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1、17T, the tp student f ur lass, thins studing is a ver _(值得的)r18ith the Internet, peple an _(交流)eah ther uh easier19He _(瞧不起)peple hve never been t universit20I n the riter h _ ( 打算) r _ hildrenUnit 2 ring the land1After a lng s_, he gained ntrl f the business2ur freign trade has e_ greatl in reent e

2、ars3The girl s_ her ther b leaning up the ithen4As is nn t all, al and irn are _She r_ her eight b ilgras6Her unexpeted arrangeents_(搞乱)all ur plans7After the nferene, the seretar passed e a ten-page _ (纪要,摘要)8The Fashin agazine develped a large _(销售量)quil9The t students _ (相互交流)greetings hen the et

3、10After 10 ears in prisn, he as given his _(自由)11The_(结束)the part ith a sng “Tae e t ur heart”12It sees that u dnt _ (在乎) ur failure in the exainatin at all13The plie are _(寻找)the esaped prisners14The bab is hungr but it is t ung t _ (喂养) itself et1e ant t _(装备)ur hildren ith se speial sills16Last n

4、ight the _ the dritr_ ie hih ade uh nise at night(摆脱)17I dnt hpe t leave s sn; I _(宁愿) sta he a da lnger18Its n use _(希望)things u ant have19She _(醒) a terrible drea hen her ther entered the r20e help _(互相) ith ur her in the suer hlidaUnit 3 A taste f English huur1an shuld tr t be harn ith nature, an

5、d nt be _ t ildlife2T a_, he did the diffiult b ell3uld u e_ the hild fr an hur, hile I ae dinner?4He had _ the diffiulties ith his English befre he ent abardI as f_ t have a gd teaher6Dnt be in suh a hurr; ud better eat a fe _(一口,满口)f fd befre u g shpping7In fat, hina is a_(多的)untr8He did the b und

6、er _(指导)9Se bs are t be tasted, thers t be salled, and se fe t be _(咀嚼)and digested10Althugh he failed in the exainatin again, he ne the suess ae after an_(失败)11Last night, I happened t _ (碰见) a hair in the dar12He used t hpe t g abrad, but n he _(满足,满意)sta his present psitin13e shuld satisf urselve

7、s ith the living nditins-an failies are uh _(穷的)than e are14The ere regnized b the _(贫穷)f their lthing1The vie _(以为背景)pre-ar Beiing in hina16uve been aught heating, n u ust _ (面对) the usi17Her health sn _( 恢复) after a fe das rest18_(代替) the hildrens pla and adventure, he had a desire t learn19Its ru

8、el t _(玩弄,开玩笑) peple h staer(结巴)20Thse hd lie t g sign naes at the _(底部) f the page, pleaseUnit 4 Bd Language1At the airprt, he issed e gdbe n the _2The guest e_ their thans t the hst and hstess hen leaving3The artist ased his del t tae a relining (躺着) p_4ther tld e t b_ ell hen e visited relativesu

9、 sa he is eas-ging, but I never feel at e_ ith hi6e bth are nt in tie; I thin there ust be se _ (误会) ver the tie7As u _ (接近) the shl the first building u see is the teahing building8Everne h helped gets a _ (份额) in the prfiles9The plie _ (注意到) the an entering the ban10u see I a student f art; I nt v

10、er _(熟悉的) ith btanial naes11I _( 愿意,准备) lend u the b if u prise t return it n tie12ur teaher _(主修) in atheatis and phsis13Flling the natinal nes e have gt the _(当地的) nes and eather14The piture _(描绘,描述) a hunting sene in hih there is an anient ing1I ill sta at he this evening; she _ver _(很可能) ring e

11、tnight16I thin he _( 回避,躲开) e, beause he several ties pretends nt t see e17e have _(相似的) tastes in usi18I heard the _ (想要,打算) arr, but the havent s far19The teaher _ (惩罚) the students fr their being late b letting the stand utside the lassr 20The have bren the _ (协议,同意) beteen usUnit Thee pars1Unlie

12、 traditinal par, t_ pars ften ant t teah visitrs sething2Tda an peple are experiening the f the a_ par fr the first tie3Theres gas e_ sehere an u sell it?4hen in nferenes, he ften leaves fr v_ reasnsThe ill _ at least $600 fr ving the pian6The _(设备) f Infratin Tehnlg is expensive indeed7nl a _(少数)f

13、students reeive(s) the shlarship8an peple uld agree that it is ne f the st tehnlgiall _(先进的) thee pars in the rld after visiting Futurspe n Frane9Stp ling fr the perfet b-its ust a _ (幻想)10In siene fitins, aliens are _(生物) fr the uter rld11ud better leave n if u ant t _(弄清楚) f getting there n tie12u

14、 are ver l ith ur fail, but ith ur friends u reall _(活跃)13hat I said abut T _(对适用) everne in ur lass14Tasania _(以命名) its disverer, A Tasan1H an untries ill _(参加) in the next lpi Gaes, d u n?16The teaher said t Brue that he shuld e t lass n tie_(以后)17Dnt _(卷入) e in slving the trublese situatin18The a

15、rhiteture (建筑) in the tn enter is a suessful _(结合) f ld and ne19e shuld _(准备) an truble that a happen20Dnt rr, but I ill tr t _(分摊,均分) the st ith u参考答案:Unit 11 ahieveent 2 nditin 3 behavir 4 bservatin nsideratin6 dest 7 inspiratin 8 strie 9 supprted 10 respet11devted t 12 as funded 13 n abut 14 prte

16、t 1 driven ut f 16 andering ff 17 rthhile 18 uniate ith19 ls dn upn/ n 20 intends frUnit 21 struggle 2 expanded 3 satisfied 4 inerals redued6 nfused 7 suar 8 irulatin 9 exhanged 10 freed11 ended 12 are abut 13 searhing fr 14 feed 1 equip16 rid f 17 prefer t 18 ishing fr 19 aaen fr 20 ne antherUnit 3

17、1ruel 2 astnishent 3 entertain 4 vere frtunate6 uthfuls 7 untainus 8 diretin 9 heed 10 failures11 bup int 12 is ntent t 13 rse ff 14 pvert 1 is set in16 fae 17 pied up 18 Instead f 19 ae fun f 20 bttUnit 4 1 hee 2 expressed 3 psture 4 behave ease 6 isunderstanding 7 apprah 8 share 9 bserved 10 faili

18、ar11 a prepared t 12 ared 13 lal 14 represents 1 is liel t 16 is aviding 17 siilar 18 intended t 19 punished 20 agreeentUnit 1 thee 2 auseent 3 esaping 4 varius harge 6 equipent 7 inrit 8 advaned 9 fantas 10 reatures11 ae ertain 12 e t life 13 ges fr 14 as naed after 1 tae part in 16 invlve 17 sste

19、18 binatin 19 prepare fr/ be prepared fr 20 share语言点总结rd usage1ahieve v: attain r reah a gal thrugh a lt f effrteg u ill never ahieve anthing if u spend ur tie that aShe finall ahieved hat she anted该词的名词形式为ahieveenteg The inventin f the puter is a great ahieveentThe ade great effrts in the ahieveent

20、 f their gals2nditin n:a) situatin r state that under hih persn r thing existeg After the ing ae t per, the nditin f the peple beae rse bie is in bad nditin I ant t bu a ne neur living and ring nditins have been iprved in the past fe earsb) Uthe state f general healthhats the patients nditin?The ld

21、ans nditin is iprving3nnetin: unin r relatinship lined b different eanseg His nnetin ith the fail is slightTherere exellent rad and rail nnetins beteen the t itiesIs there a nnetin beteen the sun and seasns?4apaign a)n: rganize ativit+ fr/against/t deg The it is planning t start a apaign against sin

22、ge started a apaign fr ne raising fr the fld areab)v: hld r in in a apaigneg He hasnt deided hether t apaign fr the psitinar is apaigning fr equal rights fr enrganizatin: rganizing r rganized ssteeg An ar ithut rganizatin uld be uselessD u n the rganizatin f the huan bd?He is bus in the rganizatin f

23、 the ftball lub6devte v: give up tie r set apart fr该词通常构成词组devte t,其中t 为介词,后接名词或代词或动名词eg He devted hiself t ritingHe still devtes t the stud f heistrHe has devted all his life t helping the blind7behave v: at r respnd in a speified aeg He behaved lie a true gentleanThe ung lad behaved urageusl in th

24、e fae f dangerHe behaved badl t the usters 其名词形式为behaviur eg His parents ere satisfied ith his behaviurI dnt lie his rude behaviur8rthhile ad: rearding enugh t ustif the tie, ne r effrt that is spenteg The b is rthhileIt is rthhile t read the bIt is rthhile t visiting the it区别rthhile, rth 及rth 的用法be

25、 rth sth/ding sthbe rth f sth/ being dne sthbe rthhile t d/ding sthbe rth t be dneeg The b is rth readingThe b is rth f being read9bserve v: ath arefulleg The sientist bserved the experientI bserved hi stp at the gate这个动词的名词形式为bservatineg The deided t put hi under bservatin10respet estee r adiratine

26、g The treated e ith respete sh great respet fr ld an t have respet freg He is highl respeted b everneI deepl respeted his urage11argue vi/vt: t express disagreeent in rds, ften ith strng feelingsEg I dnt ant t argue ith ue argued the atter ver fur hursHe argued that she shuld nt g12inspire v: enurageeg His speeh inspired us t tr again parents inspire e t stud harderThe beautiful sener inspired th

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