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1、B. heC. himD. he himself5. My aunt has lived in New York _ 1995.A. forB. duringD. since6. Helen had to shout_above the sound of the music.A. making herself hearB. to make herself hearC. making herself heardD. to make herself heard7. Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am prepa

2、ring for tomorrows exam. _A. Its none of your business.B. What are you doing?C. Sure. Sorry to disturb you.D. No, I dont think so.8. The problem of housing_ lead to the problem of social instability.A. itselfB. mustC. didD. never9. Robert is said to_abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in

3、.A. to have studiedB. to studyC. to be studyingD. to have been studyingA10. Im sorry to have kept you waiting. Oh, not at all. I _here only a few minutes.A. have beenB. had beenC. wasD. will11. Whenever she asks_help , he is always ready to help.A. withB. forD. toB12. If you refuse to go to the part

4、y,_.A. so would sheB. so does sheC. so will sheD. neither will she13. Everything seems all right, _ ?A. doesnt itB. wonC. hasnD. dont they14. This is not my bikeIts _.A. MaryB. MarysC. of MaryD. the bike of Mary15. Im going to start now _ miss the beginning.A. not toB. so as not toC. in order toD. s

5、o as not16. Our neighbors will _ our house when we are away.A. pay attentionB. look atC. look afterD. care17. Tomorrow is my birthday. _.A. Oh, I have a good idea.B. I am glad you like it.C. Many happy returns of the day!D. You must be very happy.18. They are considering _ before the prices go up.A.

6、 of buying the houseB. with buying the houseC. buying the houseD. to buy the house19. Various programs_on TV. World news_best received.A. will show, areB. are shown, isC. are showing, isD. have shown, are20. The little girl must have lain there for a long time,_ ?A. mustnt sheB. hasnC. wasnD. didn21

7、. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only_the film stars had left.A. to tellB. to be toldC. tellingD. told22. Dont worry. Everything will_in time.A. be finishedB. finishC. finishedD. be finishing23. There_more than 300,000 kinds of plants on the earth.A. isB. are existingC. existsD. exist24.

8、 We cant _ one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time.A. hopeB. waitC. expectD. imagine25. The storm prevented Betty and Mary _ yesterday.A. leaveB. to leaveC. from leavingD. of leaving26. The event _ at the time last year.A. happensB. happenedC. is happenedD. was happened27. Are you get

9、ting a new flat this year? _ I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.A. Without question.B. You must be joking.C. Good idea!D. Are you sure?28. When are they _ in their plan?A. handB. handedC. to handD. give29. They are from_.They are_.A. Germany;GermenB. German;GermanyC. Germany;Ger

10、manD. Germany;Germans30. _ in simple English, the book is easy to understand.A. WritingB. WrittenC. To writeD. Being written31. We have come to a critical moment. You must take immediate _.A. actB. actionC. activityD. doings32. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?A. Dont ask thatB.

11、 Sorry, Im a stranger hereC. No, I cant say thatD. No, youre driving too fast33. This company was the first_portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.A. producingB. to produceC. having producedD. produced34. He _ not to leave waste paper in public places any more.A. warnsB. war

12、nedC. is warnedD. was warned35. Please let me sit down; Im _.A. worn downB. worn offC. worn outD. worn away36. The artist spends most of his spare time _ butterfly specimens.A. collectB. collectsC. to collectD. collecting37. My classmate_a lot of good deeds for others.A. has been doneB. didC. was do

13、ingD. had done38. Anyone _ a term in prison will not be hired by that company.A. servingB. to be servedC. having servedD. being served39. Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A. having been finedB. to have been finedC. to be finedD. being fined40. My wife said in he

14、r letter that she would appreciate _ from you sometime.A. to have heardB. to hearC. for hearingD. hearing41. Without the _ of TV, children might spend more time reading and writing.A. watchingB. concentrationC. showD. distraction42. Four hours_ too long for him to write the letter.A. hasB. areC. isD

15、. have43. I didnt see the minister,_ did I see the secretary.A. soB. norC. eitherD. none44. On the ground _ a dead snake.A. did lieB. did layC. laidD. lay45. Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means_trouble.A. makingB. to makeC. to have madeD. having made46. We ca

16、n go when the ground_.A. is dryingB. has driedC. driedD. dry47. Her application for the position _ by the boss.A. was refusedB. was refusingC. refusedD. is refusing48. Unlike most Europeans, many Americans _ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.A. used to eatingB. are used to eatingC. are used to

17、eatD. used to eat49. They found a pile of gold at the entrance. There was_ more inside the cave.A. yetB. stillC. manyD. lot of50. He was _ the Nobel prize for his new discovery.A. offeredB. informedC. rewardedD. awarded以下内容可以删除:我们知道立法活动的论后是立法者对不同利益间的衡量。无效婚姻和可撤销婚姻制度衡量的是公共利益、道德秩序与个人的意思自治,其法律结果应当衡量的是当事







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