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1、 A. a small fraction in which B. a small fraction of whichC. a small fraction which D. which a fraction of42. “But youll be able to come, wont you?” “Yes, I think such.” A. that B. it C. so D. this43. The professor is quite difficult pleased. A. to please B. to be pleased C. for pleasing D. pleasing

2、44. Because everyone knows, facts speak louder than words. A. Since B. That C. It D. As45. The trapeze artist who ran away with the clown broke up the lion tamers heart. A. broke away B. broke down C. broke D. broken down46. His heavy drinking and fond of gambling makes him a poor role model. A. and

3、 fact that he gambles B. and that he gambles C. and he gambles which D. and gambling47. Depression that inflicts people who believe their lives lack content when the rush of the busy week stops referred to by a prominent psychiatrist as Sunday Neurosis.A. has been referred to by a prominent psychiat

4、rist B. has been referred to as by a prominent psychiatristC. a prominent psychiatrist has referred to it D. it has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist48. Just as there are occupations that require college degrees also there are occupations for which technical training is necessary. A. so t

5、o there are B. so too there are C. so there are D. so too are there49. Most of the older civilizations which flourished during the fifth century B. C. are died out. A. they have died out B. has died out C. have died out D. they had died out50. The student asked her professor if he would have gone on

6、 the space ship he did know earlier. A. if he knew B. if he knows C. he had known D. had he known041136. When he fails his final examination, he is sure of a university place. A. If B. In case C. Even when D. Even if37. He says, you must take in those responsibilities. A. take away B. take on C. tak

7、e out D. take off38. When they broke open the door, they found a strange man lied on the floor unconscious. A. lay B. laid C. lain D. lying39. I regret to have not paid more attention to our English lessons at school. A. not paying B. not having paid C. have not paid D. not to have paid40. Without t

8、he music, the children would have not had so much fun. A. wouldnt be having B. wouldnt have been C. wouldnt be D. wouldnt have had41. John and I have just been telling stories two of us. A. ourselves B. to each other C. each of us D. both42. Had I run out of gas, I ought to have called the garage. A

9、. had B. would have C. would D. should have43. I cannot thank you very much for your kindness, I owe my success to you. A. so B. too C. as D. enough44. Dont set him to talking philosophy or hell go on all evening. A. off B. on C. at D. of45. I suppose the party ended in a friendly atmosphere, isnt i

10、t? A. dont I B. do I C. did it D. didnt it46. Scarcely had the van turned the corner than the mirror came off. A. No more B. No sooner C. Not any D. No longer47. We dont plan to go to the concert, and so they dont. A. so do they B. they dont too C. neither dont they D. they dont either48. Having fin

11、ished lunch, the case was discussed. A. they discussed the case B. they had discussed the case C. the case was been discussed D. the case had been discussed49. When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work, his wife was slept. A. his wife was sleeping B. his wife slept C. his wife has slept D. hi

12、s wife has been sleeping50. It was not until she arrived at the classroom she realized she had forgotten her coursebook. A. and she realized B. which she realized C. then she realized D. that she realized050536. Not much people realize that apples have been cultivated for over 3,000 years. A. Not ma

13、ny B. Not enough C. Without many D. No many37. The eastern bluebird is considered the most attractive bird native of North America by many bird-watchers. A. native B. native with C. native by D. native to38. All living creatures pass on inherited traits from one generation to other. A. the other B.

14、another C. others D. other one39. Furniture makers use glue to hold joints together and sometimes to reinforce it. A. its B. fast C. hard D. them40. The hard, out surface of the tooth is called enamel. A. outside B. appearance C. outer D. hiding41. The earliest form of artificial lighting was fire,

15、which also provided warm and protection. A. hot B. sunshine C. warmth D. safe42. All mammals have hair, but not always evident. A. but it is not B. but it is C. but they are not D. but they are43. A professor of economic and history at Atlanta University, W.E.B. Du Bois, promoted full racial equalit

16、y. A. economy B. economics C. economical D. economic44. Machines that use hydraulic pressure including elevators, dentist chairs, and automobile brakes. A. exclude B. excluding C. include D. are included45. The first recorded use of natural gas to light street lamps it was in the town of Frederick,

17、New York, in 1825. A. was B. is C. it is D. were46. Although the social sciences different a great deal from one another, they share a common interest in human relationship. A. move B. differ C. change D. varies47. Unlike competitive running, race walkers must always keep some portion of their feet

18、in contact with the ground. A. run B. runner C. runners D. running race48. A promising note is a written agreement to pay a certain sum of money at some time future. A. time futures B. futures C. futures time D. future time49. New York City surpassed the other Atlantic seaports in partly because it

19、developed the best transportation links with the interior of the country. A. part B. partial C. partner D. parting50. All root vegetables grow underground, and not all vegetables that grow underground are roots. A. but B. or C. as D. thus051136. The lecturer said, “Its time you are beginning the lit

20、erature review.” A. began B. have begun C. begin D. must begin37. Detective stories are gateways to mental adventure what few passers-by can refrain from exploring. A. which B. when C. that D. where38. It was not until midnight did they reach the camping site. A. that they reach B. did they not reac

21、h C. that they did not reach D. that they reached39. However way you do it, the answer is always the same. A. Whichever B. Whoever C. Why ever D. Which40. You and I could hardly understand each other, couldnt we? A. could I B. couldnt you C. could we D. could you41. Between the two borders was a dut

22、y-free shop that you could buy cigarettes and liquor and flags. A. which B. where C. there D. therein42. The shop has sold many refrigerators of this kind and the rest has on sale today. A. is B. are C. have D. to be43. John: What does your new car look like?Bill: It is similar in shape like yours.

23、A. to B. with C. as D. of44. The speaker had no experience in himself when facing a large audience. A. progress B. objection C. confidence D. courage45. The football club tried to force the famous player with a generous offer of money for another three years. A. promote B. tempt C. defend D. want46.

24、 It will do no good send for the doctor. A. sending for B. being sent for C. to send for D. to be sending for47. We are to install this instrument like we originally planned. A. as it originally planned B. as originally plannedC. as it being originally planned D. as originally was planned48. The gir

25、l was born before the couple married in 2004 and there apparently is no record of how became of her. A. what became of her B. how became of her C. how she became of D. what she became of49. Many students suggest that the pessimists feeling of helplessness undermined the bodys natural defenses, the i

26、mmune system. A. undermine B. undermines C. should undermine D. would undermine50. The red-light runner shows no respect however for the social rules, and society cannot help being harmed by such contempt for the fundamentals of order. A. whomever B. whichever C. whatever D. wherever 061136. When he

27、 was going away for the weekend, he had his neighbor to water the lawn. A. watering B. watered C. to be watering D. water37. The little girl always wished she can be a princess. A. were B. was C. is D. became38. Travelers checks are useful when one is traveling because some people reject them. A. qu

28、ite a few B. a few C. few D. many39. We expected that the next email would bring a bad news. A. bad piece of news B. bad news C. bad news piece D. bad news pieces40. If we have added salt, the soup would have been tastier. A. add B. could add C. added D. had added41. In the past two years, millions of Americans suddenly hugged the bicycle as if it were a startling new invention. A. cheered B. grabbed C. embraced D. admi

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