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1、他们要我快点回来。我请他立即回信。她要你立即见她。她应邀演奏了一曲。解析:(1) 选 B。wish 表示不能实现的愿望,句型搭配 wish for sth.;C、D两项不符合题意。desire 渴望,想要;符合句意。(2)He desired a college education.They desire me to return soon.I desire an immediate answer of his.She desires that you (should) see her at once.She played a piece at othersdesire/by desire.2

2、. alarmn.警报vt.使惊恐We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest.森林失火使我们大为惊慌。give /raise the alarm 发警报ring the alarm 敲警钟sound the alarm 发警报; 吹警报号take (the) alarm at 对感到吃惊; 因而惊恐be alarmed at . 被吓一跳As soon as he saw the smoke, he sounded the alarm.一看见烟雾,他就鸣响了警报。高手过招翻译句子 (原创)看到孩子们在返校时遭遇车祸的消息,家长们很害怕。看到大火

3、,社区的居民发出警报。答案:The parents took (the) alarm at the news that their children caught atraffic accident when returning the school.The residents in the community raised the alarm when seeing the great fire.3. accompanyvt.陪伴accompany sb. to a place 陪伴某人去某地accompany sth. with/by sth. 与同时存在He accompanied hi

4、s old father to the hospital to see whats wrong with hisstomach.他陪他的老父亲去医院查看胃部出了什幺问题。Thunders accompanied by heavy rain in this season are very common.这个季节,雷鸣常常伴有大雨。总统出现了,被六个健壮的保镖护随着。回到家乡,他的老同学们陪着他参观了这个城市。The president appeared and was accompanied by six strongbodyguards.When returning hometown, he

5、was shown around the city accompanied by hisold classmates.4. envyn.&vt. 妒忌;羡慕envy sb. doing/for sth. 忌妒或羡慕某人做某事with envy 羡慕地;忌妒地be the envy of 是令人羡慕/忌妒的事物out of envy 出于妒忌I envy you having such a good friend!我羡慕你有这幺一位好朋友!They looked at her new car with envy.他们羡慕地看着她的新车。He was filled with envy of

6、 me at my success.他十分羡慕我的成功。They only say such unkind things about you out of envy.他们纯粹出于忌妒才说你这些坏话。联想拓展envious adj. 羡慕的; 妒忌的be envious of 妒忌;她出于忌妒说了关于你的这些话。汤姆妒忌他哥哥事业上的成功。She said these words about you out of envy.Tom was envious of his brothers success in business.重点短语5. reach for伸手碰到/去拿/够到He reache

7、d for his gun when he heard the enemys sound.当他听到敌人的声音时就伸手去拿自己的枪。He reached into his pocket for his keys.他把手伸到口袋里找钥匙。reach to 达到;触到within/out of/beyond ones reach 在某人伸手可及/够不到的距离单项填空I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the childrens. (2010•01&江苏徐州检测)A.Reach B. Hand C. Hold D. Place选 A。考查固定搭

8、配。out of ones reach 意为“在某人伸手够不到的距离”;符合句意“孩子够不着”。6. test out考验;试验This model had been tested out before it was put into production.这个型号经过试验后才进行大批量生产。Before the lecture, the professor is used to testing out the whole experiment.上课前,这个教授习惯先将整个实验试验一番。test on sb./sth. 在(身上)做实验/试验have/take a test in 参加考试成千

9、上万的人们将参加这周日的公务员考试。那个咨询顾问总是先将新的政策在他自己的公司里进行实验。 Tens of thousands of people will take an entrance test for governmentofficers this Sunday.The consultant always testing the new policy on his own company first.7. ring up打电话给On arriving at the airport, he rang up his mother to say everything was OK.一到达机场

10、,他就打电话给母亲报平安。ring back 回电话ring off 挂断电话;停止讲话ring a bell 唤醒(经常是模糊的记忆)ring up the curtain 开始(一场演出,一个事件或一次行动)I have to ring off now because my friend is waiting for me.我朋友在等我,我得挂电话了。今早他刚起床就有人给他打电话了。见到老板进来,他赶紧挂断电话假装在工作。The moment he got up this morning, someone rang him up.Seeing his boss coming, he hur

11、ried to ring off and pretended to be working.8. leave .alone不打扰Leave him alone and he will produce.别打扰他,他会写出来的。You shouldnt have left Andy alone in the mountains, it was very dangerous.你不该将安迪一个人留在山上,因为那样非常危险。leave behind 留下,遗留leave aside (把某事)搁置一边leave for 出发前往leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑He was asked to leav

12、e for another city in 24 hours.他被要求 24 小时内离开到另一个城市去。The teacher required us to leave out some unnecessary words in our essays.老师让我们将论文中一些不必要的词语省去。老板携款潜逃了,只留下一间空厂房。听到警报,警察丢下家人冲出去看发生了什幺事。The boss escaped with all his fortune and left an empty factory behind.Hearing the alarm, the policeman left his fa

13、mily behind and rushed out to seewhat happened.9. set aside将放到一边;节省或保留(钱或时间);暂时不考虑He set all offers aside. 所有的提议他都置之不理。set down 记下,写下set off 动身;爆炸set out 出发;开始做set up 创立,建立;竖起He set off for work. 他动身去上班。Try to at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.(2010&山东烟台检测)A.set off B. set out C.

14、 set aside D.set down选 C。句意为:争取每天至少抽出 1 小时时间学习新词汇。set aside为某种目的留出、拨出(金钱、时间)等,符合句意。10. turn around转向He heard a voice but when he turned around, he saw nobody.他听到一个声音,但转身却没发现有人。As he walked towards the hotel, he suddenly turned around and found an oldlady following him.当他朝旅馆走去时,突然转身发现一个老妇人跟着他。turn aw

15、ay 把(脸)转过去turn against 背叛;反抗turn on/off 打开/关掉turn up 出现;调大(音量)turn down 拒绝;调小(音量)turn out 结果是;证明是那个年轻的女士无法想像要是她的丈夫背叛她的话会是怎幺样。虽然贫穷,但是女孩毅然地拒绝了别人的帮助。The young lady cant imagine what if her husband turns against her.Though poor, the girl turned down othershelp firmly.重点句型11. Claire didnt want the robot

16、in her house, especially as her husband would beabsent for three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldnt harm her orallow her to be harmed.克莱尔并不想把机器人留在家里,特别是在她丈夫离别三周的这个期间。但是,克莱尔被拉里说服了。他说,机器人不会伤害她,也不会让别人来伤害她。to be harmed 为动词不定式的被动语态。All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be

17、 received in time forChristmas.所有的这些礼物必须马上邮寄,以便在圣诞节时及时收到。It remains to be seen whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals.吉姆最后是否适合演出仍将拭目以待。小汤姆假装被射中了哭喊着要糖吃。此药得一日三次,饭后服用。Little Tom pretended to be shot and cried for a candy.The medicine is required to be taken three times a day after meals.12.

18、As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern.当她转过身时,(她发现)Gladys 站在那儿。there stood Gladys Claffern 为倒装句。在谓语为动词 go, come, run, stand,live 等表示位置转移的动词及 be 动词的句子中,为了强调句子中一些副词there, here, up, down, in, out, away 等,可将副词置于句首,若这时主语是名词,句子用全倒装;若是代词,则不用倒装。There comes the teacher and her students.老师和她的学生们来了。

19、Out rushed the boys.男孩们冲了出去。年轻的母亲抱着怀里两个月大的婴儿跑开了。(用倒装结构)生气的老板和他的秘书走了进来。Away ran the young mother with a two?month?old baby in her arms.In came the angry boss and his secretary.文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Yk J.Com相关教案:Robots 教案高二英语 Robots 教案选修七英语 Unit 2 RobotsRobots Period 7Speaking,Listening and Writing TaskRobots Period 3GrammarRobots 教学设计Robots Period 6Listening and Reading Task【总结】2013 年已经到来,新的一年也会为您收集更多更好的文章,希望本文“高二英语教案:Robots 教案”能给您带来帮助!下面请看更多频道:更多频道:高中频道 高中英语学习

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