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1、And when he felt the sunHe started to run. Who could he be? Do answer me.SnowmanWhat part of your body disappears when you stand up?Your lap.How can you make the door last?(怎样能使门经久耐用?)-Make other things firstWhat letter is an animal?-BWhy is the library the highest building?It has the most stories.想

2、念的时候,已经是失去(打一英文)-miss.英语小短文Our ClassroomOur classroom is bright and clean. But it is not big. There are twenty-three desks and chairs in it. They are new. Theres a big desk in front of the classroom. Its for our teachers.There are five pictures on the right wall. Theres a map of the world and a map

3、of China on the left wall.Beside the window theres a bookshelf. There are many books on it. Our classroom is very nice. We have lessons here. We like our classroom.活学英语音标后元音: a:a: 音标特征:后元音 低音 不圆唇 长元音发音要诀:牙床大开,口张大,双唇张开而不圆。舌身平放舌尖后缩,舌后微升,舌身微离下齿。注意长度,不要发的太短。发音组合:ar ear al代表单词:far dark hart farm garden b

4、ar star heart half小学重点词汇学习1、cometoschool来学校2、comeseeyou来看看你 3、speakYangLing和杨玲通话4、thehotdoginthebox在盒子里的热狗5、goandDoctorWu去看吴医生6、after放学后练习题(一)Pears and PlumeI bought some pears at my local supermarket. At the checkoutcounter the cashier commented, Oh, dear, Ive charged you forplums instead of pears.

5、Whats the difference? I asked.Well, she said, plums are smaller and round.Notes:(1) pear n.梨(2) supermarket n.超级市场(3) checkout n.付账出口处(4) cashier n.出纳员(5) comment v.说话;发表意见Exercises:根据短文选择正确答案: Where was the customer?A. The customer was at home.B. The customer was in a small fruit shop.C. The custom

6、er was at a local supermarket.D. The customer was at the railway station. What did the customer buy?A. some plumsB. some pearsC. some applesD. The author bought nothing. What does comment in the sentence“ At the checkoutcounter the cashier commented mean?A .to sayB. to argueC. to disagreeD. to permi

7、t What did the customer mean by saying A .the difference between the two pricesB. the difference between the appearances of pears and plumsC. the difference between the colors of the two kinds of fruitsD. the difference between the tastes of the two kinds of fruits From the passage we can infer that

8、_ .A. probably there is no price difference between the two kindsof fruitsB. there is a price difference between the two kinds of fruitsC. the cashier didnt know the price of pearsD. the customer was overcharged译文梨子与李子我在市超级市场买了些梨子。在付款台,出纳员说:“噢,天哪,你这是梨子,我按李子收钱了。”“有什么区别吗?”我问,“哦,”她说,“李子小一点儿但很圆。(二)She I

9、s Left-handedA married couple, both avid golfers, were discussing the futureone night. Honey, the wife said, if I were to die and you wereto remarry, would you two live in this house?I suppose so-its paid for.How about our car? continued the woman. Would the two ofyou keep that?s paid for.What about

10、 golf clubs? Would you let her use them too?Heck, no, the husband blurted out. Shes left-handed.(1) avid adj.热望的(2) golfer n.打高尔夫球者(3) Its paid for 理所当然(4) heck(俚语)地狱(用于感叹句中)(5) blurt out 脱口而出根据短文回答下列问题: What were the married couple both keen on? What were they doing one night? What would the man do if the woman were to die? What would the man do with their house and car? What does the last sentence of the passage imply?她是左撇子一对已婚夫妇都热心于打高尔夫球。一天夜里,他们在谈论将来。“亲爱的,”妻子说,“如果我死了,而你再婚,你们两个会住在这个房子里吗?“我想是的这是理所当然的。“那我们的汽车呢?”妇人继续问道,“你们两个会留着这辆车吗?“那我们的球棒呢?你也会让她用吗?“见鬼,不,”丈夫脱口而出,“她是左撇子。

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