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1、A ethd B attitude qualit D st选。the qualit f servie意为“服务质量”,表示“这个饭店的服务质量已经有了很大改善。”ethd指办事的方法;attitude虽然有“态度”的意思,但servie本身就含有“服务态度”的意思;st指商品或服务的价格或成本。3 Their supprters believe in the s deepl that the are _t g t ar in supprt f the A illing B afraid anxius D urius选A。考查词义辨析。be illing t d乐意做某事。句意:他们的支持者非常

2、信任他们,以至于乐意去帮他们作战。4 hildren in the untr shuld have the right t as fr _eduatin pprtunities as thse in the it A equal B unfair n D usualequal“相等的,平等的”。unfair“不公平的”;n“常见的”;usual“通常的,普通的”。 The ld an beae ver rried,standing at the gate,unable t find a an _ he uld turn fr help A fr h B at h int h D t h选D。本

3、题考查“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句,此处介词的判断很关键,由句意“老人想求助于(turn t)别人”可知介词为t,故选D。正常的语序为“ unable t find a an h he uld turn t fr help”。6 Peple _a nuent t hnur thse peple h devted their lives t their untr A set ut B set dn set up D set nset ut“开始;出发”;set dn“着手”;set up“建立”;set n“攻击;前进”。7 Ive lst in the gae again _,u still

4、 have re hanes A hat a pit B Dnt lse heart Dnt lse ur heart D I srr fr u由语境可知应用B项鼓励对方。hat a pit“真遗憾”;I srr fr u“真为你难过,可惜”,与题意不符。8 s Bla is nsidered a _lad b her neighbrs fr she ften helps the pr ld an next dr A generus B hpeful ean D selfish结合语境“fr she ften helps the pr ld an”推断出她很“慷慨(generus)”。9 As

5、 _ atter f fat, _beaut f _nature there ade an exellent ipressin n e A a ;the;不填 B a ;the the;不填 D a;不填;考查冠词用法。as a atter f fat是固定搭配,意为“实际上”;beaut后边有限定成分要用定冠词表特指,而nature是抽象名词,不表特指时不加冠词,故答案为A。10 The ner f the ine as _t tent ears beause he had bren the la t epl hildren as iners A sentened B trapped she

6、ltered D buriedbe sentened t 被判处。这个矿主因为非法雇佣童工被判处二十年的徒刑。 阅读理解A(2010年安徽皖南八校联考)D u n abut a series f bs that sa the are fr duies? These Aerian self&sh;help bs have been translated int re than thirt&nine languages inluding hinese, Arabi, Russian, Frenh, Geran, Gree and Spanish “Du” is a rd fr a stupid p

7、ersn The du bs are nt reall fr stupid peple The are designed t sh peple h t d sething the a never have tried befre, lie painting a huse r learning a language The bs all sa in a funn a that the are fr duies, suh as rld Histr fr Duies, Rabbits fr Duies, hinese ing fr Duies, and edding Planning fr Duie

8、s The first suh b,DS fr Duies, as published in 1991 It helped peple learn h t use the DS perating sste fr puters Sine then, re than ne hundred and fift illin du bs have been sld The duies ebsite explains the idea behind the bs It sas that the sh that peple an be taught t d anthing First the an ae fu

9、n f ideas that are diffiult t understand Then the sh h the infratin an be interesting and eas The publishers sa that the bs d nt prvide re infratin than neessar The give readers ust enugh infratin t d hat the ant The sa that the du bs give the best and easiest a t d sething And the bs use siple and

10、eas language There are re than ne thusand different du bs A reprt in Ne r Ties sas that the tp&selling du bs are thse that explain tehnlg and persnal finane The publishers sa that the best&selling du bs are thse prviding infratin an peple needlie infratin abut diseases,eduatin and ing Peple interest

11、ed in pera,ar repair and ine an als find du bs t help the And there are even re du bs t e The publishers sa that the publish abut t hundred ne du bs ever ear 【解题导语】fr duies系列书籍用简单的语言告诉人们怎么做一些常见的事情,很受读者欢迎。1 hih f the flling an be the best title f the passage?A Bs fr DuiesB The Easiest,the Best Bs fr

12、Stupid PepleD Ne Ideas Behind the Bs标题概括题。由第一句话再结合下内容可知,本主要是对fr duies系列书籍的介绍。2 Arding t the duies ebsite,peple an _ith the help f du bs A d se persnal things B learn an freign language bee expert in ing D d anthing the ant细节理解题。根据第三段前两句话可知,D项正确。3 The du bs have been ppular beause _ A the prvide ust

13、hat is needed and are eas t understandB the prvide abundant infratin n the nerning subet peple an learn t d anthing ith ust ne pD peple an save lts f ne thrugh self&teahing推理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知,这个系列的书提供必要的信息,用简单易懂的语言告诉人们怎么做事。这正是它们受欢迎的原因。4 Arding t Ne r Ties,e n that bs n_sell best A diseases and eduatinB

14、 pera and ar repairing tehnlg and persnal finaneD ing and rld histr由倒数第二段第二句话可知答案为。B(2010年安徽芜湖一调)ne f the gals f Aerian eduatin ffiials is t have all publi shls nneted t the Internet puter sste and t have puter fr all students Gvernent studies sh that in 1994 nl thirt&five perent f Aerian publi shls

15、 ere nneted t the Internet Last ear,that nuber reahed eight&nine perent Virginia Pltehni Institute and State Universit is a large universit in the suthern state f Virginia ffiials atVirginia Teh sa puters are ver iprtant t a students eduatin All students at Virginia Teh have been required t have a p

16、uter sine 1998 Eah students living area at Virginia Teh has neessar ires t lin a puter t the Internet The students an send and reeive eletrni ail, use the Internet and lin ith ther universities, all ithut leaving their r The an als use their puters t send eletrni pies f their shlr t their teahers An

17、d the an searh fr bs in the shls huge librar st ar Aerian universities and lleges strngl urge r require ne students t have a puter st lleges and universities als have large rs here students an use puters fr lass r Aerian high shls als have puters an have their n areas n the rld ide eb If u have a pu

18、ter u an learn abut FrentUninHigh Shl in Sunnvale, alifrnia, fr exaple Its ebsite prvides infratin abut the shl, the teahers and their eletrni ail addresses It als lists student events and rganizatins ung hildren als use puters in shl Setree Eleentar Shl in Lae Havasu, Arizna has given us a gd exapl

19、e The shl als has a ebsite It tells abut the shl and the teahers and has an area fr ung hildren These ung hildren use puters in shl t learn nubers and letters The als learn h t use the puter the ill need later in their eduatin 【解题导语】本主要介绍了美国学校普及电脑及联网的情况。 Fr the passage e n _ A h t use puters t nnet

20、t the InternetB students in Virginia Teh an use puters t send eletrni pies f their her h t nnet students and teahers b putersD h the teahers use puters t give their lessns根据第三段倒数第二句话可知B项正确。6 hat is NT entined in the passage?A Ever student in Virginia has aess t the Internet B All students at Virgini

21、a Teh have been required t have a puter Students at Virginia Teh an searh fr bs in their shl librar in their n r D If u ant t learn abut Frent Unin High Shl, u an read infratin in its ebsite 通读全可知,B、D三项内容都有提及,但是没有提到Virginia的每一个学生都可以上网,故选A。7 hih f the flling stateents is NT right arding t the passage

22、?A It is required that all students at Virginia Teh have a puter f their n B Pupils in Setree Eleentar Shl use puters t learn aritheti Ever pupil in Setree Eleentar Shl ns h t send eletrni ail D an high shls have their n areas n the rld ide eb 最后一段只是说Setree Eleentar Shl这个学校的学生使用电脑学习数字和字母,而没有说他们会发送电子

23、邮,项说法与其内容不一致,故选。8 hih is the best title f the passage?A Ever student shuld have a puterB puter is used b universit students Ever shl has been nneted t the InternetD puter use in Aerian shls标题归纳题。讲述的主要内容是美国学校的电脑使用情况,故D项作为标题最合适。(2010年江苏启东中学过关考试)D u lve hlidas, but hate the inrease in eight that flls?u

24、_are_nt_alne Hlidas are tie fr splendid eals and elebrating, espeiall ith the traditinal ultural fds ith prper planning, thugh, it is pssible t eep nral eight during the hlidas The idea is t en the hlidas and thin abut deratin(节制) hether it is elebrating at the ffie part r sitting dn fr the traditin

25、al fail dinner, regard eating as a tie fr tasting a variet f fds Here are se tips t arr u thrugh the rund f elebratins and ur sial alendar ithut feeling having dne rng Set se gals that u an reah Unless u have speial needs t g n a diet, there are n frbidden fds Dnt turn dn the fds u en, but be sensib

26、le Befre u leave he, have a sall, l&fat eal r a sna This an help u t avid eating r drining uh Use a sall lunhen&size plate and avid the large nes that a enurage u t“lad up” u shuld be st frtable eating an aunt f fd abut the size f ur fist ne u have had ur“tasting”serving,ve aa fr the dining r Ding s

27、 ill ae it eas t stp urself eating nstantl at the sight f fd Eat sll and fill up befrehand ith lear sup and ra fruit r vegetables and fruit in a gurt(酸奶)dressing rather than rea and heese saues u an als drin a large glass f ater befre u eat t help u feel full If u have a seet tth,tr ints,hard andies

28、,and fruit These dnt have the fat ntent f rea desserts and hlate Avid high&fat fds Dishes that l il r rea a have a generus aunt f fat hse lean eats Fill ur plate ith salad and green vegetables Dnt let exerise tae a brea during the hlidas A 20&inute al after a eal an help burn ff extra alries 【解题导语】享

29、受假期时可能发胖,作者提出了一些避免发胖的建议。9 The underlined sentene“u are nt alne ”here eans that _ A u are firl supprted b a lt f pepleB an peple are ith u and ull never be alne the situatin entined abve is n ang an pepleD an peple en hlidas and seld hate putting neight句意理解题。根据第一段可知,喜欢假期但是讨厌发胖是很多人遇到的问题,并不是一个人所独有的,因此项

30、与之意思最接近。10 hat des the riter atuall tell u hen he sas“Dnt turn dn the fds u en,but be sensible ”?A u an en ur favrite fds but dnt eat t uh B u ust pur dn the fds u en,fr it is reasnable u shuldnt refuse anthing u lie and eat it as uh as pssible D u ught t aept hat u en and refuse hat u dnt 根据第三段可知作者不主张节食,除非有特殊的原因,但是吃的时候要理性,也就是不要吃得太多。因此选择A项。11 hih f the flling a

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