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PEP高二英语选修8Unit 2 CloningWord格式文档下载.docx

1、Period 1Reading 阅读课Warming Up 课本通过展示克隆羊Dolly、人类双胞胎、两条模样相同的小狗以及插枝繁殖的植物图片作为导入。要求学生以两人小组形式展开讨论,了解两种不同的克隆:自然的与人工的无性繁殖克隆。教师也可以采用本书的Warming up by leaning the word “clone” 进行热身教学。Pre-reading 课本要求学生提出有关克隆的问题,并列入表内。表内已提供了四个问题帮助学生思考,以便提出更多问题展开讨论。这可以激发学生对克隆的兴趣,为阅读做好认识上和知识上的准备。表中有四个问题:什么是克隆?克隆是如何产生的?人类可以从克隆中得到什

2、么好处?克隆人将会带来什么问题?这些问题旨在测试和诱发学生的想象力和判断力,并引发更多的思考。教师也可以采用本书的Pre-reading by questioning and answering进行预读教学。 Reading 介绍了植物与动物克隆的区别、克隆羊Dolly的诞生与死亡、由此引发的争论。帮助学生进一步认识克隆的意义在于解决医学上的难题,为人类服务。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列程序进行本节阅读教学: Reading aloud to the recording; Reading for forms; Reading for the type of writing and summa

3、ry of CLONING:WHERE IS IT LEADING US? ;Copying and making sentences; Reading and transforming; Reading the text again to draw a diagram of it and retell the story with your own words; Closing down by learning more about DollyPeriod 2Learning about language 知识课Learning about Language 分为词汇和语法两方面的训练。Di

4、scovering useful words and expressions是本单元的词汇练习题; Discovering useful structures是本单元的语法练习题。通过本单元的学习,要求学生熟练掌握并运用名词性从句中同位语从句的用法。教师应紧密结合教材,根据教学大纲进行辅导讲解,应充分利用教材和本书中提供的大量的系统性、针对性强的各种素材,采用讲解、讨论、 答疑等方式培养学生运用所学语法知识与技能解决实践问题的能力。另外,学生应重视自学和自学能力的培养,逐渐熟悉语法项目内容,多看多练,以达到熟能生巧的目的。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列程序进行教学:Warming up by

5、reading aloud to the tape the text CLONING: ; Learning about appositive;Building up on your word power;Discovering useful words and expressions;Discovering and distinguishing;Closing down by talking about cloningPeriod 3Using language运用课Using Language 课本分两部分。“Reading, discussing and writing” 中提供了一篇关

6、于“恐龙的回归”的阅读材料,讲述了人类自开始克隆动物研究以来一直想要克隆已经绝种动物的愿望,并指出克隆绝种动物的条件,从而得出结论:恐龙的重生仅仅是个梦想而已。阅读文章后的问题充分利用学生的想象力,需要独立思考获得答案。同时提供了四种绝种不到一万年,值得通过克隆恢复的动物的名称及其绝种的年份,要求学生利用表格提供的信息选出最值得克隆的动物并给出充分的理由;最后要求写成一份报告。这项写作富有挑战性,需要学生大胆想象,以理服人。“Listening and speaking”部分学生听完一段关于克隆是否对动物残忍的对话之后,首先交流听力内容,然后展开讨论,让学生发表自己的看法。这项练习不仅有助于提

7、高学生的听说能力,更能激发他们对克隆动物健康的关注以及对克隆技术发展前景的再思考,具有现实意义。Warming up by reading aloud the text on page 11 to the tape;Reading for forms;Discussing about extinct animals;Listening and talking about cloning;Closing by looking and saying实际教学过程课时划分建议将Warming Up、 Pre-reading、Reading和Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。将Lea

8、rning about language 和Workbook中的 USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS、USING STRUCTURES 整合在一起上一节“语言知识课”。将Using language 设计为一节包括听说读写单项技能或组合技能训练的“综合技能课(一)”。Period 4将Workbook 的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING整合在一起上一节“听说课”。Period 5将Workbook 的LISTENING TASK、READING AND WRITING TASK和 SPEAKING TASK整合为一节“综合技能课(二)”。第二部分教

9、学资源说明Section 1Background 背景围绕单元话题“Festival around the world”,金色教案提供了几则语言规范、短小精干的趣味性材料。这些材料既可以作为教师教学参考材料为教师所用,也可以直接或改写、重组后作为课堂内外的拓展性阅读材料呈现给学生。Section 2Explanation解析重点针对“阅读课型”中的课文难句,金色教案不仅提供了详尽的,就句论句的解析和翻译,而且还以解析的焦点话题为线索,进行了一定的归纳、辨析和总结,以帮助教师更好地实施“语言形式”的教学。Section 3Vocabulary词汇按照课本单元词汇表顺序,金色教案重点提供动词、短语

10、搭配的讲解。所提供的例句,经典、地道、实用、易懂,完全可以直接用于教学。第三部分教学测评说明围绕单元词法、句法项目,金色教案提供了长短不一的“单元教学测评”,并备有参考答案供教师使用。有些测评题目直接源于历年高考试卷,更具有说服力和实用性。Part 1 Teaching Design第一部分 教学设计Period 1 A sample lesson plan for reading(CLONING:)IntroductionIn this period, after the warming up, students will first be guided to pre-read the te

11、xt by questioning and answering. Then they shall read aloud to the recording, read for forms, read for the type of writing and summary of CLONING:. The students will be asked to copy useful expressions and make sentences, read and transform and read the text again to draw a diagram of it and retell

12、the story with your own words. The period will end in students learning more about Dolly. ObjectivesTo help students understand the texts forms and contents and learn about cloningTo help students communicate on the topic in focus with the words, expressions and structures learned in this unitFocusW

13、ordsclone, differ, undertake, cast,forbid,accumulate, retire,bother, resist, restore,obtainCollocationsobject to,in favour of,pay offPatterns1. It also happens in animals when twins identical in sex and appearance are produced from the same original egg. 2. Firstly, gardeners use it all the time to

14、produce commercial quantities of plants. 3. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. 4The question that occurred to the scientists was:“Would this be a major difficulty for all cloned animals?” 5Newspapers told stories of evil leaders hoping to clone themselves and religiou

15、s leaders raised moral questions.Aids Multimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagramsProcedures1. Warming up by leaning the word “clone” Scientist in Scotland grows impossible sheep from one cell of another sheep.clone n.1. A cell, group of cells, or organism that is descended from and geneti

16、cally identical to a single common ancestor, such as a bacterial colony whose members arose from a single original cell.2. An organism descended asexually from a single ancestor, such as a plant produced by layering or a polyp produced by budding.3. A DNA sequence, such as a gene, that is transferre

17、d from one organism to another and replicated by genetic engineering techniques.4. One that copies or closely resembles another, as in appearance or function: filled with business-school clones in gray and blue suits Michael M. Thomas.v. cloned, cloning, clones 1. To make multiple identical copies o

18、f (a DNA sequence).2. To create or propagate (an organism) from a clone cell: clone a sheep.3. To reproduce or propagate asexually: clone a plant variety.4. To produce a copy of; imitate closely:The look has been cloned into clich Cathleen McGuigan.2. Pre-reading by questioning and answeringWhat is

19、cloning? We define cloning as production of a cell or organism with the same nuclear genome as another cell or organism. Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of an original. A clone in the biological sense, therefore, is a single cell (like bacteria, lymphocytes etc.) or multi-cellul

20、ar organism that is genetically identical to another living organism. Sometimes this can refer to natural clones made either when an organism reproduces asexually or when two genetically identical individuals are produced by accident (as with identical twins), but in common parlance the clone is an

21、identical copy by some conscious design. Also see clone (genetics). The term clone is derived from the Greek word for twig. In horticulture, the spelling clon was used until the twentieth century; the final e came into use to indicate the vowel is a long o instead of a short o. Since the term entere

22、d the popular lexicon in a more general context, the spelling clone has been used exclusively.3. Reading aloud to the recordingWhole language teachers affirm that reading aloud teaches you the students about language in a way that silent or independent reading never can.Reading aloud to the tape hel

23、ps you the students develop and improve language skills - reading, writing, speaking, and listening. And since you the students listen on a higher level than you read, listening to other readers stimulates growth and understanding of vocabulary and language patterns.So why not hurry to listen and re

24、ad to the tape-recording of the text we are going to learn today?4. Reading for forms Read the text again to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. 5. Reading for the type of writing and summary of CLONING:Dete

25、rmining the type of writing will help you determine the authors topic (subject), purpose (why he is writing), style (how he should write) and tone (his attitude toward his subject - supportive, condeming, objective, etc.)It is important to find main ideas when reading. Main ideas help you remember i

26、mportant information. The main idea of a paragraph tells the topic of the paragraph. The topic tells what all or most of the sentences are about. The other sentences in the paragraph are called details. Details describe or explain the main idea. Read the text to find the main idea. CLONING:Type of w

27、riting: an expository writingParagraph 1:It is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant. Where does it happen?This happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones,and when small parts of a plant are taken/ and/ grown/ in a laboratoryIt also happen

28、s in animals when twins identical in sex and appearance are produced from the same original egg. The fact is that they are natural clones of each otherParagraph 2:What are the two uses of cloning?Firstly, gardeners use it all the time to produce commercial quantities of plants. Secondly, it is valua

29、ble for research on new plant species and medical research on animals.What is the procedure of cloning Dolly?The procedure works like this:1. Female sheep A provides an egg cell.2. The nucleus is removed from the egg cell.3. The egg cell is ready for a new nucleus.4. Female sheep B provides a somati

30、c cell for the clone.The nucleus of this cell contains all the genes needed to produce a new sheep.5. The nucleus is taken out of the somatic cell.6. The nucleus from sheep B and the egg cell from sheep A are joined using electricity.7. The cell divides and grows into an embryo.8. The embryo is put into female s

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