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1、在完形填空语言材料中,主人公的特定心情往往随着文意的发生而产生,因此分析褒贬语境可以推断文意的发生。褒贬语境的产生往往有其特定的标志,对褒义语境的描绘往往采用一些快乐、积极、赞扬的语言,对贬义语境的描绘往往采用一些悲伤、消极、排斥的语言。认真阅读分析原文第一节内容可以看出,with a power she had never before experienced等词汇带有明显的褒义色彩,反映出主人公从容不迫的精神状态和驾轻就熟的演出技巧。在这种褒义语境的影响下,原文已知语言和未知语言都必然带有浓烈的褒义色彩。这种褒贬语境的分析对推断文意发生阶段的未知信息大有裨益。原文:Roberta appe

2、ared on the stage. She took a deep breath and began to speak. Now she was Portia, a strong willed character in Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice.The theater was filled with people. She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced, the words flowing smoothly from her.大意:罗伯塔出现在舞台上。她做了一

3、下深呼吸,然后开始讲话。现在她已经变成了鲍西亚,莎士比亚喜剧威尼斯商人中一个意志坚强的人物。剧院坐满了人。她讲话时有一种自己以前从来没有感受过的力量,语言顺畅地从她嘴里流泻出来。分析:这一部分内容中的褒义语言with a power she had never before experienced对smoothly等褒义性答案的推断有决定性作用,对其他各空信息的推断也有很大帮助。第二招寻找褒贬语境的变化标志,推断文意的发展。众所周知,优秀的文章往往情节起伏跌宕,因此完形填空的褒贬语境也有所变化,这种变化与主人公情绪的变化是完全吻合的。显然,只有分析褒贬语境是如何发生变化的,才能准确分析主人公情

4、绪的变化和思想行为的变化,才能最终推断文章未知信息。 原文:In fact, Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition (选拔试演) She hated being in front of other people. She was very shy at school. She had never thought she was good enough at anything to attract much attention. She stayed mostly to herself, making few friend

5、s. She had excellent grades, but she always thought that something was missing. 事实上在这次选拔试演之前罗伯塔从没有演过戏。她不喜欢待在别人面前。在学校里她非常害羞。她从没有想到会在某个方面好到能吸引很多关注的程度。多数时候她独处一室,很少交朋友。她成绩很好,但总认为生活中缺少点什么。 分析: 这部分内容中的 had never acted, she had never thought she was good enough at anything, she stayed mostly to herself, sh

6、e always thought that something was missing.等贬义性句对hated, shy, few, but 等贬义性答案的推断起着决定作用,对其它各信息的推断也有很大的帮助。第三招:寻找褒贬语境的进一步变化标志,推断文意的进一步发展。不少完形填空的褒贬语境并不仅仅有一次变化,往往还会经历第二次甚至第三次变化,这种变化与主人公心情的变化仍然吻合,因此寻找褒贬语境再次产生变化的标志性词句可以分析主人公情绪和心态的变化,从而成功推断文章未知信息。 Two weeks before the audition ,Robertas mother had heard abo

7、ut it and encouraged her to join in. I cant think if anyone else better suited to play the part. Remember all the plays you used to act out for us?”Her mother wouldnt let the matter drop. Youre just a little scared (害怕). Everyone gets scared. You know you can do it. The trick is to look past the fea

8、r to find the love ofwhat youre doing. So Roberta had made an appointment (预约) with the head of the Drama Club. She had read the play and found herself excited by the idea of speaking such rich words. In secret she practiced Portias part, memorizing the lines by repeating them over and over. It wasn

9、t hard she loved every minute of it. Every time she spoke the words, she had a new understanding of the lines, as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels. On the day of the audition, she performed two of Portias famous speeches for the auditors. When she had finished, the head of the Drama

10、Club announced the part was hers.选拔试演前两周,罗伯塔的母亲听到这件事,并且鼓励她参加。 “我想不出任何人比你更适合演这个角色,记得过去你为我们演的戏吗?” 她母亲不愿让这件事搁浅。“你只是有点害怕。每个人都有点害怕,你知道你能演好这部戏,方法就是忽略害怕心理,找到你对演戏的真爱。 于是罗伯塔与戏剧俱乐部的头头做了预约。她读了剧本,发现自己对能够讲剧本中这么丰富语言的想法感到很兴奋。她偷偷试演鲍西亚这一角色,一遍又一遍地阅读台词,以便记住台词。她一点都不感到苦,她喜欢其间的每一分钟。每一次她讲台词时,都对其有新的理解,好像莎士比亚写鲍西亚这一角色时有不同的版本

11、供不同水平层次的人阅读。 选拔试演的那一天,她表演了鲍西亚的两段著名台词。结束时戏剧俱乐部的人宣布这一角色将由她扮演。这一部分内容中的I cant think of anyone else better suited to - the part .Remember all the plays you used to act out for us? You re just a little scared, found herself excited , It wasnt hard.等褒义性语言对encouraged , can, loved 等褒义性答案的推断有决定性作用,对其它未知信息的推断也

12、有非常直接的作用。第四招:回读原文,检验褒贬语境。 为防止对褒贬语境的推断有偏差而影响答题准确率,做完形填空题后,还应回读原文,看看褒贬语境的推断是否前后一致,是否与文意吻合。认真回读原文可知,with a power she had never before experienced ,I cant think of anyone else better suited to - the part .Remember all the plays you used to act out for us? You re just a little scared ,found herself excit

13、ed ,It wasnt hard.等褒义色彩浓烈的词句反映出主人公对角色的喜爱。对演戏的钟情和对成功的向往。而had never acted ,she had never thought she was good enough at anything, she stayed mostly to herself, she always thought that something was missing.等贬义词句反映出主人公过去害怕与人相处,羞与人交流,不敢和人交友的悲观心态。 显然,褒贬语境的推断合情合理,与上下文已知信息和未知信息完全吻合,因此,利用褒贬语境对原文未知信息进行的推断也准确

14、无误。 原文:I teach biology at UNLIV three times a week. Last Monday, I cheerfully asked my I how their weekend had been. A young man said his weekend had not been so 2 .Then he asked me why I always seemed so 3 . His question 4 me of something Id read: Every morning you get up, you have a 5 about how yo

15、u want to deal with life, I said. I choose to be cheerful.Let me give you an example, I continued, 6 my students. Besides teaching here, I also teach at a 7 in Henderson. A few weeks ago I drove to Henderson. I 8 the highway and turned onto College Drive. But just then my car 9 down. I tried to star

16、t it again, but the 10 would not work. 11 I turned my flashers on, took my books, and 12 down the road to the college.Immediately I got there, I called and 13 for a tow truck () to meet me at my car after 14 . The secretary there asked me what had happened. This is my 15day. I replied, smiling. She

17、was 16 . What do you mean?My car could have broken down anywhere along the highway. It didnt. I replied. 17 , it broke down in the perfect place: off the highway, 18 walking distance of here. Im still able to teach my class, and Ive been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class. If m

18、y car 19 to break down today, it couldnt have been arranged in a more convenient way. I ended my story. Everyone was 20 .1. A. schoolmates B. children C. teachers D. students2. A. bad B. good C. sad D. free3. A. cheerful B. grateful C. hopeful D. thankful4. A. informed B. told C. reminded D. warned5

19、. A. decision B. choice C. preference D. judgment6. A. covering B. touching C. facing D. reaching7. A. school B. college C. university D. institute8. A. exited B. found C. crossed D. entered9. A. broke B. died C. went D. came10. A. instrument B. wheel C. light D. engine11. A. But B. And C. So D. Or1

20、2. A. marched B. drove C. rode D. followed13. A. prepared B. looked C. waited D. arranged14. A. class B. work C. study D. lunch15. A. usual B. unusual C. unlucky D. lucky16. A. shocked B. excited C. puzzled D. pleased17. A. Anyway B. Instead C. Also D. Still18. A. within B. beyond C. under D. inside

21、19. A. meant B. failed C. tried D. managed20. A. astonished B. behaved C. touched D. scared 有人喜欢悲观地看问题,有人喜欢乐观地看问题,他们用不同的方式度过时光。哪一种方式好?本文作者用自己的亲身经历证明了后者。1D 由首句中的teach可以推断作者是一个老师,因此该空表示“学生”,应填students。2B 由上文how their weekend had been可以推出该空表示“好”,因此应填good。3A 由下文第5个空后面的cheerful可以推出该空应填cheerful。4C remind

22、sb of sth使某人想起某事,与语境逻辑吻合。5B 由下文choose可以推出该空应表示“选择”,因此应填choice。6C 由常识可知,老师讲话时应面对学生,因此该空应填facing。7B 由第12个空后面的college可以推出该空应填college。8A 由下文turnedonto College Drive可以推出该空表示“退出”,因此应填exited。9A 由第10个空后面的would not work可以推出作者的车子坏了,因此该空应填broke。10D 由上文start可以推出车子发动不起来是发动机的毛病,因此该空应填engine。11C 由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示努力无效后

23、的结果,因此应填So,表示“于是”。12A 由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“前进”,因此应填marched。13D 由最后一段中的arrange可以推出该空应填arrange。14A 由上文可知,作者是赶来上课的,因此该空应填class,第18空后面的after class是一个验证。15D 由下文作者轻松愉快的心情可以推出该空含褒义色彩,因此应填lucky。16C 由下文秘书问话内容可知其感到困惑,因此该空应填puzzled。17B 由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“相反”,因此应填Instead。18A 由作者来得及上课的事实可以推出该空表示“在范围之内”,因此应填within。19A mean此处

24、表“打算”。20C 我的故事触动了每个学生。 议论文 议论文是论述某一观点的文章,常由论点、论据、论证过程和结论四部分构成。 试题特征 试题常在文章开头就提出论点,让考生对文章观点有一个清晰的了解。接着提供论据来论证论点是否正确。论证方法较多,最为常见的是正反论证,这种论证方法观点明确、思路清晰,说服力强,感染力强。最后,作者对论点是否正确常给出明确的结论。 考查方向 试题要求考生弄清论点、论据、论证过程和结论,并由此理解文章的细节,从而准确推断文章未知信息。 专家支招 第一招: 寻找论点,确定文章主旨,理解文章大意。 论点为议论文最重要的因素,它体现了作者的写作意图,是文章主旨的完备体现,而

25、主旨又制约着文意的延伸和情节的发展,因此寻找论点确定文章主旨是解答议论型完形填空题的关键。值得注意的是,第一节最有可能包含论点。因此考生应认真阅读第一节,弄清作者到底想说什么,从而,抓住文章的论点,理解文章的主旨大意。下面以一篇完形填空题为实例加以分析。 Everyone has many things to believe. One of the things always believe is that no matter how bad something is, you can 1 something valuable out of it. The 2 I wasnt sure of

26、that was on September 11. I hear older people 3 about the attack on Pearl Harbor (珍珠港) and Kennedys being murdered and how greatly those events 4 them in their lives. For my 5 , the tragedy (悲剧) of September 11 can be 6 with that of Pearl Harbor. We will be talking about the terrible effect on our c

27、ountry, and on our 7 as single human beings, for years to come. It wasnt until a few weeks 8 September 11 that I began to see that perhaps something good did come from this tragedy. People seem 9 now, more understanding, morefriendly. Little things that seemed to be such a bother before are no longe

28、r a big deal. 10 , I am more patient than I was. I realize life is too short, and 11 , to let myself get upset over unimportant things. Life is also too short to carry complaints and 12 Ive become more forgiving and understanding. Ive learned also that you cant take things for granted. You know how

29、we always say 13 you later. One thing I have realized from September 11 is that you cant ever say that for sure. 14 change in the blink (眨眼) of an eye. People go to 15 , and dont come back. One minute they are living and the 16 minute they are not.And, it doesnt 17 who you are because there is nothi

30、ng you can do about it. We 18 know when our time here will be over, so we all need to make the 19 of every minute we have. You try to learn from what happened. You cant live by it. All you can do is just to 20 . 1. A. grasp B. catch C. go D. take 2. A. thing B. time C. event D. place 3. A. think B. know C. talk D. learn 4. A. aff

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