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GE氧化锆说明书 第五章故障诊断文档格式.docx

1、 Rotary Switch SettingsAppendix B: Outline and Mounting DimensionsAppendix C: The Nernst EquationAppendix D: Wiring Diagrams and Circuit BoardsAppendix E: CE Mark ComplianceAppendix F: Previous ConfigurationsChapter 5 Troubleshooting 故障诊断Overview 概述The FGA 300H(X) has been designed to overcome most

2、of the problems commonly associated with monitoring flue gases. However, because of the corrosive and extreme conditions under which the instrument must operate, some difficulties may still be encountered. The procedures for resolving many of these situations are discussed in this chapter. If the in

3、formation provided in this chapter is not sufficient, please consult Panametrics for assistance.FGA 300H(X)的设计是为了克服与监测烟道气体相关的很多常见问题。然而,由于仪器必须操作在腐蚀和极端的条件下,所以可能仍然会遇到一些困难。本章讨论解决许多这些情况的方法。如果本章中提供的资料不够充分,请咨询Panametrics援助。The FGA 300H(X) analyzer has two sets of error indicators that can occur: oxygen mea

4、surement errors combustibles measurement errorsFGA 300H(X)分析仪具有两套可能会出现的错误指示:氧气测量误差易燃的测量误差Each error indicator appears on the corresponding readout of the 300D Display Console. Thus, if there is an oxygen measurement error, the error indicator will appear on the oxygen readout.Refer to Table 5-1 on p

5、age 5-2 to troubleshoot the FGA 300H(X) analyzer.每个错误指标出现在300D显示控制台的相应读出器上。因此,如果有氧气测量误差,误差指示会出现在氧气读出器上。参考5-2页上的表5-1,检修FGA 300H(X)分析仪。!WARNING!To ensure safe operation of the FGA 300H(X), it must be installed and operated as described in this manual. In addition, be sure to follow all applicable loca

6、l safety codes and regulations for installing electrical equipment.All procedures should be performed by trained service personnel.!警告! 为了确保FGA 300H(X)的安全运行 ,必须按手册所描述的进行安装和操作。此外,一定要遵循所有适用的地方性安全规范和标准安装电气设备。所有程序应当由经过培训的服务人员执行完成。Table 5-1: Troubleshooting Guide (page5-2) Possible Combustibles Error Ind

7、icatorsOxygen Errors This section discusses each of the possible oxygen errors listed in Table 5-1 on page 5-2. If an error other than those listed should occur, contact GE Panametrics for assistance.本节讨论5-2页表5-1中的每一种可能的氧气错误。如果出现列表以外的错误,请联系通用电气Panametrics请求援助。Blinking “-.-” 闪烁“-.-”An oxygen display

8、that alternates between a blank screen and a “-.-” reading indicates an open circuit error and can be caused by one of the following conditions:氧气显示候补之间的黑屏和一个-.-读表明开路错误,可能由于下列情况之一引起:Note: Before proceeding, make sure the unit is not still warming up. This condition may also be indicated by an E1 err

9、or code. 注:在开始之前,请确保该单位仍未升温。这种情况也可能表明了E1的错误代码。 faulty wiring faulty oxygen sensor faulty RTD/TC temperature sensor faulty sensor furnace faulty furnace temperature control (FTC) board 线路故障氧传感器故障电阻/热电偶温度传感器故障熔炉温度控制板故障When the FGA 300H(X) detects this error: alarms are activated analog outputs indicat

10、e a lack of oxygen on all ranges the stoichiometric interlock is activated, which produces a “1 0” reading on the combustibles display.To correct this error, refer to the flow diagram in Figure 5-1 on page 5-4 and perform the following checks in the order given.当FGA 300H(X)检测到这个错误:警报被激活模拟输出指示所有范围缺乏氧

11、气化学计量联锁被激活,在易燃显示屏上产生了“ 1 0 ”的读数。要纠正此错误,请参阅5-4页上的流程图5- 1,按顺序执行下列检查。Figure 5-1: Blinking “-.-” Flow Diagram (page5-4)Check the Wiring 检测线路The most common reason for the open circuit error is incorrect or loose wiring. Complete the two checks listed below to correct any wiring problems.最常见的开路错误的原因是线路不正

12、确或变松。完成下面列出的两个检查以纠正线路问题。Be careful when tightening the terminal block electrical connections. Full line voltage is present on some terminals in the Main Analyzer Unit, the FTC Box and the Display Console.紧固接线盒电线连接时要小心。一些终端的主要分析仪模块、FTC盒以及显示控制台存在实线电压。IMPORTANT: These symbols indicate Caution - dangero

13、usly hot surfaces and risk of electric shock, respectively: 重要说明:这些符号表明警告热表面的危险和触电的危险,分别为:1. Check all wiring, including the factory wiring, on the terminal blocks in the Main Analyzer Unit, remote FTC Box, and Display Console. Refer to the wiring instructions in Chapter 2, Installation, to make sur

14、e that all wires are attached to the correct pins. If any connections are loose, turn the screws clockwise with a small screwdriver to secure the connections.2. Locate the oxygen sensor clips (see Figure 5-2 on page 5-5, which shows the sample system with the analyzer enclosure removed) and short th

15、em together with a jumper. The oxygen display should read 20.90% (or 0 mV by pressing the mV key).If the wiring is good and a 20.90% oxygen reading is obtained with the shorted clips, remove the jumper and proceed to the sensor furnace temperature check.1. 检查主要分析单元的接线端子上、远程FTC盒和显示控制台上的所有电线,包括工厂布线。参阅

16、第二章的布线指导,安装,以确保所有电线连接到正确的引脚。如果有任何连接松动,用小螺丝刀顺时针拧动螺丝,以确保连接可靠。2. 定位有氧传感器接线柱(见5-5页上的图5-2,显示了分析仪外壳移除后的样品系统),用跳接器使它们短接。氧气显示读数应为20.90(或0毫伏,通过按MV键) 。如果线路是好的且20.90,氧气读数通过接线短路获得,删除跳线,着手检查传感器炉温。 If an open loop (OL) is measured at the oxygen sensor clips, recheck the wiring and try again. If the OL reading rep

17、eats, contact GE Panametrics for assistance.注意:如果一个开环(OL)衡量氧气传感器接线柱,重新检查线路,然后再试一次。如果OL读数重复,联系GE Panametrics请求援助。Figure 5-2: Oxygen Sensor Clips (page5-5)Check the Temperature Sensor 检查温度传感器If the FGA 300H(X) is fitted with an RTD temperature sensor, complete Step 1. If the FGA 300H(X) is fitted with

18、 an optional thermocouple (TC) temperature sensor, skip to Step 2.如果FGA 300H(X)是装有RTD温度传感器的,完成第1步。如果FGA 300H(X)是配有一个可选的热电偶(TC)的温度传感器,跳到第2步。There are very hot surfaces in the Main Analyzer Unit. Touching any of these surfaces without heat resistant gloves will result in serious burns.分析仪的主要单元里有非常热的表面

19、。不戴耐热手套的情况下触摸任何这些表面将导致严重烧伤。1. Disconnect the Main Analyzer Unit RTD leads from pins 3 and 4 of terminal block TB1 in the Remote FTC Box.a. Using a digital multimeter, measure the resistance across the disconnected RTD leads. One of the conditions listed in Table 5-2 on page 5-6 should occur.b. Compl

20、ete the action recommended in Table 5-2 above. If a resistance reading other than those listed above is obtained, refer to Table 5-3 below to determine the operating temperature of the sensor furnace. A standard FGA 300H(X) operates at a temperature of 700C.1. 断开主要分析仪单元RTD(Read Tape Decimal,十进制读出带)与

21、远程FTC盒子的接线板TB1的引脚3和4的连接。a. 用数字万用表,测量交叉在断开的RTD引线上的电阻。5-6页的表5-2列出的其中一种情况应该出现。b. 完成表5-2上推荐值的操作。如果获得了除上面列出的数值以外的电阻读数,请参阅下面的表5-3,以确定传感器炉子的工作温度。标准的FGA 300H(X温度控制在700C。2Locate the Main Analyzer Unit TC leads at pins 3 and 4 of terminal block TB1 in the Remote FTC Box.aUsing a digital multimeter, measure th

22、e voltage across the TC terminals. One of the conditions listed in Table 5-4 below should occur.b Complete the action recommended in Table 5-4 above. If a voltage reading other than those listed above is obtained, refer to Figure 5-3 below or Table 5-5 on page 5-8 to determine the operating temperat

23、ure of the sensor furnace. A standard FGA 300H(X) operates at a temperature of 7002定位连接在远程FTC盒子的接线板TB1的引脚3和4上的主要分析仪单元TC(温差电偶)。a用数字万用表,测量热电偶终端的电压值。下面的表5-4中列出的情况之一应该发生。b完成表5-4上建议值的操作。如果获得的是列出数据以外的电压读数,请参阅下面的图5-3或5-8页上的表5-5,以确定传感器炉的工作温度。标准的FGA 300H(X) 温度控制在700CTable 5-2: RTD Resistance ReadingsTable 5-

24、3: RTD Resistance vs. TemperatureTable 5-4: Thermocouple Voltage ReadingsFigure 5-3: Thermocouple Voltage vs. TemperatureTable 5-5:Check the Oxygen Sensor 检查氧传感器If the sensor furnace operating temperature was within the normal range, the troubleshooting sequence should resume here.1. Disconnect the

25、Main Analyzer Unit leads from pins 1 and 2 (oxygen sensor connections) of terminal block TB1 in the Remote FTC Box.2. Using a digital multimeter, measure the resistance between the two oxygen sensor clips. Place the positive lead of the multimeter on the inner clip (the clip inside the base of the o

26、xygen sensor) as close to the oxygen sensor as possible without touching it. Place the negative lead of the multimeter on the outer clip (the clip around the base of the oxygen sensor). See Figure 5-2 on page 5-5 for the location of the clips.3. If the measurement indicates an open loop (OL), adjust

27、 the clips to make certain they are making good contact with the oxygen sensor and take another reading. If an open loop is still measured, the oxygen sensor is defective and must be replaced.如果传感器炉的工作温度是在正常范围内,故障排除顺序应该按这里执行:1断开主要分析仪单元与远程FTC盒子里接线板TB1的引脚1和2(氧传感器连接)的连接。2用数字万用表,测量两个氧传感器接线柱之间的电阻。万用表的正极引

28、线放置到接线柱内部(氧传感器基部里的接线柱),尽可能靠近氧传感器但不要碰到它。万用表的负极引线放置到外部的接线柱上(围绕氧传感器基部的接线柱)。接线柱的位置见5-5页上的图5-2。3如果测量表明是开环(OL),调整接线柱,使他们与氧传感器接触良好,并再一次读数。如果仍然测量为开环,氧传感器存在缺陷,必须予以更换。Check the Sensor Furnace 检查传感器熔炉If the sensor furnace operating temperature was too low, the troubleshooting sequence should resume here. This

29、symbol indicates Caution - risk of electric shock:1. Disconnect the sensor furnace leads from pins 12 and 14 of terminal block TB3 in the Accessory Box.2. Using a digital multimeter, measure the resistance across the disconnected sensor furnace leads. One of the conditions listed in Table 5-6 below

30、should occur.3. Reconnect the sensor furnace leads to pins 12 and 14 of terminal block TB3 in the Accessory Box.4. Complete the action recommended in Table 5-7 above.如果传感器炉的工作温度过低,故障排除顺序应该按下面执行。重要说明:此符号代表警告-触电的危险:1断开传感器炉与配件盒中接线板TB3的引脚12和14的连接。2用数字万用表,测量断开的传感器熔炉的电阻。列于下面的表5-6的其中一种情况应该发生。3重新连接传感器熔炉至配件盒接线板的引脚12和14。4完成表5-7上面的建议值操作。Table 5-6: Sensor Furnace Resistance ReadingsFigure 5-4: Bottom View of FurnaceTable 5-7:Check the F

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