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1、personalit has been in the pursuit of the sublimation and pa attention to their on behavior. i admire a great harisma, and has alas hoped to on an be done. in the universit life, i insist that the efforts of the self-refletion and improve their on personalit. four ears, i have read a number of books

2、 and several books of the perfet personalit for their help, to the groing XXreness of the harater of a person is ver important bearing on hether a orret outlook on life orldvie. therefore, no matter hat the irumstanes, i have the moral harater to the demands of their on. no matter hen and here i hav

3、e the redo of pursuing strit ith themselves, and pliane ith it effetivel. peaetime fraternit students, teahers and attah importane to and helpful. previousl onl feel that helping others as ver happ, is a traditional virtue. no, i understand reason, an be helpful not onl asting noble harater, but als

4、o got a lot of their on interests, to help other people at the same time also help themselves. looking bak four ears, i am ver pleased to be able to have a diffiult time students ho helped them, relative, i have diffiulties in m students also selfless extend a helping hand. for teahers, i have alas

5、been ver muh respeted, i am anxious beause the help me hen guidane. ithout the help of teahers, i ma not kno hat ourse to follo. i no realize that, if it is a personal moral harater ondut, as it is the individual responsibilit of the hole munit. a person living in this orld, the munit must assume er

6、tain obligations, a noble harater, e an orretl understand their on liabilit, in their on ontribution to the realization of the value.soial pratie apabilit has been greatl improved. universit of four ears, i partiipated in a number of shool ativities and done some soial pratie. partiipate in the ativ

7、ities of shools realize that more students ill inrease exhanges ith other students and their learning opportunities, tempered their interpersonal skills, to learn other people s strengths, and learl understand their on eaknesses. in addition, it has been doing banei bedroom and long, the pressure is

8、 also on its on is the driving fore. i like to do some soial ativities, let universit life more olorful, done tutoring, volunteers, salesmen and design, et., and sometimes feel tired, but, le he ill not.sports performane has been ver good. m phsique is not ver good, but through m pratie and understa

9、nding of the sport, an be ver good or the pletion of the projet, professor of phsial eduation. i like sports, the basi interest of all sports, espeiall football. toda, after four ears, i have the game to the improvement of qualit and legs la and mon sense. i started from a high ontat football, relat

10、ivel late start an be made rapid progress, alas at the same level plaing partners after a period of time e to the fore. i think that this ma be due to plaing good抱定the determination, perhaps, there ere still points sports talent. pla football not onl a phsial exerise, and enhane teamork and olletive

11、 sense of honor.personall think that in this orld there is no perfet, and ever person ho has his or her on merits shortings, but the ke is the abilit to address and use them. four ears, i have been self-examination, summed up a fe of their on advantages and disadvantages.i had the advantage of hones

12、t, enthusiasm, perseverane harater. i think that honest is hat sustains a therefore, i have to ask themselves is true to our ords, and the others agreed to ertain things pleted on time, i remember a number of oasions, students or teahers about the meet me, i promised to be on time, arrived at the de

13、signated future another loation, even if there are emergenies never失约, the left a profound image. as arm toards people sinerel, from primar shool to universit has been orking ith students and teahers live in a ver good but also ver muh ele the students around, and man students established a profound

14、 friendship. in studing knoledge, i kno, the issue should be areful, this is m thesis design has full demonstrated the out. i have this harateristi and is not like inadequate, ork is alas a beginning and an end, even if the hard things go all out to pursue the best results, and that is h i put their

15、 on ill as a major fator, i believe that as long as persistene robar an be ground into a needle. the biggest enem of a person other than the person, but his on. over the ears, i have been in ith their on operations, exatl, and are fighting their on ill. in hindsight, i do a lot of determination than

16、 before, but i ill not let don. these advantages, i ill ondut the fundamental of life, i should ontinue to maintain, and onstantl remind ourselves to prosperit.i personall think that the greatest shortings is like bent on dual-use even more. instant suess, like in man things in one breath, but not l

17、ike heing more rotten, even if ultimatel an learn, but also do their on has been ver fatigue. no think about this is not good, ou are in the so-alled fine and not in ide. if i onentrate on a period of time to a sholarship, but not for bo refinement, it is believed that more profound understanding an

18、d master of this knoledge door. sine i find mself ith the shortings and problems, i often alert ourselves, the munit an not be bent on dual-use.through four ears of universit life, i learned a lot of knoledge is more important to have a rapid grasp ne things. hange the thinking of man mature, more p

19、erseverane of the harater. a lot of students and teahers and establish a friendship, and their exhanges and enhane their on qualit, reognize their on eaknesses and to tr to orret some. soial pratie have greatl improved the abilit for the munit to la the foundation for the future.universit life is fo

20、ur ears of m life, a small setion of this line is a setion of glittering, it inludes a seat and harvest, i zoned for life-line plas a vital role附送:大学英语演讲稿 青春第一篇:英语演讲稿:关于青春演讲稿关于青春演讲稿first i ant to ask ou some questions:1、 do ou kno hat is outh?2、 ho do ou master our outh?outhouth is not a time of lif

21、e, it is a state of mind ; it is not ros heeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .outh means a temperamental predominane ofourage over timidit of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this

22、 often exists in a man of 60 more than a bo of 20 . nobod gros old merel b a number of ears . e gro old b deserting our ideals.ears rinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm rinkles the soul . orr , fear , self distrust bos the heart and turns the spirit bak to dust .hether 60 of 16 , there is in

23、ever human being s heart the lure of onders, the unfailing hildlike appetite of hats next and the jo of the game of living . in the enter of our heart and m heart theres a ireless station : so long as it reeives messages of beaut , hope ,heer, ourage and poer from men and from the infinite, so long

24、as ou are oung .hen the aerials are don , and our spirit is overed ith snos of niism and the ie of pessimism, then ou are gron old ,even at 20 , but as long as our aerials are up ,to ath aves of optimism , there is hope ou ma die oung at 80.thank ou!第二篇:青春励志演讲稿:青春大学尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!岁月如梭,一转眼我已经大二了,


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