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1、5. How many people are there in your family? There are threefourfive.Words (单词1. swan天鹅2. horse马3. rooster公鸡4. hen母鸡5. pig猪6. cow母牛,奶牛7. duck鸭8. sheep绵羊(复数sheep9. smart聪明的10. Miss小姐11. Mr先生12. see看13. animal动物14. speak讲话15. which哪一个Phrases (词组1. on the farm 在农场2. look for 寻找Sentences Patterns (句型1.

2、Nice to see you! 很高兴见到你。(应答句Nice to see you, too!2. How smart you are! 你真聪明!3. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.早上好。下午好。晚上好。4. I want my mother.我要我的妈妈。5. Are you my mother? Y es, I am. No, I am not.6. Are you pupils? Y es, we are. No, we arent.7. Where can you see animals? I can see animal

3、s in the zoo.I can see animals on the farm.8. Which animals do you like best? I like dogs catsrabbitsbest.1. goldfish金鱼(复数goldfish2. lizard蜥蜴3. turtle龟4. parrot鹦鹉5. frog青蛙6. cat猫7. rabbit兔子8. dog狗10. how怎么样11. fine好的13. your你的15. naughty淘气的16. monkey猴子17. today今天18. well 好19. sometimes有时候1. pets wor

4、ld宠物世界2. a lovely dog/monkey一只可爱的狗/猴子3. an alarm clock一个闹钟4. sing well唱得好5.wake me up叫醒我6. at midnight在半夜7. in the morningafternoonevening在早晨下午晚上1. How is your mother? 你的妈妈怎么样?She is fine today. 她今天很好。2. How are you? 你怎么样?Im fine.我很好。3. Thank you. 谢谢你。4. What animals do you like? I like dogs catsrab

5、bits1. shirt衬衫2. skirt 短裙3. hat有帽沿的帽子4. coat上衣,外套5. jacket茄克6. trousers裤子7. shoes鞋子8. dress连衣裙(复:dresses9. T-shirt T恤衫10. funny滑稽的11. beautiful美丽的12. whose 谁的13. favourite 最喜爱的1. fashion house 时装店2. try on试穿3. put on 穿上4. Mums shoes dress 妈妈的鞋子连衣裙5. look at (me 朝(我看6. this dress 这条连衣裙7. very beautif

6、ul很漂亮8. whose dress谁的连衣裙9. my T-shirt 我的T恤衫10. what colour什么颜色11. yourmyhisher favourite colour 你我他她最喜欢的颜色1. This is not my eraser. 这不是我的橡皮。2. Whose is this eraser? = Whose eraser is this?这是谁的橡皮?3. What colour is your T-shirt?你的T恤衫是什么颜色的?4. Do you like red? Y es, I do. / No, I dont.5. Wahts your fav

7、ourite colour? Red. White. Y ellow. .Words (单词:1. ear耳朵2. eye眼睛3. nose鼻子4. mouth嘴5. head头6. face脸7. foot脚(复数feet8. hand手9. Superkid超级小子10. watch 观看11. handsome英俊的12. everyone 每个人13. cute可爱的14. ladybird 瓢虫15. tell 告诉Phrases (词组:1. a good worker一个好工人2. jump high跳高3. jump far跳远4. smell with my nose 用鼻子

8、闻5. watch me 看着我6. tell me告诉我7. stand on the head倒立8. stand on your head (你倒立Sentence Patterns (句子:1. I can jump high. 我会跳高。I cant jump far. 我不会跳远。2. What can you do with your mouth? I can sing speak eat and drink with my mouth.3. What can you do with your eyes? I can see read books with my eyes.4.

9、What can you do with your ears? I can hear with my ears.5. What can you do with your hands? I can writedrawmake models.6. What can you do with your feet? I can run walk with my feet.7. What can you do with your nose? I can smell with my nose.8. What insects do you know? I know bees butterfliesladybi

10、rds.1. jump 跳2. dance跳舞3. skip跳(绳4. ing 唱5. write 写6. read 读,阅读7. walk走8. run 跑9. what什么10. letter信11. fast快12. stop 停13. left左14. right右15. touch 触摸16. toe脚趾1. march on 齐步走2. touch your toes 摸你的脚趾3. bend backward 向后弯4. bend forward 向前弯5. jump up 向上跳6. touch the ball 触摸球7. at school 在学校8. a letter t

11、o Mary一封给Mary的信9. run fast 快跑10. play football 踢足球1.Thats OK. = Thats all right. 没关系。2.Jump up and touch the ball.跳起来摸球。3.What can you do after school? I can play/do my homework/play football.1. cinema电影院2. school学校3. hospital医院4. supermarket超市5. bank银行6. fruit shop水果店7. library图书馆8. post office 邮局9

12、. our 我们的10. community社区11. nail 钉子12. honey 亲爱的13. wrong 错误14. afraid 害怕1. your picture你的图片2. excuse me 劳驾3. in the pet hospital 在宠物医院4. have a look看一看5. which picture哪张图片?6. a beautiful picture 一张美丽的图片1.Which one? 哪一个?The big one. 大的那个。2.Whats wrong with your dog?你的狗怎么了?3.Dont be afraid. 别害怕。4.Y o

13、ull be all right.你会好的。5.Let me have a look. 让我看一看。6. Is there a hospital in your community? Y es, there is. /No, there isnt.1. snack点心2. drink饮料,喝3. pizza比萨4. sandwich三明治5. milk牛奶6. coffee 咖啡7. water 水8. tea 茶9. biscuit 饼干10. those 那些11. these 这些12. dumpling 饺子13. buy 买14. some 一些15. food 食物16. deli

14、cious 美味的1. kiwi fruit 猕猴桃2. Lets = Let us 让我们3. Chinese food 中国食物4. Western food 西餐5. smell so good 这么好闻6. lunch time 午餐时间7. make lunch for us为我们做午饭8. spring roll 春卷9. try some 尝一些1. Whats for lunch? 午饭吃什么?2. What are these? 这些是什么?They are kiwi fruit. 它们是猕猴桃。3. What are those? 那些是什么?They are dumpli

15、ngs. 它们是饺子。4. Lets buy some. 让我们买一些。5. Are those spring rolls? Y es, they are./No, they are not.6. Are these cookies? Y es, they are. /No, they arent.7. Do they like spring rolls? Y es, they do./ No, they dont.8. Where do you have lunch, at school or at home? At school.9. What kind of snack do you l

16、ike? I like pizza/hot dogs/sandwiches.1. tableware 餐具2. plate 盘子3. knife 小刀4. chopsticks 筷子5. glass 玻璃杯6. cup 杯子7. spoon 勺子8. dish 碟子9. fork叉子10. bowl 碗11. here 这里12. dinner 正餐13. birthday 生日14. gift 礼物15. ready准备好的16. peanut 花生17. many 许多18. certainly 当然1. so many那么多2. with chopsticks用筷子3. a toy ca

17、r玩具车5. on the table在桌子上6. very much 非常1. Heres a gift for you. 这个礼物给你。2. Happy birthday. 生日快乐。3. Dinner is ready. 正餐准备好了。4. Whats your favourite food? Pizza./Peanuts./Dumplings./Noodles./Apples.Unit 101. star星星2. stocking长袜3. light灯4. reindeer驯鹿(复数reindeer5. card卡片6. bell铃7. present礼物8. Santa Claus圣

18、诞老人9. wait等10. Christmas圣诞节1. Christmas tree圣诞树2. wait for 等待3. a new football一个新足球4. like playing football喜欢踢足球5. a card to 一张给的卡片6. a model racing car一辆赛车模型7. at Christmas在圣诞节1.Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!应答句:Merry Christmas!2.May I have a teddy bear for Christmas?我圣诞节能要一个泰迪熊吗?3.Heres your present.这是你的礼物

19、4.When is Christmas? Its on December 25th./ Its on December the twenty-fifth./Its on the twenty-fifth of December.5.What do you say at Christmas? Merry Christmas!Unit 11、12 Words(单词: 1. January 一月 2. February 二月 5. May 五月 6. June 六月 8. November 十一月 10. October 十月 11. August 八月 13. calendar 日历 14. fi

20、rst 第一 17. fourth 第四 18. twins 双胞胎 20. when 什么时候 23.because 因为 24.give 给 3. March 三月 4. April 四月 7. July 七月 9. September 六月 12. December 十二月 15. second 第二 16. third 第三 19. month 月 21. mine 我的 22. same 相同的 Phrases(词组 词组: 词组 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 12. National Day 国庆节 2. whose birthday 谁的生日 4. on November

21、 the 4th 在 11 月 4 日 6. my computer 我的电脑 8. the Spring Festival 春节 10. give us rabbit toys 给我们玩具兔 a Spring Festival gift 一个春节礼物 have some birthday cake 吃些生日蛋糕 in November 在十一月 what about= how about 怎么样 help yourself 随便吃 the Year of the Rabbit 兔年 Sentence Patterns(句子 句子: 句子 1. Whose birthday is in November? 谁的生日是在 11 月?Mine.我的。 2. What about your birthday? 你的生日呢? 3When is your birthday? Its on _.( 几月几日 Its in _. ( 几月 4. I like it very much.我很喜欢它。 5. Happy New Year! 应答句:Thank you. The same to you. 6. When is the Spring Festival? Sometimes in January, sometimes in February. 11

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