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1、 How much is a ride? 乘一次多少钱?2)ride做动词,意为“乘车,乘坐,搭乘”。 He often rides his bike to school. 他经常骑自行车去学校。 My little sister can ride a horse. Shes very brave. 我妹妹会骑马;她非常勇敢。3. run1)run 作动词时,有“跑,奔跑”的意思,还有“移动,流动”的意思。 He runs very fast. 他跑的很快。 The rivers run into the sea. 河流流入大海。 Your nose is running have you g

2、ot a cold? 你在流鼻涕,你感冒了吗?2)run作名词时,意为“跑;奔;路程;短期旅行”等。 It is an hours run by train from here to London. 从此地到伦敦搭火车有一小时的行程。 Lets go for a run across the fields. 咱们去跑步,跑过那片田野吧。拓展:run 作动词时常见的用法还有很多:1)行驶;开 例如: Some of these old cars are still running. 有些这样的老车仍在行驶。 Let me run the machine. 让我来开动这台机器。 2)运转;进行;延

3、伸 例如: The machines run day and night. 机器日夜不停地转动。 The road runs north. 这条路伸向北方。3)追赶 例如: The hunter is running a fox. 猎人正在追狐狸。 The dog likes running the chickens. 那只狗喜欢追小鸡。4)管理;经营;指挥 例如: My father runs a camera store. 我父亲经营一家照相器材商店。 Who runs the business? 谁管事?4. think of1)think of 意为“认为,想起,考虑”等。后跟名词、代

4、词、动名词等形式。 What are you thinking of ? 你在想什么? She will smile when she thinks of her good friends. 当她想起她的好朋友时她就会微笑。2)think of 当“考虑 对有某种看法”讲时可以和think about互换。例如: Dont think of(about)me any more不要再考虑我。 Theyre thinking about(of)buying a new car 他们正在考虑买一辆新车。常见的think构成的词组还有think over,意为“仔细考虑”。 Think over,an

5、d youll find a way仔细考虑一下,你就会有办法的。5. come truecome true 意为“实现,应验,成为现实”等,常用来表示梦想、愿望等的实现,是一个常用词组。 Your dream will come true. 你的梦想会成真的。 His words really come true. 他的话真的应验了。realize 和 come true都有“实现(理想愿望等)”之意,但两者用法不同。realize是及物动词,常用于sb. realize sth. 这种结构 句子的主语是人。come true 是不及物动词词组,句子的主语通常是“理想、愿望”等词。 The

6、Chinese people are working hard to realize the modernizations. 中国人民正在为实现现代化而努力工作。 His dream of becoming a teacher came true. 他当教师的理想实现了。6. nono 有“不,毫不 根本不”等意思,常见的用法有:1) no 用于引导否定的答语,意为“不”。 Do you like the cat? 你喜欢猫吗? No I dont. 不,我不喜欢。 Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗? No I cant. 不,我不会。2)no 置于可数名词单数前

7、面时,相当于 not a; 放在可数名词复数前面或不可数名词前时,相当于 not any;意为“完全不,根本不”。 There are no (=not any) computers in that small village. 那个小山村里(根本)没有电脑。 Kate is no teacher.(=Kate is not a teacher.) 凯特(根本)不是教师。注意:no也可以修饰形容词比较等级,表示“完全不,根本不”的意思。 Im feeling no better than yesterday. 我一点儿也不觉得比昨天好。7. like1)like 作动词,意为“喜欢,想要”,反

8、义词是dislike或hate。后面可以跟名词,动词不定式或者动名词等。 Id like some noodles. 我想吃些面条。 My father likes watching TV after supper. 我爸爸喜欢在晚饭后看电视。 She likes flowers very much. 她很喜欢花。like后跟to do 时,表示“某一次的喜好或者倾向”;后跟doing时,表示一贯的习惯或者爱好。 She likes doing her homework after supper but today she likes to watch TV. 她晚饭后一般喜欢做作业,但是今天

9、她想看电视。2)like 作介词,意为“如同,像”,反义词是unlike。用于“be like +名词或代词”时,意为“像”;构成“look like”时,意为“看起来与相像”。 The baby is like his mother. 这个小婴儿长得像他妈妈。 He looks like a teacher. 他看上去像个老师。8. cross1)cross 作动词, 意为“横过,越过”,指从表面上横过。 They cross the river every day. 他们每天都要过河。 Cross the road you will see the store. 过了马路,你就会看到那个商

10、店。2)cross 作名词,意为“十字架,十字形饰物;画十字的动作”。 Jesus died on the cross. 耶稣死在十字架上。 He made a cross over his head. 他在他头上画了一个十字。across和cross的区别这两个词都是“横越 横跨,横穿”的意思,但是cross是动词可以单独作谓语;但是across是介词,需要和动词一起构成谓语。 They cross the street to go to school every day. 他们每天横过马路去上学。 They walk across the street to go to school ev

11、ery day. 他们每天步行横过马路去上学。9. stop1)stop 作动词,意为“停止,中断,阻止,阻拦”等意。既可以做及物动词,也可以做不及物动词。 The car stopped. 车停了。 The guard stopped me at the gate. 卫兵在大门口将我拦住。2)stop 作名词,意为“停止; 逗留,车站”等。 I will wait for you at the bus stop. 我会在公共汽车站等你。 He slowed the car almost to a stop. 他放慢车速,车几乎停住了。10. dream1)dream 作动词,意为“做梦,梦见

12、,渴望,向往”等意,既可以做及物动词,也可以做不及物动词。意为“做梦“时,后跟同源名词dream做宾语;意为“梦见”时,常和about连用;意为“渴望、向往、考虑”等时常和of连用。 She dreams a good dream every night. 她每晚都做美梦。 I sometimes dream about my good friends. 我时常梦见我的好朋友。 I dream of becoming a teacher. 我渴望成为一名教师。2) dream 作名词,意为“梦,愿望,心愿”等。 Its my dream to win a Nobel Prize. 我的理想是获

13、得诺贝尔奖。 Your dream has come true. 你的愿望变成了现实。11. 11-year-old11-year-old 是一个复合形容词。复合形容词的构成方法有很多,“基数词+名词(不用复数),中间用连字符隔开,就构成复合形容词的一种,表示时间、度量等。可以在句子中充当定语修饰名词。 a 10- year-old boy 一个10岁的男孩儿 a two-day conference 为期两天的会议 a 3-hour journey 一次3小时的旅程 a three-mile walk 一段三英里的步行 a two-hour exam. 一次两小时的考试12. hundred

14、 hundred是数词,意为“百”,当表示具体的“几百”时,用“基数词 + hundred”,注意不加-s。 There are nine hundred students in our school. 我们学校有900名学生。拓展:1)hundreds of 表示“数百,成百上千的”这时hundred后要加-s,且后面有介词of,但是不能与数词连用。 There are hundreds of people in the restaurant. 在餐馆里有成百上千的人。2)表示数词的还有thousand“千”,million“百万”,billion“十亿”。它们的用法和hundred一样,可

15、以用来表示约数和确数。 There are thousands of people are waiting to see the movie star. 数千人在等着见那个电影明星。练一练:.根据首字母提示填空。1. He r_ bike to school every day.2. My home is about 5 k_ from school.3. It takes about twenty m_ to walk to school.4. The students in a poor village go on a r_ to cross the river to school.5.

16、I wait for a bus at the bus s_ every morning.6. We should t_ of others first.7. There is a very big river b_ their school and the village.8. I go home by s_ on weekdays.9. One h_ is the number 100.10. There is no bridge and the river r_ too quickly for boats.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. About five _(hundred)

17、students in our school go to school by bike.2. How does your father _(go) to work every day?3. The hamburger is not _(health) food.4. Many of the _ (student) never leave the village.5. How do you_(get) to school ?6. My mother _ (go) to work by bus every day.7. There are_(hundred) of people in the ci

18、nema.8. He says his bike is broken so he _ (have) to go to school by bus.9. It often _ (take) her 3 hours to play sports.10. I love my teacher. He is _ (like) a father to me.选词填空。1. There is _ ( no not) bridge on the river.2. I can swim _ (cross across) the river.3. she is a_ (9-year-old 9-years-old

19、) girl.4. She is _ (dislike unlike) her mother. She is tall but her mother is short.5. She never _ (thinks over thinks of) before she does something.6. My dream can _ ( come true realize) because I work very hard.7. He is _ (a an) 18-year-old boy.8. Do you go by bus _ (and or) by bike?9. Do you usua

20、lly _ (take a subway take the subway) to go to school?10. _ (For To) many students it is easy to get to school.参考答案1. rides 2. kilometers 3. minutes 4. ropeway 5. stop 6. think 7. between 8. subway 9. hundred 10. runs1. hundred 2. go 3. healthy 4. students 5. get 6. goes 7. hundreds 8. has 9. takes

21、10. likeIII.选词填空。1. no 2. across 3. 9-year-old 4. unlike 5. thinks over 6. come true 7. an 8. or 9. take the subway 10. For02重点句型解析1. be afraidafraid是形容词 意为“害怕的 恐惧的”。常和系动词一起构成系表结构。 I am not afraid. 我不害怕。句式be afraid是afraid最常用的形式,其常见的用法有:1)be afraid of be afraid of 后跟名词或者代词,意为“害怕某人或某物”。 Are you afraid

22、 of dogs? 你害怕狗吗? She seems very much afraid of him. 她好像很害怕他。 be afraid of后跟动名词时,意为“怕做某事或不敢做某事”。 Im afraid of telling her.我不敢告诉她。 He is afraid of jumping. 他不敢跳。 be afraid of还可以指“担心会发生某事或某情况(但实际上未必会发生)”。 She was afraid of waking her husband. 她怕吵醒她丈夫。 I am afraid of hurting her feelings. 我怕伤害她的感情。2)be

23、afraid to be afraid to 后接动词原形,意为“害怕做某事或不敢做某事”。 He is afraid to fly in a plane. 他不敢坐飞机。表示担心会发生某事或某情况,只能用 be afraid of 而表示“害怕做某事或不敢做某事”时,既可以用be afraid of 也可以用be afraid to。 Dont be afraid to ask (of asking) question. 不要害怕问问题。 He is afraid to go out (of going out) alone at night. 他不敢晚上一个人出去。3)be afraid

24、that be afraid that后跟一个完整的句子,意为“担心/恐怕”。 He is afraid that she will not come. 他担心她不会来。 I am afraid I cant help you. 恐怕我帮不了你。在日常口语中 “Im afraid that”在很多场合相当于“Im sorry but”。用于提出异议,说出令人不快的事实拒绝对方的要求等使语气委婉。m afraid I dont understand. 抱歉,我不明白你的意思。 Im afraid you are wrong. (You are wrong Im afraid.) 恐怕你错了。4)

25、在口语中Im afraid so. 和Im afraid not.常用作简略答语。 Is it going to rain tomorrow? 明天会下雨吗? Im afraid so. 恐怕会。 Im afraid not. 恐怕不会。2. It takes sb. some time to do sth.1)It takes sb. some time to do sth.是固定句型,意为“做某事需要花费某人多长时间”。take在此意为“花费”,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式to do sth.,对这个句式 中的时间提问时用how long。 It takes me half a

26、n hour to finish my homework every day. 我每天花费半个小时的时间做作业。 How long does it take you from your home to school? 从学校到你家要花多长时间?2)动词spend也有“花费多长时间做某事”的意思,但句式和take不同。它的句式是“sb. spends + 时间或金钱+ (in) doing sth. /on sth.”。 I spend about 3 hours (in) doing /on my homework every day. 我每天花大约三个小时做作业。3. How do you

27、get to school?1)这是由how构成的一个特殊疑问句,用来提问到达某地的方式。句子的结构是“How+ do/does+主语+谓语+其他”。当主语是第三人称单数时,助动词用does,其余人称用do。 How do you go home every day? 你每天怎么回家? How does your father get to work? 你爸爸怎么去上班?2)特殊疑问词how 有“如何,怎样,多么”等意,用于询问动作执行的方式、手段、程度。 How does your father go to work? 你父亲怎样去上班? On foot. 步行。 How do you like China? 你觉得中国怎么样? Very much. 非常喜欢。 How are your parents? 你父母身体怎样? Fine. Thank you. 很好,谢谢!how可以和不同的词搭配,构成不同的意思来引导特殊疑问句 除了我们之前学过的 “how about how many/ much how old”等,常见的搭配还有: h

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