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1、此份文件应用于以下部门/区域:This document is applied to the following departments/areas:最高管理层Top Management质保部Quality Assurance Department 制造部Manufacture Department 市场部Market Department销售部Sales Department研发部R&D Department人力资源部HR Department国际部International Department技术部Technology department设备部Equipment Department

2、项目部Project Department物流部Logistics Department其他Others3. 依据(According)3.1 安全生产法law on safety in production3.2 职业病防治法Law on Prevention and Control of Occupational Disease3.3 MWI-009部门职责及岗位标准MWI - 009 department responsibilities and jobs standard 4 用语定义(Definitions)4.1 “三同时”:是指凡是我国境内新建、改建、扩建的建设项目(工程)。技术

3、改造项目(工程)及引进的建设项目,其劳动安全卫生设施必须符合国家规定的标准,必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入生产和管理。 “Three at the same time : refers to all the territory of China building, rebuilding and expansion of the construction project (engineering). Technical transformation project (engineering) and the introduction of the construction proje

4、ct, the labor safety and hygiene facilities must conform to the standards prescribed by the state, shall be designed, built, together with the principal part of the project into production and management at the same time.4.2 “四不放过”:是指事故原因没有查清不放过;事故责任者没有严肃处理不放过;广大职工没有受到教育不放过;防范措施没有落实不放过。Four pass : r

5、efers to that dont pass the cause of the accident that didnt find out; dont pass not seriously handling those responsible for accident;t pass the worker not under education; Preventive measures did not implement.4.3 “五同时”:是指企业的生产组织领导者必须在计划、布置、检查、总结、评比生产工作的同时进行计划、布置、检查、总结、评比安全工作的原则。Five at the same t

6、ime: refers to the enterprises production organization leader must plan, layout, check, summarize at the same time as those being carried out at the work.5 职责权限(Responsibilities)5.1安全委员会职责Safety committee duties1、宣传、贯彻、执行有关安全生产的法律法规,认真研究解决公司安全生产管理工作中存在的重大问题。We are in responsible for publicize, carry

7、 out and implement relevant laws and regulations of production safety, and seriously study to solve major problems that exist in the company safety production management work.2、建立健全安全生产职责制和安全生产规章制度,定期对落实和执行情况进行检查和考核。Establish and improve the safe production responsibility system and production safet

8、y rules and regulations, regular inspection and examination of implementation and execution3、根据国家及本地区安全生产工作规划、目标和要求,结合公司实际,制定安全生产长远规划和年度计划,并组织实施。According to the national and regional production safety work plans, objectives and requirements, combining the reality of the company, we formulate long-t

9、erm safety production plans and annual plans, and organize their implementation.4、组织公司安全检查,及时消除事故隐患,严防重特大安全事故的发生。We organize the safety inspection; eliminate accident hidden danger in time, to keep the workplace from major accidents.5、建立健全公司重大危险源和重大事故隐患管理档案,督促相关部门制定危险源监控和重大事故隐患整改措施,并组织落实或监督实施。We est

10、ablish and improve the companys major hazards and major accident hidden danger management files, urged relevant departments to formulate significant hidden perils of gas accident hazard monitoring and corrective measures, organize and implement and supervise the implementation.6、严格依照国家法律、法规和标准规定的条件和

11、程序审批公司内涉及安全生产的相关事项。Strictly in accordance with the provisions of the laws, regulations and standards of the state of the conditions and procedures for examination and approval of the relevant matters involved in safe production in the company.7、负有安全生产监督管理职责,建立健全安全生产监督管理工作机构,落实安全生产监督管理人员及工作经费。We are

12、responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety, establish and perfect the supervision and administration of production safety work, the implement the safe production supervision and management and funds.5.2总经理安全生产职责General manager of the production safety总经理是公司安全生产第一责任人,对企业的

13、安全生产全面负责,具体职责是:General manager is the first of companys safety production, to overall responsibility for the enterprises production safety, its specific responsibilities are:1. 认真贯彻、执行国家劳动安全卫生的法律、法规和方针、政策,负责组织领导和督促各级行政干部,要各负其责,做好各项安全生产和劳动保护工作。接受岗位安全培训,持证上岗。Earnestly implement, implement the national

14、 labor safety and health laws, regulations and guidelines, policies, and to be responsible for the organization to lead and supervise the administrative cadres at various levels, individual, to do a good job of the safe production and labor protection. Accept post safety training, show certificates.

15、2. 健全职业健康安全管理机构和网络,建立健全公司安全生产责任制,建立健全公司安全生产管理考核奖惩机制。组织制定本单位安全生产规章制度和操作规程;Improve the occupational health and safety management organization and network, establish and improve the company safety production responsibility system, establishing and perfecting the assessment of rewards and punishment mec

16、hanism of safety production management. Organize to set up this unit of production safety rules and regulations and operation procedures;3. 审定安全生产规划和计划,确定公司的安全生产管理目标。在重大经济决策过程中贯彻安全第一的思想,把安全生产列入公司重要的议事日程。保证安全生产技术措施费用的投入满足安全生产的需要和有效实施,对新、改、扩建工程依法执行“三同时”,按照国家规定进行安全、卫生评价。Authorized production safety pro

17、grams and plans, determine the companys production safety management objectives. In major economic decision-making process we will carry out the thought of safety first, put the safe production of the companys important agenda to ensure production safety technical measures the cost of inputs to meet

18、 the needs of the production safety and effective implementation of the new, change, expansion project in accordance with law, implement the three simultaneity, carried out in accordance with the provisions of the state safety and health evaluation.4. 定期(每年不少于4次)召开安委会会议,听取公司安全生产情况汇报,及时研究和分析安全生产形势,解决

19、安全生产中的重大问题.定期向上级汇报安全生产、职业卫生方面的情况。严格执行有关决议。督促、检查安全工作,研究解决重大隐患的整改措施,及时消除安全事故隐患。On a regular basis (not less than 4 times per year) committee meeting, we will listen to the company safety production situation report, timely research and analysis of production safety situation; solve the major problems

20、in safe production. Besides, we will regularly report to the superior production safety and occupational health aspects of the situation. Strictly implement relevant resolutions. Urge and check the safety work, on the major hidden dangers rectification measures, eliminate safety accidents in a timel

21、y manner.5. 组织制定并实施本单位安全生产教育和培训计划;Formulate and implement this unit production safety education and training programs6. 组织制定并实施本企业的安全生产事故应急救援预案。Formulate and implement the enterprise production safety accident emergency rescue plans7. 及时如实上报安全生产事故,组织或参与重大事故的调查分析,按“四不放过”的原则进行处理。Timely report of produ

22、ction safety accidents, organize or participate in the investigation and analysis of major accidents, according to the principle of four pass for processing.5.3副总经理安全生产职责the responsibility of deputy general manager of the production safety1 按照“谁主管谁负责”的原则,对公司分管部门和领域的安全生产工作全面负责。认真贯彻国家劳动安全卫生的法律、法规和方针政策

23、。According to the principle of those who are in charge of will be responsible for, he will be in charge of the department and in the field of overall responsibility for production safety work. Earnestly implement the national labor safety and health laws, regulations and policies. Accept post safety

24、 training, show certificates.2 在审查工厂总体规划,扩建改造工程项目,重大设备的设计方案,试制新产品方案以及推行新工艺、新技术时,同时审查是否符合安全技术、劳动防护的有关规程、标准,是否都有保护员工职业健康安全的设施和措施,并负责监督实施。督促有关部门严格执行“三同时”。In review factory overall planning, the expansion of the transformation project, the design scheme of major equipment, manufacture new products and n

25、ew techniques, new technologies for implementation, and review whether comply with the relevant safety technology, labor protection regulations, standards, if have the protection of employees occupational health and safety facilities and measures, and supervise the implementation. Urge relevant depa

26、rtments strictly implement the three at the same time.3 负责解决安全措施计划项目中的技术问题,组织起草或审定安全技术操作规程及其它安全生产方面的技术性文件,保证技术上切实可行。签发安全规章制度,安全技术规程,批准重大安全技术措施,不断改善劳动条件。Responsible for solving technical problems in security projects, drafting or authorized safe technology operating rules, and other aspects of techni

27、cal documents, ensure that is technically feasible. Approval issued by safety rules and regulations, safety technical regulations, major safety technical measures, improve the working conditions.4 参与重大伤亡事故原因的调查分析和鉴定,从分管领域角度提出改进措施。Participate in heavy casualties of the cause of the accident investiga

28、tion and analysis and evaluation; put forward the improvement measures from the angle of in charge of the field.5.4工会主席安全生产职责the safe production responsibility of chairman of the labor union1. 维护好职工在生产过程中的安全和职业健康权益。Safeguard the worker in the rights and interests of safety and occupational health in

29、 the process of production2. 把安全生产、工业卫生工作列入职工代表大会或圆桌会议的重要议事日程,并作出相应的决议。Put the safety in production, industrial health work as an important agenda for staff and workers congress or round table meeting, and make the corresponding resolutions.3. 充分发挥劳动保护监督的作用,召开工会相关会议时需将研究、检查、部署和协助有关部门搞好安全工作的内容列入其中。Give full play to the supervisory function of the labor protection, when having the union related meetings, we should put research, inspection, when the content of the deployment and assist re

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