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1、Q: What do we learn from this conversation?根据第二个人的回答来做。要注意回答中的两个句子,前一句是“I dont enjoy cold weather at all”只要能听出来基本上就可以做答案了,后一句“and Norway is freezing in the winter”具有一定的迷惑性,须加小心。第2题 She has not heard of Professor Sam.She is a good friend of Professor Sams.She has not heard of Professor Sams brother.S

2、he does not meet Professor Sam Do you know Professor Sams brother? Ive never met him. but Ive heard that hes famous. What conclusion can be drawn from the womans reply?根据第二个人的回答“Ive never met him, but Ive heard that he is famous”仅听懂前半句就够了。同时,也可根据后半句排除A、B、C三个选项。请注意meet和met的发音区别。第3题 They are too expen

3、sive.They are very rewarding.They are too easy.They are given by a strict teacher.B How are your violin lessons going? Very well. My teacher thinks Im making progress, and I find the lessons well worth the time and trouble. What does the woman think of the violin lessons?重点在于woman回答中的“and I find the

4、 lessons well worth the time and trouble”上,尤其是对“worth time and trouble”的理解上,意为“时间和精力上值得”。同时,对于选项中的rewarding一词的释义理解也在某种程度上考查了考生的词汇。rewarding adj. 有价值的,有益的,如:a rewarding job 有价值的职业第4题 He must hand in a full report on the theatre.He is too busy to go along.He has to wash his hands first.He has already

5、seen the whole theatre. Are you coming with me to the theatre? I already have my hands full with this report. What does the man mean?重点在于对woman回答“I already have my hands full with this report.”这句理解上,其中have ones hands full with意为“手头上事很,很忙”,由此可排除A、C两项。B项中的“”结构也从侧面考了一下考生对结构的掌握。第5题 Their taste is

6、different.She doesnt like to eat.The restaurant is not open late.She only eats good things.A Have anything delicious lately? Only the things that you dont like. What does the woman mean?根据woman回答来做。尤其是要关注“only the things that you dont like”中的that从句,即你不喜欢的东西,从而推出A项“他们的口味不太一样”。第6题 Mary fell during the

7、 race.She did very well in the race.She was one of the slower runners.Mary finished directly behind the quickest runner.C How did Mary do in the race? Well. she had a good start, but she quickly fell behind. What did the man mean?考生听的时候不要被“a good start”所迷惑,重点在后面“but”引导的内容上。同时,failfell behind短语意为“落后”

8、,因此选C项。A、D两项都是考对“fall behind”一词的理解。第7题 He wants to eat immediately.He wants to know when the game will be over.Hes worried about what time it is.s afraid hes angry. Lets have thing when the football game is over. When its over!m dying of hunger now.此题相对简单,只要听懂第二句“Im dying of hunger now.”(我饿得快死了。)就行了

9、。千万不要被前一句迷惑。第8题 Indifferent.Worried.Happy.Angry. Its too bad you are late today, the teacher told us a good story. He said all of us will write a composition on that. That means Ill have to do twice as much work. How does the man feel about being late?实际上,可以根据几个听力点中的任何一个来做。如果听懂了“Its too bad you are

10、late today”或“Ill have to do twice as much work”或“That means”的语气都可感觉到后者man的担心,所以选项B是对的。第9题 22 minutes.32 minutes.12 minutes.2 minutes. When will the train leave?s said to begin at 13:00 oclock, and now its 12:38. How long will they wait till the train leave?根据对话中两个时间“13:00 Oclock”和“12:38”来做减法得知相差12 m

11、inutes,因此C项为对。第10题 70 dollars.60 dollars.50 dollars.40 dollars. Excuse me, this dress price is seventy dollars? You are mistaken. Seventy dollars was the yesterdays price. Today it has been reduced to fifty dollars. How much does the dress cost now?这里要小心犯习惯性错误。上句刚做了减法,但这里要注意所提出的问题,即:How much does th

12、e dress cost now? 注意力要放在now上。二、Listening Comprehensionm(Section B) (共5小题,共5.0分)Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation , there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questio

13、ns will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Plants.Sun.Animals.Human beings.听

14、力原文 11-12 All food chains begin with the sun, and all food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears.All life depends on energy from sunlight. Only plants can use this energy directly. Their leaves are little factories that use sunlight to make food from water and things in the soil and

15、 air.Plants in turn feed all other living things. Animals can only use the suns energy after. it has been changed into food by plants. Some animals feed directly on plants, others eat smaller animals. Meat-eating animals are only eating plants indirectly. What about human beings? We are members of m

16、any food chains. We eat vegetables and fruit. We also eat meat and drink milk. This means the suns energy passes through plant to animal before it reaches us.Nature is a great thing. Any food chain always produces enough for each of its members if it is left alone. When there isnt enough food for an

17、y link in the chain, some of its members die off. So the balance is always kept.11. According to this article, what are all food chains connected with?本题要适应听力题,由对话到文章的转变,尤其是要听懂第一句“All food chains begin with the sun.”如果第一句漏掉了,可以根据后面的文章内容来做,重点在于“All life depends on energy from sunlight.”等句子上面。Breaking

18、 up.Dying out.Stopping.Disappearing.If one of the food links is not kept, what will happen to the food chains?本题考考生对文章的全面理解,如果听懂了就会选A项,同时能听出刚开头的“all food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears.”这一句更好。They went to the theater.They staved at home talking.They went to the cinema.They wa

19、shed the dishes at home.听力原文 13-15Mr. and Mrs. Jones very seldom go out in the evening, but last Saturday, Mrs. Jones said to her husband, Theres a good film at the cinema tonight. Can we go and see it? Mr. Jones was quite happy about it, so they went, and both of them enjoyed the film.They came out

20、 of the cinema at 11 oclock, got into their car and began driving home. It was quite dark. Then Mrs. Jones said. Look, Bill. A woman is running along the road very fast, and a mans running after her. Can you see them?Mr. Jones said. Yes, I can. He drove the car slowly, near the woman and said to her

21、, Can we help you?No, thank you, the woman said, but she did not stop running. My husband and I always run home after the cinema, and the last one washes the dishes at home!13. Where did the Mr. and Mrs. Jones go last Saturday?至少有三句提到了“cinema”一词,如:s a good film at the cinema tonight. /They came out

22、of cinema./.my husdand and I always run home after the cinema. 只要听到了其中任何一句即可。A woman.A man.A driver.A actress.Who did they see on the road?有的同学可能会选B项:但是从对话中透露虽有一个man,而准也没有看见。They were having a joke.They were washing the dishes.They were running for the first who will not wash the dishes.They were ru

23、nning for the first who will wash the dishes.What were the husband and wife doing?如果考生听懂了全文就会感觉很容易。也可以根据对选择项C、D两项的分析判断得出,一个是will wash,一个是will not wash,一般人肯定不愿洗碗,因此选C项。三、Structure(Section A ) (本大题20小题每题1.0分,共20.0分。Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to com

24、plete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. )If you cant put your PC _ good use, sell it to those who really need it.A) intoB) ofC)

25、toD) with答案精解 句意:如果你不能很好地利用你的电脑,把它卖给那些需要的人吧。该题考查的是动词和介词的搭配用法。put something into use的意思是“使用”。Which do you think is _ important, health or wealth?A) mostB) the mostC) the moreD) more你认为哪个更重要:健康还是金钱?该句考查的是形容词比较级的用法。句中只有两个可比项,故用more。Im still unable to make myself _ in the discussion, which worries me a lot.A) to be understoodB) understandingC) understoodD) understand我仍然不能让别人理解我的意思,这让我很头疼。该题考查的是动词make的用法。make sb. +adj. 结构表示的是“使某人处于某种状态”。动词用主动还是用被动取决于make后宾语与动词的关系。句中的

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