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1、国际交钥匙工程合同条中英对照2. Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects(Extracts)设计采购施工(EPC)/交钥匙工程合同条件(节选)4 承包商 4 contractors4.1 承包商的一般义务 4.1 Contractors General Obligations承包商应按照合同设计、实施和完成工程,并修补工程中的任何缺陷。完成后,工程应能满足合同规定的工程预期目的。The contractor shall design, execute and complete, the works in accordance with t

2、he contract, and shall remedy any defects in the works. When completed, the works shall be fit for the purpose for which the works are intended as defined in the contract.承包商应提供合同规定的生产设备和承包商文件,以及设计、施工、竣工和修补缺陷所需的所有临时性和永久性的承包商人员、货物、消耗品及其他物品和服务。The contractor shall provide the plant and contractors doc

3、uments specified in the contract, and all the contractors personnel, goods, consumables and other goods and services, whether of a temporary nature, required in and for this design, execution, completion and remedying of defects.工程应包括为满足雇主要求或合同隐含要求的任何工作,以及(合同虽未提及但)为工程的稳定、或完成、或安全和有效运行所需的所有工作。The work

4、s shall include any work which is necessary to satisfy the Employers requirements, or is implied by the contract, and all works which (although not mentioned in the contract) are necessary for stability or for the completion, or safe and proper operation, of the works.承包商应对所有现场作业、所有施工方法和全部工程的完备性、稳定性

5、和安全性承担责任。The contractor shall be responsible for all the adequacy, stability and safety of all site operations, of all methods of construction and of all the works.当雇主提出要求时,承包商应提交其建议采用的为工程施工的安排和方法的细节。事先未通知雇主,对这些安排和方法不得做重要改变。The contractor shall, whenever required by the employer, submit details of t

6、he arrangements and methods which the contractor proposes to adopt for the execution of the works. No significant alteration to these arrangements and methods shall be made without this having previously been notified to the Employer. 4.2 履行担保4.2 Performance Security承包商应对严格履约(自费)取得履约担保,保证金额与币种应符合专用条

7、件中的规定。专用条件中没有规定保证金额的,本款应不适用。The contractor shall obtain(at his cost) a performance security for proper performance, in the amount and currencies stated in the particular conditions. If an amount is not stated in the particular conditions, this sub-clause shall not apply.承包商应在双方签署合同协议书后28天内,将履行担保交给雇主

8、。履约担保应由雇主批准的国家(或其他司法管域区)内的实体提供,并采用专用条件所附格式或采用雇主批准的其他格式。The contractor shall deliver the performance security to the employer within 28 days after both parties have signed the contract agreement. The performance security shall be issued by an entity and from within a country( or other jurisdiction) a

9、pproved by the employer, and shall be in the form annexed to the particular conditions or in another form approved by the employer.承包商应确保履约担保直到其完成工程的施工、竣工和修补完任何缺陷前持续有效和可执行。如果在履约担保的条款中规定了其期满日期,而承包商在该期满日期28天前尚无权拿到履约证书,承包商应将履约担保的有效期延至工程竣工和修补完任何缺陷时为止。The contractor shall ensure that the performance secu

10、rity is valid and enforceable until the contractor has executed and completed the works and remedied any defects. If the terms of the performance security specify its expiry date, and the contractor has not become entitled to receive the performance certificate by the date 28 days prior to the expir

11、y date, the contractor shall extend the validity of the performance security until the works have been completed and any defects have been remedied.除出现以下情况雇主根据合同有权获得的金额外,雇主不应根据履约担保提出索赔:The employer shall not make a claim under the performance security, except for amounts to which the employer is ent

12、itled under the contract in the event of: (a) 承包商未能按前一段所述延长履约担保的有效期,这时雇主可以索赔履约担保的全部金额;(A) Failure by the contractor to extend the validity of the performance security as described in the preceding paragraph, in which event the employer may claim the full amount of the performance security,(b) 承包商未能在

13、商定或确定后42天内,将承包商同意的,或按照第2.5款雇主的索赔或第20条索赔、争端和仲裁的规定确定的承包商应付金额付给雇主;(B) Failure by the contractor to pay the employer an amount due, as either agreed by the contractor or determined under sub-clause 2.5 employers claims or clause 20 claims, disputes and arbitration, within 42 days after this agreement or

14、 determination,(c) 承包商未能在收到雇主要求纠正违约的通知后42天内进行纠正;(C) Failure by the contractor to remedy a default within 42 days after receiving the employers notice requiring the default to be remedied, or(d) 雇主根据第15.2款由雇主终止的规定有权终止的情况,不管是否已发出终止通知。(D) Circumstances which entitle the employer to termination under su

15、b-clauses 15.2termination by employer, irrespective of whether notice of termination has been given.雇主应保障并保持承包商免受因雇主根据履约担保提出的超出其本无权索赔范围的索赔引起的所有损害赔偿费、损失和开支(包括法律费用和开支)的损害。The employer shall indemnify and hold the contractor harmless against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fe

16、es and expenses) resulting from a claim under the performance security to the extent to which the employer was not entitled to make the claim.雇主应在承包商有权获得履约证书后21天内,将履约担保退还承包商。The employers shall return the performance security to the contractor within 21 days after the contractor has become entitled to receive the performance certificate.4.3 承包商代表4.3 Contractors Representative承包商应任命承包商代表,并授予他代表承包商

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