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1、3. Using PPT.4. Using cards.学法2. Work in groups.3. Learning through the PPT.4. Learning words with the cards教学准备PPT, computer, tape-recorder, tape, cards预习设计1. Talk about your summer holiday.2. Collect the pictures about your holiday.教学过程施教者调整Step1: Warm up and lead in. 1. Greeting. T: Hello, boys a

2、nd girls. How are you? Ss: Im fine. Thank you! Were you happy in your holiday? Yes. lets talk about our summer holiday, OK? Ss:OK. (请同学们谈谈自己的暑假生活) 2. lead in T: Where did you go? I went to. (复习go的过去式went.) What did you buy?Ss: I bought. (复习buy的过去式bought.) When did you come back? 3. Summary the past

3、tense. go-went do-did come-came buy-boughtStep2: New words. 1. Show words cards and teach the Ss the new words. Make some screen to learn the words :dropdropped (如:通过动作.I dropped my pen/book)waitwaited finishfinished2. Play a game:用单词卡只露第一个字母.让学生猜单词(设计目的:练习单词的认识及拼写能力.)Step3: Text Do you know Amy and

4、 Sam? Yes Where did they go? When did they come back? Listen carefully and answer the questions. T play the tape recorder, Ss listen and answer the questions.Play again, read after the tape.Do the exercises.Choose T or F.( ) 1. Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy.( ) 2. They are back yesterday. (

5、 ) 3. They came back yesterday. ( ) 4. john lives near Amy and Sam. Check the answer.Work in groups. Try to act the text out.Ask some group act in class.Step4: Survey Ask you Ss and fill in the form What did you by?Step5: SummeryStep6: Homework Do the form after class.When did you ?NameLeaveCome bac

6、k【板书设计】 Unit1 When did you come back?gowent buybought When did you come back?comecame dodid I came backdropdropped finishfinished M1 U2Did they buy ice creams?1.使学生能听、说、认、读dear, met, ran等单词。2.会使用句型Did you? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.合作学习,小组学习, 3.学会关心别人。5. Listening to the tape.6. Using PPT.7. Group w

7、ork.8. Using cards.6. Learning through the PPT.7. Work in groups.8. Learning words with the cardsTalk about your homework. Warm up 2. Game: talk about what you did last weekend. 3. Make a chant Do do did Buy buy bought Go go went lead in Guessing game T take a postcard, show the back to the Ss, let

8、the Ss guess what it is. Teach the word :postcard Can you write a postcard?Lingling wrote a postcard to Daming. What did she say? Listen and answer the questions.1. Did Lingling go to the park yesterday?2. Did they meet John?3. Did they buy ice creams?4. Did they go home by bike?5. Did lingling walk

9、 to the bus?6. Did Lingling drop her ice cream?Listen to the tape. Work in groups. Answer the questions.Read after the tape.Read together. Group work Let the Ss work in groups, talk about themselves. Act in class. listen and repeat. Listen carefully and repeat. sing a song. Listen to the tape first.

10、 Sing with the tape. Have a match, sing the song, lets see which group is the winner.Step7: Game Work in groups, and do the game of SB6 Write a postcard to your friend, tell him or her what did you do yesterday.【板书设计】 Unit2 Did they buy ice creams?dearmeetmet A: Did you?runran B: Yes, I did./ No, I

11、didnt.课时教学计划 M2 U1How many do you want?新授型1 Enable the Ss to learn the words:need,food,cheese,kilo.2 Make the Ss understand and use the new sentence patterns: “How many bananas do you want? How much cheese do you want?” 3 Develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking .4 Distinguish the words:ne

12、ed,food,cheese,kilo,and can write many and much.1 Review the words about need,food,cheese by game method.2 Teach the text with the task-based method.3 Do a survey by cooperative learning .1 Faster the Ss consciousness of good cooperation. 2 Keep the Ss confidence in learning English. Make the Ss use

13、 the following sentences correctly: “ How many do you want? “ Do you like? ”How to make a shopping list? What do we need to buy?1 game method 2 task based method 3 approach method1 cooperative learningTape-recorder, word cards, picturesThe students should read the new words and lessons for five time

14、s,it can help the students understand the text.Step1:1. Revise Review the last modules words and lessons by PPT. T:last module we learnt the word “ did ”. gowent runran meetmet buybought2.Learn the new words and lessons: Show the powerpoint to the students:There are some pictures of the words: need

15、,food,shopping list,cheese,kilo. Then play a game:high low voice,it can help boys and girls recite the words.Step2 What did you do yesterday?I did my homework.Please guess:What did I do yesterday?S1:Maybe you went shopping.Yes,you are right.I went to a supermarket.I bought lots of things,look at the

16、 board:Can you speak out in English?Step3Today Lingling and Ms Smart go to the supermarket,too.Let usLook at it.1.Firstly,the students should follow the taperecorder,then circle the new words in the text.2. Secondly,some boys and girls can read some questions, the questions are on the board:1) Where

17、 are Ms Smart and Lingling?2) What do they need to buy?3) Does Lingling like bananas?4) How much cheese does Ms Smart want?3. Thirdly,the students should follow the tape-recorder again,sentence by sentence ,then the teacher and the studentscan find “ What do they buy for the picnic?”They are bananas

18、、cheese、noodles.4.Look at your books:What is on linglings hand?It is a shopping list.(list的意思是目录,清单的意思)“how many” 和 “how much”都是用来询问多少的意思,但在用法上有区别,how many 用来询问可数名词的数量,how much用来询问不可数名词的数量。5.Then the students should answer the questions:1) They are in the supermarket.2) They need to buy food for the

19、ir picnic.3) Yes,she does.4) Half a kilo.(half一半)Step41) Show some pictures on the board(apple,pear,banana,cheese,meat,milk)引导学生说出那些是可数名词,那些是不可数名词。2)Use the pictures to make some sentences with“how much”and “how many” .Homework:1 Recite the words and lessons.2 Make a dialogue about shopping3 Find so

20、me informations about shopping on the computer.【板书设计】 Module2 Shopping Unit1 How many do you want? need food cheese kilo shopping list how many how much How many bananas do you want?M2 U2How much milk do you want?picnic,box,bottle,juice. “How much milk do you want? How much juice do we need?4 学习感知元音

21、字母以及字母组合u,o,ar,a,er,ir,ur在单词中的发音,通过朗读含有这些字母和字母组合的单词,让学生感知发音规律。1 Review the words about picnic,box,bottle,juice by game method. “ How much do you want? How much milkjuicewater do we need?4. Revise Recite the unit1s words and phrases and sentences. The teacher should choose some students come to the b

22、lackboard.There are some pictures of picnic,rice,box,bottle,juice.Step21.The teacher should play the tape-recorder:What are we going to take on our picnic?S2:Lets make a list(目录、清单).S3:What about juice?S4:Yes.How much do we need?S5:Six boxes.S6:All right.5. The teacher should explain the text for th

23、e Ss.6. Then the Ss can make a dialogue about make a shopping list.1.Look at the page8s part2:Look at the pictures,then make some dialogues like this:Five bottles,please.How much rice do you want?Four bags.How many oranges do you want?Half a kilo,please.2.Look at the page9s part3,listen and repeat.Homework:1. Recite the part1s dialogue.2. Make a dialogue about shopping list ,write down on your notebook. Unit2 How much milk do you want? words: picnic box juice bottle phrases: sentences: How much milk do you want?M3 U1We visited lots of places.

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