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1、of creation, so the social media should play its due role in advocating the value of innovation and encouraging the public to cultivate the awareness of creation. On the other hand, those who are equipped with creative thinking deserve some kind of praise, both materially and spiritually. Creation h

2、as been a hot word for a long time and we cannot emphasize the importance of creation too much. Therefore, we should spare no effort to learn knowledge as much as possible to prepare ourselves for being creative people.) 解析:论创新 古往今来,我们已经总结出了走向成功的几个因素,其中之一就是创新。正如谚语所说,“毫无疑问,创新是最重要的人类资源。”创新不仅是经济发展和社会进步

3、 的催化剂,而且对个人的发展也非常重要。事实证明,那些总是想出新点子的人往往更容易取得成功,而总是依赖习惯和经验的人将很难创造出新的东西。 谈到鼓励创新的措施,我提出以下几点建议。一方面,人们应该意识到创新的重要性,因此,社会传媒应该发挥其应有的功能,宣传创造力的重要性,并鼓励公众培养创新意识。另一方面,那些具有创造性思维的人理应得到一定形式的奖励,不管是在物质方面还是在精神方面: 长久以来,创新一直是一个热词,我们再怎么强调其重要性都不为过。因此,我们要尽力多学习知识,为成为有创新能力的人做准备。 二、Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

4、(总题数:2,分数:56.80) Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.40) A.They were all good at cooking. B.They were particular about food. C.They were proud of their cuisine. D.They were fond of bacon and egg

5、s. Conversation One M: Guess what? The worst food Ive ever had was in France. W: Really? Thats odd. (1) I thought the French were all good cooks. M: Yes. Thats right. I suppose its really like anywhere else, though. You know, some places are good. Some bad. But its really all our own fault. W: What

6、do you mean? M: Well, it was the first time Id been to France. This was years ago when I was at school. (2) I went there with my parents friends, from my fathers school. Theyd hired a coach to take them to Switzerland. W: A school trip? Right. Most of them had never been abroad before. Wed crossed t

7、he English Channel at night, and we set off through France, and breakfast time arrived, and the coach driver had arranged for us to stop at this little car6. There we all were, tired and hungry, and then we made the great discovery. W: What was that?Bacon and eggs. W: Fantastic! The real English bre

8、akfast. M: Yes. Anyway, we didnt know any better-so we had it, and ugh. ! W: What was it like? Disgusting? Oh, it was incredible !They just got a bowl and put some fat in it. And then they put some bacon in the fat, broke an egg over the top and put the whole lot in the oven for about ten minutes. W

9、: In the oven! Youre joking. You cant cook bacon and eggs in the oven! Well. They must have done it that way. It was hot, but it wasnt cooked. There was just this egg floating about in gallons of fat and raw bacon. W: (3-1) Did you actually eat it? (3-2) No ! Nobody did. They all wanted to turn roun

10、d and go home. You know, back to teabags and fish and chips. You cant blame them really. Anyway, the next night we were all given another foreign speciality. W: (4) Snails. That really finished them off. Lovely holiday that was! 预览四道题各选项,由选项中出现的cookin9,food,cuisine,bacon and eggs,meal,breakfast等词可以推

11、测,对话内容与食品和烹饪有关。 What did the woman think of the French? A。对话中,当男士说他在法国吃到了自己吃过的最糟糕的食物时,女士表示这很奇怪,并且说她原本以为所有的法国人都是好厨师。由此可知,女士认为所有的法国人都擅长烹饪,故答案为A。 A.His parents. B.His friends. C.His schoolmates. D.His parents friends. Who did the man travel with on his first trip to Switzerland? D。对话中,男士提到他当时是和父母亲的朋友一起

12、去的瑞士,故答案为D。 A.No tea was served with the meal. B.It was the real English breakfast. C.No one of the group ate it. D.It was a little overcooked. What does the man say about the breakfast at the Httle French cafe? C。对话中,男士详细描述了他在一个法国小餐馆吃到的咸猪肉煎蛋是什么样子,女士问这样的食物他们是否真的吃了,男士明确表示他们没有一个人吃,故答案为C。 A.It was full

13、 of excitement. B.It was really extraordinary. C.It was a risky experience. D.It was rather disappointing. What did the mail think of his hoHday in France?男士说经历了第一次难以下咽的早餐后,第二天晚上餐馆又提供了另一道特色菜蜗牛,这道菜让与他同去的人们都彻底崩溃了,所以最后他说“那可真是一个糟糕的假期!”lovely在这里的意思是“令人败兴的;糟透了的”,故答案为D。Questions 5 to 8 are based on the con

14、versation you have just heard.(分数: A.The womans relationship with other shops. B.The business success of the womans shop. C.The key to running a shop at a low cost. D.The womans earnings over the years. M: (5) You say your shop has been doing well. Could you give me some idea of what doing well mean

15、s in facts and figures? Well, doing well means averaging 1,200 or more a week for about 7 years, making almost a quarter of a million pounds. And doing well means your earnings are rising. Last year, we did slightly over 50,000 and this year, we hope to do more than 60,000. So, thats good if we cont

16、inue to rise. M: Now, thats gross earnings, I assume. What about your expenses? Yes, thats gross. The expenses, of course, go up steadily. And since weve moved to this new shop, the expenses have increased greatly, because its a much bigger shop. So I couldnt say exactly what our expenses are. They

17、are something in the region of six or seven thousand pounds a year, which is not high. (6) Commercially speaking, its fairly low, and we try to keep our expenses as low as we can. M: (7) And your prices are much lower than the same goods in shops round about. How do the local shopkeepers feel about

18、having a shop doing so well in their midst? Perhaps a lot of them dont realize how well we are doing, because we dont make a point of publicizing. That was a lesson we learned very early on. (8) We were very friendly with all local shopkeepers and we happened to mention to a local shopkeeper how muc

19、h we had made that week. He was very unhappy and never as friendly again. So we make a point of never publicizing the amount of money we make. But we are on very good terms with all the shops. None of them have ever complained that we are putting them out of business or anything like that. I think i

20、ts a nice friendly relationship. Maybe if they did know what we made, perhaps they wouldnt be so friendly. 预览四道题各选项,由选项中多次出现的shops以及customer service,expenses,goods,lower prices,attract等词可以推测,对话内容与商店经营情况相关,很可能涉及经营状况、经营方法等方面的内容。 What are the speakers mainly talking about? B。详解对话开头男士就询问女士她所说的商店运营良好是什么意

21、思,并要求女士用事实和数据解释一下,而在接下来的对话中,女士说明了自己的毛收入以及大概 支出,并且说她们的商店在当地运转得的确很好。因此,对话中两人所谈论的主要内容是围绕女士的商店的良好运营展开的,故答案为B。 A.Improve its customer service. B.Expand its business scale. C.Keep down its expenses. D.Upgrade the goods it sells. What does the woman say her shop tries to do?对话中,当男士问到女士商店的支出情况时,女士说商店的支出是稳步增

22、长的,但从商业的角度来看,商店的支出还是相当低的,而且她们努力让支出保持在尽可能低的水平,故答案为C。 A.They are sold at lower prices than in other shops. B.They are very-popular with the local residents. C.They are delivered free of charge. D.They are in great demand. What do we learn about the goods sold at the womans shop?对话中男士提到,女士的商店里的货物价格要比附近

23、其他商店的同类商品价格低得多,故答案为A。 A.To follow the custom of the local shopkeepers. B.To attract more customers in the neighborhood. C.To avoid being put out of business in competition. D.To maintain friendly relationships with other shops. Why doesnt the woman want to make known their earnings anymore?对话中女士提到,以

24、前她们和当地的其他店主关系都非常好,但当她不经意间向一位店主提到她们那一周的收入之后,那位店主表现得非常不快,对她们不再像 以前那样友好了,所以女士再也不将自己的收入情况告诉别人了。即,她不想把自己的收人情况告诉别人,是为了与当地其他店主维持友好关系,故答案为D。三、Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be

25、 spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.(总题数:49.70) Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数: A.They c

26、an be used to deliver messages in times of emergency. B.They deliver pollutants from the ocean to their nesting sites. C.They carry plant seeds and spread them to faraway places. D.They are on the verge of extinction because of pollution. Birds are famous for carrymg things aroundSome,like homing pi

27、geons,can be trained to deliver messages and packagesOther birds unknowingly carry seeds that cling to them for the new example of the power that birds have (9)Canadian scientists have found a worrisomerideto spread stuff aroundWay up north in the Canadian ArctiCseabirds are picking up dangerous che

28、micals in the ocean and delivering them to ponds near where the birds five Some l0000 pairs of the birds,called flllitlars,a kind of ArctiC seabirdmake their nests on Devon Islandnorth of the Arctic Circle(10)The fllfinars travel some 400 kilometers over the sea to find food When they return home,their droppings end up

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