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1、 B arise C raise D arouse9. He failed in his _ to stop the accident from happening. A association B attribute C attempt D awareness10. Id like to vote on _ of my family. A benefit B behalf C boast D border11. We shouldnt _ him for all the mistakes.A accuse B blame C charge D scold12. He is brave eno

2、ugh to _ any authority. A celebrate B capture C challenge D claim13. The research group _ of five scientists.A consists B composes C comprises D constitutes14. But for your _, I could not have finished this long, hard journey.A campaign B capacity C concern D company15. He was _ to accept this unfai

3、r condition.A concealed B complained C compelled D coincided16. He seems _ when reading this letter.A confused B conscious C considerate D content17. His later actions are not _ with the first impression he left on us. A consistent B constant C convenient D convincing18. We found it necessary to _ t

4、he team spirit in our students.A contest B cooperate C comment D cultivate19. We have nothing in _ with our neighbors.A common B comfort C column D command20. The players are quite _ in themselves. A critical B concerned C confident D conservative 2. 重要词组21. He didnt get the message; _, he missed th

5、e meeting. A as a result B as a rule C as a whole D as usual22. please make yourself _ while you stay here with us. A at a loss B at ease C at hand D at random23. You cant succeed in your career at the _ of your health.A rate B cost C sight D mercy24. _, he is by far the best football player in the

6、world.A At any rate B At times C By and by D Beyond doubt25. It is said that the couple has _ for some time.A broken away B broken off C broken down D broken up26. The political reform will _ great changes in the government. A bring about B bring out C bring over D bring up27. Sorry, I took your sch

7、oolbag _. A by accident B by mistake C by nature D by hand28. Hearing the news, I could not help but _. A cry B cried C crying D to cry29. If you hurry up, you can still _ other students. A catch up with B cope with C come up with D come to terms with30. _ our expectation, all the top students in ou

8、r class failed the exam.A In addition to B By means of C Contrary to D As for 3单词拼写31好奇心 n. c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32 广播,播音 v. b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _33 有益的,有好处的a. b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 预计,期望 v. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _35供选择的东西,取舍n. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36 抽象的 a. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37 大量的,丰盛的 a. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38 祝福,赐福 v

9、. b_ _ _ _ 39 偶然的,随便的 a. c_ _ _ _ _ 40 门类,种类,范畴 n. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 倒塌,崩溃 v. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 比较的,相当的 a. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _43. 集中,聚集 v. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44. 考虑周到的,体谅的 a. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _45 相符合,一致,通信 v. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46 标准,准则 n. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _47. 顾客,主顾 n. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48 光辉灿烂的,杰出

10、的 a. b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _49 预算 n. b_ _ _ _ _ 50 自动的,无意识的 a. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KEY: 1-20 ADBDC CABCB BCADC AADAC21-30 ABBDD ABAAC31 curiosity 32 broadcast 33 beneficial 34 anticipate 35 alternative36 abstract 37 abundant 38 bless 39 casual 40 category41 collapse 42 comparative 43 concentrate 44 considerat

11、e 45 correspond46 criterion 47 customer 48 brilliant 49 budget 50 automatic 词汇复习第二讲D-H1 识记词汇1. There is a heated _ on the role of education throughout the country.A debate B decade C decay D decline2. She _ his invitation with a smile. A refused B rejected C declined D turned down3. It needs skills

12、to handle such a _ relationship. A delicious B definite C desperate D delicate4. Deprived _ everything he used to had, he lived in despair. A with B of C in D over5. He is _ to catch up with his classmates. A devoted B determined C depressed D delivered6. If you dont _ your children, they will be sp

13、oiled.A discipline B discard C distract D distribute7. The radioactive wastes from the nuclear power plant must be _ of.A discarded B thrown C abandoned D disposed8. It is afraid that someday in the future computers will _ the whole world.A dominate B donate C disrupt D discount9. It is really _ to

14、encounter ones former lover at a party.A earnest B elementary C embarrassingD efficient10. Greater _ has been put on the development of the west.A emphasis B excess C existence D extinction11. Too much _ to violence on TV will exert some bad influence on children.A excuse B exit C exposure D expense

15、12. Every resident can have access to the sports _ of the community.A equipment B facilities C instrument D devices13. The critics all speak _ of the new play.A favorably B feasibly C flexibly D favorite14. With the discovery of gold in the nearby mountains, this town began to _. A fluctuate B flour

16、ish C foster D forbid15. He blamed his failure on bad _. A formation B foundation C frustration D fortune16. The fans have waited out of the hotel for hours just to catch a _ of the film star.A glance B glimpse D vision17. Im _ for what you have done for my family.A guilty B genuine C generous D gra

17、teful18. Man should develop in _with nature. A harmony B hostility C hazard D horizon19. He never _ to help those in trouble.A handle B hurry C hesitate D hinder2o. people who have a healthy _ in life tend to be happier than those who dont.A habit B hobby C honesty D humor21. The writer likes to _ h

18、is own experience when writing a story.A draw in B draw on C draw up D draw out22. He has to learn to _ parents care when he lives alone.A do away with B do with C do without D deal with23. In winter, I dont _ having cold drinks.A feel like B figure out C drop by D drop out24. You should study hard

19、_yourself and your family.A due to B except for C for the sake of D in favor of25. You can keep the cup _, but you cant keep it for good.A for ever B for short C for the time being D for nothing26. The language barrier may _ to misunderstanding between different nations.A get hold of B give the bett

20、er of C give full play to D give rise to27. He cant _ his tears on hearing the good news.A hold back B get over C hold out D get through28. I could have arrived on time, but I was _ in traffic.A handed in B handed over C held on D held up 2 单词拼写1谦虚的,谦卑的 a. h _ _ _ _ _ 2. 提高,加强v. h _ _ _ _ _ _ _3和谐,融

21、洽 n. h _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. 认真的,诚恳的a. e _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. 戏剧性的 a. d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. 多样性 n. d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7. 差异,不一致 n. d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. 可行的,可能的a. f _ _ _ _ _ _ _9灵活的,柔顺的 a. f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. 预报,预测n./v. f _ _ _ _ _ _ _11幸运地,幸亏 adv. f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. 供应,布置家具v. f _ _ _ _ _ _ 13赌博 n./ v. g _

22、 _ _ _ _ 14. 手势,姿势 n. g _ _ _ _ _ _ 15. 贪婪的a. g _ _ _ _ _ 16. 担保,保证v. g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _17危险,公害 n. h_ _ _ _ _ 18. 夸大,夸张v. e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _19展览,展览会 n. e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20. 广阔的,广泛的a. e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 汉译英1 他决心充分发挥自己的潜力已取得最理想的成绩。2 他宁愿不靠车生活也不愿从他的朋友那借一辆。3 那些能说一门外语的人比其他申请人有优势。4 一个人在业余时间喜欢做什么也许和他的工作无关。

23、5 即使他很忙,他仍时不时地来顺便拜访一下。Key:1. ACDBB ADACA CBABD BDACB BCACC DAD 2.1. humble 2. heighten 3. harmony 4. earnest 5. dramatic6. diversify 7. discrepancy 8. feasible 9. flexible 10. forecast11. fortunately 12. furnish 13. gamble 14. gesture 15. greedy 16. guarantee 17. hazard 18. exaggerate 19. exhibition

24、 20.extensive1.He is determined to give full play to his potential so as to get the ideal performance.2. He had rather do without a car than rent one from his friend.3. Those with the ability to speak a foreign language will have an advantage over other applicants. 4. What one does in his leisure ti

25、me may have nothing to do with his job.5. He drops by from time to time even if he is very busy. 词汇练习第三讲I-OI. 识记词汇1. Can we _ your silence with approval?A clarify B justify C identify D modify2. It is _ that the message be delivered to everybody. A identical B imperative C impressive D innocent3. It takes strong determination to _ this ambitious plan. A impose B improvise C imply D implement4. He is so absorbed in his own thoughts that he seems _ to the outside world.A indifferent B invariable C i

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