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1、bored get/be bored by sth; grow bored with a crashing bore/a frightful bore/an insufferable bore/an utter bore讨厌之极人/事Assignment=a piece of work given to a particular person(分配)工作,任务,作业 assign assign sth to sb=assign sb sth give e.g. Some work to do on holiday was assigned.turn out = (1) come out or

2、gather as for a meeting, public event, etc. e.g.1.A large group of protester(抗议者)have turned out. e.g.2.Crowd turned out for the procession. (2) prove e.g. The plan turned out a failure/success. (3)shut off turn out the light (4)produce e.g. The school has turned out some great scholars.agony=painfu

3、l anticipate+gerund(动名词)/that e.g.1. They anticipate that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2005. e.g.2. We anticipate running into problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform.(医改) e.g.3. We anticipate hearing from you.cheerless cheering欢呼cheerfulcheerleader拉拉队长That most tedious of subje

4、cts=the most tedious subject of all subjects. Have a reputation for 因be able to do,have the ability to do be capable ofInspire sb to do an inspired guess凭灵感做出猜测 e.g.1.Martin Luther King Jrs speeches inspired people to fight for equal treatment of African Americans. e.g.2.The last leaf on the tree th

5、at never fell off inspired the dying patient with the will to live on. inspiration+to do e.g.Her work shows real inspiration.Rigid=fixed in behavior, views or methods; strict e.g.If he had been a little less rigid about things, his daughter would not have left home at such a young age.Hopeless be ho

6、peless at对一窍不通 a hopelessly ill patient绝症Be/go out of date/old fashionedbe fashionable/up to date bring sth up to date Prim=stiffly (too) formal or correct in behavior and showing a dislike of anything rude and improper. A prim dress端庄 prim appearance prim and propernegative过于古板和认真Severe=1朴素:Hemingw

7、ay is known for his severe writing style. 2 stern, strict: be severe on/with e.g. Only those who have undergone severe training can be accepted into the air force. 3 剧烈e.g. The severe chest pain experienced by the Vice-president proved to be a heart attack. Glasses=spectacles, contact lensWavy 卷曲 有波

8、纹He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar buttons of his white shirts. Comic滑稽tackle e.g. The question set by the teacher was so difficult that pupils did not know how to tackle it.Distribute=divide and give out among people, places, etc. distribute sth among/to sb. 词根tribute e

9、.g. films tribute(n.)/dedicated to the national day; pay tribute to contribute, attribute to把.归因于Simple-minded=showing very little intelligence narrow/open-minded; high-minded思想高尚; strong-minded意志坚强Due e.g.1. The book is due to publish in Nov. e.g.2. The train is due in 15 minutes.Face up to e.g. No

10、w that your daughter was born, youll have to face up to the responsibilities of being a father.A sequence of一连串相关事物 a sequence of dance movementsImage an image ambassador of.productIn my minds eye mental images 脑海定语后置e.g.1. A list has been drawn up of words we have learned so far. E.g.2. All is not

11、gold that glitters(闪闪发光).Scanner扫描仪Spaghetti-not taste pulpy (多汁) poke戳scoop舀 prong叉子尖头Recall +n/gerund/that clause e.g.1.I dont recall ever meeting her. E.g.2.She recalled that she had to see the doctor again that afternoon. Remind sb. Of doing/to do/that clauseDrive sth home将讲透彻Argument get into/b

12、reak off(中止)/terminate(结束)/settle(解决)/put forward; offer(提出论点)/confute(驳倒)an argument Awake The letters awoke old fears.Violate=act against e.g. Speeding downtown areas violates traffic regulations.violet紫罗兰violent剧烈A failing/passing gradeRespectable=1 值得尊敬:a respectable couple respectful尊敬: talk to

13、 him at a respectful distance 2 decent/proper合乎礼仪,礼貌Composer作曲家The graded papers the corrected papersReport to sb for sth: I was ordered to report for training to the artillery officers.Discipline: tighten discipline加强纪律; keep discipline维持纪律learn discipline学会遵守纪律4Speak/talk/say/laugh out loudContemp

14、t 轻视,轻蔑Ridicule=making or being made fun of. 1 In contempt of对不屑一顾Do sth in contempt of heaven and hell天不怕,地不怕 2 to hold sb up to ridicule嘲笑Hold back =1 to prevent the expression of feelings, tears, etc. e.g. Johnny cried bitterly in the classroom, not even attempting to hold back the tears. 2 make

15、sb/sth stop moving forward e.g.The en built banks(堤) of earth to hold back the rising flood water. 3 to prevent the development of e.g.You could become a good musician, but your lack of practise is holding you back. 4 keep secret. e.g.Tell me about it, dont hold anything back.Be pure delight atPower

16、=the faculty(能力,技能,功能) of the body or mind e.g.1 Well have to use all of our powers of persuasion. e.g.2 He has lost the power of speech.失去说话能力Career, profession, tradeAt the eleventh hour As it were=so to speak=as one might sayPut the final seal on my happiness. definite. A seal of approval e.g.Thi

17、s project needs the governments seal of approval.正式批准。e.g.2 A last-minute goal set/put the seal on Tottenhams victory. e.g.3 This award has set a seal on the successful stage career.BOOK 2U1Raining reflects on a visit to China. Reflect=think,consider. e.g. When we feel sorry for ourselves,we should

18、reflect that there are others less fortunate than we are.Reflect on/upon=think deeply about. e.g. I must reflect on how to answer the question. Please reflect on your action/ behavior.反省Reflect well/badly on证明在某方面表现好/差 e.g.This scandal reflected badly on this party as a whole.丑闻对该党整体影响不好 Bad manners

19、 often reflect on ones parents.粗鲁举止让父母丢脸thoughtCan you read her thoughts?=can you guess what she is thinking about?Dont keep your thoughts to yourself.不要闷在心里。That woman has not got a thought in her head.没脑子Thoughts pl.=ideas. e.g. My thoughts on this issuethe bustling eastern Chinese cityBustling=bu

20、sy,full of noise/activities e.g. A bustling trade town.贸易兴隆小镇Bustle vt/vi-in/transitive e.g. You have to bustle your roommate to school.催促bustle with e.g. The office bustled with people and activity.办公室挤满了人,十分忙碌。arts=the arts=the fine arts=art文科An arts degree文科学位工engineering理science elementary schoo

21、l入门=primary school初等,小学年龄 grade school grandma schoolthe most telling lessons=1 impressive=have a noticeable effect Telling argument 有力论据2 流露感情a telling smile/remarkbe attached to=对。产生依恋,留恋,爱慕e.g.Ive never seen 2 people so attached to each other.Weve been so much attached to this campus that we dont

22、 want to move. Do you have a strong attachment to your family?affiliated hospital/school附属医院 blockMy nose is blocked.鼻塞 block the traffic妨碍交通Your stubborn attitude is a block to the progress.强硬A block of marvel一块大理石positiont position yourself too close to the fire.Be in a/no position to do由于某些条件(不)可

23、能In/out of position Be in position, players.各就各位Put oneself in sbs( sb elses) position设身处地地着想vigorYou are in your prime and full of vigor.年富力强,精力旺盛。EnergeticallyMusic of tremendous vigor极大,绝妙tender=1 young, easy damaged or hurt. e.g. Tender plants at/of a tender age tender Tender foots=inex

24、perienced2 gentle, loving, 关心,爱护 a tender parent慈母/父 Be tender to/ towards. A tender smile温柔 A tender glance含情脉脉地 not in the least=not at allbother He didnt even bother to say thank you.费心。他连谢谢都不说一声。Rudeness bothers me.讨厌粗鲁表现Bother ones head/oneself about/with sth.为。操心e.g. Ive grown up so dont bothe

25、r your head about me. Cant be bothered 不愿出力/找麻烦e.g.He behaved as if he couldnt be bothered.It bothers that he is so sensitive/he couldnt finish it in time.让人不痛快bang=strike violently, to make a loud voice e.g. Strike with a fist拳头Bang goes sth破灭e.g. Bang goes his hope of promotion.提拔The idea hit him

26、with a bang.突然产生主意find its way into the slot=reach the destinationinitial. n.首写字母Please sign your initials here. a. The first/beginningInitiative n.On ones own initiative主动,自发 Take the initiative in倡导,发起. v.开始实施Any Chinese staff member nearby would come over to watch him and, noting his lack of init

27、ial success, attempt to assist. =noticing/observinghold onto ones hand=not let go of抓住,握住Hold onto your hat while walking on such a windy day.Rock climbing Hold onto the rock to stop yourself slipping.expectantly=hopefullyShes expecting a child=pregnantAn expectant mother/father孕妇/准爸爸Turn expectant

28、eyes on sb.投以期待目光await =wait foron occasion=now and then=sometimeson the occasion在。场合/情况下neglect清楚、可以做到事,没有做incident-indicate things in international politics e.g. The 911 incident was not an accident.Ordinary incident of daily life日常事务be (ir)relevant to 介词Relevance bear/have relevance to冒号表示后文为对前文进一步解释shed/cast/throw (new) light on=to help explain/understandShed new light on cause of the disease医学新发现exceptionAn exception to the ruleWith no exceptionultimate1 基本the ultimate principles2 最终=final the ultimate outcome结局desirableThis is the desirable solution to the problem.称心,想要Its the most d

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