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本文(工行浙江省分行个人房屋担保借款合同优秀word范文 13页Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

工行浙江省分行个人房屋担保借款合同优秀word范文 13页Word文档格式.docx

1、如借款人未按合同的约定履行还款义务,乙方保证在接到甲方书面索款通知后_日内履行还款义务。如乙方未主动履行,即表示乙方授权甲方从其开立的账户中扣收。第六条 乙方同意甲方在借款人逾期未偿还贷款本息时,有权依第五条规定的方式直接要求乙方履行义务。第七条 乙方保证如发生借款合同项下借款合同提前到期的情况时,借款人又不及时还款的,乙方立即开始履行保证义务。第八条 乙方保证有足够的能力承担上述保证责任,并不因乙方受到的任何指令、乙方财力状况的改变、乙方与任何单位签订任何协议而免除其所承担的责任。第九条 本合同生效后,乙方接受甲方对其资金和财产状况的调查了解,乙方应按甲方要求及时提供其资产状况的有关资料。第

2、十条 在本合同有效期间,乙方如再向第三方提供担保,不得损害甲方的利益。第十一条 任何一方不得擅自变更或解除本合同。一方需变更合同时,应经双方协商同意,达成书面协议。第十二条 借款人与甲方协议变更借款合同的,应征得乙方同意;未经乙方同意的,乙方只在本合同规定的保证范围和期限内承担责任。但甲方由于国家政策调整而执行新利率的,无须征得乙方的同意。第十三条 任何一方未按本合同的约定履行义务,给对方造成经济损失的,应向对方支付担保余额的_%违约金,违约金不足以弥补对方损失的,还应就不足部分予以补偿。第十四条 甲、乙双方商定的其他事项(一)_;(二)_;(三)_。 第十五条 甲乙双方在履行本合同中发生的争

3、议,由双方协商解决,协商不成,由甲、乙双方共同选择下列方式之一1.提交_所在地人民法院诉讼解决;2.提交_仲裁委员会仲裁。第十六条 本合同一式_份,具有同等效力,双方各执一份。 第十七条 本合同由甲乙双方签字盖章后生效。债权人住所:_ 证人住所:_ 电话:_ 基本账户开户行:_ 传真:_ 账号:_ 邮政编码:_ 电话:_ 传真:_ 邮政编码:_甲方:(公章)_ 乙方:(盖章)_ 负责人:(签字)_ 法定代表人:(签字)_ _年_月_日 _年_月_日篇二:工商银行-个人购房借款 担保合同 Edition Version: C201X.03Serial No.: A Shen Zi Industr

4、ial and Commercial Bank of China Bank,Shenzhenwan Branch, 201X, No. SS-0043Personal House Purchasing Loan Contract/GuaranteeContractLender:In accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and rules, the parties sign this contract and make sure to comply on the basis of equality, voluntary, for clea

5、r responsibility, abide by credit.Part 1 Loan ArticlesArticle 1 Loan category and amount the word) according to the application of the borrowers.A Personal housing loanB Individual purchase of commercial housing loanC Individual housing construction loanArticle 2 Loan purposes and guarantee method t

6、he borrower should use the loan for the stipulated purpose and shall not use the loan under this contract into stock market, future market and neither shares interest investment nor other area clearly forbidden by national law and regulation. Lender has the right to supervise the use of loan. A. Bor

7、rower use the loan to buy/build the house located at with the B. The loan is used for pay the personal loan for the bank of the mortgaged houseArticle 3 Loan Term will be subject to the loan certificate. Loan certificate as part of this contract, has the same legal force of this contract.Article 4 L

8、oan interest rate4.1 Loan interest rate applies the same period and level of the loan interest rate interest rate as On the basis of certain interest rates in the borrowing proof record, the following calculation conversion is: monthly interest rate = annual interest rate / 12, daily interest rate =

9、 annual interest rate / 360. 4.2 If the benchmark interest is adjusted and applied to the loan under this contract before the loan granted, the adjusted benchmark interest is applicable and it should confirm the new interest rate as the Article 4.1. If the benchmark interest rate is deal with:A. Loa

10、n term is below 1 year (including 1 year), this contract interest rate is the same and no segment interest. If the loan tern is more than one year, since the next year January 1st for each date of interest rate adjustment, it should be executed according to the adjusted the benchmark interest rate (

11、such as benchmark interest rate in a calendar year is adjusted for two or more, the final adjustments in the calendar year shall be the benchmark interest rate) and article 4.1 above the proportion of floating interest rates as new interest rate;B. without change in the loan period;Article 5 Loan Gr

12、ant5.1 Premise condition of issuing loan and continuing loan is as below:A. Guarantee is effective under this contract (The house not obtaining property right as mortgage, completed pre-sale registration or advance notice registration process, and the real estate developers have provided effective j

13、oint guarantee or the borrower has provided other phases guarantee method approved by the lender) and sustained and effective, and the borrower under this contract without any default. B. There is no contract breach for borrower under this contract.interest is calculated from the date of actual loan

14、 date:Article 6 Repayment way to repay the loan principal and interest as the following:A, Monthly same amount of principal and interest (monthly interest calculation) Monthly principal and interest payment=repayment months(1+ monthly interest)repayment months-1B Monthly same amount principal repaym

15、ent (monthly interest calculation); Monthly principal and interest payment=+ (Principal paid principal) * monthly interestMonthsC Monthly same amount principal repayment (daily interest calculation);Monthly principal and interest payment=+ (Principal paid principal) *daily interest * actual days Mon

16、thsD One-off repayment of the principal and interest6.2 Each repayment date is the corresponding date in each term for the issuing day since the next month of the issuing day. If the loan issuing dates under this contractis not the corresponding day of the repayment day as stipulated, the interest f

17、or the first period and last repayment should be calculated with the actual days and interest rate.6.3 The borrower specifies personal settlement account as payment account as following:6.4 Before each repayment day, borrower should deposit full amount of repayment into the repayment account for loa

18、n principal and interest, and authorize the lender to deduct the repayment according to the first repayment account If borrowers has outstanding loan principal and interest or other fees, he should be timely deposit to the repayment account, and authorize the lender deduct at any time. If the repaym

19、ent account money is not enough to pay the due payment under this contract, lender shall have the right to decide the priority of cost, interest (including penalty interest, compound interest) and principal. 6.5 In case of repayment account loss, freeze, stop payment, cancellation, or borrower need

20、to change repayment account, borrower should process the repayment account change procedure at the site of lender. Before the change to take effect, if the original repayment account is unable to fully deducted, the borrower should make the repayment on the counter at the site of lender. The borrowe

21、r failed to make the repayment account change procedure timely or not in a timely repayment on the counter which leads no full amount for the repayment principal and interest and other fees, the borrower shall assume the liability for breach of contract. Article 7 Repayment in advance7.1 If borrower

22、 repays all or part of the loan in advance, he should submit a written application to the lender 15 days before the repayment date.7.2 Borrower repayment in advance shall meet the following conditions:篇三:工商银行个人购房借款合同担保合同特别提示:借款人和担保人在签订本合同之前,请务必仔细阅读本合同全部条款,特别是对黑体部分予以重点关注。如有任何疑问或不明之处,请及时向贷款人及专业人士咨询。本合

23、同一经签订,即视为各方理解并同意本合同全部条款。本合同各方根据有关法律、法规,在平等、自愿的基础上,为明确责任,恪守信用,签订本合同,并保证共同遵守。借 贷 条 款第一条 借款种类与金额贷款人根据借款人的申请,同意向其发放以下第种贷款,金额为人民币 (大写:)元(大小写不一致时,以大写为准)。A、个人购置住房贷款B、个人商业用房贷款C、个人自建房贷款D、其他:第二条 贷款用途本合同项下贷款用于购买/自建第套住房,房屋坐落于 建筑面积平方米。未经贷款人书面同意,借款人不得将贷款挪作他用,贷款人有权监督贷款的使用。第三条 贷款期限本合同项下贷款期限为,实际放款日与到期日以借据为准。借据为本合同的组

24、成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。第四条 利率4.1 贷款利率以中国人民银行公布的同期同档次贷款利率为基准利率,(上/下)浮 %,据此确定利利率为%,并按下列公式换算:月利率=年利率1/2,日利率=年利率/360。4.2 贷款发放前,基准利率调整并适用于本合同项下贷款的,适用新的基准利率并按第4.1条的约定重新确定贷款利率;贷款发放后遇基准利率调整,贷款利率按以下第种方式处理A、贷款期限在一年(含)以下的,执行本合同利率,不分段计息;贷款期限在一年以上的,自每次基准利率调整之日的次年1月1日开始,按该次调整后的基准利率(如基准利率在一个日历年度内经两次或两次以上调整的,以该日历年度内最后一次调

25、整的基准利率为准)及上述第4.1条约定的利率浮动比例确定并执行新的利率;B、在贷款期限内不调整C、其他: 。第五条 放款5.1 贷款人发放或继续发放贷款的前提条件是:A、本合同项下担保已经生效(以尚未取得产权的房屋做抵押的,已办妥登记备案或预登记手续,且房地产开发商已提供有效的连带保证担保或借款人已提供经贷款行认可的其他阶段性担保方式)并持续有效;B、借款人在本合同项下未发生任何违约情形。5.2 借款人授权贷款人将贷款分次划入下列账户,贷款利息自实际放款日起计算:户名:账号:开户行:第六条 还款6.1 经协商一致,借款人按下列第 种方式偿还贷款本息:A、按月等额本息还款法(按月计息)贷款本金月

26、利率(1+月利率)还款月贷每月本息还款额(1+月利率)还款月数1B、按月等额本金还款法(按月计息)贷款本金每月本息还款(贷款本金已归还贷款本金)月利率贷款期月数C、按月等额本金还款法(按日计算)每月本息还款额(贷款本金已还本金)日处率本期实际天数 贷款期月数D、到期一次性还本付息;E、按月付息,接(月/三个月/六个月/一次性)还本;F、其它:6.2 每期还款日为实际放款日次月起的每期对应日;无对应日的,还款日为该期最后一日。最后一期还款日为贷款到期日。6.3 借款人指定其在贷款人处开立的下列个人结算账户作为还款账户:6.4 在每期还款日前,借款人应向还款账户中足额存入应偿还的贷款本息,并授权贷

27、款人于每期还款日从还款账户中划收;借款人有未偿付的贷款本息或其他费用的,应及时存入还款账户,并授权贷款人随时划收。如果还款账户中的款项不足以支付本合同项下的到期应付款项,贷款人按费用、利息、本金的顺序划收。6.5 若还款账户发生挂失、冻结、止付、结清,或借款人需要变更还款账户的,借款人应到贷款人处办理还款账户变更手续。在变更手续生效前,若原还款账户已无法足额划款,借款人应到贷款人处办理柜面还款。借款人未及时办理还款帐户变更手续或未及时到贷款人柜面还款导致未按期足额清偿到期贷款本息及其他费用的,借款人应承担违约责任。第七条 提前还款7.1 借款人提前偿还全部或部分贷款的,应于拟定提前还款日前15

28、天向贷款人提交书面通知。7.2借款人提前还款应满足下列条件:A、按如下标准向贷款人支付补偿金:B、部分提前还款的,还款金额不少于:c、在提前还款时,在本合同项下不存在到期应付未付的任何款项,包括但不限于贷款本金、利息、罚息、违约金、补偿金和其他费用。D、7.3 提前还款部分按第四条约定的利率和实际占用天数计收利息;借款人提前偿还全部贷款本金的,应结清全部利息。7.4 由于借款人提前还款而造成贷款期限发生变化的,未偿还部分按下列第 种方式确是贷款利率:A、按原贷款利率计息;B、自缩短期限之目起,贷款利率按调整后的实际贷款期限所对应的基准利率和第4.1条约定的利率浮动比例确定并执行,但缩短期限前已计收的利息不予追溯调整。第八条 贷款展期借款人不能按期归还本合同项下贷款,需要办理贷款展期时,应在贷款到期前30天向贷款人提出书面申请,经贷款人审查同意展期的,双方另行签订展期协议。如贷款人不同

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