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ASP FSO操作文件复制文件重命名文件删除文件替换字符串文档格式.docx

1、DeleteFile 删除一个文件 OpenTextFile 打开文件并且返回TextStream对象,以便读取或者追加重命名文件: Function reName(sourceName,destName) dim oFso,oFile set oFso=server.createobject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) set oFile=oFso.getFile(Server.mappath(sourceName) oFile.Name=destName Set oFso=Nothing Set oFile=Nothing End Function删除文件:Fu

2、nction FSOdel(fileName) dim fso,f set fso = server.CreateObject(scripting.filesystemobjectf=server.MapPath(fileName) if fso.FileExists(f) then fso.DeleteFile f,true end if set f = nothing set fso = nothing 替换文件中的字符串:Function FSOreplace(fileName,Target,repString) Dim objFSO,objCountFile,FiletempData

3、Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject(Set objCountFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(fileName),1,True) FiletempData = objCountFile.ReadAll objCountFile.Close FiletempData=Replace(FiletempData,Target,repString) Set objCountFile=objFSO.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath(fileName),True) objCountFile.Write

4、 FiletempData Set objCountFile=Nothing Set objFSO = Nothing % *函数名:CreateFolder(sPath)作 用: 创建目录参 数:sPath : 创建的相对目录路径返回值:成功 true , 失败 falseresponse.Write createfolder(/dgsunshine/UploadFile/demo1/) Function CreateFolder(sPath) On Error Resume Next Dim Fso,Arrfolder,Folder,i,j If sPath= then CreateFol

5、der = False Exit Function End If If Left(sPath,1) = / Then Folder = sPath = Mid(sPath,2,Len(sPath) Else./ if Right(sPath,1) = then sPath = Left(sPath,Len(sPath)-1) ArrFolder = Split(sPath, Set Fso = Server.CreateObject( For i = 0 To Ubound(ArrFolder) If i = 0 then Folder = Folder & ArrFolder(i) & If

6、 Fso.folderExists(Server.MapPath(Folder) = False then response.Write server.MapPath(folder) Fso.createFolder(Server.MapPath(Folder) Next Set Fso = nothing If Err.Number 0 then Err.clear() CreateFolder = True End function Function getFile(paramFilePath) Set Fso_Read = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(

7、paramFilePath),1,false,-2) getFile = Fso_Read.readall Set Fso_Read = Nothing Set Fso = Nothing End FunctionCreateFile(paramFileContent,paramFilePath) 创建文件paramFileContent 文件的内容 paramFilePath文件名(不包括路径) Function CreateFile(paramFileContent,paramFilePath) On Error Resume Next Dim Fso,fWrite Set fWrite

8、= Fso.CreateTextFile(Server.Mappath(paramFilePath),true) fWrite.write paramFileContent fWrite.close() Set fWrite = nothing If Err.number 0 Then CreateFile = False Else CreateFile = True End IfDelFile(FilePath) 删除文件FilePath 文件路径 多个文件用|隔开 Function DelFile(FilePath) Dim fso,arrFile,i If GetSafeStr(File

9、Path,)= CreateFolder = false Exit Function arrFile = Split(FilePath, for i=0 to UBound(arrFile) FilePath = arrFile(i) If Fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(FilePath) then Fso.DeleteFile Server.MapPath(FilePath) Set fso = nothing If Err then DelFile = false DelFile = trueDelFolder(FolderPath) 删除目录FolderPa

10、th 目录路径 多个目录用分隔 Function DelFolder(FolderPath) Dim Fso,arrFolder,i If GetSafeStr(FolderPath, DelFolder = false arrFolder = Split(FolderPath, For i=0 to UBound(arrFolder) FolderPath = arrFolder(i) If Fso.folderexists(Server.MapPath(FolderPath) then Fso.deleteFolder Server.MapPath(FolderPath) If Err t

11、henShowError 删除目录失败, else DelFolder = trueIsExistFile(FilePath) 判断文件或目录是否存在 Function IsExistFile(FilePath) IsExistFile = false IsExistFile = True If Fso.folderexists(Server.MapPath(FilePath) then判断文件或目录是否存在失败 IsExistFile = true 删除文件或目录 Fso.deleteFolder Server.MapPath(FilePath)删除文件或目录失败ReNameFile(old

12、Name,newName) 重命名文件或目录strOldName 原文件名 多个用 strNewName 新文件名 多个用隔开 上面两个参数请保持一致 Function ReNameFile(strOldName,strNewName) Dim fso,arrOld,arrNew,i,oldName,newName old = GetSafeStr(strOldName, Newfile = GetSafeStr(strNewName, If old = or Newfile = ReNameFile = false arrOld = Split(strOldName, arrNew = Split(strNewName, If UBound(arrOld) UBound(arrNew) then for i=0 to UBound(arrOld) oldName = Server.MapPath(arrOld(i) newName = Server.MapPath(arrNew(i) If Fso.FileExists(oldName) and not Fso.FileExists(newName

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