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1、形容词在它们的后面比如:某人在这儿。 Someone is here. 12.像往常一样,他们坐在一棵大树下。(过去式) As usual , they sat under a big tree.13.突然,他们听见树后面的灌木丛传来一阵低语。(过去式)Suddenly , they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree.14.他们转过身但是什么也没看见。 (过去式) They turned around but saw nothing.15.那儿有人吗? Is anybody there?16没有人回答。(过去式) Nobody re

2、plied. (replied原型是 reply) 回答。 reply to 如:回答这个问题: reply to the question.17.害怕某物 be afraid of. 害怕做某事 be afraid to do 18.他们很快离开了公园。 (过去式) They left the park quickly. (left 的原型是 leave)19.在他们回家的路上,遇见了Andy. (过去式) On their way home, they met Andy. (met 的原型是 meet)20.发生了什么事? (过去式) What happened? 某人身上发生了什么事 h

3、appen to sb.比如:昨天他发生了什么事? What happened to him yesterday?21. 她告诉了Andy 所有事情。(过去式) She told Andy everything. (told 的原型是 tell)22.Andy 想知道 。(过去式) Andy wondered.23.他去了公园,站在树旁,仔细听。 He went to the park, stood beside the tree and listened carefully.(went 的原型是go, stood 的原型是stand)carefully 的形容词形式是careful24.搜索

4、灌木丛 search the bushes 在某地搜索某物 search +地点+for +物25. 自言自语 say to oneself 26. say 的过去式是said ; find 的过去式是found27.它非常虚弱 It is very weak,28.它听起来像是一阵低语。 It sounded like a whisper.29.捡起这只小猫 pick up the little cat30.公园里的鬼魂 the ghost in the park31. 感到惊讶 be surprised 对。感到惊讶 be surprised at . 做某事很惊讶 be surprise

5、d to do 32.那天的晚些时候,他们把小猫带到了动物中心。 Later that day , they took the little cat to the animal center. (take过去式took)33.一个月以前 a month ago34.记住本单元经常出现的一些动词和原型和过去式。 cry-cried stop-stopped cost-cost put-put write-wrote know-knew make-made spend-spent leave-left teach-taught have-had are-were is/am-was play-pl

6、ayed plan-planned bring-brought learn-learnt/learned eat-ate read-read draw-drew become-became come-came35. 照很多的相片 take a lot of photos 给。照相 take photos of36.前天 the day before yesterday37.11 厘米高 11 centimeters tall38. 很久以前住在地球上 live on the earth a long time ago39.吃的很少或不吃 eat little or nothing (eat 的

7、过去式 ate)40.骆驼可以没有水生存很长时间。 Camels can live without water for a long time.)41.蚂蚁嗅觉灵敏。 Ants can smell things well. smell 在这里表示动词“闻”,后面用well 当smell 表示 “闻起来怎么样”时,后接形容词。 比如:它闻起来不错。 It smells good.42.住在非常干燥的地方。 live in very dry places43.使我们的房子保持干净 keep our house clean keep + 形容词44. 我再也不害怕动物了。 I am not afra

8、id of animals any more.45.听说 hear of 我听说过一个年轻人 。 I heard of a young man.46.环游 travel around47.那天我读到了一个人。 I read about a man the other day.48.他可以在同时一只手写字,另外一只手画画。 He can write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.49.用粉笔画3D图片 draw 3-D pictures with chalk.50.呆在家里 stay at home (stay 过去

9、式 stayed)51.和她说话 talk to her52.我们住在一个有很多令人惊奇事物的精彩世界里。 We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things53.一个叫Tom 的男孩 a boy called Tom54.和他的朋友打牌 play cards with his friends55.他不想停下来吃饭。 He did not want to stop for meals stop for meals = stop to have meals56.把肉放在两片面包之间 put meat between two piec

10、es of bread57.很快其他人想吃同样的食物。 Soon others wanted to eat the same food.58.请求 ask for 59.后来这食物在全世界变的流行。(过去式) Later the food became popular all over the world. (become 过去式 became)60. 难道这不让人感到惊讶吗? Isnt that amazing? 7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun 重点短语与句型Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 1. 户外乐趣 outdoor fun 户外活动 ou

11、tdoor activities2. 你真会抱怨。 You complain too much.3. 骑马 /野营 go riding/ camping4. 你觉得野营怎么样? What do you like about camping?5. 给我拿着 carry it for me6. 快点,赶快 hurry up7. 包不是那么重。 The bag isnt that heavy.8. 我太累了。 Im tired.9. 你想尝试什么户外活动? What outdoor activity would you like to try?Reading1. 掉进兔子洞 down the rab

12、bit hole2. 阳光明媚的一天 one sunny day3. 抬头看,向上看 look up4. 她看到穿着衣服的兔子经过 She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by5. 把拿出来 took out of6. 多么令人惊奇呀! How amazing!7. 跟着兔子跑到了田野上 run across the field after the rabbit8. 跳进了一个大大的洞里 jump down a big hole9. 不想让兔子跑掉 did not want to let the rabbit get away10. 她发现独自一人在又

13、长又低矮的大厅里 She found herself alone in a long, low hall11. 但它打不开任何一扇门 But it did not fit any of the doors.12. 在另一边 on the other side 13. 尝试穿过门 go through the doorGrammar1.听到了声音 hear a sound2.在家 be at home 3.我度过了一段美好的时光 I had a good time.4. 他和他的朋友们练习打排球 He practiced playing volleyball with his friends5.

14、 待在家里读书 stay at home and read some books5. 在湖边支起了帐篷 put up a tent near a lake6. 你们整晚都待在外面吗? Did you stay outside all night?7. 它有趣吗? Was it interesting?8. 我们还在湖上划船了。 We also rowed a boat on the lake.Integrated skills &study skills1. 让西方人了解风筝 let people in the west know about the kites2. 发现了一种造纸的心方法 f

15、ind a new way to make paper3. 用竹子制作风筝 use bamboo to make kites4. 用木材制作鸟 make a bird out of wood5. 风筝在中国有着悠久的历史 Kites has a long history in China6. 放风筝成为非常流行的户外活动 Kite flying became a very popular outdoor activity7. 从那时起 from then on8.变得因而出名 become famous for9. 去野餐 have a picnic10. 我是如此的兴奋 Im so exci

16、ted11. 恐怕不能 Im afraid not 12. 记得带着你的移动电话 remember to take your mobile phone13. 现在一切准备就绪 Now everything is ready.14. 在湖里游泳很危险。 Its dangerous to swim in the lake.Task:1. 对感兴趣 be interested in2. Alice不知道做什么 Alice did not know what to do3. 回到桌子那 went back to the table4. 瓶子上的字条 a note on the bottle5. 它尝起

17、来像果汁。 It tastes like fruit juice.6. 向下看 look down7. 变得越来越小 became smaller and smaller8. 过了一会 after a while9. 决定去做某事 decide to do something10. 她忘记钥匙了 She forgot about the key.11. 她太小了够不到钥匙 She was too small to reach the key.12. 在那之后,她会发生什么? What will happen to her after that?知识点详解1.hurry up 快点,赶快 拓展i

18、n a hurry 匆忙地,例We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry. 忙中不免出错。 be tired 累了(surprised / excited / interested / amazed / bored )-ed式形容词主语是人-ing式形容词主语是物sth be tiring(surprising/ exciting / interesting / amazing / boring Its adj (surprising/ exciting / interesting / amazing )that- Its

19、 adj (surprising/ exciting / interesting / amazing )to do-3.that heavy =so heavy那么重 that ( adv.) 那么,那样4.关于look的词组look up / down抬(低)头 look up 查阅look up the new words in the dictionary Look out 小心Look after 照顾Look for 寻找5. make / let do 让 / 使某人做某事watch / see / hear sb do 观看、看见、听见某人做某事(经常,全过程) watch /

20、see / hear sb doing sth 强调doing动作正在进行6.find herself alone in 发现他自己单独在alone = on ones own = by oneself adj 独自的 强调客观事实lonely adj (主观上)感到孤独的例She lives alone but she doesnt feel the door with the key =use the key to open the door 用钥匙打开了门 例use bamboo to make kites =make kites with bamboo用竹子

21、做风筝8. make a bird out of wood 用木头做了一只鸟复习be made of / from be made of 由.制成,看得出原材料如:The kite is made of paper风筝是用纸做的。be made from 看不出原材料The paper is made from wood纸是木头做的。be made in +原产地This watch is made in China.9.begin to use paper to make kites= begin to make kites with paper开始用只做风筝begin to do = st

22、art to do sth 开始做某事 start / begin with 以 开始 too small to reach the key太小而够不着钥匙 too to 太而不能 eg. walk too slow to follow the others 11.reach到达(同get to或arrive in / at) reach the park = get to the park =arrive at the park7B Unit 7 Abilities 短语句子 一、短语:1 信不信由你believe it or not 2 当心be careful/look out

23、 /take care3 互助俱乐部the Helping Hands Club 4 植树plant trees5 在公共汽车上给人让座 give a/ones seat to someone on the bus6 帮助一位老人help an old man/person 7 为希望工程收集物品collect things for Project Hope8 彻底清理公园clean up the park 9 探访老年之家visit an old peoples home10 最需要书 .need books most 11 能,能够be able to=can12.送些衣服给他们send

24、them some clothes/send some clothes to them13 为。募集一些钱raise some money for 14 (住)隔壁 / 住某人隔壁(live) next door / live next to sb15. 79岁的孙老太 the 79-year-old Mrs Sun 16 在那一刻at that moment17 跑回到run back to 18 往浇水pour water over.19 冲进厨房rush into the kitchen 20用毯子扑灭大火put out the fire with a blanket21 (生病)住院两

25、个月be (ill) in hospital for two months22 给他花和礼物give him flowers and presents / give flowers and presents to him give的过去式 gave23 互相帮助help each other 24 小心用火be careful with fire25 使某人安全脱险keep someone safe from danger 26 阻止某人做某事stop sb. from doing sth.27 严重受伤be hurt badly/be badly hurt 28 玩火柴play with m

26、atches29 着火be on fire 30 呼救call /shout for help31 这个学期 this term 32 顺便说一下 by the way33 推荐某人得今年的新星奖recommend sb for this years Young Star Award34 学东西快learn things quickly 35 帮助她出来 help her out36 过街cross the street/go across the street 37 为某事而感谢某人thank sb. for sth.38 为做绝大部分的电脑工作do most of the computer

27、 work 39 得奖have/get the/an award 40 一个玩乐的好地方a good place to have fun41 用你的手机打电话make a call on your mobile42 忘记去做(未做)某事 /忘记关灯forget to do sth./forget to turn off the lights43 把某物忘在某地/把作业忘在家leave sth.+sp. /leave ones homework at home 44 家长会a parents meeting 45. 一个5岁的男孩 a five-year-old boy46 尽力做某事try /

28、do ones best to do sth. 47 在这门功课上努力work hard on this subject48 写好文章write good articles 49 需要在地理上做得更好 need to do better in Geography 50 弹得好钢琴play the piano well 51 进入校(排球)队get into the school (volleyball) team52 不要紧,没关系never mind 53 努力练习practise hard54 打扫 clean up 55 在六岁的时候 at the age of 656.向我展示如何弹奏它 show me how to play it57 需要多读多说need to read more and speak more58.筹划好所有事情plan everything well 59 迷路lose ones way/get lost 60在

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