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1、15. C7:00.3Whataretwospeakersmainlytalkingabout? ATheirfriendJane. BAweekendtrip. CAradioprogramme.4Whatwomando? ACatchtrain. BSeemanoff. CGoshopping.5Whydidapologize? AShemadelatedelivery. BShewenttowrongplace. CShecouldntcakeback.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应

2、位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。6WhoseCDisbroken? AKathys. BMums. CJacks.7Whatboypromisedoforgirl? ABuyhernewCD. BDosomecleaning. CGive10dollars.听第7段材料,回答第8,9题。8Whatthinkofmeal? AJustso so. BQuitesatisfactory. CAbitdisappointing.9Whatwas15%onbillpaidfor? AThefoo

3、d. BThedrinks. CTheservice.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Whyatshop? AToordercamerahiswife. BTohaverepaired. CTogetchanged.11Whatcolourwant? APink. BBlack. COrange.12Whatafterwards? AMakephonecall. BWaituntilfurthernotice. CComeagainnextday.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13WhatwouldJoeduringThanksgivingholiday? AGoplay. BSta

4、yhome. CVisitKinston.14WhatArielgoinginToronto? AAttendparty. BMeetaunt. CSeecarshow.15Whyhurryleave?callupBetty.buyDVDs. CTopickDaniel.16Whatmightberelationshipbetweenspeakers? AClassmates. BFellowworkers. CGuideandtourist.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17WhereThomasManningwork?GuinnessCompany. BAtstation. CInm

5、useum.18Whereideabookrecordscomefrom? AAbird shootingBAvisitEurope.televisiontalk19WhenSirHughsfirstappear?1875. BIn1950.1955.20Whataboutnext? AMoreunusualfacts.foundercompany.oldestpersonworld.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 A T

6、he Harvard Pre-college Program is a nice experience for high school studentsAlongside peers(同辈)from around the world,youll be introduced to college life as you attend classes,live on camps,and enjoy fun outings and activities.Learning without limits Biology,physics,law,writing and philosophythese ar

7、e just a few of the 30-plus courses you can choose from in each sessionIn our noncredit classes,we set aside grades so that you can fully commit to your growth as a well-rounded studentClass sizes typically range from 14 to 18 students to encourage interactive learningLiving at Harvard When you atte

8、nd the Pre-College Program,you11 live in a historic undergraduate house,near Harvard SquareYou will be with your fellow Pre-College students,resident directors,and proctors who provide supportYoull also enjoy meals in one of Harvards dining halls,which are a short walk from Harvard Yard and provide

9、many options for a variety of dietary needsThriving outside the classroom The summer Pre-College Program offers many mentally challenging co-curricular(补充课程的)activities beyond the classroomWith faculty and Harvard-affiliated experts,you will have the opportunity to participate in workshops on topics

10、 like the psychology of color-blindness,classic literature from around the world and science of happinessFrom our Cambridge scavenger hunt to a trip the Sand Sculpting Festival at Americas first public beach,theres no shortage of fun activities in the Pre-College Program21What do we know about the 3

11、0-plus courses? AYou can only choose five of them BThey provide credits for students CYou should set aside other subjects DThey assist your full development 22Where can you enjoy meals during the programme? ANear Harvard Square BClose to Harvard CIn one of the workshops DIn an undergraduate house23W

12、hat is the purpose of the passage? ATo advertise meals BTo comment on an activity CTo introduce a program Dto recommend coursesBWilliam Lindesay has been interested in the Great Wall of China since seeing it in a school atlas (地图册)as a child in England. “I vividly recall seeing in the Oxford School

13、Atlas the Great Wall with its battlement symbol. From that moment, I had in my mind that when I grew up Id go to China and walk along the Great Wall from end to end.”Lindesays about 3 ,000-km solo run along the Great Wall began in 1987. Running the length of the wall was a brave expedition, venturin

14、g into sparsely populated regions where there was little chance of help if the runner had an accident. During another trip, Lindesay and his team ventured deep into the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. The explorers almost died from dehydration(脱水). In total, Lindesay estimates in an interview that he has s

15、pent about 1,600 days of his life, or four full years, on the Great Wall in all seasons.Lindesay and his wife, Wu Qi, whom he got to know and fell in love with during his trips in China, had a farmhouse at the foot of the wall. During his exploration, he noticed some sections of the wall were badly

16、damaged and covered with litter. Modernization and development were making the situation even worse. Some people say it will take generations to change; I say we dont have generations of time. Its got to be much quicker, he said. Lindesay always carries a garbage bag with him in the wilderness, pick

17、ing litter along the way. Lindesay uses a garbage bag as his calling card. The cloth bag bears a set of nine simple guidelines in Chinese, which calls on people to observe while traveling or camping outdoors : Take your own garbage homePick up litter left by others. Dont damage plants or flowers, or

18、 pick fruit and lots more.24. What sparked William Lindesays dream of exploring the Great Wall? A.Surfing a website about the Great Wall. B. Experiencing a war for the Great Wall. C. Admiring the Great Wall in the school atlas. D. Seeing a movie about the Great Wall.25.What does the underlined word

19、sparsely mean? A. Remotely. B. Rarely. C. Frequently. D. Largely.26.What worsened the situation of the Great Wall? A.The destroyed ecosystems. B. Waste caused by farms. C.The increasing tourists. D. Modernization and development.27.What sort of man was William Lindesay? A.Strong - willed and selfles

20、s. B. Determined and grateful. C.Warmhearted and impolite. D. Considerate and optimistic.COne of the things that makes your smart-phone so smart is that if you pull it out in the sun, it senses thatand dials up the screen brightness to compensate. But its not a perfect solution.First of all, its sti

21、ll not bright enoughyou have to remember how respectable sunlight is. Shin-Tson Wu, a physicist at the University of Central Florida. The other problem, he says of the brightened screen, is it kills the battery. So Wu and colleagues have produced a battery-sparing alternative: an anti-reflective scr

22、een-coating. Based on the eyes of moths. Nature is so rich ! We can learn a lot from nature. The thing Wu and others have learned about moth(飞蛾) eyes, is that theyre uneven, dotted with tiny projections. That uneven surface reduces the reflection of light off their eyes一thought to help the bugs esca

23、pe predators(捕食者),and see better in low light. So Wu and his team built a similar surface with tiny dimples(凹),to cut down on glare. He says the dimpled coating could improve the readability of a screen by five to 10 times, compared to a normal smart-phone screen. The details are in the journal Opti

24、ca.The tech hasnt been commercialized yet, and that could take a few years. Which gives researchers time to take advantage of another property of these surfaces: theyre flexible. Meaning the possibility of bendable displays. Combine that with the bendy batteries we reported on in a recent podcast, a

25、nd it looks like the smart phones of the future could be set for a real metamorphosis.28. Why do the researchers develop the anti-reflective screen-coating? A. To brighten the screen. B. To make profits.C. To take in the sunlight. D. To save the use of battery.29. What inspired the invention of the

26、screen?A. The predators. B. The reflection of light.C. The eyes of moths. D. The smooth surface.30. How does the screen work?A. It helps bugs escape.B. It slows down reading.C. The smooth surface protects our eyes.D. The rough surface decreases the reflection of light.31. What do the researchers exp

27、ect of the screen?A. Itll transform itself. B. Itll be environment-friendly.C. Itll reach consumers soon. D. Itll be powered by recyclable batteriesDShop with Your Doc is part of a broader and still growing movement in US medicine to shift the focus away from simply treating disease toward caring fo

28、r the whole personIt is meant to help people make educated,healthy choices,one grocery cart at a timeAcross the country,hospitals are setting up food banks and medical schools are putting cooking classes on the curriculumNonprofits are connecting medical centers with community resources to ensure that low-income Americans have access to fresh fruits and vegetablesFor centuries,Western medicines mission was to cure disease“But over the past generation,two significant trends are of concern

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