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The meaning of having writing class文档格式.docx

1、 English writing ability, including the outline, articles, essays, and simple practical. Writing class teaching content arrangement from how words and sentence structure, composition, according to clew require students to write essays or imitate, or according to certain situation, and to write of pa

2、ragraph writing skills and master layout and essay writing. Be like conditional, still should further training students to master various style and textual structure, such as description, narration, the exposition and essays, etc.This course for business good business communication with two born in

3、writing and lay a solid foundation. This course can strengthen the students future English writing ability of communication.Study results After studying the course, students in knowledge and research, thinking, expressing and different aspects of improving the ability. Corresponding to the needs of

4、English syllabus, writing part of the study results take 1 to 4 gradually increase the steps required from the structure and the language is proposed.theoretical assessment. Writing helps you express yourself Writing prepares you for school and employment (both of which in most cases require a lot o

5、f it) Writing is how much of the world communicates. If you dont write, you cut yourself off from a large community (including this one, incidentally) Writing can be a great tool to help you know more about the way you think. writing can solidify ideas and thoughts, and allow you to reflect on them

6、better than if the ideas remained evolving in your head. Writing is one of the ways that we translate our thoughts for other people. Some people are better at expressing themselves in writing than any other way, and you thus get a better translation when you read what they have to say rather than he

7、aring them speak. Writing assists you with other language tasks as well. writing helps you learn how to form language, how to spell, how to . put together a plot. You learn how to make a logical argument, or how to persuade, mainly through writing. Speaking can help you learn those things as well, b

8、ut it is easier to self-examine and evaluate how to improve when you have something concrete in front of you, and can revise. Good writing and critical thinking are the two most important skills with which you can leave a liberal arts education at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW).

9、The ins-and-outs of Chinese politics or decision-making theory may not last beyond the final exam in this class (alas!), but solid writing and strong analysis will serve you well for the rest of your life. This handout deals with the importance of writing well. The ability to represent yourself well

10、 on paper will help you secure a job after you leave UNCW, as you will be more attentive to the importance of the quality of the presentation of your written work (like a resume and cover letter). How you write says a lot about you as a person, and recruiters know this. It is not just what is on the

11、 paper that distinguishes one resume from another in a competitive job market. Presentation, clarity, and professionalism can help distinguish you from the pack. Further, in the workplace, good writers are highly prized (because so few people can write well). Writing well, thus, opens the door to ad

12、vancement in almost any field you might choose in the future. For these reasons, assignments in this course are designed to help you improve your writing. Therefore, we will spend time in class on activities, such as proofreading and answering sample essay questions, to help you write better. I will

13、 also invest my time in commenting extensively on the written assignments I receive. I look at commenting on papers as a chance to talk to you about your assignment. I do not see my comments as criticism in a vacuum. We can all (I include myself) improve our writing. I hope that you will use my comm

14、ents to improve your subsequent assignments. I will note particular problems in your writing and expect to see problems in areas identified in my comments improved.A How-to GuideThere are differences between a research paper, a memo, and an answer on an essay exam; however, they all share certain co

15、mmon features. They go somewhere; they argue something; they have a direction. Additionally, outlining the main points before beginning to write can drastically improve the final product. The TitleThe title of your paper should suggest not just the topic of the paper but also the thrust of the argum

16、ent, if possible. An essay of longer than three pages should probably have a title, or covering, page. This should include, at a minimum, the title of the paper, your name, the course name and number, my name, and date of submission.The Opening A good paper should have an opening that is interesting

17、 to the reader. Is there something intriguing that you can use to grab your readers attention and focus it on the question to be considered?The Thesis and Outline of ArgumentStill in the Introductory SectionAfter the opening, the paper should have a thesis statement which succinctly encapsulates the

18、 main argument of the essay (this may be a how or why answer, a policy recommendation, or an opinion). Importantly, after the thesis statement, the paper should then tell the reader how the author intends to demonstrate his or her argument or justify the opinion or recommendation asserted. This is i

19、mportant, and it is a step that many budding authors forget. This step prepares the reader for the structure of the essay to follow.The BodyIn the body of the paper, the author should make points in support of the thesis. It is important after each point to link back to the thesis and tell the reade

20、r why you have told her the foregoing. This helps to discipline you. If you cannot figure out how a point relates to your thesis, chances are your reader will not be able to either. You might need to re-think. In addition to linking back to your thesis, try to provide the reader with transition sent

21、ences to connect the flow of ideas in the body of the essay. Transition sentences do not have to be included in the first draft you write, but they should be there in the final product. Go back and write them in later. Lastly, in a longer paper, consider section headings to keep your points analytic

22、ally distinct. This is a great service to the reader (though some professors do not care for them, so check). Again, section headings help to discipline you, the writer, as you will only be able to talk about relevant information that fits under the heading you have given.The ConclusionGenerally, no

23、 new information (in the sense of “data”) should be presented in the conclusion. Rather, the conclusion should re-state the thesis and show the reader how it has been demonstrated by what came in the body of the paper. Sometimes, authors use the conclusion to consider big issues presented by the pro

24、blem under consideration. SourcesPolitical Science papers typically use both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources include government documents, political party statements, and political leaders speeches. Using primary source information (data that has not been pre-digested by another analy

25、st) can really enrich your paper and help you produce stronger work. Secondary sources include journal articles, newspaper pieces, and books. Books and journal articles should form the bulk of sources for your research for a paper in Political Science. For some very current topics, newspaper article

26、s and government websites may be your strongest sources. Be sure to be a critical consumer of all the sources on which you rely. Just because something is on the web or in a book does not make it the truth. Please note that Wikipedia is not a valid source. Do not cite Wikipedia, Geocities, About or

27、similar sources.Finally, do not let the sources you find drive the content of your paper. Just because you found something while doing your research does not mean it should be included in the final paper. Use only what you need to make your argument (to demonstrate your thesis).Check my webpage on G

28、ood Sources to find further suggestions.AudienceKnowing your audience is a critical issue because the level of the audience helps to determine the types of information you need to include in your paper to get your points across to the reader. Keep in mind that you are not writing papers for an audience of one, the professor. Your paper should be geared toward the interested and intelligent layperson (by layperson, I mean s

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