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1、T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, 2. Play a game T: First, what clothes do you know? (PPT呈现clothes,让学生联想关于衣服的英文单词)S: Dress, shirt, sweater, gloves What food do you know? (PPT呈现food,让学生联想关于食物的英文单词) Hamburger, sandwich, noodles, rice What about drinks? (PPT呈现drinks,让学生联想关于饮料的英文单词) Milk, juice, tea,

2、coffee Do you know the words about animals? (PPT呈现animals) Dog, cat, bird Look! This is a bear and a dog. Heres a song about them. Lets listen.3. Sing a song Step 2 Presentation Whats the matter with them in the song? (板书Whats the matter?并带读) They are hungry and thirsty. (板书hungry、thirsty并带读) Today

3、we will learn Unit 7 Whats the matter? (揭示课题并带读) They are hungry. And what can they do? Have some pizza/cake. He is thirsty. And what can he do? Have some water/tea.Step 3 Story time1. Look and say Look at this picture. This is Liu Tao. Is he happy? S: No, Whats the matter? Lets guess! He is (学生猜测刘涛

4、怎么了)2. Listen and choose Whats the matter with Liu Tao? (板书tired、ill并带读) Lets listen and choose. (播放课文动画) Hes thirsty and hungry. Yes.3. Read and find Hes thirsty and hungry. How do you know that? Try to find the sentences in your book. (学生自读课文,划出相关句子) Im thirsty./ No, but Im tired. 4. Lets imagine

5、Liu Tao is thirsty and hungry. If you are Liu Tao, what would you say? Please discuss in pairs. (两人一组讨论,并反馈) Step 4 Read the story 1. Listen and read. (听录音读)2. Read it together. (打开书,全班齐读)3. Read in groups. Three students a group. (三人一组,分角色朗读或表演)4. Act in groups. Three students a group. (请两至三组学生上台表演

6、)Step 5 Consolidation How is Liu Tao next morning? What would Dad and Mum say? Can you imagine? Lets make a dialogue. Who wants to be Liu Tao? (请一位同学上台和老师合作表演) Wake up, Taotao. S: OK. How are you today? Not so good. Im hungry/thirsty. Would you like some eggs/milk? Yes, Id like some , too. Here you

7、are. Practise in groups.(学生三人一组,编对话表演,请2-3组学生上台来反馈)Homework 家庭作业1. 听磁带,跟读课文五遍。2. 和朋友们分享你的新故事。3. 了解更多关于感觉的单词。Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)人物头饰、实物板书设计: Unit 7 Whats the matter?hungrythirstytiredill教学反思:第二课时第(二)课时 总第(二十八)课时Teaching contents 教学内容 Fun time & Rhyme time1. 进一步熟练掌握本课所学感觉类单词。2. 在表演游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读

8、句型Whats the matter?以及应答句Im 。3. 通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型Whats the matter?以及应答句Im;并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助。4. 会熟练朗读Rhyme time。熟练掌握本课词句并自然、熟练地运用。有序、有效地参与活动Say and act,在活动中使学生综合运用语言的能力得到提高。Step 1 Warm-up 1. Free talk Hello. How are you today? Im 2. Revision We know there is something wrong with Liu Tao

9、in Story time. Lets play a game. Read and judge. If you think it is right, say “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” If you think it is wrong, say “No, no, no!” (学生大声朗读句子,根据课文内容判断正误)1. T: Liu Tao is hungry and thirsty. Do you know some other words about feelings? Happy, ill, thirsty, tired, sad. (板书tired并带读) Lets pla

10、y a game. Say the words loudly as quickly as you can. If you see a clown, clap your hands. (快速读出看到的单词或图片)3. Lets talk Look at this boy. Whats the matter with him? Can you guess? He is cold. Can you give him some suggestions? Can you give him some suggestions? Look at this boy. Whats the matter? You

11、can ask him. (板书出示句型:Are you ?) Are you ?Boy: Yes/ No. (PPT出男孩声音) You can use:Heres/Here are/You can/Have (板书出示句型:Heres /Here are ) Discuss in pairs. (两人讨论关心帮助他人的句子,并反馈)Step 3 Fun time Lets say and act. Who wants to come here and play with me? (师生示范) Do you understand? Lets play the game in groups,

12、four students in a group. Ask and answer.(四人一组轮流抽牌,根据牌面上的feelings做表情或者肢体动作,另外三人进行猜测并给予具体的帮助,最先全部完成的小组获胜。请几组进行反馈表演。Step 4 Rhyme time Look at this boy. Is he happy? No. Whats his name? Whats wrong with him? Lets listen and answer.1. Listen to the rhyme He is Bill. He is ill. 2. Try to read the sentenc

13、es by themselves3. Say the rhyme after the tape4. Say the rhyme together5. Change the word and say the rhyme in pairs (两人一组,换词,改编小诗)6. Say the new rhyme in pairs (两人一组,站起来一起读改编的小诗,老师选2-3组反馈)Step 5 Consolidation1. 教师示范 Bill is ill. What would Mum and Bill say? Lets make a dialogue. I am Mum. Who want

14、s to be Bill?(请一位同学上台和老师一起示范,根据小诗编对话,并表演)M: Dinner is ready. Come and have some cake, Bill.B: Thanks, Im not hungry. I am ill. Take this pill. Thank you. You can go to bed/have a rest.2. Practice in pairs3. Show time (请两至三组学生上台展示)1. 念一念自己改编的小诗。2. 抄写story time下的单词。3. 用Whats the matter?、Heres 编写三组对话。头

15、饰、表演用的实物道具或图片、感觉类的卡片 Unit 7 Whats the matter? Guess. Yes/No, Heres/Here are Thank you.第三课时第(三)课时 总第(二十九)课时Teaching contents 教学内容 Cartoon time & Sound time 1. 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。2. 能熟练运用本单元所学的词句询问和表达“感受”或“感觉”。3. 能掌握字母o在单词中的发音。能正确理解并朗读对话内容。培养学生养成良好的阅读习惯,提高学生灵活运用语言

16、的能力。Step 1 Warm-up How are you?2. Say a rhyme Youre What about Bill? Do you remember? Lets say the rhyme together. (全班齐读小诗)Step 2 Sound time Bill is ill. Look at this boy. Whos he? Whats the matter with him?( PPT出示书上48页的图) Lets listen and answer. Hes Joe. His nose is dirty. Yes. (板书并带读 Joe, nose)Loo

17、k at the girl. Whos she? Shes Rose. (板书并带读Rose) Where are they? They are at home. (板书并带读home) Can you read the words together? Joe, nose, Rose, home. Can you find the same letter in these words? O. What is the letter “o” pronounced here?( PPT出示Go home, Joe, and show Rose your nose! Can you read the

18、sentence by yourselves? Practise in groups of four. (四人一组打拍子读句子,请2-3组反馈) Do you know some other words pronounced ? (让学生说出其他含有相同因素的单词,并板书在黑板上读一读)Step 3 Cartoon time1. Talk about the picture Joe is not happy, because his nose is dirty. Look at Bobby. Is he happy? (PPT出示Cartoon time中Bobby的图) No. Whats

19、the matter with Bobby? Hes (学生看图,猜测Bobby怎么了)2. Read and answer. Lets read and answer. (学生自读课文回答问题) Hes hungry. Why? He lost his breakfast. Who calls Mrs Mouse? (学生自读课文,在文中划出句子) This is Mrs Fox speaking. Yes, Mrs Fox calls Mrs Mouse. She says, “This is Mrs Fox speaking.” (带读This is Mrs Fox speaking.并

20、翻译) Mrs Mouse comes. Is Bobby happy at last? Yes, he is. 3. Read the story loudly after the tape. (播放录音,学生跟读,并提醒他们注意模仿语调和语气。4. Read after the teacher.5. T and Ss act as Mrs Mouse, Bobby, Sam and Mrs Fox.6. Practice in groups, four students in a group.7. Act the story (引导学生用道具表演对话,请2-3组上台表演)2. 和同学们表演

21、课文对话。人物头饰、表演用的实物道具Joe nose Rose home close open no sothose cold old OK第四课时第(四)课时 总第(三十)课时Teaching contents 教学内容 Checkout time & Ticking time能熟练运用本单元所学的词句询问和表达感受或感觉,并在教师的引导下对自己的学习进行自我评价。能熟练运用本单元所学的词句询问和表达感受或感觉。进一步掌握和区分Here is/are 的用法。2. Sing a song Lets sing a song. S: (Sing the song) What feelings c

22、an you see in the song? happy, sad, angry, scared, shy, crazyStep 2 Revision What other feelings do you know? hot, cold, cool 2. Ask and answer (教师请一个同学做示范,看图编对话) Have/Heres S:(学生两人一组看图编对话,请2-3组反馈)Step 3 Checkout time Here are Mike and Wang Bing. Whats the matter with them?(PPT出示Checkout time的图片) Fi

23、rst, look at this picture. Im Dad. You are Wang Bing. Lets ask and answer.(师生问答,操练第一幅图) Mike is hot. What about Wang Bing? Lets practise in pairs. (学生两人一组编对话,操练第二幅图,请两组反馈) Mike has a fan, and Wang Bing has a hot dog. They are happy now!Step 4 Summary1. 总结询问别人的感受时可以说的话 We have learned a lot about feelings in this unit. If you want to ask others feelings, what can you say? Please discuss in groups. (四人一组讨论) What can we say? (每小组一个成员反馈,老师在黑板上板书)How are you?Are you all right?Are you ill/hungry/hot/?2. 总结关心帮助他人可以说的话 If you want to help othe

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