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1、Btraditional Cconventional Dbalanced 5.The food is Uinadequate/U for ten people. Ademanded Bqualified Cinsufficient Drequired 6.The Spanish Flu posed a greater threat to the old and the sick. ARight BWrong CNot mentioned 7.As the Spanish Flu was spreading,people in Australia were worried. ARight BWr

2、ong 8.The Spanish Flu disappeared two years after it broke out. 9.The Spanish Flu was named after the place where it started. 10.Biological warfare originated in the 20th century. 11.Its Uprudent/U to take a thick coat in cold weather when you go out. Acontroversial Breasonable Csensible Dsensitive

3、12.John is Ucollaborating/U with Mary in writing an article. Acooperating Bcompeting Ccombining Darguing 13.A great deal has been done to Uremedy/U the situation. Amaintain Bimprove Cassess Dprotect 14.During the past ten years there have been Udramatic/U changes in the international situation. Aper

4、manent Bpowerful Cstriking Dpractical 15.Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be Udeliberately/U controlled and modified. Asufficiently Bnoticeably Cintentionally Dabsolutely 16.The most Ucrucial/U problem any economic system faces is how to use its s

5、carce resources. Apuzzling Bdifficult Cterrifying Durgent 17.The waste pipe is blocked; try Usluicing/U it out with hot water. Arushing Bbrushing Ccrushing Dflushing 18.He is determined to Uconsolidate/U his power. Astrengthen Bcontrol Cabandon Dexercise 19.All living organisms, Uregardless/U of the

6、ir unique identity, have certain logical, chemical, and physical characteristics in common. Aas a result of Bconsidering Con purpose Dwhatever 20.The drama Udepicts/U those conditions at the turn of the century. Awrites Bsketches Cdescribes Dindicates 21.The Constitutions Uvague/U nature has given i

7、t the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change. Aimprecise Bconcise Cunpolished Delementary 22.His strict upbringing Uinhibited/U him asking such stupid questions. Ainstructed Binquired Cforbad Dstrived 23.Beavers have the Uaptitude/U to build dams. Aappetite Bdesire Ccompetence Dattitude

8、 24.The old man Ulodged/U an official complaint about his neighbours behaviour. Adid Bput Cmade Dset up 25.The pleasure-centered people are too soon bored with each Usubsequent/U level of fun. Asuccessful Bsuccessive Csucceeding Dsucceeded 26.The Ucontest/U between the two boxers was always bound to

9、 be difficult. Aargument Bfame Cbehaviour Dfight 27.Its no using trying to speak to her this morning: shes Uin a mood/U. Abad-tempered Bfierce Cunhappy Dvery angry 28.With adequate support and Uinsight/U, all teachers can be active participants in excellent professional development. Aelusion Bvision

10、 Crespect Drejection 29.The volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 blew a Ugigantic/U amount of sulfates into the stratosphere. Amighty Bwonderful Ccolorful Dcolossal 30.The park gave the whale to the Foundation and big Ucontributions/U came from all parts of the world. Adominations Bdenotation

11、 Cdonations Dsignatures 31.From all the different clues, we were able to Udeduce/U that the murderer was a short fat woman. Awork out Bconsider Csuggest Dcalculate 32.She has such Uexceptional/U abilities that everyone is jealous of her. Aexcellent Bpeculiar Cextraordinary Drare 33.I know this is fr

12、ustrating, but please try not to Ulose your temper/U. Abehave stupidly Bget impatient Cbecome moody Dget angry 34.Because he wore a strange collection of clothes and often talked to himself his neighbours considered him Ueccentric/U. Aecstatic Benergetic Cexotic Dpeculiar 35.Her father was a quiet m

13、an with Ugraceful/U manners. Abad Bpolite Csimilar Dusual 36.Patricia stared at the other girls with U resentment /U. Alove Bsurprise Cdoubt Danger 37.Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of Uvigorous /U exercise every day. Aenergentic Bphysical Cregular Dfree 38.Our aggrangements were thrown into com

14、plete Uturmoil /U. Afailure Bconfusion Drelief 39.Steep stairs can present a particular Uhazard /Uto older people. Aevidence Bdanger Ccase Dpicture 40.I enjoyed the play-it had a clever plot and very U funny /U dialogues. Along Boriginal Chumorous Dboring 41.The two banks have announced plans to Ume

15、rge /U next year. Acombine Bsell Cclose Dbreak 42.He U demolished /U my arguments in minutes. Adisproved Bdisputed Caccepted Dsupported 43.Regular visits from a social worker can be of Uimmense /U value to old people living alone. Aimmediate Bgreat Cequal Dmoderate 44.Lower taxes would Uspur /U inve

16、stment and help economic growth. Aattract Bencourage Crequire Dspend 45.He was kept in Uappalling /U conditions in prison. Acritical Btemble Cnecessary Dnormal 46.The project required ten years of Udiligent /U research. Ahardworking Bscientific Cbasic Dsocial 47.Why cant you stop your Ueternal/U com

17、plaining Beverlasting Ctemporary 48.These paintings are considered by many to be Uauthentic/U. Afaithful Broyal Csincere Dgenuine 49.Hundreds of buildings were Uwrecked/U by the earthquake. Adamaged Bshaken Cfallen Djumped 50.Many economists have given in to the fatal Ulure/U of mathematics. Asimplicity Battraction Cpower Drigor

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