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1、 它在哪儿?Whats your favourite colour? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?My favourite colour is 我最喜欢的颜色是Unit 3重点句型:How do you feel ? I feel happy. 你感觉怎么样?我感觉高兴。What colour is your hair? 你的头发是什么颜色的?My hair is(颜色). 我的头发是What colour are youreyes? 你的眼睛是什么颜色的? My eyes are (颜色). 我的眼睛是What do they look like? 他们长得怎么样?Are you Okay? No

2、.I have a headache. 你好吗?不,我头疼。Whats the matter? 你怎么啦?I cut my knee. 我把膝盖割破了。My elbow/ear/toe/hurts. 我的胳膊肘/ 耳朵/脚趾疼。Unit4重点句型:What are they doing? 他们正在干什么?They are _ing. 他们正在I am a short woman. 我是一个矮个子女士。I am a tall man. 我是一个高个子男士。How old are you? 你几岁了? Im _ years old. 我-岁了。Today is my birthday. 今天是我的

3、生日。Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!I feel too sick to go to school. 我生病,不能去上学了。You should go to bed. 你应该卧床休息。Thanks. 谢谢。 Youre welcome. 不用谢!三年级下册Unit1Im hungry/thirsty. 我饿了/渴了。I want to eat/drink. 我想吃/喝。Would you like some_? 你想要些吗?Yes,please./No,thanks. 好的。/不要了,谢谢。May I have some_? 我可以要些吗?Do you like_

4、? 你喜欢吗?I like/dont like_. 我喜欢/不喜欢Good night! 晚安! Sweet dreams! 做个好梦!Are you ready for_? 你准备做了吗?I like_for breakfast/ lunch/ supper.我早餐/午餐/晚餐喜欢吃Whats for breakfast/ lunch/ supper? 早餐/午餐/晚餐吃什么?Unit2重点句型:Are you ready to order? 你准备点菜吗?What would you like,please? 你想要点儿什么?Yes,please.I would like _ and_是的

5、。我想要和 You are welcome. 不用谢!How much for one_? 多少钱一个?How much is it ? 多少钱?How much are the_? 这些多少钱?Ill take_,please.我买 Im sorry. 对不起。Are the_ on sale? 这些 是在削价出售吗?May I borrow_,please? 我可以借用吗?Sure! 当然可以!Unit3重点句型:Whats he/she wearing? 他/她穿着什么?Hes/Shes wearing_. 他/她穿着I like your _. 我喜欢你的Its /Theyre nic

6、e. 很好!Is it new/old? 它是新的/旧的?Whose _is this ? 这是谁的 ?Whose _are these ? 这些是谁的 ?Is this your_? 这是你的吗?Is it her/his_? 这是她的/他的吗?What day is it?今天星期几? Put on your_.穿上你的Breakfast is ready! 早饭准备好了!What do you want to do ? 你想要做什么?I want to play_. 我想玩_。I dont know. 我不知道Lets play_. 我们一起玩 Great! 好极了!Its fun to

7、 go for a walk. 出去散步很有趣。I finish school at three-thirty in the afternoon.我下午三点半放学。Time for supper 该吃晚饭了! Good night!The picture is above the bed. 图片的床上方。The slippers are below the bed. 拖鞋在床下方。The dresser is beside the bed. 梳妆台在床旁边。The TV is across from the bed. 电视在床对面。I like to play with my friends.

8、 我喜欢和我的朋友一块儿玩。We fly kites. 我们放风筝。Jenny plays with her doll。 詹妮在玩她的洋娃娃。四年级上册Unit1 Wheres the gym? 体育馆在哪里?I can show you. 我可以指给你. Here it is.在这儿.Where are you going?你要去哪里?To the office.去办公室.Wheres the library? 图书室在哪里?Is that far from here? 它离这儿远吗?No!Its just up the stairs! 不.上楼就到了.Let me help you.让我来

9、帮你. Follow me! 跟我来.Red is stop. 红灯停. Green is go. 绿灯行.Yellow is wait. 黄灯亮了等一等.Thirteen plus sixteen equals twenty-nine.十三加十六等于二十九.Can you help me?你能帮我吗? Im lost.我迷路了.Youre welcome.不用谢. I dont know.我不知道.Unit2What do you want to do? 你想要做什么?I want to buy a new dress. 我想买一条新连衣裙.I dont want to buy silk.

10、我不想买丝绸.What do you want to buy?你想买什么?Ice cream.冰淇琳.Lets go shopping. 让我们去买东西.Lets go to the silk shop. 让我们去丝绸店.May I help you? 我能帮你吗? Yes. 是的.Where are the dresses? 连衣裙在哪里?Ill show you.我可以给你指路.This way,please.请走这边.小提示:Lets,Let me后面只能跟动词原形,意为“让我们/我做吧”Lets go to a restaurant to eat ice-cream.让我们去餐馆吃冰淇

11、琳.Lets go to the library to read a book.让我们去图书室读书.A waiter works in a restaurant. 服务员在餐馆工作.A clerk works in a store. 办事员在商店工作.A businessman works in a office building.商人在办公楼工作.Winter: The weather is cold and snowy.天气是寒冷的和多雪的Spring: It is warm and rainy. 天气是暖和的和多雨的.Summer: Its hot and sunny. 天气是炎热的和晴

12、朗的.Autumn: The weather is windy and cloudy.天气是多风的和多云的. 你要去哪里?To the bicycle shop across the street. 去街对面的自行车商店.Why? 为什么. My bike is broken.我的自行车坏了.I need a new chain. 我需要一个新链条.A cat has fur,paws and a tail.猫有毛皮、爪子和一条尾巴。Can you play cards?你会玩牌吗?Yes,I can./No,I cantGo fish,Li Ming. 去钓鱼吧,李明。Li Ming fel

13、l in the mud. 李明摔倒在泥里。Dannys hat is too small. Danny的帽子太小。His head is stuck. 他的头被卡住了。I see a dog in a purple hat.我看见一只狗戴着一顶紫色的帽子。Unit4A lion has a mane. 狮子有鬃毛。A tiger has stripes. 老虎有条纹。An elephant has a trunk. 大象有象鼻。A kangaroo has a pouch. 袋鼠有育儿袋。Does a kangaroo have stripes? 袋鼠有条纹吗?A tiger has str

14、ipes. 没有。老虎有条纹。Does an elephant has fur?No. 大象有毛皮吗?没有。What has fur?什么有毛皮? A tiger has fur.老虎有毛皮。A kangaroo has fur. 袋鼠有毛皮。Does a tiger have a trunk? 老虎有象鼻吗?An elephant has a trunk. 没有。大象有象鼻。Li Ming is inside the school. 李明在学校里面。He is in the building. 他在教学楼里。Now,Li Ming is outside the school.现在,李明在学校

15、外面。Li Ming is in front of the tree. 李明在树前面。Now,Li Ming is behind the tree. 现在,李明在树的后面。The rope is in the hole. 绳子在洞里。The sheep is pulling on the rope. 山羊正在拉绳子。In this picture,the monkey is a judge. 在这幅图里,猴子是一个法官。Where does a fish live?鱼住在哪里。 In a river. 在河里。Where does a panda live?熊猫住在哪里? In a fores

16、t.在森林里。Where does a bird live?鸟住在哪里? In a tree. 在树上Where does a snake live?蛇住在哪里?In a hole.在洞里。Monkeys eat bananas.猴子吃香蕉。 Cows eat grass. 牛吃草。Tigers eat meat.老虎吃肉。 Giraffes eat leaves. 长颈鹿吃树叶The elephant is dreaming. 大象正在做梦。Jenny is feeding the bird. Jenny正在喂鸟。The monkeys are hugging. 猴子们正在拥抱。The li

17、on is lonely. 狮子是孤独的。I need my coat and gloves. 我需要我的外套和手套为什么? Because its cold outside. 因为外面很冷。Why are you crying? 你为什么正在哭?Because I hurt my finger. 因为我弄伤了我的手指。Why is Li Ming brushing his teeth?Becauser its time for bed. 李明为什么正在刷牙?因为睡觉的时间到了。四年级下册Are you ready for school? 你准备好上学了吗? Im your new teach

18、er. 我是你们的新老师。This is Jenny. 这是詹妮。These are my friends. 这些是我的朋友。Is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗?Its not her pencil. 这个不是她的铅笔。Danny is under the desk. 丹尼在桌子下面. The book is on the desk. 书在桌子下面.How many books do I have on my desk? 在我的桌子上我有多少本书?How many books are there on my desk?我的桌子上有多少本书?Where is Jenny ?

19、 詹妮在哪儿?Jenny is in the classroom. 詹妮在教室里.What are these? 这些是什么?They are two erasers. 是两块橡皮。Where is the chalk? 粉笔在哪儿?The chalk is below the scissors. 粉笔在剪刀下面。What is it? 这是什么?Its paper. 是纸。 Is this a pen or a pencil? 这是钢笔还是铅笔?Its a pencil. 这是一支铅笔。Her name is Jenny. 她的名字叫詹妮。 你好吗?Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。

20、It is . 这是.What is your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is . 我叫Where is it? 它在哪儿?It is . 它在Whats the date? 今天几号?It is October 19. 十月十九号。What day is it ? 今天星期几?Its Tuesday,December seventeenth.今天星期二,十二月十七号。What day was yesterday? 昨天星期几?This is the sun. 这是太阳。The cloud is above. 云在上方。The wind is blowing the trees

21、 leaves. 风正吹着树叶。Snow is cold and white. 雪是冷的、白的。Is this a rainy day? 是下雨天吗? 不是!Its snowy! 是下雪天。This is a sunny day,not a rainy day!是晴朗的,不是下雨的。Hows the werther today? 今天天气怎么样?I dont know. 我不知道。What day is tomorrow? 明天星期几?What time is it? 几点了?Its 7:00. 七点了。Its time for lunch. 吃午饭的时候了。When is school? 什

22、么时候上学?At 8:00 in the morning. 早上8点。What is the third day of the week?一星期中第三天是星期几?Tuesday. 星期二。What is the fifth month? 第五个月是几月? 它是什么颜色?Im nineteen years old. 我十九了。When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?My birthday is December seventeen.我的生日是十二月十七号。How tall are you? 你有多高?Im 1.3 meters tall. 我有一点三米高。How tal

23、l is Danny? 丹尼有多高?He is 1.2 meters tall. 他有一点二米高。This is a skirt. 这是一件短裙。These are pants. 这是一条裤子。This is a pair of socks. 这是一双袜子。What are you wearing? 你穿着什么?Im wearing shorts,shoes,gioves,a shirt and a hat.我穿着短裤,鞋,手套,衬衫和帽子。This is a house. 这是一幢房屋。This is an apartment. 这是一栋公寓楼。Where do you live? 你居住在

24、哪儿?I live in a house. 我住在一幢房屋里。I live on Park Road。 我住在公园路。Me,too. 我也一样。Whats your address? 你的地址是什么?My address is 942 Ninth Avenue.我的地址是第九大街的942号。This isnt a bus.这不是公共汽车。Its a truck.这是一辆卡车。How do you go to school ? 你是怎样去上学的?By bus. 乘公共汽车。My favourite colour is green. 我最喜欢的颜色是绿色。We like the same colo

25、ur. 我们喜欢相同的颜色。Our favourite colour is blue. 我们最喜欢蓝色。They like a different colour. 他们喜欢不同的颜色。Their favourite colour is green.他们最喜欢的颜色是绿色。Shorts are my favourite clothes. 短裤是我最喜爱的衣服。Our favourite clothes are skirts.我们最喜爱的衣服是短裙。Their favourite clothes are shorts.他们最喜爱的衣服是短裤。You like socks,but I dont. 你

26、喜欢袜子,但是我不喜欢。We have breakfast/lunch/supper in the morning/afternoon/evening.我们在早上/中午/下午吃早饭/午饭/晚饭。Whats your favourite food for lunch?午饭你最喜欢吃什么?I like sandwich and milk for lunch.我午饭喜欢吃三明治和牛奶。Whats for dessert? 甜点吃什么?Is this a donut? 这是面包圈吗? No! 不是。This is cake. 这是蛋糕These are cookies. 这些是小甜饼。Our dess

27、ert are the same,but their desserts are different.我们的甜点是相同的,他们的甜点是不同的。 什么事?What do you like to do? 你们喜欢干什么?We like to play games,but Kim likes to play with toys.我们喜欢做游戏,但是金喜欢玩玩具。Whats your favourite school work?你最喜欢的学校活动是什么?I like to draw pictures. 我喜欢画画。Thats my favourite school work. 这是我最喜欢的学校活动。五年级上册重点句型第一单元This is my father , my mother and me. 这是我的爸爸,我的妈妈和我。 we live in China . 我们住在中国。I dont have brothers and sisters .我没有兄弟和姐妹 。I have a friend named Je

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