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人教版高中英语版选修七Unit 2 robots reading名师精编课时作业Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、4. It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic _ Zheng He had sailed to East Africa.5. It is _ great satisfaction to know you are well again.6. I dont envy him _(visit) the city of Sansha, because I have been there several times.7. It is our desire that every effort _(make) to p

2、rotect the surroundings in our school.8. _ time went by, we grew wiser and wiser.9. Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesnt matter _ you have lived there for a short or a long time.10. Mary has got many awards in different competitions, which makes her _ envy of all her friends.11. There

3、 were already five people in the car but they managed _(take) me as well. It couldnt have been a pleasant journey.12. It is none of your business _ other people think about you. Believe yourself.13. Today is _(awful) hot. I will stay at home and not go out playing basketball.14. I cant say which win

4、e is best; its _ matter of personal taste.15. He kept telling us jokes, which had us _(laugh) all the way.1.alarmed 2.than 3.However/No matter how4. that 5.a 6.visiting7.(should) be made 8.As 9.whether10.the take 12.what13.awfully 14. a 15.laughing. 单项填空1. Its my desire that all the members of

5、 the family once a year. A.should have gathered B.had gathered C.gathered D.gather【答案】D2. The thief was caught because the alarm when he was stealing money from the shop. A.went on B.went off C.went away D.went out【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:小偷被抓了,因为他正在商店偷钱时,警报器响了。go on 继续;go off (警 报器)发出响声go away 离开go out

6、 出去。根据句意可知,应选B项。3. Out of for the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night. A.pity B.shame C.sympathy D.mercy【答案】C【解析】考查名词。句意:出于同情(sympathy),他给这些无家可归的孩子们提供了一晚的住宿。shame “羞耻”;mercy“仁慈”。故选C。4. Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today? Yes, _. pleasure B.with pleasure

7、C.for pleasure pleasure5. The little boy appeared at my classroom door in the second week of school this fall an hour after school had started, without an adult him to the class. A.accompanying B.distributing C.attracting D.recommending【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。根据句意可知,此处表示小男孩是在没有一个大人陪伴的情况下,自己来到教室 门口的。 ac

8、company 陪伴,陪同符合语境。6. As we are companions in difficult situations, I will not , unconcerned about your troubles. A.look on B.wait on C.hang on D.catch on既然我们是患难之交, 对你的困难我就不会袖手旁观。 look on袖手 旁观wait on伺候,招待hang on坚持catch on理解,流行起来7. What has happened to you, Mary? Youre so sad. My application was once

9、again. A.turned around B.turned down C.turned off D.turned in【解析】考查动词短语。你发生了什么事,玛丽?你如此难过。我的申请又被拒绝了。turn down 拒绝,符合语境。turn around 转身,好转turn off关掉,截断turn in交还,提交8. As a teacher, I often use this celebritys experience to the message to my students that they should have their own dream for the future. A

10、.declare B.convey C.summarize D.attach9. The company has got from many users both at home and abroad for top-quality products and services. A.benefit B.apology D.envy【解析】考查名词辨析。benefit益处;apology道歉;credit信任;envy嫉妒。因为优质产品和服 务,公司得到了来自国内外许多使用者的信任。根据句意,应选C。10. Mrs. Wood makes some suggestions an

11、d points out some items he has because of carelessness. A.taken out B.put out C.picked out D.left out伍德夫人提了些建议,并指出了他因为粗心而遗漏的一些项目。take out 拿出put out扑灭,出版pick out挑选,辨认出leave out忽略,遗漏根据句意,应选D项。11. At the foot of the mountain . A.a village lies lying a village C.does a village lie D.lies a village【

12、解析】考查倒装和时态。在山脚下有一个村庄。表示地点的介词短语位于句首时,句子的主 谓结构使用完全倒装语序,故排除A、C两项;根据句意可知此处为客观事实,应用一般现在时,故选D。12. It was the training he had as a young man made him such a good engineer. A.what;that B.that;what C.that;which D.which;that. 完成句子1. I desire that the rule _ _ _ _ _(被注意到) of the public.2. _ _ _ _(很显然) Claire h

13、ad fallen in love with Tony.3. _ _ _ _ _(有一座古老的寺庙) at the top of the hill.4. Father passed away, _ _ _ _(只留下了债务)5. I like her, _ _(尽管) she can be annoying sometimes.6. Was it _ _ _ _ _ _(因为坏天气) the match had to be put off?7. He _ _ _ _(转过身发现) a policeman looking at him.8. The book seems to be _ _ _

14、_ _ _ _.(与其说是本语法书还不如说是一本字典)9. There _ _ _(碰巧有) a small restaurant by the road.10. I wont have you _ _ _ _(让灯一直亮着) all night long.1. be brought to the attention 2.It was clear/obvious/evident that3.There stands an old temple 4.leaving nothing but debts5.even though 6.because of the bad weather that7.

15、turned around to find 8.more a dictionary than a grammar book9.happened to be 10.having the light burning. 完形填空 I work for a non-profit organization that serves children with disabilities. I love every minute of it and a particular 1made me appreciate it even more. Last Friday we brought them to an

16、amusement park. I was 2with three girls who all had Downs syndrome(唐氏综合征). I should note that they are the most 3girls in the entire world. We were 4around from game to game, and the girls were having a great time, regardless of the 5and looks from people around us. We were on a(n) 6roller coaster r

17、ide when the moment I would remember for the rest of my life happened. The girls were 7and screaming in excitement on the ride, when a young woman 8me on the shoulder. I turned around. She politely told me that she 9the girls had Downs syndrome. I told her yes, and that we were with an organization

18、on an outing.zx.x.k I couldnt 10what she next said to me. She informed me that she had just had a baby who was 11with Downs syndrome, and she had been most worried if the baby would be able to experience joy and live a life full of 12. She then went on to say that watching these girls gave her the b

19、iggest sigh of 13, because she saw how full of life and happy they were. Then, she 14me for talking to her and giving her the best gift she could have asked for: 15. I am so 16that these three amazing girls were able to bring this mother a huge sigh of relief that they gave her the hope and 17that h

20、er baby will experience a happy life. Every time I think about this or 18as I write this I cant help but 19. These kids that I am so 20to work with every day and their smiling faces are a major reason why I smile each day.1. A. experience B. lady C. park D. girl2. A. traveling B. quarrelling C. work

21、ing D. enjoying3. A. stupid B. lovable C. laughable D. admirable4. A. running B. getting C. turning D. showing5. A. praises B. thanks C. applauses D. stares6. A. satisfying B. stimulating C. amusing D. frightening7. A. talking B. throwing C. laughing D. thinking8. A. called B. hit C. beat D. patted9

22、. A. denied B. recognized C. admitted D. refused10. A. imagine B. doubt C. suppose D. believe11. A. covered B. filled C. diagnosed D. impressed12. A. happiness B. achievement C. worry D. sorrow13. A. relief B. disappointment C. pleasure D. appreciation14. A. excused B. scolded C. blamed D. thanked15

23、. A. success B. promise C. hope D. wealth16. A. careful B. thankful C. regretful D. thoughtful17. A. knowledge B. advice C. suggestion D. fact18. A. rather B. even C. else D. quite19. A. weep B. sigh C. jump D. smile20. A. ashamed B. tired C. blessed D. puzzled 【语篇解读】作者在一个为残疾孩子服务的非盈利组织工作。一次带着孩子们在游乐场

24、玩耍时,作者遇到一位年轻女士,这位女士的话使作者感受颇深,使他认识到自己工作的重大意义。1. A 从下文的叙述可知,是一次不寻常的经历使作者更重视自己的工作了。2. C 我当时的工作是帮助三个患有唐氏综合征的女孩。由首句信息I work for a non-profit organization that.可知答案。3. B 由作者全文的情感态度可以看出,作者觉得这些孩子是非常讨人喜欢的,因此用lovable。admirable(令 人钦佩的)不适合。4. A 我们在公园里玩一个又一个游戏。此处描述的是孩子们在公园里玩耍的场面,因此用running。get around 各处走动,传开;tur

25、n around扭转,(使)转变;show sb. around.带某人参观。7. C 由全文内容可知,孩子们玩得非常开心,所以用laughing,意为:女孩们笑着,兴奋地尖叫着。8. D 此处表示一位女士想和作者交谈,因此用pat,意为轻拍作者的肩膀。9. B 她礼貌地告诉我她辨认出这些女孩患有唐氏综合征。因此用recognized,其余动词不符合语境。10. D 作者不敢相信女士接下来告诉他的话,因此用believe。11. C 她刚出生的孩子被诊断患有唐氏综合征。be diagnosed with.被诊断出患有,符合语境。12. A 由下文her baby will experience a happy life可知,这位女士担心自己患有唐氏综合征的孩子能

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