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1、2.我们家乡的污染没有以前严重了。 There is _ _ in our hometown than before.3.我们的环境处在很大的危险中. Our _ is _ _ _.4.多久之后你能完成这份工作? _ _will you finish the work?5.做这样的机器人似乎不可能 It _ _ to make _ robots.一1.played are playing will play 2.finishing3.are be5.talk6. to wake have8. will be9. predicting10. pollution

2、二1. There will be 2.less pollution3.environment in great danger 4. How soon5. is impossible suchPart 1知识点精析1_ _ _ _ _a railway station in ourhometown?你认为我们家乡将会有一个火车站吗?Do you think there will be 【语境激活】 Do you think there will be robots in peoples homes? 【解析】(1). Do you think.? 结构通常用来征求对方的意见或看法,后面接宾语从

3、句,从句用陈述语序。本句的肯定回答用Yes, there will.,否定回答用No, there wont.。-_你认为学校将来会有机器人吗?-_ 是的,会有。(2). there will be是there be句型的一般将来时,意为将有.,也可用there isare going to be来表示。(1)肯定句:there will be+主语+其他 There will be many tourists in our city next year.明年我们的城市将有很多的游客。(2)否定句:there will notwont be+主语+其他 There wont be many p

4、eople at tomorrows party.明天的聚会上不会有很多人。(3)一般疑问句:will there be+主语+其他?其肯定回答为,否定回答为-Will there be much time left? 会剩下很多时间吗?-Yes, there will.No, there wont. 是的,会。不,不会。(4)特殊疑问句:疑问词+will there be+主语+其他?When will there be more free time? 什么时候会有更多的空闲时间?拓展:there be 句型的时态变化 时态 句子结构 一般现在时 there isare. 一般过去时 the

5、re waswere. 一般将来时 there will be.there isare going to be. 注意: there be句型中不能用havehas表示有.;there be 后面接并列名词时,谓语动词应与最近的名词在单复数上保持一致。1.-Do you think Tina will go to Hong Kong?- . _A.Yes, she does. B. No, I dont. C. Yes, she will. D. No, she doesnt.2.-Do you think there will be a football match on TV tonigh

6、t. - _A.Yes, I do. B. No, I will. C. Yes, there wont. D. No, there wont. 将来时态训练 (1)Kids will come back to school tomorrow. Kids _come back to school tomorrow.(改为否定句) _ _ come back to school tomorrow?(改为一般疑问句) Yes,_ _./ No,_ _.(作肯定及否定回答) (2)There will be a heavy rain tomorrow. _ _ be a heavy rain tom

7、orrow. (改为否定句) _ _ _ a heavy rain tomorrow? (改为一般疑问句) Yes,_ _./ No,_ _.(作肯定及否定回答)1.B 2.A (1)wont Will kids they will they wont (2)There wont Will there be there will there wont2一百年后人们将住在空间站。People_ _ _a space station_100 years.Will live in in 【语境激活】Will people use money in 100years? 一百年后人们还会用钱吗?【解析】

8、:in,after与later In和after都可以表示在.之后,但用法有所不同。A. in作介词,用来表示从现在算起的“过一段时间以后”,常用在将来时的肯定句里,一般与go, come, start, arrive, return (be back), finish等表示瞬间动作的终止性动词连用。如:1. They will arrive in half an hour. 半小时后他们将到达。2. He will leave in a minute. 他一会儿就走。B.After常常指以过去时间为起点的在一段时间之后,所以它常与过去时态连用。He started on Sunday and

9、 arrived in Beijing after three days.他星期天动身, 3天后到达北京。当after指某个特定的未来时刻或日期之后或指以将来某一时间为起点的若干时间之后时,它可以与将来时态连用。Ill be free after Friday.我星期五之后有空。He will be back after three oclock.他3点之后回来。Later 是副词,表示一段时间之后,构成一段时间+later短语,用于过去1. They will return _ two weeks.2. We shall come again _.3. The meeting ended _

10、 an hour.A. in B. after C. later A C B31. I am new here. SO I have _friends than you.我刚来这 ,所以没有你的朋友多.2. Eat _, drink _ and sleep _.少吃,少喝,多睡觉。fewer less less more【语境激活】 There will be less free time. 将会有更少的闲暇时间。There will be fewer people.将会有更少的人。There will be more pollution.将会有更多的污染。【解析】1. 辨析:more,les

11、s 和fewer more是much,many的比较级,意为“更多的,较多的”,多指数量、程度等,修饰不可数名词或可数名词复数。less是little的比较级,是more 的反义词,意为“较少的,更少的”,只能修饰不可数名词。fewer是few的比较级,意为“较少的”,修饰可数名词复数。例如:They buy fewer cigarettes and less beer now. 现在他们买的香烟和啤酒少些了。few,little含有否定意味,意味几乎没有 a few, a little含有肯定意味,意味一点,一些2. pollution n.污染,污染物 短语:white pollution

12、白色污染 noise pollution噪音污染air pollution空气污染 water pollution水污染 pollute v.(使)污染看图表,用more,less或 fewer 完成练习。New YorkNowIn 100 years600 houses1000 housesA lot of pollutionAlmost no pollutionSeven schoolsTwo schools2400 people3500 peopleA lot of snowA little snowSix movie theatersTwo movie theatersIn 100 y

13、ears1. There will be _ houses.2. There will be _ pollution.3. There will be _ schools.4. There will be _ people.5. There will be _ snow.6. There will be _ movie theaters.more less fewer more less fewer4昨天有好几百人来我们学校参观。 _ _ people came to visit our school yesterday.hundreds of【语境激活】However, they agree

14、 it may take hundreds of years. 然而,他们同意这可能还要花费几百年的时间。1、hundreds of,用来表示含糊的数目。如hundreds of books,成百本书;hundreds of soldiers,数百名战士。2、没有hundreds。表示准确数目时hundred不加s。如two hundred trees,两百棵树; four hundred students,四百名学生。hundred,thousand(千),million(百万)表示不确切的数目时,在词尾加s,且和of连用,表示数百,数千,数百万但当这些词千有数词或several, some

15、等修饰词时则不加s,也不跟介词of连用,直接跟名词。Several hundred visitors will come to visit our school today. = Hundreds of visitors will come to visit our school today.今天会有数百名参观者到我们学校来参观。There are about _ teachers in our school. A. two hundreds of B. two hundreds C. two hundred D. two hundred of D5d like to be a teacher

16、 _ _ _. 将来我想当一名教师。In the future【语境激活】So what will the future be like? 那么未来会是什么样子?in the future 相当于in time yet to come,意为“将来”,指较长的将来一段时间。Who knows what will happen in the future? 谁知道将来会发生什么事What will be like? “将会怎么样?”翻译:未来的世界将会怎样?_what will the world be like in the future?6我们不喜欢重复做简单的工作。We dont like

17、do _ _ _ _ _ _.simplework over and over again【语境激活】Some can help to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again. 有些可以帮助制造小汽车,并且它们反复地做着简单的工作。simple adj. 简单的;单纯的;天真的over and over again “多次;反复地”他读了这本书一遍又一遍_ 1.He read this book over and over again.7液体没有固定的形状Liquids(液体)_ _definite_. have no s

18、hape【语境激活】These new robots will have many different shapes. 这些新的机器人将会有很多不同的形状。【解析】 (1)in shape “在外形上”The island is circular in shape.(2)in the shape of “呈的形状”The pool is in the shape of a heart.(3)out of shape “变形的;走样的”Im a bit out of shape and I want to lose weight. 月饼(mooncakes)呈月亮的形状。_The mooncak

19、es are in the shape of moon. 8我在找我的手表,但是找不到。_Im looking for my watch, but cant find it.【语境激活】 If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. 如果建筑物倒塌了,人被困在里面,这些蛇形机器人能帮助寻找(埋)在建筑物下面的人。(1)fall down “跌倒”(2)fall behind “落后”fall asleep “入睡”fall i

20、n love with “爱上”fall off “从上掉下来”(3)look for “找”的过程find “找到”,结果We are _ Mary, but we cant _ her.The baby tried to walk but kept _ _.那小孩学着走路但老是跌跤。 looking for findfalling down9They got engaged when_ in Europe. 他们在欧洲旅行时订了婚。travelling.【语境激活】. but I think Ill take a holiday in Hong Kong when possible. 但我

21、认为当有可能时,我将在香港度假。【解析】当状语从句中的主语和主句的主语一致,或状语从句中的主语是it,并且又含有be动词时,常可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。Be careful when crossing the street. = Be carefulwhen _ _ _the street. you are crossing单项选择 ( )1. _ in your own houses, you shouldnt talk loudly. A. Even if B. If C. Though D. Because ( )2. They _ not to stand here. A. to

22、ld B. are told C. are telling D. tell ( )3. If that _ , Iwont go back to the shop again. A. happens B. happening C. happened D. to happen ( )4. I _ an English-Chinese dictionary. When _ you _ it? Yesterday afternoon. A. have bought,did ,buy B. buy, do, buy C. have bought, will, buy D. buy, have, bou

23、ght ( )5. Where are you going? Im going to the library to _ the book. A. return back B. get back C. take back D. give back ( )6. Can I use your bike to go to school? _ . But you must return it tomorrow. A. It doesnt matter B. No problem C. Sorry D. Im OK ( )7. I get _ when my parents turn off the TV

24、. A. annoyed B. annoy C. annoying D. to annoy ( )8. Its not polite to _ when people stand in front of you. A. cut in line B. cut line C. cut a line D. cut in lines ( )9. When did you _ Shanghai last night?A. arrive B. reach C. get D. go ( )10. Oh! Its so loud. Zhou Xin, please _ the music. A. turn d

25、own B. turn on C. turn up D. turn to 二、根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列句子。1. I had a bad cold. I c_ a lot last night. 2. Be a good child means you must be p_ to other people. 3. I left my umbrella in the library. I must r_ to get it back. 4. Mary works as a w_ in this restaurant. 5. There are so many people. We have to wait in l_ to buy tickets. 6. Dont f_ me aroun

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