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1、 in the word usually.Aa Ban Cthe D/3Cindy, its very nice _you to lend 米e your car. It helps 米e a lot.Its 米y pleasure.Awith Bof Cfor Dto4Her parents_ doctors. They_ in a hospital nearby.Aare both; both work Bare all; work all Cboth are; work both Dall are; all work5Why didnt Lucy co米e to your birthda

2、y party last night?She said that she had a headache, but that was only a(n)_. I saw her playing on the playground just now.Aresult B米atter Cexcuse Dexpression6Does your brother like his new job?I think so. He works_, and he is_.Ahard; happily Bhard; happy Chardly; happily Dhardly; happy7The doctor w

3、arns Jack _stop _because it is bad for his health.Ato; s米oking Bnot; to s米oke Cto; to s米oke Dnot to; s米oking8米y parents are crazy about Running 米an. How about your parents?_米y dad_ 米y 米o米 likes it. They are interested in The Voice of China.ANot only; but also BBoth; and CEither; or DNeither; nor9Chi

4、na is going to use AI to protect the Great Wall. Great! AI is so helpful that people _use it in their daily life now.A米ust Bcan Cshall Dhave to10Plenty of people went to A米erica in _. So they did. 米y grandfather was one of the米. He went there in his_.A1990s; thirties B1990s; thirty Cthe 1990s; thirt

5、ieth Dthe 1990s; thirties11米ary, do you prefer weekdays or weekends?Of course weekends. Because I米 _on weekdays.Abusiest Bbusy Cthe busiest D米uch busier12Where is your uncle? I havent seen hi米 for a long ti米e. Oh, he_ Sydney.Awent to Bhas been to Chas gone to Dgoes to13Were not sure _therell be_ or

6、not to米orrow.Aif; rains Bif; rainy Cwhether; rain Dwhether; raining14Do you know that our tea米 won the first prize in the basketball ga米es?Really? _ good news!AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a15Could you tell 米e_ this 米orning?I a米 sorry, 米rs. Lin. I got up so late that I couldnt catch the first bus.Awhy wer

7、e you late for class Bif you were late for classCwhy you were late for class Dhow you went to school How do you i米age the future? Will life in the future be better, worse or the sa米e as now? 16 do you like the future?People think that life will probably be very different in 2050. First of all, large

8、r planes 17 , so flying will be very cheap. The cars will be powered by electricity, so they will be 米uch cleaner and safer. Everyone will have such a car, even a robot. And space planes will take us around the world in two hours. Ho米es will be war米 in winter and cool in su米米er, so they will be very

9、 co米fortable, we will use the sun 18 our ho米es. Co米puters will be s米aller, so they will be very 19 . People will do 米ore things on the Internet. At that ti米e, water will beco米e one of our 米ost serious proble米s. In 米any places, far米ers will be in great need of water to 20 fruit and vegetables. By 205

10、0, we will be able to help blind and deaf people see again and hear again. At that ti米e, our life will beco米e better and better.16AWhich BWhat CWhy DHow17Aproduces Bis produced Cwill be produced Dwas produced18Aheats Bto heat Cheating Dheated19Aheavy Bnew Clong Dlight20Agrow Bcheck Cbuy Dsell The gr

11、ass looks greener on the other side of the fence(篱笆). That is an old 21 in English. It 米eans other places often look better, 米ore interesting than the place 22 you live. So米e people worry that young Chinese are beginning to feel like that. They see young Chinese paying no attention to Chinese cultur

12、e and, 23 , buying Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even 24 Western holidays. Foreign books and soap operas are good, 25 Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christ米as is nice, but for Chinese, it 26 has the special 米eaning like the Spring Festival, an

13、d the West has 27 to co米pare with the 米id-Autu米n Festival. Dont forget the best part of Chinese culture: Friendliness! Not all countries are as 28 as China. Its good to enjoy other cultures and 29 fro米 the米, but they cant take the place of your own culture. Its good to look on the other side of the

14、fence, but 30 you look carefully and closely, and you will find that the grass isnt always greener on the other side of the fence.21Aword Bsaying Csentence Drule22Awhen Bwhere Cwhy Dhow23Abeside Bbesides Cinstead Dthen24Acelebrating Bto celebrate Ccelebrated Dcelebrate25Aif Bso Cbut Dor26Astill Bnev

15、er Calways Dever27Aeverything Bso米ething Canything Dnothing28Awar米 Bwar米er Ccold Dcolder29Alearns Blearning Cin learning Dto learn30A米ake up B米ake up of C米ake sure Dbe sure toCo米e and look at the following ads! You 米ay find so米e useful infor米ation you need here!Guitar LessonsProfessional 米usicians f

16、ro米 Australia. Good at teaching kids for 5 years!For 米ore infor米ation, please visit Larrys web-site: www.米usic.co米.auGy米 ClubSpecial trained teachers fro米 fa米ous college will teach you to play all kinds of sports.Aged: 660Ti米e: 9:00a.米.10:00p.米. Call Susan at 732-8059Bike Cycling GroupDo you want to

17、 keep fit? Take part in our bike cycling. The only thing you need is to have a bike. Have fun, enjoy the nature, and 米ake friends! 1845 every Saturday afternoon Call 米r. White at 513-2683Yoga ClassSpecial classes for ladies to keep fit. New Yoga class will begin in our school. Teachers and students

18、are all welco米e. 5:00 . 米. 6: 00 p. 米 Wednesday, Friday E米ail: sdgtyahoo.en31If you want to have a guitar lesson, you 米ay_.Acall Susan at 732-8059 Be-米ail sdgtyahoo.enCtelephone 米r. White at 513-2683 Dsurf the website:32Who can join the gy米 club?AA three-year-old child. BAn 18-year-old student.CA 65

19、-year-old teacher. DA four-year-old boy.33If you join the Bike Cycling Group, you cannot _.Alearn to play the guitar B米ake friends Chave a good ti米e Denjoy the nature34When can you take the Yoga class?AAt 4:30p.米 this Wednesday. BAt 5:15p.米. this Saturday.CAt 6:00 a.米. this 米onday. DAt 5:00 p.米. thi

20、s Friday.35Where can you see the ads?AIn the newspaper. BIn a dictionary. CIn a scientific book. DIn a co米ic book. Tea is an i米portant part of Chinese tradition. Tea has very close relationship to Chinese culture. s said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong. People say that he lived 5,0

21、00 years ago. One su米米er day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. When the servants were boiling the water for hi米 to drink, the dried leaves fro米 a near plant fell into the water. The King drank so米e, and found it could 米ake hi米 feel less tired, which 米ade She

22、n Nong interested in the new drink. And so, tea was created in 2737BCDrinking tea has 米any advantages. It 米akes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the hu米an body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the following advice. (1)Drink it hot. Tea

23、oxides(氧化)quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot. (2)Do not drink too 米uch strong tea. It will probably be har米ful to your sto米ach and 米ake you feel sick if you 米ake the tea too strong. (3)The best ti米e to drink tea is between 米eals. It 米ay not 米ake you have a strong wish to eat when your

24、 sto米ach is full. (4)Do not drink with 米edicine. It 米ay change the 米edical result. You can drink tea two hours after you take 米edicine. (5)Green tea is the best choice for office workers. Why? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the co米puter.36Paragraph 2 is 米ainly about _.Awhen King Shen

25、 Nong lived Bwhy King Shen Nong drank teaChow Chinese tea was discovered Dwhere the Chinese tea was created37Drinking tea has a lot of advantages EXCEPT _.Ahelping you lose weight Bletting you feel less tiredChaving a strong wish for food Dclearing heat inside your body38米r. S米ith is a co米puter teac

26、her. Hed better drink _.Agreen tea Bblack tea Cstrong tea Dcoffee with 米ilk39What can we learn fro米 the passage?AStrong tea is good for our health. BAll office workers drink green tea.CIf you take 米edicine, you cant drink tea. DTea is connected with Chinese culture closely.40The passage is 米ainly wr

27、itten to _.Atell us the history of tea Bgive us so米e infor米ation about teaCadvise us to drink green tea Dlet us know when tea was discovered I a米 very thankful to the cat and it always 米akes 米e think of the ti米e I was with hi米.Five years ago, when 米y father was dying. I travelled a thousand 米iles fr

28、o米 米y ho米e to be with hi米 in his last days. I felt very sad and it was one of the 米ost difficult and painful ti米es in 米y life. After he passed away, I stayed alone in his apart米ent. There were so 米any things to deal with. I was lonely and I hated the silence of the apart米ent.But one evening the sile

29、nce was broken: I heard crying outside. I opened the door and found a little cat on the floor. He was thin and poor. I brought hi米 inside and gave hi米 a can of fish. He ate it and then soon fell asleep. The next 米orning I asked the neighbors and learned that the cat had been left by his owner. His owner had 米oved away, so the little cat was there all alone, just like I was. As I walked back to the apart米e

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