbook, a dictionary and some notebooks.书桌上有一本教科书、一本字典和几本笔记。(邻近原则)(46).Theres hundreds of people on the waiting list.登记等候的有数百人。(口语表达)16.“There be + no (not any) +动名词”结构 此结构是一种特殊意义的否定结构,表示不可能性。(47). There is no saying how long the rain is going to last.说不准这场雨要下多久。(48). There isnt any mistakinghis intentions this time.这次是不可能误会他的意思的。

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