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定语从句专辑 01 如何写出定语从句Word下载.docx

1、1-3、如何写出(关系代名词引领的)定语从句写定语从句有三个黄金要诀:位置、关系词、名词的增减。1、位置定语从句要修饰哪个名词,就接在那个名词后面。(因为定语从句是复字形容词)2、关系词关系代名词的选用视先行词而定。先行词是人则选who;先行词是物则选which。(v that虽可兼用,但初学者最好先不要用,不等who/which用熟,是没资格用that的。)3、名词的增减名词不可任意增减。既然用了关系代名词,等于添加了一个名词,因此关系代名词后面对应的名词就要删除。(v千万记住这一条,定语从句学垮的,几乎都是堕入这个陷阱!两独立句:The student knows the answers.

2、 He is in my class. 将后句写成定语从句并融入前句。1-3-1、定语从句,关系代名词(简称关代)做主语关代who/which做“主语”,以下如左右栏:(改后句入前句)以左图为例(右图比照),who is reading there是定语从句。按句的观念,who是第一个出现的名词(关系代名词就是名词)且后面立即跟出动词is,所以关代是主语。1-3-2、定语从句,关代做宾语以下就关代which/who(m)做“宾语”,分别示范如左右栏:见左图:which she bought是定语从句。其中she毫无疑问是主语,bought及物而右边见不到宾语,宾语就是which。只是任何关系词

3、的第一优先任务是做连接词,因此which虽是bought的宾语,却必须移到she bought的左边,语法称之为:关系词引领出定语从句。同理,见右图:who he met是定语从句,who是met的宾语。 然而,who做宾语是一般用法,正式演说或书写时,应该用whom,显得严谨。因此,右图的定语从句有两个笔法:The girl who(m) he met is Janet.1-4、高级笔法“介词关代”理解了“做宾语可用who(m)”后,再来看一个有趣的对照,如以下左右栏:巧妙就在介词to/in上面。书写要尽量避免用介词结尾,于是这就引出了另一个重点:定语从句高级笔法“介词关代”,就是“将介词移

4、到关系代名词之前”,这时只能用which/whom,不可用who,也不可用that。如下:因此,请注意以下各句的用法:1-5、主动/被动型的定语从句1). The book which Mary wrote is very expensive. 玛莉写的这本书很贵。 = The book which was written by Mary is very expensive. (被)玛莉所写的这本书很贵。2). The cake which Janet baked smells good. 珍妮烤的这个蛋糕闻起来很香。 = The cake which was baked by Janet s

5、mells good. (被)珍妮所烤的这个蛋糕闻起来很香。定语从句有时以主动或被动出现而表达相同的意思,如下:1-6、关系副词引出的定语从句任何修饰名词的从句,都是定语从句。副词when/where/how/why经常引领从句来修饰名词,这时这四个词就成为了关系词(关系词的用途是引出定语从句)。先已是副词,现又是关系词,所以这四个词称为“关系副词”。由于先行词决定了关系词的选用,因此先行词“时间/场合/方法/原因”分别对应到这四个关系副词when/where/how/why。(以下称关系副词为关副)I dont know the reason. He didnt come today. 将后

6、句写成定语从句并融入前句。1-7、关系形容词引出的定语从句关系形容词(以下称关形)只有一个,就是所有格whose的,引出的定语从句相当单纯。The boy is one of my pupils. His bike was stolen. 将后句写成定语从句并融入前句。1-8、论what-从句what-从句永远是名词从句。所有名词从句(除了what-从句之外)都要视其在句中的位置来决定属性,有可能做名词从句定语从句或状语从句。 唯独what-从句永远只做名词从句,因此有必要分离出来单独讨论。what-从句来自于定语从句。定语从句都有先行词(即修饰对象),可能单数或复数。不论先行词是什么(通常是

7、物),也不论关系代名词是什么(通常是which/that),只要二者合一就是what,称为“复合关系代名词”。先行词关代复合关系代名词what:01). The answer that you told me is incorrect. 你告诉我的答案不正确。 = What you told me is incorrect. 你所告诉我的不正确。02). Please tell me the idea that you have thought of. 请告诉我你所想到的点子。 = Please tell me what you have thought of. 请告诉我你所想到的。03).

8、He would not give them everything that they wanted. 他不会把他们要的东西都给予他们。 = He would not give them what they wanted. 他不会把他们要的给予他们。04). She is not in the shape that she used to be. 她不再是以前那幅模样。 = She is not what she used to be. 05). He is the kind of person that is called a genius. 他就是那种被称为天才的人。 = He is wh

9、at is called a genius. 1-9、逆用what-从句01). What is called traditional friendship between two nations is not friendship at all. 两个国家之间所谓的传统友谊,根本不 是友谊。 = The relationship that is called traditional friendship between two nations is not friendship at all. 02). What cannot be done by virtue can be done by

10、 money. 道德上办不到的事,可用金钱办到。 = The thing that cannot be done by virtue can be done by money. 03). What you do speaks louder than what you say. 你所做的事比你所说的话更让人注意。 = The deeds that you do speaks louder than the words that you say. 04). We rate ability in men by what they finish, not by what they attempt. 衡

11、量人的能力,是看他的成果,不是看梦想。 = We rate ability in men by the works that they finish, not by the dreams that they attempt. 遇到有what的句子,若看不懂时,只要将之拆开为“适当的先行词适当的关代”,然后佐以定语从句概念,即可轻易解出。如下例:练习(关代定语从句)以下各题中,请用“目视口述”方法,将后句转为定语从句并融入前句中。要求:1、说明关代在定语从句中做主语还是宾语(若做宾语,请说明做哪个字的宾语)。01). The big store is interesting. It is nea

12、r the bank.02). The student is from Peru. You just met the student in the lab.03). All the teachers like the girl. The girl is never late for class.04). The food saved the beggars life. She provided the beggar with the food.05). I read the book. The book describes California.06). The girl brought th

13、e book. John likes the girl very much.07). The short story is interesting. You told me the short story yesterday.08). The girl is the youngest in the class. The girls work got the prize.09). The book is not very expensive. John bought the book.10). I apologized to the girl. The girls books were hit

14、fallen on the ground.11). The doctor gave me a book. My father visited the doctor.12). The winter sun brought me a new hope. The suns rays were so warm.13). The book is not very expensive. You are reading the book.14). The man is Mr. Smith. I sold my car to the man.15). The short story is interestin

15、g. It is about baseball.16). The car can go two hundred miles an hour. John wants the car.17). The cake smells good. Mary made the cake.18). The new house is on Fifth Street. John lives in the new house.19). Yesterday he delivered a long speech. We were bored with the speech.20). The tall girl is fr

16、om California. I am acquainted with the tall girl.21). I am going to the shoe store. Helen recommended the shoe store.22). The man is Mr. Smith. I sold my car to Mr. Smith.23). The man is in New York now. The man was here yesterday.24). The book belongs to the tall man. The mans name is on the cover

17、.2、若定语从句是介词结尾,请将之改为高级笔法。01). The big store which is near the bank is interesting. 靠近银行的那间大书局是有趣的。 v which在定语从句中做主语。02). The student who(m) you just met in the lab is from Peru. 你才在实验室遇到的那位学生来自于秘鲁。 v who(m)在定语从句中做动词met的宾语。03). All the teachers like the girl who is never late for class. 所有老师都喜欢那位从不迟到的

18、女生。 v who在定语从句中做主语。04). The food which she provided the beggar with saved his life. 她提供给这乞丐的食物救了乞丐的命。 = The food with which she provided the beggar saved his life. v which在定语从句中做介词with的宾语。高级笔法。05). I read the book which describes California. 我读了这本描写加州的书。解答(关代定语从句)06). The girl who John likes very mu

19、ch brought the book. 约翰特喜欢的那位女生买了这本书。07). The short story which you told me yesterday is interesting. 你告诉我的那个小故事很有趣。 v which在定语从句中做动词told的宾语。Tell sb sth 告诉某人某事。08). The girl whose work got the prize is the youngest in the class. 作品得奖的那位女生是全班最年轻的。09). The book which John bought is not very expensive.

20、 约翰买的那本书不很贵。 v which在定语从句中做动词bought的宾语。10). I apologized to the girl whose books were hit fallen on the ground. 我向那位书本被撞落地的女生道歉了。11). The doctor who my father visited gave me a book. 我父亲拜访过的那位医生给了我一本书。 v who在定语从句中做动词visited的宾语。12). The winter sun whose rays were so warm brought me a new hope. 温暖和煦的冬

21、阳带给我了新的希望。13). The book which you are reading is not very expensive. 你现在正在读的书不很贵。 v which在定语从句中做动词are reading的宾语。14). The man who(m) I sold my car to is Mr. Smith. 我把车卖给他的那个人是史密斯先生。 = The man to whom I sold my car is Mr. Smith. v whom在定语从句中做介词to的宾语。15). The short story which is about baseball is int

22、eresting. 那个有关棒球的短篇故事很有趣。16). The car which John wants can go two hundred miles an hour. 约翰想要的那辆车每小时能跑200英里。 v which在定语从句中做动词wants的宾语。17). The cake which Mary made smells good. 玛丽做的蛋糕闻起来不错。 v which在定语从句中做动词made的宾语。18). The new house which John lives in is on Fifth Street. 约翰住的那套新房子位于第五街。 = The new h

23、ouse in which John lives is on Fifth Street. v which在定语从句中做介词in的宾语。19). Yesterday he delivered a long speech which we were bored with. 昨天他发表了一个我们倍感厌烦的演说。 = Yesterday he delivered a long speech with which we were bored.20). The tall girl who(m) I am acquainted with is from California. 我熟识的那位高个子女生是加州来

24、的。 = The tall girl with whom I am acquainted is from California. v whom在定语从句中做介词with的宾语。21). I am going to the shoe store which Helen recommended. 我打算去海伦推荐的那家鞋店。 v whom在定语从句中做动词recommended的宾语。22). The man whom I sold my car to is Mr. Smith. 我卖车给他的那个人是史密斯先生。 = The man to whom I sold my car is Mr. Smith. v whom在定语从句中做介词to的宾语。23). The man who was here yesterday is in New York now. 昨天在这里的那个人今天在纽约。24). The book belongs to the tall man whose name is on the cover. 这本书属于封面写有名字的那个人。

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